Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021
Maschineningenieurwissenschaften Bachelor | ||||||
6. Semester | ||||||
Fokus-Vertiefung | ||||||
Management, Technology and Economics Fokus-Koordintor: Prof. Stefano Brusoni D-MTEC und Dr. Bastian Bergmann D-MTEC | ||||||
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
363-0302-00L | Human Resource Management: Leading Teams | W+ | 3 KP | 2G | G. Grote | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The basic processes of human resource management are discussed (selection, reward systems, performance evaluation, career development) and embedded in the broader context of leadership in teams. Leadership concepts and group processes are presented. Practical instruments supporting leadership functions are introduced and applied in business settings through student projects. | |||||
Lernziel | • Understand basic HRM functions and their relationship to leadership • Know instruments for selection, performance appraisal, compensation, and development • Understand leadership requirements and success factors in leadership • Know fundamental processes in teams • Apply and expand theoretical knowledge on a specific topic in self-guided learning • Manage team processes and diversity | |||||
Inhalt | Human Resource Management (HRM) concerns the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance. HRM aims at applying human resources within organizations such that people succeed and organizational performance improves. HRM is of high strategic relevance as evidenced by strong links between good HRM practices and business outcomes. In the course, concepts and instruments for employee selection, performance management, and personnel development are presented. Some instruments are also practically applied in small groups. Fundamentals of effective leadership and dynamics in teams are discussed, in particular in view of the increasing demands for balancing stability and flexibility in fast-changing organizations. The course is taught from the perspective of team members' and team leaders' role in HRM, not from the perspective of HR managers. Thereby, students can directly relate their own experience to the HRM practices discussed. This applies to prior work experience, but also to any other teamwork experience, be it as a student or in a private role, for instance in sports clubs. Selecting the right team members, discussing and improving individual and team performance, managing task and relational conflicts, and sharing and building on each other's knowledge to solve problems are ubiquituous challenges that the course addresses. As part of the course, students also apply HRM instruments in company contexts in a group semester project. Topics for these projects are determined prior to the course and in the past have concerned leadership assessment, performance-based pay, and working in virtual teams. Students are provided with background literature and specific tools to conduct the project and are accompanied by a project advisor who provides additional support. | |||||
Skript | There is no script. | |||||
Literatur | A reading list and the respective documents are provided via moodle. | |||||
363-0302-02L | Human Resource Management: Leading Teams (Additional Cases) Nur für Maschineningenieurwissenschaften BSc Fokus MTEC | W+ | 1 KP | 2A | G. Grote | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Students write a term paper based on a literature review in an HRM-reöated topic of their choice (e.g., employee selection, performance management, leadership, group dynamics). | |||||
Lernziel | Students work through an HRM-related topic on their own and develop practical and research ideas around that topic. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The lecture 363-0302-00L Human Resource Management: Leading Teams needs to be taken in order to participate in this module | |||||
151-0700-00L | Fertigungstechnik | W | 4 KP | 2V + 2U | K. Wegener | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Grundbegriffe der Produktionstechnik, Umformen, Spanen, Laserbearbeitung, Mechatronik im Produktionsmaschinenbau, Qualitätssicherung Prozesskettenplanung. | |||||
Lernziel | - Kenntnis fertigungstechnischer Grundbegriffe - Grundkenntnisse einiger Verfahren, deren Funktionsweise und Auslegung (Umformtechnik, Trennende Verfahren, Lasertechnik) - Wissen um produktdefinierende Eigenschaften und Anwendungsgrenzen - im Wettbewerb der Verfahren die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen, - Vorgehen zur Prozesskettenplanung - Grundkenntnisse zur Qualitätssicherung | |||||
Inhalt | Erläuterung produktionstechnischer Grundbegriffe und Einblick in die Funktionsweise eines Fertigungsbetriebs. Vorgestellt werden in unterschiedlicher Tiefe umformende und trennende Fertigungsverfahren, sowie die Laserbearbeitung (schweissen und schneiden), deren Auslegung, produktdefinierende Eigenschaften und Anwendungsgrenzen sowie die zugehörigen Fertigungsmittel. Behandelt werden weiter Grundbegriffe der industriellen Messtechnik und mechatronische Konzepte im Werkzeugmaschinenbau. | |||||
Skript | Ja | |||||
Literatur | Herbert Fritz, Günter Schulze (Hrsg.) Fertigungstechnik. 6. Aufl. Springer Verlag 2003 | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Es ist eine Exkursion zu einem oder zwei fertigungstechnischen Betrieben geplant | |||||
351-0578-00L | Einführung in die Wirtschaftspolitik | W | 2 KP | 2V | H. Mikosch | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Erster Zugang zur Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik. | |||||
