Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2023

MAS in Medical Physics Information
Specialisation in General Medical Physics
Major in Neuroinformatics
227-1046-00LComputer Simulations of Sensory Systems Information W3 credits3G
227-1046-00 GComputer Simulations of Sensory Systems
Vorlesung startet am 27. Februar 2023 (Online) und findet danach alle zwei Wochen Online statt.
Vorlesungen und Übungen werden zu einem Block zusammengefasst.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung beinhaltet nach Möglichkeit auch externe Laborbesuche an Instituten. welche Forschung in den entsprechenden Bereichen durchführen.

Dieser Kurs findet im FS 2023 zum letzten Mal statt.
3 hrs
Mon13:15-16:00HG D 7.1 »
T. Haslwanter
376-1792-00LIntroductory Course in Neuroscience II (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: SPV0Y020

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W2 credits2V
376-1792-00 VIntroductory Course in Neuroscience II (University of Zurich)
**Course at University of Zurich**
Binding information to be found in the course catalogue UZH.
2 hrs
Mon16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
University lecturers
551-0512-00LCurrent Topics in Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Restricted registration - show details W2 credits1S
551-0512-00 SCurrent Topics in Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
Does not take place this semester.
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
This course may be taken only once, either in the spring semester or in the autumn semester.
1 hrsU. Suter
227-0424-00LModel- and Learning-Based Inverse Problems in ImagingW4 credits2V + 1P
227-0424-00 VModel- and Learning-Based Inverse Problems in Imaging2 hrs
Mon14:15-16:00ETZ E 8 »
V. Vishnevskiy
227-0424-00 PModel- and Learning-Based Inverse Problems in Imaging1 hrs
Tue14:15-15:00ETZ D 61.1 »
V. Vishnevskiy
376-0022-00LImaging and Computing in Medicine Information Restricted registration - show details W6 credits4G
376-0022-00 GImaging and Computing in Medicine Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.4 hrs
Tue13:15-16:00HG F 3 »
14:15-16:00HG D 3.1 »
14:15-16:00HG D 3.3 »
14:15-16:00HG D 5.1 »
14:15-16:00HG F 26.5 »
14:15-16:00ML J 37.1 »
R. Müller, C. Jutzeler
376-0202-00LNeural Control of Movement and Motor LearningW4 credits3G
376-0202-00 GNeural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
Online lecture: This lecture will primarily take place online. Reserved rooms will remain blocked on campus for students to follow the course from there.
3 hrs
Fri07:45-10:30HPV G 5 »
N. Wenderoth, M. Altermatt, S. Gerritzen, C. Lustenberger
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