Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

Biologie Master Information
Wahlvertiefung: Neurowissenschaften
The major in Neurosciences in the Master program Biology ETHZ will no longer be offered from autumn 2019 onwards.
Wahlpflicht Konzeptkurse
Siehe D-BIOL Master-Wegleitung
551-0326-00LCell Biology Information W6 KP4VS. Werner, H. Gehart, W. Kovacs, M. Schäfer, U. Suter, A. Wutz, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis Course introduces principle concepts, techniques, and experimental strategies used in modern Cell Biology. Major topics include: neuron-glia interactions in health and disease; mitochondrial dynamics; stem cell biology; growth factor action in development, tissue repair and disease; cell metabolism, in particular sensing and signaling mechanisms, cell organelles, and lipid metabolism.
Lernziel-To prepare the students for successful and efficient lab work by learning how to ask the right questions and to use the appropriate techniques in a research project.
-To convey knowledge about neuron-glia interactions in health and disease.
- To provide information on different types of stem cells and their function in health and disease
-To provide information on growth factor signaling in development, repair and disease and on the use of growth factors or their receptors as drug targets for major human diseases
-To convey knowledge on the mechanisms underlying repair of injured tissues
-To provide the students with an overview of mitochondrial dynamics.
-Providing an understanding of RNA processing reactions and their regulations.
-To provide a comprehensive understanding of metabolic sensing mechanisms occurring in different cell types and organelles in response to glucose, hormones, oxygen, nutrients as well as lipids, and to discuss downstream signaling pathways and cellular responses.
-To provide models explaining how disturbances in complex metabolic control networks and bioenergetics can lead to disease and to highlight latest experimental approaches to uncover the intricacies of metabolic control at the cellular and organismal level.
-Providing the background and context that foster cross-disciplinary scientific thinking.
551-0318-00LImmunology IIW3 KP2VA. Oxenius, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, E. Slack, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in die zellulären und molekularen Grundlagen des Immunsystems und die Immunreaktionen gegen verschiedene Pathogene, Tumore, Transplantate, und körpereigene Strukturen (Autoimmunität)
LernzielDie Vorlesung soll ein grundlegendes Verständnis vermitteln über:
- die Interaktion der verschiedenen Immunzellen auf zellulärer und molekularer Ebene?
- Erkennung und Abwehr ausgewählter Viren, Bakterien, und Parasiten.
- Abwehr von Tumoren.
- Mechanismen der Toleranz für körpereigene Moleküle.
- Funktion des Immunsystems im Darm und warum kommensale Bakterien keine Immunantwort auslösen.
- Immunpathologie und entzündliche Erkrankungen.
InhaltZiel dieser Vorlesung ist das Verständnis:
> Wie Pathogene vom unspezifischen Immunystem erkannt werden
> Wie Pathogene vom Immunsystem bekämpft werden
> Immunantworten der Haut, Lung, und Darms
> Tumorimmunologie
> Migration von Immunzellen
> Toleranz und Autoimmunität
> das Gedächtnis von T Zellen
SkriptDie Vorlesungsunterlagen der Dozenten sind verfügbar in Moodle
LiteraturEmpfohlen: Kuby Immunology (Freeman)
551-0320-00LCellular Biochemistry (Part II)W3 KP2VY. Barral, R. Kroschewski, A. E. Smith
KurzbeschreibungThis course will focus on molecular mechanisms and concepts underlying cellular biochemistry, providing advanced insights into the structural and functional details of individual cell components, and the complex regulation of their interactions. Particular emphasis will be on the spatial and temporal integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into global cellular processes.
LernzielThe full-year course (551-0319-00 & 551-0320-00) focuses on the molecular mechanisms and concepts underlying the biochemistry of cellular physiology, investigating how these processes are integrated to carry out highly coordinated cellular functions. The molecular characterization of complex cellular functions requires a combination of approaches such as biochemistry, but also cell biology and genetics. This course is therefore the occasion to discuss these techniques and their integration in modern cellular biochemistry.
The students will be able to describe the structural and functional details of individual cell components, and the spatial and temporal regulation of their interactions. In particular, they will learn to explain how different molecules and signaling pathways can be integrated during complex and highly dynamic cellular processes such as intracellular transport, cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, and cell division. In addition, they will be able to illustrate the relevance of particular signaling pathways for cellular pathologies such as cancer or during cellular infection.
InhaltSpatial and temporal integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into global cellular processes, such as cell division, cell infection and cell motility. Emphasis is also put on the understanding of pathologies associated with defective cell physiology, such as cancer or during cellular infection.
LiteraturRecommended supplementary literature may be provided during the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesTo attend this course the students must have a solid basic knowledge in chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and general biology. Biology students have in general already attended the first part of the "Cellular Biochemistry" concept course (551-0319-00). The course will be taught in English.
In addition, the course will be based on a blended-learning scenario, where frontal lectures will be complemented with carefully chosen web-based teaching elements that students access through the ETH Moodle platform.
Wahlpflicht Masterkurse
227-1034-00LComputational Vision (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: INI402

