Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

Agrarwissenschaften Master Information
Vertiefung Agrarökonomie
Disziplinäre Kompetenzbereiche
Decision Making and Management
363-0403-00LIntroduction to MarketingW+3 KP2GF. von Wangenheim, M. Zimmer
KurzbeschreibungThe course is designed to convey a profound understanding of marketing's role in modern firms, its interactions and interfaces with other disciplines, its main instruments and recent trends. Particular attention is given to emerging marketing concepts and instruments, and the role of marketing in technology firms.
LernzielAfter taking the lecture, students should have knowledge about
1) The definition and role of marketing (marketing basics)
2) Creating marketing insights - understanding customer behavior
- Theoretical concepts in customer behavior (customer behavior)
- Analytical means to extend knowledge on customer behavior (marketing research)
- Strategic tools to quantify customer behavior (CLV, CE)
3) Strategic marketing - translating marketing insights into actionable marketing strategies
- Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
- Attracting customers (marketing mix, 4Ps)
- Maintaining profitable customer relations (CRM)
InhaltThe course is designed to convey a profound understanding of marketing's role in modern firms, its interactions and interfaces with other disciplines, its main instruments and recent trends. Particular attention is given to emerging marketing concepts and instruments, and the role of marketing in technology firms.

The lecture features tutorial sessions that are held at irregularly spaced intervals throughout the semester (approximately every third week). The tutorial sessions take place at the same time and location as the main lecture. They serve to illustrate theoretical and methodological concepts from the lecture by walking students through basic marketing data analyses, where students can practice and apply the concepts of the lecture on their own. The tutorial is held jointly by three teaching assistants (Sandro Arnet, Zhiying Cui, and Jana Gross) and the professor (Prof. F. von Wangenheim).
LiteraturKotler, P./Armstrong, G.: Principles of Marketing, 17th edition, Pearson 2017.
Weekly readings, distributed in class (via Moodle)
751-2205-00LAdvanced Management in the Agri-Food-ChainW+2 KP2GM. Weber
KurzbeschreibungAdvanced Management in the Agri-Food Chain:
Framework und Managementmodelle für den Umgang mit Komplexität in Organisationen der Agri-Food Chain
LernzielNach der Vorlesung ...
... kennen die Studierenden die wichtigsten Charakteristiken und Konsequenzen der aktuellen Probleme in der Organisationswelt,
... kennen wichtige Managementmodelle und -konzepte für das heutige organisatorische Umfeld,
... kennen ausgewählte praktische Anwendungen und Beispiele der behandelten Inhalte und
... sind in der Lage, ihre Kenntnisse selbständig weiter zu vertiefen.
InhaltIn der Vorlesung werden folgende Inhalte behandelt:
- Zustand, Gründe und Wirkungen von Komplexität in der Organisationswelt.
- Framwork für die Gestaltung, Lenkung und Entwicklung intelligenter Organisationen.
- Ausgewählte aktuelle Managementmodelle für eine komplexe Organisationswelt.
- Transfer und Anwendung der Modelle auf Organisationen in der Agri-Food Chain.
SkriptFoliensatz mit ausgewählten Inhalten.
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes- Vorlesung "Management in the Agri-Food Chain" in D-USYS

