Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2021

CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures Information
Start: Every Autumn Semester and Spring Semester.

Duration: 12 months. It is possible to join the programme at the beginning of each semester.
Core Knowledge
373-0100-00LEntrepreneurial Strategies Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
O1 KP2GB. Clarysse
KurzbeschreibungThis is the first knowledge module in the CAS ELTV. In this module we (1) introduce all participants to the CAS and ETH, (2) get to know in more detail the projects of the participants and how lean innovation plays a role, and (3) discuss important considerations of strategy formation in technology ventures.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To understand and select from commercialization strategies available to them (e.g., licensing, partnering, and vertical integration) and respective business model choices
- Assess and generate development options for key internal enabling factors such IP strategy and key resources and capabilities
- Understand different market research and developments tools (lean start-up vs. technology broadcasting) and select appropriate methods and related KPIs
InhaltThis module focuses on elements of entrepreneurial strategy formation and implementation in nascent markets and/or industries. Participants will study commercial options available to them, e.g., technology broadcasting, licensing and partnering, and vertical integration, which is complemented by a practical view on IP strategy, driven by business strategy rather than arbitrary choices. The module also includes the introduction to lean innovation methods incl. agile product development methods and core tools of the lean startup approach.
SkriptSee Online Platform
LiteraturSee Online Platform
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis module is only for CAS ELTV participants.
373-0101-00LEntrepreneurial Leadership and Teams Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
O1 KP1GJ. Thiel
KurzbeschreibungThis is the second knowledge module within the CAS ELTV. During this module, we will discuss important themes concerning entrepreneurial team formation and management and practice elements in interactive workshops.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To understand key requirements for new venture leadership and how to build effective governance structures for the founding team
- To select and implement approaches and methods to structure productive work relationships within an emerging firm.
- To understand and build the organizational foundations for successful professionalizing of venture operations
InhaltThis module zooms in on the design and management of new venture teams in technology-​based companies as well as the role of leadership in building successful venture teams. Key contents in this module comprise founder contracts, successful governance structures, and approaches to team performance management. This module also allows participants to understand requirements for venture leadership and professionalizing venture operations as well as building productive work relationship within their emerging firm.
SkriptSee Online Platform
LiteraturSee Online Platform
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis module is for CAS ELTV participants only.
373-0102-00LEntrepreneurial Marketing & Sales Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
O1 KP1GM. Gruber
KurzbeschreibungThis is the third knowledge module within the CAS ELTV. During this module, we will discuss important themes concerning entrepreneurial team formation and management and practice elements in interactive workshops. The module will be extended by intermediary project review meetings.
LernzielThis module enables participants:
- To understand customer needs and the respective markets
- To practice and optimize successful communication with and towards existing and future customers (e.g., strategic selling, key account management, communication tools)
- To understand and use different pricing techniques for technology products and services, both in B2C and B2B contexts,
- To select appropriate strategies to build up effective sales channels and calculate and optimize respective funnel KPIs and assess the implications on the venture's business model and organization (e.g., lead management, funnel metrics, etc.)
InhaltThis module exposes participants to important customer development and market research strategies, with the goal to build competencies in several customer-​facing activity domains of the growing venture. Key module themes span the pricing of technology products and services, both in B2C and B2B contexts, the effective build-up of sales channels and funnels, and the successful communication to existing as well as future customers.
SkriptSee Online Platform
LiteraturSee Online Platform
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis module is for CAS ELTV Participants only.
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