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W6 KP2V + 1UD. Kiper
KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on neural computations that underlie visual perception. We study how visual signals are processed in the retina, LGN and visual cortex. We study the morpholgy and functional architecture of cortical circuits responsible for pattern, motion, color, and three-dimensional vision.
LernzielThis course considers the operation of circuits in the process of neural computations. The evolution of neural systems will be considered to demonstrate how neural structures and mechanisms are optimised for energy capture, transduction, transmission and representation of information. Canonical brain circuits will be described as models for the analysis of sensory information. The concept of receptive fields will be introduced and their role in coding spatial and temporal information will be considered. The constraints of the bandwidth of neural channels and the mechanisms of normalization by neural circuits will be discussed.
The visual system will form the basis of case studies in the computation of form, depth, and motion. The role of multiple channels and collective computations for object recognition will
be considered. Coordinate transformations of space and time by cortical and subcortical mechanisms will be analysed. The means by which sensory and motor systems are integrated to allow for adaptive behaviour will be considered.
InhaltThis course considers the operation of circuits in the process of neural computations. The evolution of neural systems will be considered to demonstrate how neural structures and mechanisms are optimised for energy capture, transduction, transmission and representation of information. Canonical brain circuits will be described as models for the analysis of sensory information. The concept of receptive fields will be introduced and their role in coding spatial and temporal information will be considered. The constraints of the bandwidth of neural channels and the mechanisms of normalization by neural circuits will be discussed.
The visual system will form the basis of case studies in the computation of form, depth, and motion. The role of multiple channels and collective computations for object recognition will
be considered. Coordinate transformations of space and time by cortical and subcortical mechanisms will be analysed. The means by which sensory and motor systems are integrated to allow for adaptive behaviour will be considered.
LiteraturBooks: (recommended references, not required)
1. An Introduction to Natural Computation, D. Ballard (Bradford Books, MIT Press) 1997.
2. The Handbook of Brain Theorie and Neural Networks, M. Arbib (editor), (MIT Press) 1995.
227-1046-00LComputer Simulations of Sensory Systems Information W3 KP3GT. Haslwanter
KurzbeschreibungThis course deals with computer simulations of the human auditory, visual, and balance system. The lecture will cover the physiological and mechanical mechanisms of these sensory systems. And in the exercises, the simulations will be implemented with Python. The simulations will be such that their output could be used as input for actual neuro-sensory prostheses.
LernzielOur sensory systems provide us with information about what is happening in the world surrounding us. Thereby they transform incoming mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical signals into “action potentials”, the language of the central nervous system.
The main goal of this lecture is to describe how our sensors achieve these transformations, how they can be reproduced with computational tools. For example, our auditory system performs approximately a “Fourier transformation” of the incoming sound waves; our early visual system is optimized for finding edges in images that are projected onto our retina; and our balance system can be well described with a “control system” that transforms linear and rotational movements into nerve impulses.
In the exercises that go with this lecture, we will use Python to reproduce the transformations achieved by our sensory systems. The goal is to write programs whose output could be used as input for actual neurosensory prostheses: such prostheses have become commonplace for the auditory system, and are under development for the visual and the balance system. For the corresponding exercises, at least some basic programing experience is required!!
InhaltThe following topics will be covered:
• Introduction into the signal processing in nerve cells.
• Introduction into Python.
• Simplified simulation of nerve cells (Hodgkins-Huxley model).
• Description of the auditory system, including the application of Fourier transforms on recorded sounds.
• Description of the visual system, including the retina and the information processing in the visual cortex. The corresponding exercises will provide an introduction to digital image processing.
• Description of the mechanics of our balance system, and the “Control System”-language that can be used for an efficient description of the corresponding signal processing (essentially Laplace transforms and control systems).
SkriptFor each module additional material will be provided on the e-learning platform "moodle". The main content of the lecture is also available as a wikibook, under
LiteraturOpen source information is available as wikibook