Vorlesung wird in deutscher Sprache abgehalten
Resource Economics and Agricultural Policy
751-2903-00LEvaluation of Agricultural PoliciesW+3 KP2GM. Stolze, S. Mann
KurzbeschreibungDie Vorlesung befasst sich mit Themen der Agrarökonomischen Forschung am Beispiel des Schwerpunktthemas Politikevaluation. Dabei werden Grundlagen der Evaluation vermittelt und in einer offenen Lehrform angewendet.
LernzielSchwerpunktthema: Politikevaluation
Die Studierenden sollen ...
- sich intensiv und aus verschiedenen Perspektiven mit einer agrarökonomischen Fragestellung beschäftigen, insbesondere mit möglichen Methoden und den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen;
- sich mit wissenschaftlicher Literatur zum Schwerpunktthema auseinandersetzen;
- sich beispielhaft mit den Stärken, Schwächen und Einsatzgebieten von Forschungsansätzen im Schwerpunktthema beschäftigen;
- sich unter Anleitung der Dozenten Lehrinhalte über eine offene Veranstaltungsform selber aneignen;
- Lehrstoff aus Vorlesungen anwenden und Zusammenhänge erkennen können;
- die Forschungsanstalt Agroscope und das Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) als nationale Forschungsinstitute mit agrarökonomischer Forschung kennen lernen;
- sich die Grundlagen aneignen, um selber Evaluationen durchführen oder betreuen sowie die Ergebnisse von Evaluationen einordnen zu können.
InhaltEinheit: Thema
01: Einführung (Karusselldiskussion, Normativität, Anwendungsbeispiele)
02: Normative Grundlagen
03: Studientag Frick
04: Öffentliche Politik als Evaluationsobjekt
05: Durchführung von Evaluationen
06: Quantitative Methoden
07: Studientag Tänikon
08: Qualitative Methoden
09: Fallstudie
10: Mündliche Prüfung
SkriptHandouts von Powerpoint-Präsentationen
Literatur1) Bussmann Werner, Klöti Ulrich und Knoepfel Peter, 2004 (Hrsg). Einführung in die Politikevaluation. Helbling&Lichtenhahn. Redigitalisierte Fassung.
Wird in Einheit 01 abgegeben.

2) Vedung Evert, 2000. Public Policy and Program Evaluation. ISBN 0-7658-0687-8.
Lehrbuch in englischer Sprache.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesEinheit 03: Ganzer Tag am FiBL in 5070 Frick,

Einheit 09: Ganzer Tag bei Agroscope in Tänikon, 8356 Ettenhausen,
701-1651-00LEnvironmental Governance Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Primäre Zielgruppe: MSc Umweltnaturwissenschaften hat Vorrang bis 20.09.2019.
W6 KP3GE. Lieberherr, G. de Buren
KurzbeschreibungThe course addresses environmental policies, focusing on new steering approaches, which are generally summarized as environmental governance. The course also provides students with tools to analyze environmental policy processes and assesses the key features of environmental governance by examining various practical environmental policy examples.
LernzielTo understand how an environmental problem may (not) become a policy and explain political processes, using basic concepts and techniques from political science.

To analyze the evolution as well as the key elements of environmental governance.

To be able to identify the main challenges and opportunities for environmental governance and to critically discuss them with reference to various practical policy examples.
InhaltImprovements in environmental quality and sustainable management of natural resources cannot be achieved through technical solutions alone. The quality of the environment and the achievement of sustainable development strongly depend on human behavior and specifically the human uses of nature. To influence human behavior, we rely on public policies and other societal rules, which aim to steer the way humans use natural resources and their effects on the environment. Such steering can take place through government intervention alone. However, this often also involves governance, which includes the interplay between governmental and non-governmental actors, the use of diverse tools such as emission standards or financial incentives to steer actors' behavior and can occur at the local, regional, national or international level.

In this course, we will address both the practical aspects of as well as the scientific debate on environmental governance. The course gives future environmental experts a strong basis to position themselves in the governance debate, which does not preclude government but rather involves a spectrum from government to governance.

Key questions that this course seeks to answer: What are the core characteristics of environmental challenges from a policy perspective? What are key elements of 'environmental governance' and how legitimate and effective are these approaches in addressing persistent environmental challenges?
SkriptLecture slides and additional course material will be provided on Moodle.
LiteraturWe will mostly work with readings from the following books:
- Carter, N. (2007). The politics of the environment: Ideas, activism, policy (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hogl, K., Kvarda, E., Nordbeck, R., Pregernig, M. (Eds) (2012): Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesA detailed course schedule will be made available at the beginning of the semester.
During the lecture we will work with Moodle. We ask that all students register themselves on this platform before the lecture.

