Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2021

CAS in Public Governance and Administration Information
Das CAS in Public Governance and Administration wird jährlich im September durchgeführt.
371-0001-00LModule: Public Governance and Administration Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Public Governance and Administration.
O8 KP9GM. Ambühl, N. Meier
KurzbeschreibungThe Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Governance and Administration equips aspiring public sector leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to manage complex governance projects and processes.
LernzielProgram participants will learn to:
Understand key governance frameworks and problems;
Dissect multi-dimensional policy issues, with a particular emphasis on technological disruption;
Lead effectively across the spectrum of technical, human and conceptual challenges.
InhaltThe program encompasses a sequence of one or half-day modules, which are organized into three interdisciplinary learning blocks:
I. Contemporary Governance
In this block, participants examine the broad frameworks within which public sector work takes place. Students will explore what governance in the 21st Century means as well as the theoretical and the practical nature of organizational, legal, regulatory and financial dimensions of public institutions and processes. With input from multiple disciplines - such as political science, organizational development, security studies and new public management - students gain the ability to contextualize and critically assess the local, regional, national as well as international context of their individual work.
II. Public Management
In this block, students are challenged to expand their leadership toolbox through lectures providing them with theoretical context and practical insights into various aspects of management. The goal is for participants to enhance their ability to organize and motivate teams, to communicate with a variety of stakeholders and to use quantitative and qualitative data to make sound decisions.
III. Policy Domains
This block covers relevant and rapidly changing policy domains. Special attention is paid to interlinkages between specific policy areas. Students gain the big picture knowledge necessary to make informed managerial decisions within complex processes and initiatives. Domains covered include “Environment”, “Health”, “Urbanization”, “Food”, “Education” and “Technology”.
Die CAS-Arbeit wird jährlich im September durchgeführt.

Die LE wird ausnahmswese im FS21 angeboten.
371-0100-00LCAS Thesis Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for CAS in Public Governance and Administration.
O7 KP13DM. Ambühl, N. Meier
KurzbeschreibungIn their CAS thesis, participants synthesize their learning and apply their insights to their own institutions or examine a relevant topic employing the course methodologies.
LernzielPractical application of course content and concepts.
InhaltThe CAS Thesis is an individually authored academic paper that serves as the culminating learning experience in this program. The purpose of the CAS Thesis is to give students the opportunity to integrate the most relevant content and concepts from the CAS blocks into their own professional context.

CAS participants are free to choose a topic of particular relevance or interest to them. The main focus of the thesis should be on developing a solution or new perspective to a specific problem or area using a specified methodology or conceptual framework.
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