Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

MAS in History and Theory of Architecture (GTA) Information
The MAS-programm in "History and Theory of Architecture" is a two-year half-time course and contains 60 CP. The course starts in the autumn semester.

Attendance of classes supplemented by independent research; practical training periods and excursions; lectures/seminars on one to two days per week, in total 600 ca. contact hours, in addition private study ca. 600 hours (for each in-class day one day of work preparation), two individually tutored seminar papers on chosen subjects (200 hours) and credited Master's thesis (600 hours).
2. Semester
056-0006-01LMethods of Academic Writing II Information Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in History and Theory of Architecture.
O1 credit3US. Schindler Kilian, M.‑A. Lerjen
AbstractThe course is an introduction to the different forms of humanistic working and covers the methodological basics of the subject. It trains the ability to address a topic through written discussions in writing workshops.
Learning objectiveStudents gain an overview of the different research methods available in the field of history and theory of art and architecture. They will apply them in exercises. The course strengthens the methodological competences (preliminary knowledge, source and literature research) as well as their critical-analytical competences (reading and writing competence).
ContentAdvanced Research Methods in the History and Theory of Art and Architecture
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