Lernziel | Erster Zugang zur Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik. Grundsätzliches Verständnis von wirtschaftspolitschen Mechanismen. | |||||
Inhalt | Wirtschaftspolitik ist die Gesamtheit aller Massnahmen von staatlichen Institutionen mit denen das Wirtschaftsgeschehen geregelt und gestaltet wird. Die Vorlesung bietet einen ersten Zugang zur Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik. Gliederung der Vorlesung: 1.) Wohlfahrtsökonomische Grundlagen: Wohlfahrtsfunktion, Pareto-Optimalität, Wirtschaftspolitik als Mittel-Zweck-Analyse u.a. 2.) Wirtschaftsordnungen: Geplante und ungeplante Ordnung 3.) Wettbewerb und Effizienz: Hauptsätze der Wohlfahrtsökonomik, Effizienz von Wettbewerbsmärkten 4.) Wettbewerbspolitik: Sicherstellung einer wettbewerblichen Ordnung Gründe für Marktversagen: 5.) Externe Effekte 6.) Öffentliche Güter 7.) Natürliche Monopole 8.) Informationsasymmetrien 9.) Anpassungskosten 10.) Irrationalität 11.) Wirtschaftspolitik und Politische Ökonomie Die Vorlesung beinhaltet Anwendungsbeispiele und Exkurse, um eine Verbindung zwischen Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftspolitik herzustellen. Z. B. Verteilungseffekte von wirtschaftspolitischen Massnahmen, Kartellpolitik am Ölmarkt, Internalisierung externer Effekte durch Emissionshandel, moralisches Risiko am Finanzmarkt, Nudging, zeitinkonsistente Präferenzen im Bereich der Gesundheitspolitik | |||||
Skript | Ja (in Form von Vorlesungsslides). | |||||
351-0778-00L | Discovering Management Entry level course in management for BSc, MSc and PHD students at all levels not belonging to D-MTEC. This course can be complemented with Discovering Management (Excercises) 351-0778-01L. | W | 3 KP | 3G | L. De Cuyper, S. Brusoni, B. Clarysse, V. Hoffmann, T. Netland, G. von Krogh | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Discovering Management offers an introduction to the field of business management and entrepreneurship for engineers and natural scientists. The module provides an overview of the principles of management, teaches knowledge about management that is highly complementary to the students' technical knowledge, and provides a basis for advancing the knowledge of the various subjects offered at D-MTEC. | |||||
Lernziel | The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the relevant topics of the management literature and give them a good introduction in entrepreneurship topics too. The course is a series of lectures on the topics of strategy, innovation, marketing, corporate social responsibility, and productions and operations management. These different lectures provide the theoretical and conceptual foundations of management. In addition, students are required to work in teams on a project. The purpose of this project is to analyse the innovative needs of a large multinational company and develop a business case for the company to grow. | |||||
Inhalt | Discovering Management aims to broaden the students' understanding of the principles of business management, emphasizing the interdependence of various topics in the development and management of a firm. The lectures introduce students not only to topics relevant for managing large corporations, but also touch upon the different aspects of starting up your own venture. The lectures will be presented by the respective area specialists at D-MTEC. The course broadens the view and understanding of technology by linking it with its commercial applications and with society. The lectures are designed to introduce students to topics related to strategy, corporate innovation, corporate social responsibility, and business model innovation. Practical examples from industry will stimulate the students to critically assess these issues. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Discovering Management is designed to suit the needs and expectations of Bachelor students at all levels as well as Master and PhD students not belonging to D-MTEC. By providing an overview of Business Management, this course is an ideal enrichment of the standard curriculum at ETH Zurich. No prior knowledge of business or economics is required to successfully complete this course. | |||||
351-0778-01L | Discovering Management (Exercises) Complementary exercises for the module Discovering Managment. Prerequisite: Participation and successful completion of the module Discovering Management (351-0778-00L) is mandatory. | W | 1 KP | 1U | B. Clarysse | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course is offered complementary to the basis course 351-0778-00L, "Discovering Management". The course offers an additional exercise in the form of a project conducted in team. | |||||
Lernziel | This course is offered to complement the course 351-0778-00L. The course offers an additional exercise to the more theoretical and conceptual content of Discovering Management. While Discovering Management offers an introduction to various management topics, in this course, creative skills will be trained by the business game exercise. It is a participant-centered, team-based learning activity, which provides students with the opportunity to place themselves in the role of Chief Innovation Officer of a large multinational company. | |||||
