Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2009)
Vertiefungsfächer für alle Vertiefungen
101-0507-00LInfrastructure Management 3: Optimisation Tools
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W6 KP2GB. T. Adey
KurzbeschreibungThis course will provide an introduction to the methods and tools that can be used to determine optimal inspection and intervention strategies and work programs for infrastructure.
LernzielUpon successful completion of this course students will be able:
- to use preventive maintenance models, such as block replacement, periodic preventive maintenance with minimal repair, and preventive maintenance based on parameter control, to determine when, where and what should be done to maintain infrastructure
- to take into consideration future uncertainties in appropriate ways when devising and evaluating monitoring and management strategies for physical infrastructure
- to use operation research methods to find optimal solutions to infastructure management problems
InhaltPart 1:
Explanation of the principal models of preventative maintenance, including block replacement, periodic group repair, periodic maintenance with minimal repair and age replacement, and when they can be used to determine optimal intervention strategies

Part 2:
Explanation of preventive maintenance models that are based on parameter control, including Markovian models and opportunistic replacement models

Part 3:
Explanation of the methods that can be used to take into consideration the future uncertainties in the evaluation of monitoring strategies

Part 4:
Explanation of how operations research methods can be used to solve typical infrastructure management problems.
SkriptA script will be given out at the beginning of the course.
Class relevant materials will be distributed electronically before the start of class.
A copy of the slides will be handed out at the beginning of each class.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesSuccessful completion of IM1: 101-0579-00 Evaluation tools is a prerequisite for this course.
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