Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Frühjahrssemester 2023

Management, Technologie und Ökonomie Master Information
Natural Resources
363-0514-00LEnergy Economics and Policy
It is recommended for students to have taken a course in introductory microeconomics. If not, they should be familiar with microeconomics as in, for example,"Microeconomics" by Mankiw & Taylor and the appendices 4 and 7 of the book "Microeconomics" by Pindyck & Rubinfeld.
W3 KP2GM. Filippini, S. Srinivasan
363-0532-00LÖkonomische Theorie der Nachhaltigkeit
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W3 KP2VL. Bretschger
363-1164-00LTopics in Energy and Climate Policy Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Participation is limited to 20 students.
A mandatory prerequisite is to attend the 363-0514-00L Energy Economics and Policy
W1.5 KP1VM. Filippini, S. Srinivasan
Supply Chain and Information Systems
363-1130-00LDigital Health in Practice (University of Zurich)
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 04SM22MAS100

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W4 KP2VUni-Dozierende
363-1117-00LFactory Planning and DesignW3 KP3GR. Binkert, T. Netland
363-0448-00LGlobal Operations StrategyW3 KP2GT. Netland, O. von Dzengelevski
363-1129-00LHumanitarian Operations and Supply Chain Management Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W3 KP2VS. Wagner, S. B. Thakur-Weigold
363-0768-00LIndustrial Perspectives on Operations ManagementW3 KP2VT. Netland, H. Dietl
363-0452-00LPurchasing and Supply ManagementW3 KP2GS. Wagner
363-1048-00LSustainable Supply Chain ManagementW3 KP2GC. G. Schmidt, S. Wagner
Systems Design and Risks
363-0543-00LAgent-Based Modelling of Social SystemsW3 KP2V + 1UG. Vaccario
363-0588-00LComplex Networks Information W4 KP2V + 1UG. Casiraghi
363-1070-00LCyber SecurityW3 KP2GS. Frei
363-1114-00LIntroduction to Risk Modelling and ManagementW3 KP2VH. Schernberg, B. J. Bergmann, D. N. Bresch
363-1100-00LRisk Case Study Challenge Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
363-1091-00LSocial Data ScienceW2 KP3GD. Garcia Becerra
Technology and Innovation
363-1098-00LBusiness Analytics
Students from the MAS MTEC are not applicable for this course and are kindly asked to enroll in the course "AI for Executives (365-1120-00L)" instead.
W3 KP1GA. Ferrario
363-1132-00LBusiness Models for a Circular Economy Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W3 KP2GC. Bening-Bach, N. U. Blum
363-1171-00LBusiness Simulation Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W1 KP2GU. Stettner
363-1076-00LDiffusion of Clean TechnologiesW3 KP2GC. Knöri, B. Probst
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