Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2024

Architecture Master Information
Core Courses
Field of Technology in Architecture
101-0588-01LRe-/Source the Built EnvironmentW3 credits2S
101-0588-01 SRe-/Source the Built Environment
No lecture during the seminar week 18.03.2024 - 22.03.2024.
2 hrs
Thu11:45-13:30HIL E 1 »
G. Habert, M. Posani, E. Zea Escamilla
063-0716-24LCAAD III: Positions within Architecture Information Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2V
063-0716-24 VCAAD III: Positionen in der Architektur Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Keine Lehrveranstaltungen am 18.3.2024 (Seminarwoche) und in den letzten 2 Wochen vor Semesterende (s. Raumbelegungen!).
2 hrs
Mon09:45-11:30HCP E 47.3 »
L. Hovestadt
063-0602-24LBuilding Process: Economy Information
ITA Pool information event on the offered courses:
x.x.24, 10-11am, ONLINE Link will follow.
W2 credits2G
063-0602-24 GBauprozess: Ökonomie
Keine Lehrveranstaltungen am 22.3.2024 (Seminarwoche) und in den letzten beiden Semesterwochen (s. Raumbelegungen!).
2 hrs
Fri09:45-11:30HIL E 7 »
H. Reichel
063-0606-24LComputational Structural Design II Information
This course replaces the former course "Structural Design VI".
W3 credits3G
063-0606-24 GComputational Structural Design II
No course on 21.3.2024 (seminar week) and in the last two semester weeks (s. room reservations!).
3 hrs
Thu15:45-18:30HIL E 8 »
P. Block, L. Enrique Monzo
063-0612-24LBuilding Process III Information Restricted registration - show details
ITA Pool information event on the offered courses:
x.x.24 10-11am, ONLINE, link will follow
W2 credits2S
063-0612-24 SBauprozess III
Does not take place this semester.
Keine Lehrveranstaltungen am 22.03.2024 (Seminarwoche) sowie in den letzten 2 Wochen vor Semesterende (s. Raumbelegungen!).
Präsenzpflicht an der Einführungsveranstaltung vom [DATUM]!
2 hrsS. Menz
063-0640-24LAdvanced Computational Design Information
ITA Pool information event on the offered courses:
x.x.24, 10-11 am, ONLINE link will follow
W3 credits3G
063-0640-24 GAdvanced Computational Design
No course 18.03.2024 (seminar week) and in the last two semester weeks (s. room reservations!).
3 hrs
Mon10:45-13:30HCI H 2.1 »
B. Dillenburger
063-0608-24LComputational Methods of Energy- and Climate Design Information
ITA Pool Introduction Event Wednesday xx.x,2024, 10-11 am (online).
W3 credits2V
063-0608-24 VComputational Methods of Energy- and Climate Design
No course 21.3.2024 (seminar week) and in the last two semester weeks (final critiques).
2 hrs
Thu09:45-11:30HIL E 7 »
A. Schlüter, C. Waibel
063-0670-00LCoding Architecture II Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2G
063-0670-00 GCoding Architecture II
No course on 21.3.2023 and the last two semester weeks (final critiques).
2 hrs
Thu13:45-15:30HIB E 31 »
G. Casas, F. Gramazio, J. Medina Ibañez
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