Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2021

Science Education Master Information
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Subject Didactics
402-0910-00LPhysics Didactics I: Special Didactics of Physics Teaching Information Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
In addition to registering for this course in myStudies, students must apply latest 31 January 2021 at
Applications will be recognised in the order of arrival.

Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Physics - course 402-0920-00L - is compulsory for Teaching Diploma Physics.

Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module 090Phy1 at UZH.
Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W4 credits3GM. Mohr
AbstractThe course introduces the principles of subject-oriented didactics in physics: preparation of lectures, planing, boundary conditions, teaching methods, auxiliary materials, experiments, exercises, tests, use of different media
Learning objectiveThe students have the didactic basics for the physics lessons at a secondary school. They can plan and carry out their own lessons taking into account the diverse framework conditions. They reflect on their lessons and endeavour to further develop them didactically and pedagogically.
The students know the application possibilities, chances and difficulties of different teaching methods and aids. They are able to assess the suitability of teaching methods with regard to a learning situation. In their lessons they endeavour to implement suitable methods adapted to the class and the subject.
Students are familiar with the basics of experimenting in physics lessons. They are familiar with numerous experiments on various physical topics and are sensitized to the targeted use of demonstration and student experiments in class.
ContentLektionsplanung und –durchführung: Lehrplan, Stundentafel, Zeitbudget, Berücksichtigung von Vorwissen, Alltagsbezug, Übungs- und Hausaufgaben, Prüfungen und Noten, Weiterbildung, Beurteilung
Fachspezifisches: Demonstrations- und Schülerexperimente, Arbeitsmittel zu physikalischen Themen des Grundlagen- und Schwerpunktunterrichts
Einsatz verschiedener Unterrichtsmaterialien: Experimente, Computer, Taschenrechner, Video, Simulation
Unterrichtsformen: Lernaufgabe, Werkstatt, Puzzle, Projekt, Arbeitswoche, Gruppenarbeit, Praktikum
Allg. Didaktik: praktische Beispiele zu Themen aus AD I
Lecture notesA script is available during the lecture.
402-0909-00LPhysics Didactics II: Motivating Evidence-Based Instruction Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisite: Successful completion of course 402-0910-00L or simultaneous enrolment in course 402-0910-00L, Physics Didactics I: Special Didactics of Physics Teaching (Lecturer: M. Mohr).

Information for UZH students:
To apply for enrolment at the ETH registrar’s office, UZH students need permission from the lecturer (contact:
Please mind the ETH registration deadline for UZH students:
W4 credits3GA. Lichtenberger
AbstractThe course focuses on the backward design and evaluation of teaching units in physics at Gymnasium level.
Learning objectiveStudents will be able to develop and evaluate teaching units in physics based on backward design and research-based principles of learning and instruction.
This includes:
• Identifying big ideas and essential questions of a specified physics topic
• Illustrating the desired organization of knowledge in a concept map
• Building assessments to collect evidence for learning
• Activating prior knowledge and dealing with learning difficulties
• Designing motivating activities that make student learning visible
• Applying different teaching methods (e.g., clicker sessions, hands-on experiments, POE experiments, physlets, whiteboarding)
ContentIn der Veranstaltung werden die Grundlagen zum Backward Design, wichtige Prinzipien des Lernens (Aufbau einer Wissensstruktur, Vorwissen und Lernschwierigkeiten, Motivation, Peer-Learning, Formatives Assessment, Mastery und Selbststeuerung) und eine Auswahl verschiedener Unterrichtsmethoden (z.B. Clicker Sessions, Hands-On-Experimente, POE-Experimente, Physlets, Whiteboarding) erarbeitet. Darauf aufbauend werden Unterrichtseinheiten zu vorgegebenen Themen der Physik für die Gymnasialstufe entwickelt und mittels Review- und Präsentationssequenzen evaluiert. Das Design und die Unterlagen der Unterrichtseinheiten werden in Portfolios festgehalten und erläutert.
Lecture notesUnterlagen werden in der Veranstaltung abgegeben.
Kirchner, E., Girwidz, R., & Häussler, P. (2015). Physikdidaktik. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-41744-3.
Greutmann, P., Saalbach, H., & Stern, E. (2020). Professionelles Handlungswissen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. ISBN 978-3-17-031785-7
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. ISBN 1-4166-0035-3.
Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. C., & Norman, M. K. (2010). How Learning Works. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN 978-0-470-48410-4.
Petty, G. (2009). Evidence-Based Teaching. Cheltenham: Nelson Thorens Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4085-0452-9.
Furtak, E., M. (2009). Formative Assessment for Secondary Science Teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. ISBN 978-1-4129-7220-8
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Inhalte von Fachdidaktik 1 werden in der Fachdidaktik 2 vorausgesetzt. Studierende, die Fachdidaktik 1 und 2 parallel besuchen, werden gebeten, den Dozierenden vor Beginn der Vorlesung zu kontaktieren (
402-0904-00LProfessional Exercises: Experiments in Physics Teaching Information Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.

Prerequisite: Participation and successful completion in the course Physics Didactics I: Special Didactics of Physics Teaching (402-0910-00L)

Sending an email to till 31 May 2021 is mandatory.
Registrations will be made on a first come first serve basis.
W2 credits4GM. Mohr, H. R. Deller, M. Lieberherr, C. Prim
AbstractIn this one-week block course, students practice conducting experiments at high-school level. To do this, the students move between three cantonal high schools in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
Learning objective- Students develop their skills in conducting experiments in such a way that they can perform fundamental demonstration experiments and pupil experiments both correctly and successfully in their lessons.
- They are inclined to allocate a high priority to pupils' experiments and are familiar with different forms of organisation.
ContentDie Studierenden arbeiten in Zweiergruppen mit dem reichhaltigen Material einer Mittelschulsammlung unter den im Unterricht üblichen Bedingungen. Anhand geeigneter Demonstrationsexperimente entwickeln sie zunehmende Selbständigkeit im Auswählen des Materials, Aufbauen der Versuchsanordnungen und Vorführen vor den Kollegen/innen. Damit werden sie in die Lage versetzt, die experimentellen Anforderungen in den Übungs- und Praktikumslektionen zu bewältigen.
In einer Werkstatt mit verschiedenen Posten zu Schülerexperimenten lernen sie Schülermaterial, Arbeitsformen, Aufgabenstellungen und die Problematik der Notengebung kennen. Sie erhalten Anregungen zu einfachen Freihandexperimenten, zur Astronomie und Themen der modernen Physik. Sie arbeiten mit Simulationsprogrammen für Physik.
Lecture notesUnterlagen werden zur Verfügung gestellt.
Prerequisites / NoticeBeschränkte Platzzahl.
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