Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

MAS Mediation in Peace Processes Information
868-0001-00LModule 1: Mediation in Context Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Only for MAS Mediation in Peace Processes.
O10 credits9GA. Wenger, L.‑E. Cederman
AbstractThis module defines and contextualises peace mediation in relation to other conflict resolution approaches. The module focuses heavily on conflict analysis, introducing the students to the latest knowledge about conflict typologies, trends, and causes in addition to providing them with various opportunities to practice conflict analysis using diverse methods.
Learning objectiveThis module defines and contextualises peace mediation in relation to other conflict resolution approaches. The module focuses heavily on conflict analysis, introducing the students to the latest knowledge about conflict typologies, trends, and causes in addition to providing them with various opportunities to practice conflict analysis using diverse methods.
868-0004-00LModule 4: Mediation Process Design Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS Mediation in Peace Processes.
O10 credits9GA. Wenger
AbstractMediators help the parties reach a peace agreement by designing and structuring the process. This module covers the basic elements of process design and how they differ. Important to process design is the reflection on theory and practice in sequencing the content to be examined. The module then explores the implications and challenges facing the implementation of peace agreements for mediators.
Learning objectiveMediators help the parties reach a peace agreement by designing and structuring the process. This module covers the basic elements of process design and how they differ. Important to process design is the reflection on theory and practice in sequencing the content to be examined. The module then explores the implications and challenges facing the implementation of peace agreements for mediators.
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