Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Frühjahrssemester 2021

Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Master Information
Vertiefung Ressourcenmanagement
Obligatorische Module
Ecological Systems Design
102-0348-00LProspective Environmental Assessments
Prerequisite for this lecture is basic knowledge of environmental assessment tools, such as material flow analysis, risk assessment and life cycle assessment.
Students without previous knowledge in these areas need to read according textbooks prior to or at the beginning of the lecture.
102-0348-00 GProspective Environmental Assessments2 Std.
Di15:45-17:30HCI J 7 »
A. Frömelt, N. Heeren, A. Spörri
102-0448-00LGroundwater IIO6 KP4G
102-0448-00 GGroundwater II
Vorlesung: Mi 14-16
Übungen: Mi 16-18
4 Std.
Mi13:45-15:30HIL E 6 »
15:45-17:30HIL E 15.2 »
M. Willmann, J. Jimenez-Martinez
701-1240-00LModelling Environmental Pollutants Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen O3 KP2G
701-1240-00 GModelling Environmental Pollutants
The course will initially start online. Further details have been sent by e-mail.
The room reservation remains in place if face-to-face teaching is possible after the Easter break.
2 Std.
Mi08:15-10:00CAB G 52 »
M. Scheringer, C. Bogdal
Waste Management
102-0338-01LWaste Management and Circular EconomyO3 KP2G
102-0338-01 GWaste Management and Circular Economy
Die Lehrveranstaltung findet dieses Semester vollständig im ONLINE-Modus statt, für das gesamte Semester.
2 Std.
Mo15:45-17:30HIL E 7 »
M. Haupt, U. Baier
Water Resources Management
102-0488-00LWater Resources ManagementO3 KP2G
102-0488-00 GWater Resources Management2 Std.
Di13:45-15:30HIL E 6 »
A. Castelletti
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