We recommend that students have (a) three-years BSc education of a (technical) university; (b) successfully completed Bachelor introductory course to environmental policy (Entwicklungen nationaler Umweltpolitik (or equivalent)) and (c) familiarity with key issues in environmental policy and some fundamental knowledge of one social science or humanities discipline (political science, economics, sociology, history, psychology, philosophy)
Development and International Policy
751-2103-00LSocioeconomics of Agriculture Information W+2 KP2VS. Mann
KurzbeschreibungThe main part of this lecture will examine constellations where hierarchies, markets or cooperation have been observed and described in the agricultural sector. On a more aggregated level, different agricultural systems will be evaluated in terms of main socioeconomic parameters like social capital or perceptions.
LernzielStudents should be able to describe the dynamics of hierarchies, markets and cooperation in an agricultural context.
InhaltIntroduction to Sociology
Introduction to Socioeconomics
Agricultural Administration: Path dependencies and efficiency issues
Power in the Chain
The farming family
Occupational Choices
Consumption Choices
Locational Choices
Common Resource Management in Alpine Farming
Agricultural Cooperatives
Societal perceptions of agriculture
Perceptions of farming from within
Varieties of agricultural systems and policies
Literatursee script
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic economic knowledge is expected.
851-0626-01LInternational Aid and Development Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 40

Voraussetzung: Verständnis der Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre.
W+2 KP2VK. Harttgen, C. Humphrey
KurzbeschreibungDie Veranstaltung vermittelt grundlegende ökonomische und empirische Kenntnisse um die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen internationaler Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu verstehen und zu analysieren.
LernzielZiel der Veranstaltung ist es, den Teilnehmenden ein wissenschaftlich fundiertes Verständnis von den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen internationaler Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu vermitteln. Die Teilnehmer sollen aktuelle Instrumente der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit verstehen und kritisch diskutieren können.
InhaltEinführung: Ursachen von Unterentwicklung; Geschichte der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ); Zusammenhang EZ und Entwicklung: theoretische und empirische Perspektiven; Politische Ökonomie der EZ; Auswirkungen von EZ; Aktuelle Instrumente der EZ: z.B. Mikro-Finanzierung, Budget-Hilfe, Fair-Trade.
LiteraturArtikel und Auszüge aus Büchern, die elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
860-0023-00LInternational Environmental Politics
Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-ITET, D-USYS
W+3 KP2VT. Bernauer
KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on the conditions under which cooperation in international environmental politics emerges and the conditions under which such cooperation and the respective public policies are effective and/or efficient.
LernzielThe objectives of this course are to (1) gain an overview of relevant questions in the area of international environmental politics from a social sciences viewpoint; (2) learn how to identify interesting/innovative questions concerning this policy area and how to answer them in a methodologically sophisticated way; (3) gain an overview of important global and regional environmental problems and how they could be solved.
InhaltThis course deals with how and why international cooperation in environmental politics emerges, and under what circumstances such cooperation is effective and efficient. Based on theories of international political economy and theories of government regulation various examples of international environmental politics are discussed: the management of international water resources, political responses to global warming, the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer, the reduction of long-range transboundary air pollution in Europe, protection of biodiversity, how to deal with plastic waste, the prevention of pollution of the oceans, etc.

The course is open to all ETH students. Participation does not require previous coursework in the social sciences.

After passing an end-of-semester test (requirement: grade 4.0 or higher) students will receive 3 ECTS credit points. The workload is around 90 hours (meetings, reading assignments, preparation of test).

Visiting students (e.g., from the University of Zurich) are subject to the same conditions. Registration of visiting students in the web-based system of ETH is compulsory.
SkriptAssigned reading materials and slides will be available at (select link 'Registered students, please click here for course materials' at top of that page) when the course starts. Log in with your nethz name and password. Questions concerning access to course materials can be addressed to Nicolas Solenthaler at: All assigned papers must be read ahead of the respective meeting. Following the course on the basis of on-line slides and papers alone is not sufficient. Physical presence in the classroom is essential. Many books and journals covering international environmental policy issues can be found at the D-GESS library at the IFW building, Haldeneggsteig 4, B-floor, or in the library of D-USYS.
LiteraturAssigned reading materials and slides will be available at (select link -Registered students, please click here for course materials- at top of that page). Log in with your nethz name and password. Questions concerning access to course materials can be addressed to Nicolas Solenthaler at:
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesNone
Methodische Kompetenzbereiche
Methods in Agricultural Economics
363-0305-00LEmpirical Methods in ManagementW+3 KP2GS. Tillmanns
KurzbeschreibungEvidence-based management requires valid empirical research. In this course, students will learn the basics of research design, fundamentals of data collection and statistical methods to analyze the data acquired in social science research. Students are expected to apply their knowledge in class discussions and out-of-class assignments.
Lernziel- Ability to formulate research questions and designing an appropriate study
- Ability to collect and analyze data using a variety of methods
- Ability to critically assess the quality of empirical research in management
- Applied knowledge of empirical methods through out-of-class assignments
Inhalt1) Introduction to empirical management research
2) Research designs: exploratory, descriptive, experimental
3) Measurement and scaling
4) Data collection and sampling
5) Data analysis methods
6) Reporting and presenting empirical research
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAssignments and projects: This course includes out-of-class assignments and projects to give students some hands-on experience in conducting empirical research in management. Projects will focus on one particular aspect of empirical research, like the formulation of a research question or the design of a study. Students will have at least one week to work on each assignment. Students are expected to work on these assignments individually. Duplicate answers will receive no credit and will be subject to a disciplinary review. Assignments will be graded and need to be turned-in on time.

