Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

Energy Science and Technology Master Information
- Wählbare Kernfächer des Studienreglements 2007
- Wahlfächer des Studienreglements 2018

Diese Kurse sind besonders empfohlen, andere ETH-Kurse aus dem Feld Energy Science and Technology im weiteren Sinne können in Absprache mit dem Tutor gewählt werden.
Energy Flows and Processes
151-0123-00LExperimental Methods for EngineersW4 KP2V + 2UT. Rösgen, A.‑K. U. Michel, N. Noiray, H.‑M. Prasser, M. Tibbitt
KurzbeschreibungThe course presents an overview of measurement tasks in engineering environments. Different concepts for the acquisition and processing of typical measurement quantities are introduced. Following an initial in-class introduction, laboratory exercises from different application areas (especially in thermofluidics and process engineering) are attended by students in small groups.
LernzielIntroduction to various aspects of measurement techniques, with particular emphasis on thermo-fluidic applications.
Understanding of various sensing technologies and analysis procedures.
Exposure to typical experiments, diagnostics hardware, data acquisition and processing.
Study of applications in the laboratory.
Fundamentals of scientific documentation & reporting.
InhaltIn-class introduction to representative measurement techniques in the
research areas of the participating institutes (fluid dynamics, energy technology, process engineering)
Student participation in 8-10 laboratory experiments (study groups of 3-5 students, dependent on the number of course participants and available experiments)
Lab reports for all attended experiments have to be submitted by the study groups.
A final exam evaluates the acquired knowledge individually.
SkriptPresentations, handouts and instructions are provided for each experiment.
LiteraturHolman, J.P. "Experimental Methods for Engineers", McGraw-Hill 2001, ISBN 0-07-366055-8
Morris, A.S. & Langari, R. "Measurement and Instrumentation", Elsevier 2011, ISBN 0-12-381960-4
Eckelmann, H. "Einführung in die Strömungsmesstechnik", Teubner 1997, ISBN 3-519-02379-2
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic understanding in the following areas:
- fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer
- electrical engineering / electronics
- numerical data analysis and processing (e.g. using MATLAB)
151-0163-00LNuclear Energy ConversionW4 KP2V + 1UH.‑M. Prasser
KurzbeschreibungPhysikalische Grundlagen der Kernspaltung und der Kettenreaktion, thermische Auslegung, Aufbau, Funktion, und Betrieb von Kernreaktoren und Kernkraftwerken, Leichtwasserreaktoren und andere Reaktortypen, Konversion und Brüten
LernzielDie Studierenden erhalten einen Überblick über die Energieerzeugung in Kernkraftwerken, über Aufbau und Funktion der wichtigsten Reaktortypen sowie über den Kernbrennstoffkreislauf mit Schwerpunkt auf Leichtwasserreaktoren. Sie erhalten die mathematisch-physikalischen Grundlagen für quantitave Abschätzungen zu den wichtigsten Aspekten der Auslegung, des dynamischen Verhaltens und der Stoff- und Energieströme.
InhaltNeutronenphysikalische Grundlagen von Kernspaltung und Kettenreaktion. Thermodynamische Grundlagen von Kernreaktoren. Auslegung des Reaktorkerns. Einführung in das dynamische Verhalten von Kernreaktoren. Überblick über die wichtigsten Reaktortypen, Unterschied zwischen thermischen Reaktoren und Brutreaktoren. Aufbau und Betrieb von Kernkraftwerken mit Druck- und Siedewasserreaktoren, Rolle und Funktion der wichtigsten Sicherheitssysteme, Besonderheiten des Energieumwandlungsprozesses. Entwicklungstendenzen in der Reaktortechnik.
SkriptVorlesungsunterlagen werden verteilt. Vielfältiges Angebot an zusätzlicher Literatur und Informationen unter Link
LiteraturS. Glasston & A. Sesonke: Nuclear Reactor Engineering, Reactor System Engineering, Ed. 4, Vol. 2., Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.

