Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Agricultural Sciences Master Information
Agronomy and Plant Breeding
751-4104-00LAlternative CropsW2 credits2VA. Walter, K. Berger Büter
AbstractFew crops dominate the crop rotations worldwide. Following the goal of an increased agricultural biodiversity, species such as buckwheat but also medicinal plants might become more important in future. The biology, physiology, stress tolerance and central aspects of the value-added chain of the above-mentioned and of other alternative crops will be depicted.
Learning objectiveDuring this course, students learn to assess the potential of different minor or alternative crops compared to the dominant major crops based on their biological and agronomical features. Each student will assess and present a specific alternative crop of his or her choice based on information from scientific articles and Wikipedia. Wikipedia-entries will be generated.
751-3603-00LCurrent Challenges in Plant Breeding Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
W2 credits2GB. Studer, A. Hund
AbstractThe seminar 'Current challenges in plant breeding' aims to bring together national and international experts in plant breeding to discuss current activities, latest achievements and future prospective of a selected topic/area in plant breeding.
The topic this year will be: 'Plant Breeding a(nd) Data Science'.
Learning objectiveThe educational objectives cover both thematic competences and soft skills:
Thematic competences:
- Deepening of scientific knowledge in plant breeding
- Critical evaluation of current challenges and new concepts in plant breeding
- Promotion of collaboration and Master thesis projects with practical plant breeders
Soft skills:
- Independent literature research to get familiar with the selected topic
- Critical evaluation and consolidation of the acquired knowledge in an interdisciplinary team
- Establishment of a scientific presentation in an interdisciplinary team
- Presentation and discussion of the teamwork outcome
- Establishing contacts and strengthening the network to national and international plant breeders and scientist
ContentInteresting topics related to plant breeding will be selected in close collaboration with the working group for plant breeding of the Swiss Society of Agronomy (SSA).
Lecture notesNone
LiteraturePeer-reviewed research articles, selected according to the topic.
Prerequisites / NoticeParticipation in the BSc course 'Pflanzenzüchtung' is strongly recommended, a completed course in 'Molecular Plant Breeding' is highly advantageous.
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