Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Environmental Sciences Master Information
Major in Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
Biogeochemical Processes
701-1313-00LIsotopes and Biomarkers in BiogeochemistryW3 credits2GC. Schubert, R. Kipfer
AbstractThe course introduces the scientific concepts and typical applications of tracers in biogeochemistry. The course covers stable and radioactive isotopes, geochemical tracers and biomarkers and their application in biogeochemical processes as well as regional and global cycles. The course provides essential theoretical background for the lab course "Isotopic and Organic Tracers Laboratory".
Learning objectiveThe course aims at understanding the fractionation of stable isotopes in biogeochemical processes. Students learn to know the origin and decay modes of relevant radiogenic isotopes. They discover the spectrum of possible geochemical tracers and biomarkers, their potential and limitations and get familiar with important applications
ContentGeogenic and cosmogenic radionuclides (sources, decay chains);
stable isotopes in biogeochemistry (nataural abundance, fractionation);
geochemical tracers for processes such as erosion, productivity, redox fronts; biomarkers for specific microbial processes.
Lecture noteshandouts will be provided for every chapter
LiteratureA list of relevant books and papers will be provided
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents should have a basic knowledge of biogeochemical processes (BSc course on Biogeochemical processes in aquatic systems or equivalent)
701-1315-00LBiogeochemistry of Trace ElementsW3 credits2GA. Voegelin, S. Bouchet, L. Winkel
AbstractThe course addresses the biogeochemical classification and behavior of trace elements, including key processes driving the cycling of important trace elements in aquatic and terrestrial environments and the coupling of abiotic and biotic transformation processes of trace elements. Examples of the role of trace elements in natural or engineered systems will be presented and discussed in the course.
Learning objectiveThe students are familiar with the chemical characteristics, the environmental behavior and fate, and the biogeochemical reactivity of different groups of trace elements. They are able to apply their knowledge on the interaction of trace elements with geosphere components and on abiotic and biotic transformation processes of trace elements to discuss and evaluate the behavior and impact of trace elements in aquatic and terrestrial systems.
Content(i) Definition, importance and biogeochemical classification of trace elements. (ii) Key biogeochemical processes controlling the cycling of different trace elements (base metals, redox-sensitive and chalcophile elements, volatile trace elements) in natural and engineered environments. (iii) Abiotic and biotic processes that determine the environmental fate and impact of selected trace elements.
Lecture notesSelected handouts (lecture notes, literature, exercises) will be distributed during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents are expected to be familiar with the basic concepts of aquatic and soil chemistry covered in the respective classes at the bachelor level (soil mineralogy, soil organic matter, acid-base and redox reactions, complexation and sorption reactions, precipitation/dissolution reactions, thermodynamics, kinetics, carbonate buffer system).
The lecture 701-1315-00L Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements is a prerequisite for attending the laboratory course 701-1331-00L Trace Elements Laboratory, or students must be concurrently enrolled in 701-1315-00L Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the same semester.
701-1316-00LPhysical Transport Processes in the Natural EnvironmentW3 credits2GJ. W. Kirchner
AbstractFluid flows transport all manner of biologically important gases, nutrients, toxins, contaminants, spores and seeds, as well as a wide range of organisms themselves. This course explores the physics of fluids in the natural environment, with emphasis on the transport, dispersion, and mixing of solutes and entrained particles, and their implications for biological and biogeochemical processes.
Learning objectiveStudents will learn key concepts of fluid mechanics and how to apply them to environmental problems. Weekly exercises based on real-world data will develop core skills in analysis, interpretation, and problem-solving.
Contentdimensional analysis, similarity, and scaling
solute transport in laminar and turbulent flows
transport and dispersion in porous media
transport of sediment (and adsorbed contaminants) by air and water
anomalous dispersion
Lecture notesThe course is under development. Lecture materials will be distributed as they become available.
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