Inhalt | As the students learn more about the specific case and identify the challenge they are faced with, they will have to develop an innovative business case for this multinational corporation. Doing so, this exercise will provide an insight into the context of managerial problem-solving and corporate innovation, and enhance the students' appreciation for the complex tasks companies and managers deal with. The exercise presents a realistic model of a company and provides a valuable learning platform to integrate the increasingly important development of the skills and competences required to identify entrepreneurial opportunities, analyse the future business environment and successfully respond to it by taking systematic decisions, e.g. critical assessment of technological possibilities. | |||||
363-0764-00L | Project Management | W | 2 KP | 2V | C. G. C. Marxt | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course gives a detailed introduction into various aspects of classic and agile project management. Established concepts and methods for initiating, planning and executing projects are introduced and major challenges discussed. Additionally the course covers different agile and hybrid project management concepts. | |||||
Lernziel | Projects are not only the base of work in modern enterprises but also the primary type of cooperation with customers. Students of ETH will often work in or manage projects in the course of their career. Good project management knowledge is not only a guarantee for individual but also for company wide success. The goal of this course is to give a detailed introduction into project management, more specific participants - will understand the basics of successful classic and agile project management - are able to apply the concepts and methods of project management in their day to day work - are able to identify different project management practices and are able to suggest improvements - will contribute to projects in your organization in a positive way - will be able to plan and execute projects successfully. | |||||
Inhalt | The competitiveness of companies is driven by the development of a concise strategy and its successful implementation. Especially strategy execution poses several challenges to senior management: clear communication of goals, ongoing follow up of activities, a sound monitoring and control system. All these aspect are covered by successfully implementing and applying program and project management. As an introductory course we will focus mainly on project management. In the last decade project management has become an important discipline in management and several internationally recognized project management methods can be found: PMBOK, IPMA ICB, PRINCE 2, etc. These frameworks have proven to be very useful in day-to-day work. Unfortunately the environment companies are working in has changed parallel to the rise of PM as a discipline. Incremental but even more important fundamental changes happen more often and much faster than a decade ago. Experience has shown that the classic PM approaches lack the inherent dynamics to cope with these challenges. So overtime new methods have surfaced, such as SCRUM. These methods are called Agile Project Management methods and follow a dynamic model of reality, called complex adaptive systems perspective. This course will cover both classic and agile project management topics. The first part of the semester will lay the basics by discussing the classic way of planning, organizing and executing a project based on its life cycle. Topics covered include: drafting project proposals, stake holder analysis, different aspects of project planning, project organization, project risk management, project execution, project control, leadership in projects incl. conflict mitigation strategies, termination and documentation. In the second part basic conceptual topics for agile project management such as the agile manifesto, SCRUM, Lean, Kanban, XP, rapid results are covered. The course tries to tap into pre-existing knowledge of the participants using a very interactive approach including in-class discussion, short exercises and case studies. | |||||
Skript | No The lecture slides and other additional material (papers, book chapters, case studies, etc.) will be available for download from Moodle before each class. | |||||
363-1017-00L | Risk and Insurance Economics | W | 3 KP | 2G | I. Gemmo | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The course covers the economics of risk and insurance, in particular the following topics will be discussed: 2) individual decision making under risk 3) fundamentals of insurance 4) information asymmetries in insurance markets 5) the macroeconomic role of insurers | |||||
Lernziel | The goal is to introduce students to basic concepts of risk, risk management and economics of insurance. | |||||
Inhalt | “The ability to define what may happen in the future and to choose among alternatives lies at the heart of contemporary societies. Risk management guides us over a vast range of decision-making from allocation of wealth to safeguarding public health, from waging war to planning a family, from paying insurance premiums to wearing a seatbelt, from planting corn to marketing cornflakes.” (Peter L. Bernstein) Every member of society faces various decisions under uncertainty on a daily basis. Many individuals apply measures to manage these risks without even thinking about it; many are subject to behavioral biases when making these decisions. In the first part of this lecture, we discuss normative decision concepts, such as Expected Utility Theory, and contrast them with empirically observed behavior. Students learn about the rationale for individuals to purchase insurance as part of a risk management strategy. In a theoretical framework, we then derive the optimal level of insurance demand and discuss how this result depends on the underlying assumptions. After learning the