Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2016)
Social Sciences and Humanities
Module Individual Sciences
701-0721-00LPsychologyW3 credits2VR. Hansmann, A. Bearth, M. Siegrist
AbstractThis course provides an introduction to psychological research and modelling, focusing on cognitive psychology and the psychological experiment. Participants learn to formulate problems for psychological investigation and apply basic forms of psychological experiment.
Learning objectiveStudents are able to
- describe the areas, concepts, theories, methods and findings of psychology.
- differentate scientific psychology from "everyday" psychology.
- structure the conclusions and significance of an experiment. according to a theory of psychology.
- formulate a problem for psychological investigation.
- apply basic forms of psychological experiment.
ContentEinführung in die psychologische Forschung und Modellbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der kognitiven Psychologie und des psychologischen Experiments. Themen sind u.a.: Wahrnehmung; Lernen und Entwicklung; Denken und Problemlösen; Kognitive Sozialpsychologie; Risiko und Entscheidung.
701-0771-00LEnvironmental and Integral Conciousness and Communication Information
Limited number of participants.

Please describe your expectations. Why do want to attend this special topic? Do you have any pre-information about the integral model? Do you have any practical experience in environmental communication?
W2 credits2GR. Locher Van Wezemael
AbstractThe environmental Conciousness and the sustainability discussion were the leading themes of the last decades. Now the public awareness is changing. We discuss these changes, look how different the postmodern perspectives interprete the reality and we evaluate how to communicate in times of trouble.
Learning objectiveYou learn how to handle tools and concepts in environmental communication. Examples of realized campaigns and projects show what works and what's of minor impact.
We discuss the evolution of consciousness and the integral model from the point of view of communication, psychology and neuro sciences.
Content- What is Consciousness?
- Individual and social evolution of consciousness
- Environmental Consciousness or "is climate change a chinese joke?"
- Examples of campaigns, events, print products, media relations.
- Integral sustainability and the integral model of Ken Wilber
Lecture notesHandouts
Literature- Integral Vision; Ken Wilber
- Reinventing Organizations, Frédéric Laloux
- Embrace your life, Wilfried Nelles
701-0785-00LIntroduction to Science Communication (Universitiy of Zurich) Information
Does not take place this semester.
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 251403

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:

Diese Lerneinheit wurde bis HS16 unter denTitel "Environmental- and Science Communication" angeboten.
W4 credits2VM. Schäfer
AbstractThe course gives an introductionary overview in research questions, theoretical perspectives and empirical results of science communication and environmental communication. They will be illustrated by concrete examples and via lectures from external guests. .
Learning objectiveGoals: Learning to understand structures and processes of environmental and science communication, becoming more sensitive for problems of science public relations, getting an insight into public debates about environmental issues.
Methods: invitation of media practitioners and experts, discussions, lectures on key theoretical concepts of communication.
Topics: Concrete communication instruments like media conferences, theoretical perspectives of public relations, basic principles and examples of information campaigns, environment and science as media topics, functions and structures of science communication, relations between science, media and politics.
ContentI. Introduction
- Topics: Environment, Science, Risks, Media
- Forms, Functions, Effects of Public and Mass Communication

II. Stakeholders and their Public Relations Efforts
- Public Relations and Science PR: Theoretical Perspectives, Instruments

III. Science and Environmental Issues in the Media
- Forms and Functions of Science Journalism
- Problems of Selection, Interpretation, Quality
- Media Content Analysis
- Online Communication

IV. Uses and Effects of Science and Environmental Communication
- Extent of Media Use
- Effects on Knowledge, Risk Perceptions, Environmental Attitudes
- Effects on Science itself
Lecture notesLiterature and powerpoint presentations will be provided on the OLAT platform.
LiteratureBoykoff, Maxwell T. (2011): Who Speaks for the Climate? Making Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change. Cambridge, New York.

Brossard, Dominique / Scheufele, Dietram A. (2013): Science, New Media, and the Public. In: Science 339, H. 6115, S. 40-41.

Bubela, Tania / Nisbet, Matthew C. / Borchelt, Rick / Brunger, Fern / Critchley, Cristine / Einsiedel, Edna et al. (2009): Science Communication Reconsidered. In: Nature Biotechnology 27, H. 6, S. 514-518.

Göpfert, Winfried (2007): The Strength of PR and the Weakness of Science Journalism. In: Bauer, Martin / Bucchi, Massimiano (Hg.): Journalism, Science and Society. Science Communication Between News and Public Relations. New York, S. 215-226.

Gregory, Jane / Miller, Steve (1998): Science in Public. Communication, Culture, and Credibility. New York.

Hansen, Anders (2011): Communication, Media and Environment: Towards Reconnecting Research on the Production, Content and Social Implications of Environmental Communication. In: International Communication Gazette 73, H. 1-2, S. 7-25.

Renn, Ortwin (2008): Concepts of Risk: An Interdisciplinary Review. In: GAIA 17, H. 1 & 2, S. 50-66 / 196-204.

Rödder, Simone / Franzen, Martina / Weingart, Peter (Hg.): The Sciences' Media Connection - Public Communication and its Repercussions. Dordrecht, S. 59-85.

Schäfer, Mike S. (2011): Sources, Characteristics and Effects of Mass Media Communication on Science: A Review of the Literature, Current Trends and Areas for Future Research. In: Sociology Compass 5, H. 6, S. 399-412.

Sjöberg, Lennart (2000): Factors in Risk Perception. In: Risk Analysis 20, H. 1, S. 1-11.

Slovic, Paul (1987): Perception of Risk. In: Science 236, H. 4799, S. 280-285.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Vorlesung wendet sich auch an Studierende der Publizistikwissenschaft der Universität Zürich

Voraussetzungen: Die Vorlesung hat einführenden Charakter.
752-2120-00LConsumer Behaviour IW2 credits2VM. Siegrist, J. Ammann, A. Bearth
AbstractIntroduction in consumer research. The following aspects will be emphasized in the course: Consumer decision making, indiviudal determinants of consumer behavior, environmental influences on consumer behavior, influencing consumer behavior
Learning objectiveIntroduction in consumer research. The following aspects will be emphasized in the course: Consumer decision making, indiviudal determinants of consumer behavior, environmental influences on consumer behavior, influencing consumer behavior
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