Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2023

Geomatics Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2013)
Major Courses
Major in GIS and Cartography
103-0258-00LInteroperability of GISW3 credits2G
103-0258-00 GInteroperability of GIS2 hrs
Fri13:45-15:30HIL G 22 »
J. Schito
103-0778-00LGIS and Geoinformatics LabW4 credits4P
103-0778-00 PGIS and Geoinformatics Lab4 hrs
Tue13:45-17:30HIL G 10.5 »
P. Kiefer
851-0724-01LReal Estate Property Law Restricted registration - show details
Particularly suitable for students of D-ARCH, D-BAUG, D-USYS.
W3 credits3V
851-0724-01 VImmobiliarsachenrecht3 hrs
Fri08:45-11:30HCI D 8 »
S. Stucki, R. Müller-Wyss
Major in Planning
103-0347-00LLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems Restricted registration - show details O3 credits2V
103-0347-00 VLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Fri08:00-09:35HIL E 8 »
A. Grêt-Regamey
103-0317-00LSpatial Planning and Development
Only for master students, otherwise a special permisson by the lecturer is required.
O3 credits2G
103-0317-00 GSpatial Planning and Development2 hrs
Tue09:45-11:30HIL E 6 »
D. Kaufmann, A. Kuitenbrouwer
101-0427-01LPublic Transport Design and OperationsW6 credits4G
101-0427-01 GPublic Transport Design and Operations4 hrs
Mon13:45-15:30HIL E 10.1 »
Thu08:00-09:35HIL E 10.1 »
04.12.13:45-17:30HIL F 10.3 »
F. Corman, T.‑H. Yan
101-0417-00LTransport Planning MethodsW6 credits4G
101-0417-00 GTransport Planning Methods4 hrs
Mon09:45-11:30HIL C 10.2 »
Wed09:45-11:30HIT H 42 »
K. W. Axhausen
103-0347-01LLandscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2U
103-0347-01 ULandscape Planning and Environmental Systems (GIS Exercises) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Wed15:45-17:30HIL E 15.2 »
A. Grêt-Regamey, C. Brouillet, M. Galleguillos Torres, N. Klein
103-0569-00LEuropean Aspects of Spatial DevelopmentW3 credits2G
103-0569-00 GEuropean Aspects of Spatial Development2 hrs
Tue15:45-17:30HIL D 53 »
A. Peric Momcilovic
Seminar Work
103-0248-00LGeospatial Research MethodsO4 credits4G
103-0248-00 GGeospatial Research Methods4 hrs
Tue09:45-11:30HIL D 53 »
Wed08:00-09:35HIL D 53 »
M. Raubal
Interdisciplinary Project Work
103-0298-02LInterdisciplinary Project
Only for Geomatics MSc, Programme Regulations 2013.

Registration via myStudies from mid-July
O12 credits24A
103-0298-02 AInterdisciplinary Project
Does not take place this semester.
330s hrsby appt.Professors
Master's Thesis
103-0009-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only for Geomatics MSc, Programme Regulations 2013.

Before starting the Master's thesis, students must have
a. obtained the Bachelor's degree;
b. fulfilled all specified admission conditions, if any;
c. acquired at least 90 credits in the Master's programme, including 12 credits in the area of the interdisciplinary project.
O24 credits51D
103-0009-00 DMaster's Thesis Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
720s hrsby appt.Supervisors
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