Class participation: Class participation is encouraged and can greatly improve students' learning in this class. In this spirit, students are expected to attend class regularly and come to class prepared.
363-0585-00LIntermediate EconometricsW+3 KP2VN. Strecker, S. Ding
KurzbeschreibungThe aim of the course is to discuss different econometric models and their empirical applications. We will cover cross-sectional linear and non-linear regression models, models for estimating treatment effects, and linear panel data models.
LernzielBy the end of the course, students should understand the different existing approaches, their applicability, and their advantages and disadvantages. They should be able to read and understand regression output tables. Additionally, students will be able to apply the estimation approaches in practice using STATA.
InhaltThe lectures will consist of both theoretical and practical components. In the theoretical part, we will discuss each estimation approach in detail. The lecture will present the assumptions, derivations, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the estimation approach.

In the empirical part, we will look at simulation results using artificial data. Furthermore, we will investigate a particular research question using STATA.

The course will tentatively cover the following subjects:
- review of ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation
- instrumental variable estimation and two-stage least squares estimation
- seemingly unrelated regression models
- simultaneous equation models
- maximum likelihood estimation
- binary response models
- count data models
- censored and truncated regression models
- sample selection models
- treatment effect models
- static linear panel data models (random effects and fixed effects estimation)

For the theoretical portions of the lectures, we will prepare slides for in-class discussion. Slides will be distributed electronically before each lecture.

For the applied portion of the lectures, we will provide STATA do files, log files, and data sets.

Problem sets will also be made available after every lecture. These problem sets will not be collected or graded, but students can use them in order to prepare for the final exam. Solutions will be made available in the following lecture.