For good overviews of the neuroscience, I recommend:

• Principles of Neural Science (5th Ed, 2012), by Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, Thomas Jessell, Steven Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth
ISBN 0071390111 / 9780071390118
THE standard textbook on neuroscience.
NOTE: The 6th edition will be released on February 5, 2021!
• L. R. Squire, D. Berg, F. E. Bloom, Lac S. du, A. Ghosh, and N. C. Spitzer. Fundamental Neuroscience, Academic Press - Elsevier, 2012 [ISBN: 9780123858702].
This book covers the biological components, from the functioning of an individual ion channels through the various senses, all the way to consciousness. And while it does not cover the computational aspects, it nevertheless provides an excellent overview of the underlying neural processes of sensory systems.

• G. Mather. Foundations of Sensation and Perception, 2nd Ed Psychology Press, 2009 [ISBN: 978-1-84169-698-0 (hardcover), oder 978-1-84169-699-7 (paperback)]
A coherent, up-to-date introduction to the basic facts and theories concerning human sensory perception.

• The best place to get started with Python programming are the

On signal processing with Python, my upcoming book
• Hands-on Signal Analysis with Python (Due: January 13, 2021
ISBN 978-3-030-57902-9,
will contain an explanation to all the required programming tools and packages.
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes• Since I have to gravel from Linz, Austria, to Zurich to give this lecture, I plan to hold this lecture in blocks (every 2nd week).
• In addition to the lectures, this course includes external lab visits to institutes actively involved in research on the relevant sensory systems.
227-0390-00LElements of MicroscopyW4 KP3GM. Stampanoni, G. Csúcs, A. Sologubenko
KurzbeschreibungThe lecture reviews the basics of microscopy by discussing wave propagation, diffraction phenomena and aberrations. It gives the basics of light microscopy, introducing fluorescence, wide-field, confocal and multiphoton imaging. It further covers 3D electron microscopy and 3D X-ray tomographic micro and nanoimaging.
LernzielSolid introduction to the basics of microscopy, either with visible light, electrons or X-rays.
InhaltIt would be impossible to imagine any scientific activities without the help of microscopy. Nowadays, scientists can count on very powerful instruments that allow investigating sample down to the atomic level.
The lecture includes a general introduction to the principles of microscopy, from wave physics to image formation. It provides the physical and engineering basics to understand visible light, electron and X-ray microscopy.
During selected exercises in the lab, several sophisticated instrument will be explained and their capabilities demonstrated.
LiteraturAvailable Online.
376-1306-00LClinical Neuroscience (University of Zurich) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: BIO389