R. L. Murray: Nuclear Energy (Sixth Edition), An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes, Elsevier
151-0185-00LRadiation Heat Transfer Information W4 KP2V + 1UA. Steinfeld, P. Pozivil
KurzbeschreibungAdvanced course in radiation heat transfer
LernzielFundamentals of radiative heat transfer and its applications. Examples are combustion and solar thermal/thermochemical processes, and other applications in the field of energy conversion and material processing.
Inhalt1. Introduction to thermal radiation. Definitions. Spectral and directional properties. Electromagnetic spectrum. Blackbody and gray surfaces. Absorptivity, emissivity, reflectivity. Planck's Law, Wien's Displacement Law, Kirchhoff's Law.

2. Surface radiation exchange. Diffuse and specular surfaces. Gray and selective surfaces. Configuration factors. Radiation exchange. Enclosure theory, radiosity method. Monte Carlo.

3.Absorbing, emitting and scattering media. Extinction, absorption, and scattering coefficients. Scattering phase function. Optical thickness. Equation of radiative transfer. Solution methods: discrete ordinate, zone, Monte-Carlo.

4. Applications. Cavities. Selective surfaces and media. Semi-transparent windows. Combined radiation-conduction-convection heat transfer.
SkriptCopy of the slides presented.
LiteraturR. Siegel, J.R. Howell, Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, 3rd. ed., Taylor & Francis, New York, 2002.

M. Modest, Radiative Heat Transfer, Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
151-0207-00LTheory and Modeling of Reactive FlowsW4 KP3GC. E. Frouzakis, I. Mantzaras
KurzbeschreibungThe course first reviews the governing equations and combustion chemistry, setting the ground for the analysis of homogeneous gas-phase mixtures, laminar diffusion and premixed flames. Catalytic combustion and its coupling with homogeneous combustion are dealt in detail, and turbulent combustion modeling approaches are presented. Available numerical codes will be used for modeling.
LernzielTheory of combustion with numerical applications
InhaltThe analysis of realistic reactive flow systems necessitates the use of detailed computer models that can be constructed starting from first principles i.e. thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, chemical kinetics, and heat
and mass transport. In this course, the focus will be on combustion theory and modeling. The reacting flow governing equations and the combustion chemistry are firstly reviewed, setting the ground for the analysis of
homogeneous gas-phase mixtures, laminar diffusion and premixed flames. Heterogeneous (catalytic) combustion, an area of increased importance in the last years, will be dealt in detail along with its coupling with homogeneous
combustion. Finally, approaches for the modeling of turbulent combustion will be presented. Available numerical codes will be used to compute the above described phenomena. Familiarity with numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations is expected.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNEW course
151-0209-00LRenewable Energy Technologies Information W4 KP3GA. Steinfeld
KurzbeschreibungRenewable energy technologies: solar, biomass, wind, geothermal, hydro, waste-to-energy. Focus is on the engineering aspects.
LernzielStudents learn the potential and limitations of renewable energy technologies and their contribution towards sustainable energy utilization.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite: strong background on the fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, equivalent to the material taught in the courses Thermodynamics I, II, and III of D-MAVT.
151-0216-00LWind EnergyW4 KP2V + 1UN. Chokani
KurzbeschreibungThe objective of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals, technologies, modern day application, and economics of wind energy. These subjects are introduced through a discussion of the basic principles of wind energy generation and conversion, and a detailed description of the broad range of relevant technical, economic and environmental topics.
LernzielThe objective of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals, technologies, modern day application, and economics of wind energy.
InhaltThis mechanical engineering course focuses on the technical aspects of wind turbines; non-technical issues are not within the scope of this technically oriented course. On completion of this course, the student shall be able to conduct the preliminary aerodynamic and structural design of the wind turbine blades. The student shall also be more aware of the broad context of drivetrains, dynamics and control, electrical systems, and meteorology, relevant to all types of wind turbines.
151-0251-00LIC-Engines: Principles, Thermodynamic Optimization and Applications Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 60
W4 KP2V + 1UK. Boulouchos, C. Barro, G. Georges
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in Kenngrössen, Kennfelder und Klassifizierung von internen Verbrennungsmotoren. Thermodynamische Analyse, vereinfachte Simulation des Motorenarbeitsprozess, Wärmeübertragungsmechanismen, Auflade- sowie Wärmerückgewinnungssysteme. Anwendung von Verbrennungsmotoren in Transport (inkl. Hybridisierung des Antriebstrangs) und dezentraler Coproduktion von Elektrizität und Wärme.
LernzielDie Studierenden lernen die Basiskonzepte des Verbrennungsmotors anhand der in der Kurzbeschreibung aufgeführten Themen. Das Wissen wird angewandt in verschiedenen Rechenübungen und in die Praxis gebraucht bei zwei Laborübungen am Motorenprüfstand. Die Studierenden kriegen einen Einblick in alternative Antriebskonzepte.
Skriptauf Englisch
LiteraturJ. Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
151-0293-00LCombustion and Reactive Processes in Energy and Materials TechnologyW4 KP2V + 1U + 2AK. Boulouchos, F.  Ernst, N. Noiray, Y. Wright
KurzbeschreibungThe students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials.
LernzielThe students should become familiar with the fundamentals and with application examples of chemically reactive processes in energy conversion (combustion engines in particular) as well as the synthesis of new materials. The lecture is part of the focus "Energy, Flows & Processes" on the Bachelor level and is recommended as a basis for a future Master in the area of energy. It is also a facultative lecture on Master level in Energy Science and Technology and Process Engineering.
InhaltReaction kinetics, fuel oxidation mechanisms, premixed and diffusion laminar flames, two-phase-flows, turbulence and turbulent combustion, pollutant formation, applications in combustion engines. Synthesis of materials in flame processes: particles, pigments and nanoparticles. Fundamentals of design and optimization of flame reactors, effect of reactant mixing on product characteristics. Tailoring of products made in flame spray pyrolysis.
SkriptNo script available. Instead, material will be provided in lecture slides and the following text book (which can be downloaded for free) will be followed:

