Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

MAS in Medical Physics Information
Fachrichtung: General Medical Physics
Vertiefung Molecular Biology and Biophysics
227-0945-00LCell and Molecular Biology for Engineers I
This course is part I of a two-semester course.
W3 KP2GC. Frei
KurzbeschreibungThe course gives an introduction into cellular and molecular biology, specifically for students with a background in engineering. The focus will be on the basic organization of eukaryotic cells, molecular mechanisms and cellular functions. Textbook knowledge will be combined with results from recent research and technological innovations in biology.
LernzielAfter completing this course, engineering students will be able to apply their previous training in the quantitative and physical sciences to modern biology. Students will also learn the principles how biological models are established, and how these models can be tested.
InhaltLectures will include the following topics (part I and II): DNA, chromosomes, genome engineering, RNA, proteins, genetics, synthetic biology, gene expression, membrane structure and function, vesicular traffic, cellular communication, energy conversion, cytoskeleton, cell cycle, cellular growth, apoptosis, autophagy, cancer and stem cells.

In addition, 4 journal clubs will be held, where recent publications will be discussed (2 journal clubs in part I and 2 journal clubs in part II). For each journal club, students (alone or in groups of up to three students) have to write a summary and discussion of the publication. These written documents will be graded and count as 40% for the final grade.
SkriptScripts of all lectures will be available.
Literatur"Molecular Biology of the Cell" (6th edition) by Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, and Walter.
551-1601-00LBiophysics of Biological Macromolecules
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
The course will only take place with a minimum of 6 participants
W6 KP2V + 1UF. Allain, S. Jonas
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture course targets physics students and students of interdisciplinary sciences (major physics) for their education in biophysics. In this course the basics of molecular biology are presented bearing in mind the special interests of the physics students.
LernzielBasics of molecular biology and biophysics in in view of the special interest of students in physics.
InhaltThis lecture course targets physics students and students of interdisciplinary sciences (major physics) for their education in biophysics. In this course the basics of molecular biology are presented bearing in mind the special interests of the physics students.
The topics include: The molecules of life - properties of biological macromolecules. Discussion of structure and function of proteins, quantitative description molecular interactions and of enzyme function.
Introduction to methods to study biological macromolecules: purification techniques, optical spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy (EM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Introduction to the genetic system of E.coli bacteria: DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis (transcription and translation) and biotechnological applications.
SkriptAdditional documentation in support of text book
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesSmall classes with active participation of students
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