Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures Information
Start: Every Autumn Semester and Spring Semester.

Duration: 12 months. It is possible to join the programme at the beginning of each semester.
Skills & Ecosystem Immersion
373-0300-00LInternational Study Trip & Venture Communication Skills Restricted registration - show details
Only for CAS in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures.
O3 credits3PT. Brenner
AbstractThe study trip exposes the participants to another vibrant global start-up ecosystem with immersion into a local community of high-growth founders and ecosystem actors. They will network with peer start-ups, pitch to local investors, engage with industry partners, and talk to potential customers. In addition, participants will strengthen their pitching & communication skills through workshops.
Learning objectiveThis module enables particpants:
- To get inspired and appreciate a different entrepreneurial ecosystem with different values and aspirations compared to the home ecosystem
- To challenge and revise their strategic goals through interaction with parties from diverse experience backgrounds and with different communication styles
- To make important business connections and explore partnerning options in a different geographic setting
- Practice and polish effective pitching (i.e. convincing) toward different new venture constituents, e.g., investor, customers, partners and employees.
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