While there is no required textbook for the course, we draw from the following texts, which are also recommend for the preparation of the exam:
- Wooldridge, J.M. (2015). Introductory Econometrics.
- Wooldridge, J.M. (2010). Econometrics of Cross Section and Panel Data.
- Cameron, A.C. and P. Trivedi (2005). Microeconometrics. Methods and Applications.
- Cameron, A.C. and P. Trivedi (2009). Microeconometrics Using Stata.
- Angrist, J.D. and Pischke, J.-S. (2009). Mostly Harmless Econometrics.
LiteraturJeffrey M. Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics; Jeffrey M. Wooldridge: Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data; A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi. Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications. Joshua A. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke: Mostly Harmless Econometrics.
751-0423-00LRisk Analysis and Risk Management in AgricultureW+3 KP2GR. Finger
KurzbeschreibungAgricultural production is exposed to various risks which are important for decisions taken by farmers and other actors in the agri-food sector. Moreover, risk management is indispensable for all actors. This course introduces modern concepts on decision making under risk and recent developments in risk management. The focus of this course in on agriculture applications.
Lernziel-to develop a better understanding of decision making under uncertainty and risk;
-to gain experience in different approaches to analyze risky decisions;
-to develop an understanding for different sources of risk in agricultural production;
-to understand the crucial role of subjective perceptions and preferences for risk management decisions;
-to get an overview on risk management in the agricultural sector, with a particular focus on insurance solutions
Inhalt- Quantification and measurement of risk
- Risk preferences, expected utility theory and alternative models of risk behavior
- Concepts on the decision making under risk
- Production, investment and diversification decisions under risk
- Risk management in agriculture
SkriptHandouts will be distributed in the lecture and available on the moodle.
Voraussetzungen / Besonderesknowledge of basic concepts of probability theory and microeconomics
751-1573-00LDynamic Simulation in Agricultural and Regional EconomicsW+2 KP2VB. Kopainsky
KurzbeschreibungIn dieser Vorlesung lernen die Studierenden die Grundzüge der Systemdynamik und deren Anwendung auf agrar- und regionalwirtschaftliche Fragestellungen. In der zweiten Vorlesungshälfte entwickeln die Studierenden ein eigenes Simulationsmodell, anhand dessen sie mögliche Interventionen zur Steigerung der ökonomischen als auch ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit von Ernährungssystemen evaluieren.
Lernziel- Die Studierenden erlernen die Grundzüge der dynamischen Simulation.
- Die Studierenden können angeleitet ein einfaches dynamisches Simulationsmodell aufbauen, analysieren, weiter entwickeln und Simulationsergebnisse interpretieren.
- Über die Anwendung des entwickelten dynamischen Simulationsmodells gewinnen die Studierenden einerseits einen fundierten Einblick in Fragen der Ernährungsproblematik. Andererseits erkennen sie die Grenzen und das Potenzial der dynamischen Simulation, letzteres insbesondere auch in einem anwendungsorientierten Kontext.
SkriptFolien (werden während der Vorlesung zur Verfügung gestellt)
LiteraturArtikel (werden während der Vorlesung zur Verfügung gestellt)
363-0541-00LSystems Dynamics and ComplexityW3 KP3GF. Schweitzer
KurzbeschreibungFinding solutions: what is complexity, problem solving cycle.

Implementing solutions: project management, critical path method, quality control feedback loop.

Controlling solutions: Vensim software, feedback cycles, control parameters, instabilities, chaos, oscillations and cycles, supply and demand, production functions, investment and consumption
LernzielA successful participant of the course is able to:
- understand why most real problems are not simple, but require solution methods that go beyond algorithmic and mathematical approaches
- apply the problem solving cycle as a systematic approach to identify problems and their solutions
- calculate project schedules according to the critical path method
- setup and run systems dynamics models by means of the Vensim software
- identify feedback cycles and reasons for unintended systems behavior
- analyse the stability of nonlinear dynamical systems and apply this to macroeconomic dynamics
InhaltWhy are problems not simple? Why do some systems behave in an unintended way? How can we model and control their dynamics? The course provides answers to these questions by using a broad range of methods encompassing systems oriented management, classical systems dynamics, nonlinear dynamics and macroeconomic modeling.
The course is structured along three main tasks:
1. Finding solutions
2. Implementing solutions
3. Controlling solutions

PART 1 introduces complexity as a system immanent property that cannot be simplified. It introduces the problem solving cycle, used in systems oriented management, as an approach to structure problems and to find solutions.

PART 2 discusses selected problems of project management when implementing solutions. Methods for identifying the critical path of subtasks in a project and for calculating the allocation of resources are provided. The role of quality control as an additional feedback loop and the consequences of small changes are discussed.

PART 3, by far the largest part of the course, provides more insight into the dynamics of existing systems. Examples come from biology (population dynamics), management (inventory modeling, technology adoption, production systems) and economics (supply and demand, investment and consumption). For systems dynamics models, the software program VENSIM is used to evaluate the dynamics. For economic models analytical approaches, also used in nonlinear dynamics and control theory, are applied. These together provide a systematic understanding of the role of feedback loops and instabilities in the dynamics of systems. Emphasis is on oscillating phenomena, such as business cycles and other life cycles.