basics for understanding the specifications, particularities, and mechanisms of insurance markets, we discuss the consequences of information asymmetries in these markets. Insurance companies do not only provide individuals with a way to decrease uncertainty of wealth, they also play a vital role for businesses that want to manage business risk, for the real economy by providing funds and pooling risks, and for the financial market by being important counterparties in numerous financial transactions. In the last part of this lecture, we shed light on these different roles of insurance companies. We compare the implications for different stakeholders and (insurance) markets in general. Finally, course participants familiarize themselves with selected research papers that analyze individuals’ decision-making under risk or examine specific details about the different roles of insurance companies. | |||||
Literatur | Main literature: - Eeckhoudt, L., Gollier, C., & Schlesinger, H. (2005). Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk. Princeton University Press. - Zweifel, P., & Eisen, R. (2012). Insurance Economics. Springer. Further readings: - Dionne, G. (Ed.). (2013). Handbook of Insurance (2nd ed.). Springer. - Hufeld, F., Koijen, R. S., & Thimann, C. (Eds.). (2017). The Economics, Regulation, and Systemic Risk of Insurance Markets. Oxford University Press. - Niehaus, H., & Harrington, S. (2003). Risk Management and Insurance (2nd ed.). McGraw Hill. - Rees, R., & Wambach, A. (2008). The Microeconomics of Insurance, Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics, 4(1–2), 1-163. | |||||
363-1038-00L | Sustainability Start-Up Seminar Number of participants limited to 30. | W | 3 KP | 2G | A. H. Sägesser | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Experts lead participants through a venturing process inspired by Lean and Design Thinking methodologies. The course contains problem identification, idea generation and evaluation, team formation, and the development of one entrepreneurial idea per team. A special focus is put on sustainability, in particular on climate change and biodiversity. | |||||
Lernziel | 1. Students have experienced and know how to take the first steps towards co-creating a venture and potentially company 2. Students reflect deeply on sustainability issues (with a focus on climate change & biodiversity) and can formulate a problem statement 3. Students believe in their ability to bring change to the world with their own ideas 4. Students are able to apply entrepreneurial practices such as the lean startup approach 5. Students have built a first network and know how to proceed and who to approach in case they would like to take their ventures further. | |||||
Inhalt | This course is aimed at people with a keen interest to address sustainability issues (with a focus on climate change and biodiversity), with a curious mindset, and potentially first ideas for entrepreneurial action! The seminar consists of a mix of lectures, workshops, individual working sessions, teamwork, and student presentations/pitches. This class is taught by a reflective practitioner of entrepreneurial action for societal transformation. Real-world climate entrepreneurs and experts from the Swiss start-up and sustainability community will be invited to support individual sessions. All course content is based on latest international entrepreneurship practices. The seminar starts with an introduction to sustainability (with a special focus on climate change & energy) and entrepreneurship. Students are asked to self-select into an area of their interest in which they will develop entrepreneurial ideas throughout the course. The first part of the course then focuses on deeply understanding sustainability problems within the area of interest. Through workshops and self-study, students will identify key design challenges, generate ideas, as well as provide systematic and constructive feedback to their peers. In the second part of the course, students will form teams around their generated ideas. In these teams they will develop a business model and, following the lean start-up process, conduct real-life testing, as well as pivoting of these business models. In the final part of the course, students present their insights gained from the lean start-up process, as well as pitch their entrepreneurial ideas and business models to an expert jury. The course will conclude with a session that provides students with a network and resources to further pursue their entrepreneurial journey. | |||||
Skript | All material will be made available to the participants. | |||||
Literatur | No pre-reading required. Recommended literature: | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Prerequisite: Interest in sustainability & entrepreneurship. Notes: 1. It is not required that participants already have an idea for entrepreneurial action at the beginning of the course. 2. Focus is on entrepreneurial action which can take many forms. Eg. startup, SME, campaign, intrapreneurial action, non-profit, ... 2. No legal entities (e.g. GmbH, Association, AG) need to be founded for this course. Target participants: PhD students, Msc students and MAS students from all departments. The number of participants is limited to max.30. Waiting list: After subscribing you will be added to the waiting list. The lecturer will contact you a few weeks before the start of the seminar to confirm your interest and to ensure a good mixture of study backgrounds, only then you're accepted to the course. |
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