Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2022

Atmospheric and Climate Science Master Information
Ergänzung in Globaler Wandel und Nachhaltigkeit
701-0015-00LTransdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
The lecture takes place if a minimum of 12 students register for it.
701-0015-00 STransdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Interdisciplinarity and Stakeholder Engagement
Irregular course
2 Std.
Mi/2w08:15-12:00CHN K 77 »
B. Vienni Baptista, C. E. Pohl, M. Stauffacher
701-1551-00LSustainability Assessment Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants is limited to 35.

Registration for the course is possible until 30.09.2022, Waiting list will be deleted at the same date..
701-1551-00 GSustainability Assessment
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
This lecture will not be offerd in autumn semester 2022. It will be offered next time in autumn semester 2023.
2 Std.P. Krütli, D. Nef
860-0012-00LCooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 40.
Priority for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.

This is a research seminar at the Master level. PhD students are also welcome. PhD students please register via the study administration.
860-0012-00 GCooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources2 Std.
Di12:15-14:00LEE E 101 »
T. Bernauer, T. U. Siegfried
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