J. Warnatz, U. Maas, R.W. Dibble, "Combustion:Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation, Experiments, Pollutant Formation", Springer-Verlag, 1997.

Teaching language, assignments and lecture slides in English
LiteraturJ. Warnatz, U. Maas, R.W. Dibble, "Combustion:Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modeling and Simulation, Experiments, Pollutant Formation", Springer-Verlag, 1997.

I. Glassman, Combustion, 3rd edition, Academic Press, 1996.
151-0567-00LEngine Systems Information W4 KP3GC. Onder
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in heutige und zukünftige Verbrennungsmotorsysteme, insbesondere deren elektronische Steuerungen und Regelungen
LernzielModerne Methoden der Systemoptimierung und Regelung am Beispiel "Verbrennungsmotor" kennenlernen und an realen Motoren einüben. Aufbau und Funktionsweise von Antriebssystemen verstehen und quantitativ beschreiben können.
InhaltPhysikalische Phänomene und mathematische Modelle von Komponenten und Systemen (Gemischbildung, Laststeuerung, Aufladung, Emissionen, Antriebsstrangkomponenten, etc.). Fallstudien zum Thema modellbasierte optimale Auslegung und Steuerung / Regelung von Motorsystemen mit dem Ziel, Verbrauch und Schadstoffemissionen zu minimieren.
SkriptIntroduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems
Guzzella Lino, Onder Christopher H.
2010, Second Edition, 354 p., hardbound
ISBN: 978-3-642-10774-0
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesKombinierte Haus- und Laborübung Motoren (Lambda- oder Leerlaufdrehzahlregelung), in Gruppen
151-0569-00LVehicle Propulsion Systems Information W4 KP3GC. Onder, P. Elbert
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in heutige und zukünftige Fahrzeugantriebssysteme, insbesondere in elektronische Steuerungen und Regelungen der Längsdynamik
LernzielModerne Methoden der Systemoptimierung und Regelung am Beispiel "Fahrzeug" kennenlernen. Aufbau und Funktionsweise von konventionellen und neuen Antriebssystemen verstehen und quantitativ beschreiben können
InhaltPhysikalische Phänomene und mathematische Modelle von Komponenten und Systemen (Schalt-, Automaten- und kontinuierliche Getriebe, unkonventionelle Energiespeicher, Elektroantriebe, Batterien, Hybridantriebe, Brennstoffzellensysteme, Rad/Strasse-Schnittstellen, automatische Bremssysteme (ABS), etc.).