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W3 KP3VG. Schratt, Uni-Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThe lecture series "Clinical Neuroscience" presents a comprehensive, condensed overview of the most important neurological diseases, their clinical presentation, diagnosis, therapy options and possible causes. Patient demonstrations (Übungen) follow every lecture that is dedicated to a particular disease.
LernzielBy the end of this module students should be able to:
- demonstrate their understanding and deep knowledge concerning the main neurological diseases
- identify and explain the different clinical presentation of these diseases, the methodology of diagnosis and the current therapies available
- summarize and critically review scientific literature efficiently and effectively
376-1414-01LCurrent Topics in Brain Research (FS)W1 KP1.5KI. Mansuy, F. Helmchen, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungEs werden verschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus dem In-und Ausland eingeladen, um ihre aktuellen Forschungsdaten zu präsentieren und diskutieren.
LernzielEs soll der Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und Daten sowie die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Forschenden gefördert werden. Studierende, welche den Kurs belegen, besuchen während eines Semesters alle Seminare und schreiben einen kritischen Report über ein Seminar ihrer Wahl. Die Anleitung dazu erhalten eingeschriebene Studierende von Prof. Isabelle Mansuy / Dr. Alberto Corcoba 1 Woche vor Semesterbeginn.
InhaltVerschiedene wissenschaftliche Gäste aus den Bereichen Neuroepigenetik, Neurochemie, Neuromorphologie und Neurophysiologie berichten über ihre neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse.
Skriptkein Skript
Literaturkeine Literatur
Zusätzliche Konzeptkurse
551-0326-00LCell Biology Information W6 KP4VS. Werner, H. Gehart, W. Kovacs, M. Schäfer, U. Suter, A. Wutz, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungThis Course introduces principle concepts, techniques, and experimental strategies used in modern Cell Biology. Major topics include: neuron-glia interactions in health and disease; mitochondrial dynamics; stem cell biology; growth factor action in development, tissue repair and disease; cell metabolism, in particular sensing and signaling mechanisms, cell organelles, and lipid metabolism.
Lernziel-To prepare the students for successful and efficient lab work by learning how to ask the right questions and to use the appropriate techniques in a research project.
-To convey knowledge about neuron-glia interactions in health and disease.
- To provide information on different types of stem cells and their function in health and disease
-To provide information on growth factor signaling in development, repair and disease and on the use of growth factors or their receptors as drug targets for major human diseases
-To convey knowledge on the mechanisms underlying repair of injured tissues
-To provide the students with an overview of mitochondrial dynamics.
-Providing an understanding of RNA processing reactions and their regulations.
-To provide a comprehensive understanding of metabolic sensing mechanisms occurring in different cell types and organelles in response to glucose, hormones, oxygen, nutrients as well as lipids, and to discuss downstream signaling pathways and cellular responses.
-To provide models explaining how disturbances in complex metabolic control networks and bioenergetics can lead to disease and to highlight latest experimental approaches to uncover the intricacies of metabolic control at the cellular and organismal level.
-Providing the background and context that foster cross-disciplinary scientific thinking.
551-0318-00LImmunology IIW3 KP2VA. Oxenius, M. Kopf, S. R. Leibundgut, E. Slack, weitere Dozierende
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in die zellulären und molekularen Grundlagen des Immunsystems und die Immunreaktionen gegen verschiedene Pathogene, Tumore, Transplantate, und körpereigene Strukturen (Autoimmunität)
LernzielDie Vorlesung soll ein grundlegendes Verständnis vermitteln über:
- die Interaktion der verschiedenen Immunzellen auf zellulärer und molekularer Ebene?
- Erkennung und Abwehr ausgewählter Viren, Bakterien, und Parasiten.
- Abwehr von Tumoren.
- Mechanismen der Toleranz für körpereigene Moleküle.
- Funktion des Immunsystems im Darm und warum kommensale Bakterien keine Immunantwort auslösen.
- Immunpathologie und entzündliche Erkrankungen.
InhaltZiel dieser Vorlesung ist das Verständnis:
> Wie Pathogene vom unspezifischen Immunystem erkannt werden
> Wie Pathogene vom Immunsystem bekämpft werden
> Immunantworten der Haut, Lung, und Darms
> Tumorimmunologie
> Migration von Immunzellen
> Toleranz und Autoimmunität
> das Gedächtnis von T Zellen
SkriptDie Vorlesungsunterlagen der Dozenten sind verfügbar in Moodle
LiteraturEmpfohlen: Kuby Immunology (Freeman)
551-0320-00LCellular Biochemistry (Part II)W3 KP2VY. Barral, R. Kroschewski, A. E. Smith
KurzbeschreibungThis course will focus on molecular mechanisms and concepts underlying cellular biochemistry, providing advanced insights into the structural and functional details of individual cell components, and the complex regulation of their interactions. Particular emphasis will be on the spatial and temporal integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into global cellular processes.
LernzielThe full-year course (551-0319-00 & 551-0320-00) focuses on the molecular mechanisms and concepts underlying the biochemistry of cellular physiology, investigating how these processes are integrated to carry out highly coordinated cellular functions. The molecular characterization of complex cellular functions requires a combination of approaches such as biochemistry, but also cell biology and genetics. This course is therefore the occasion to discuss these techniques and their integration in modern cellular biochemistry.
The students will be able to describe the structural and functional details of individual cell components, and the spatial and temporal regulation of their interactions. In particular, they will learn to explain how different molecules and signaling pathways can be integrated during complex and highly dynamic cellular processes such as intracellular transport, cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, and cell division. In addition, they will be able to illustrate the relevance of particular signaling pathways for cellular pathologies such as cancer or during cellular infection.
InhaltSpatial and temporal integration of different molecules and signaling pathways into global cellular processes, such as cell division, cell infection and cell motility. Emphasis is also put on the understanding of pathologies associated with defective cell physiology, such as cancer or during cellular infection.
LiteraturRecommended supplementary literature may be provided during the course.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesTo attend this course the students must have a solid basic knowledge in chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and general biology. Biology students have in general already attended the first part of the "Cellular Biochemistry" concept course (551-0319-00). The course will be taught in English.
In addition, the course will be based on a blended-learning scenario, where frontal lectures will be complemented with carefully chosen web-based teaching elements that students access through the ETH Moodle platform.
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