Weekly self-study tasks are used to apply the concepts introduced in the lectures and to come to grips with the software program VENSIM.
Another objective of the self-study tasks is to practice efficient communication of such concepts.
These are provided as home work and two of these will be graded (see "Prerequisites").
SkriptThe lecture slides are provided as handouts - including notes and literature sources - to registered students only. All material is to be found on the Moodle platform. More details during the first lecture
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe end-of-semester examination will account for 70% of the grade and may be conducted on computers.
The self-study tasks contribute to the compulsory continuous performance assessment (obligatorisches Leistungselement) and account for 30% to the final grade.
The Leistungselement contains several modules: one obligatory self-study tasks (self-assessment, pass/fail), one group activity (one out of 3 group exercises, 15% of grade), and one individual submission (one out of 6 individual exercises, 15% of grade).
Students will also be required to submit peer feedback about self-study solutions of other students (4 feedback submissions in total).
The 30% Leistungselement is conditional on the pass/fail self-assessment exercise and the four feedback submissions.
401-0647-00LIntroduction to Mathematical Optimization Information W5 KP2V + 1UD. Adjiashvili
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to basic techniques and problems in mathematical optimization, and their applications to a variety of problems in engineering.
LernzielThe goal of the course is to obtain a good understanding of some of the most fundamental mathematical optimization techniques used to solve linear programs and basic combinatorial optimization problems. The students will also practice applying the learned models to problems in engineering.
InhaltTopics covered in this course include:
- Linear programming (simplex method, duality theory, shadow prices, ...).
- Basic combinatorial optimization problems (spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows, ...).
- Modelling with mathematical optimization: applications of mathematical programming in engineering.
LiteraturInformation about relevant literature will be given in the lecture.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThis course is meant for students who did not already attend the course "Mathematical Optimization", which is a more advance lecture covering similar topics. Compared to "Mathematical Optimization", this course has a stronger focus on modeling and applications.
363-0565-00LPrinciples of MacroeconomicsW3 KP2VJ.‑E. Sturm
KurzbeschreibungThis course examines the behaviour of macroeconomic variables, such as gross domestic product, unemployment and inflation rates. It tries to answer questions like: How can we explain fluctuations of national economic activity? What can economic policy do against unemployment and inflation?
LernzielThis lecture will introduce the fundamentals of macroeconomic theory and explain their relevance to every-day economic problems.
InhaltThis course helps you understand the world in which you live. There are many questions about the macroeconomy that might spark your curiosity. Why are living standards so meagre in many African countries? Why do some countries have high rates of inflation while others have stable prices? Why have some European countries adopted a common currency? These are just a few of the questions that this course will help you answer.
Furthermore, this course will give you a better understanding of the potential and limits of economic policy. As a voter, you help choose the policies that guide the allocation of society's resources. When deciding which policies to support, you may find yourself asking various questions about economics. What are the burdens associated with alternative forms of taxation? What are the effects of free trade with other countries? How does the government budget deficit affect the economy? These and similar questions are always on the minds of policy makers.
SkriptThe course webpage (to be found at contains announcements, course information and lecture slides.
LiteraturThe set-up of the course will closely follow the book of
N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor (2017), Economics, Cengage Learning, Fourth Edition.

Besides this textbook, the slides, lecture notes and problem sets will cover the content of the lecture and the exam questions.
Project Management and Communication
751-5201-00LTropical Cropping Systems, Soils and Livelihoods (With Excursion)W+5 KP5GJ. Six, A. Hofmann
KurzbeschreibungThis course guides students in analyzing and comprehending tropical agroecosystems and food systems. Students gain practical knowledge of field methods, diagnostic tools and survey methods for tropical soils and agroecosystems. An integral part of the course is the two-week field project in Ethiopia, which is co-organized with Arba Minch University (Ethiopia) and KU Leuven (Belgium).
Lernziel(1) Overview of the major land use systems in the East African Rift valley.
(2) Transdisciplinary analysis of agricultural production systems in Southern Ethiopia.
(3) Hands-on training on the use of field methods, diagnostic tools and survey methods.
(4) Collaboration in international student teams (MSc students from Switzerland, Belgium and Ethiopia)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe field project in Ethiopia will take place from Nov. 16 to Dec. 1, 2019.

The number of participants of this class is limited to 20 students due to capacity limitations for the field project in Ethiopia.

Participating students are strongly recommended to verify with lecturers from other courses whether their absence of two weeks may affect their performance in the respective courses.

If you have questions regarding this class, please contact:
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