Mathematische Methoden, CAE-Tools und Fallstudien zum Thema modellbasierte Auslegung und Steuerung / Regelung von Fahrzeugsystemen mit dem Ziel, Verbrauch und Schadstoffemissionen zu minimieren.
SkriptVehicle Propulsion Systems --
Introduction to Modeling and Optimization
Guzzella Lino, Sciarretta Antonio
2013, X, 409 p. 202 illus., Geb.
ISBN: 978-3-642-35912-5
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesVorlesungen von Prof. Dr. Ch. Onder und Dr. Ph. Elbert auch in Deutsch möglich.
529-0613-01LProcess Simulation and Flowsheeting
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W6 KP3GG. Guillén Gosálbez
KurzbeschreibungThis course encompasses the theoretical principles of chemical process simulation, as well as its practical application in process analysis and optimization. The techniques for simulating stationary and dynamic processes are presented, and illustrated with case studies. Commercial software packages are presented as a key engineering tool for solving process flowsheeting and simulation problems.
LernzielThis course aims to develop the competency of chemical engineers in process flowsheeting and simulation. Specifically, students will develop the following skills:
- Deep understanding of chemical engineering fundamentals: the acquisition of new concepts and the application of previous knowledge in the area of chemical process systems and their mechanisms are crucial to intelligently simulate and evaluate processes.
- Modeling of general chemical processes and systems: students have to be able to identify the boundaries of the system to be studied and develop the set of relevant mathematical relations, which describe the process behavior.
- Mathematical reasoning and computational skills: the familiarization with mathematical algorithms and computational tools is essential to be capable of achieving rapid and reliable solutions to simulation and optimization problems. Hence, students will learn the mathematical principles necessary for process simulation and optimization, as well as the structure and application of process simulation software. Thus, they will be able develop criteria to correctly use commercial software packages and critically evaluate their results.
InhaltOverview of process simulation and flowsheeting
- Definition and fundamentals
- Fields of application
- Case studies

Process simulation
- Modeling strategies of process systems
- Mass and energy balances and degrees of freedom of process units and process systems

Process flowsheeting
- Flowsheet partitioning and tearing
- Solution methods for process flowsheeting
- Simultaneous methods
- Sequential methods

Process optimization and analysis
- Classification of optimization problems
- Linear programming
- Non-linear programming
- Optimization methods in process flowsheeting

Commercial software for simulation: Aspen Plus
- Thermodynamic property methods
- Reaction and reactors
- Separation / columns
- Convergence, optimisation & debugging
LiteraturAn exemplary literature list is provided below:
- Biegler, L.T., Grossmann I.E., Westerberg A.W., 1997, systematic methods of chemical process design. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, US.
- Boyadjiev, C., 2010, Theoretical chemical engineering: modeling and simulation. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
- Ingham, J., Dunn, I.J., Heinzle, E., Prenosil, J.E., Snape, J.B., 2007, Chemical engineering dynamics: an introduction to modelling and computer simulation. John Wiley & Sons, United States.
- Reklaitis, G.V., 1983, Introduction to material and energy balances. John Wiley & Sons, United States.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesA basic understanding of material and energy balances, thermodynamic property methods and typical unit operations (e.g., reactors, flash separations, distillation/absorption columns etc.) is required.
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