Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2023

Erdwissenschaften Master Information
Vertiefung in Geology
Pflichtmodul Analytical Methods in Earth Sciences
Es sind je 6KP innerhalb dem Teil A und 6KP innerhalb dem Teil B zu belegen.
Teil A: Mikroskopie Kurse
651-4045-00LMicroscopy of Metamorphic Rocks Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W+2 KP2G
651-4045-00 GMicroscopy of Metamorphic Rocks28s Std.
Di/116:15-18:00NO D 69 »
Mi/108:15-10:00NO D 69 »
A. Galli
651-4047-00LMicroscopy of Magmatic Rocks Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W+2 KP2G
651-4047-00 GMicroscopy of Magmatic Rocks28s Std.
Di/216:15-18:00NO D 69 »
Mi/208:15-10:00NO D 69 »
R.‑G. Popa
651-4051-00LReflected Light Microscopy and Ore Deposits Practical Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W+2 KP2P
651-4051-00 PReflected Light Microscopy and Ore Deposits Practical
The course is intended for MSc students in Earth Sciences. Doctoral students or students not from Earth Sciences please contact the lecturer before signing up.
28s Std.
Do/214:15-18:00NO D 69 »
T. Driesner
651-4113-00LSedimentary Petrography and Microscopy Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W+2 KP2G
651-4113-00 GSedimentary Petrography and Microscopy28s Std.
Fr/110:15-12:00NO D 69 »
14:15-16:00NO D 69 »
V. Picotti, M. G. Fellin
Teil B: Methoden
651-4055-00LAnalytical Methods in Petrology and GeologyW+3 KP2G
651-4055-00 GAnalytical Methods in Petrology and Geology
Introductory lectures in the first week of the semester followed by lab exercises during the first half of the semester including:
Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA), laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS), mass spectroscopy for light isotopes, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF).
28s Std.
21.09.14:15-18:00NO E 51.1 »
28.09.14:15-18:00NO D 69 »
J. Allaz, S. Bernasconi, M. Guillong, L. Zehnder
651-4117-00LSediment Analysis Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
W+3 KP2G
651-4117-00 GSediment Analysis28s Std.
Do/214:15-18:00NW B 81.1 »
M. G. Fellin, A. Gilli, V. Picotti
651-0046-00LElectron Microscopy Course (SEM and EPMA)W+3 KP3G
651-0046-00 GElectron Microscopy Course (SEM and EPMA)
First half of the semester with 2 hrs/wk of theory in NO F39, then 4 hrs/wk of additional theory in NO F39 (until ~ 21st of November) followed by four practicals in NW A90.1 and at ScopeM until the end of the semester. Details will be given in the first lesson.
42s Std.
Di/108:15-10:00NO F 39 »
Di/208:15-12:00NO F 39 »
08:15-12:00NW A 90.1 »
J. Allaz, L. Grafulha Morales
651-4063-00LX-Ray Powder Diffraction Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W+3 KP2G
651-4063-00 GX-Ray Powder Diffraction
Bewilligung der Dozierenden für alle Studierenden notwendig.
2 Std.
Mo08:00-09:35HIL E 15.2 »
Mo/108:00-09:35HIL F 10.3 »
M. Plötze
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