Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2019

GESS Science in Perspective Information
Only the topics listed in this paragraph can be chosen as "GESS Science in Perspective" course.
Further below you will find the "type B courses Reflections about subject specific methods and content" as well as the language courses.

6 ECTS need to be acquired during the BA and 2 ECTS during the MA

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.

These course units are also listed under "Type A", which basically means all students can enroll
Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Competence
Suitable for all students.

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.
851-0708-00LIntroduction to Law
Introduction to Law as GESS Compulsory Elective Course:
Students who have attended or will attend the lecture "Introduction to Law for Architecture" (851-0703-01L), "Introduction to Law for Civil Engineering" (851-0703-03L) or " Introduction to Law" (851-0703-00) , cannot register for this course unit.

Particularly suitable for students of D-HEST, D-MAVT, D-MATL, D-USYS.
W2 credits2V
851-0708-00 VGrundzüge des Rechts2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00HG F 1 »
A. Stremitzer
851-0732-01LWorkshop and Lecture Series in Law and EconomicsW2 credits2S
851-0732-01 SWorkshop and Lecture Series in Law and Economics
**gemeinsam mit der Universität Zürich**
Mehr Infos unter: Link

Unregelmässige Veranstaltung, alle 2-3Wochen
Mittwochs an der ETH
Dienstags an der UZH
2 hrs
Tue16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
Wed16:15-18:00IFW A 32.1 »
12.03.16:15-18:00UNI ZH .
29.05.16:15-17:00IFW A 32.1 »
A. Stremitzer
851-0732-05LInternet Privacy Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

Please send an email to the lecturer briefly explaining your educational background.

An introduction session will take place from 9:00 until 11:30 am on February 21, 2019.

Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-MTEC.
W3 credits1S
851-0732-05 SInternet Privacy
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
Vorbereitende Sitzung: 21.2.2019 von 9-11.30 Uhr
5.4.2019: 9:30-12:30 and 14:30-17:30
6.4.2019: 9:30-12:30 and 14:30-17:30
14s hrs
21.02.09:15-12:00IFW E 42 »
05.04.09:15-18:00HG E 42 »
06.04.09:15-17:00HG F 33.1 »
A. Stremitzer
851-0739-01LBuilding a Robot Judge: Data Science For the Law
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MTEC
W3 credits2V
851-0739-01 VBuilding a Robot Judge: Data Science For the Law2 hrs
Mon13:15-15:00LFW C 5 »
E. Ash
851-0732-03LIntellectual Property: An Introduction Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 150

Particularly suitable for students of D-ARCH, D-BIOL, D-CHAB, D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D- MATL, D-MTEC.
W2 credits2V
851-0732-03 VIntellectual Property: An Introduction2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00HG G 3 »
S. Bechtold, M. Schonger
851-0740-00LBig Data, Law, and Policy Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35

Students will be informed by 3.3.2019 at the latest.
W3 credits2S
851-0740-00 SBig Data, Law, and Policy
Permission from lecturers required for all students.
2 hrs
Wed14:15-15:00IFW E 42 »
20.02.13:15-15:00IFW A 36 »
S. Bechtold, T. Roscoe, E. Vayena
851-0712-00LIntroduction to Public Law (French)W2 credits2V
851-0712-00 VIntroduction au Droit public2 hrs
Mon17:15-19:00HG E 1.2 »
Y. Nicole
851-0702-01LPublic Construction Law
Particularly suitable for students of D-BAUG
W2 credits2V
851-0702-01 VÖffentliches Baurecht
Vorlesung Mo 13-15 im ML D 28 mit Videoübertragung im ML E 12.
2 hrs
Mon13:15-15:00ML D 28 »
13:15-15:00ML E 12 »
O. Bucher
851-0734-00LInformation Security Law
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET
W2 credits2V
851-0734-00 VRecht der Informationssicherheit
Die Termine vom 16.5. und 23.5.2019 entfallen, dafür finden am 2.5. und 9.5.2019 Doppellektionen von 10-14h statt.
2 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00ETZ E 8 »
02.05.12:15-14:00ETZ E 7 »
09.05.12:15-14:00ETZ E 7 »
U. Widmer
851-0735-16LStart Ups ans TaxesW2 credits2S
851-0735-16 SStart-Ups und Steuern
Daten: 19. 2. , 5.3., 12.3., 2.4., 7.5. und 14.5.2019, jeweils 12-16 h
28s hrs
19.02.12:15-16:00IFW C 35 »
05.03.12:15-16:00IFW C 42 »
12.03.12:15-16:00IFW C 42 »
02.04.12:15-16:00IFW C 42 »
07.05.12:15-16:00IFW C 42 »
14.05.12:15-16:00IFW C 42 »
P. Pamini
851-0727-01LTelecommunications Law
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET
W2 credits2V
851-0727-01 VTelekommunikationsrecht2 hrs
Thu08:15-10:00HG E 1.1 »
C. von Zedtwitz
851-0735-11LEnvironmental Regulation: Law and Policy Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

Particularly suitable for students of D-USYS
W3 credits1S
851-0735-11 SEnvironmental Regulation: Law and Policy
Block course
18s hrs
25.02.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
27.02.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
28.02.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
04.03.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
06.03.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
07.03.17:15-19:00IFW E 42 »
J. van Zeben
851-0735-14LSeminar Business Law: Contracts for Projects by Mechanical Engineers Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20

Particularly suitable for students of D-MAVT
W2 credits2S
851-0735-14 SSeminar Wirtschaftsrecht: Projektverträge für Maschineningenieure
21. Februar 2019: Einführungsveranstaltung, 16 - 18 Uhr
4. März 2019: Blockseminar (ganztägig) bei MAN Diesel & Turbo, Zürich
28. März 2019: Schlussveranstaltung (Präsentationen der Studierenden), 16 - 19 Uhr
28s hrs
21.02.16:15-18:00IFW D 42 »
28.03.16:15-19:00IFW D 42 »
P. Peyrot
701-0743-01LLaw and Natural ResourcesW2 credits2V
701-0743-01 VRechtlicher Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen2 hrs
Tue15:15-17:00HG F 26.5 »
N. Dajcar
851-0739-02LBuilding a Robot Judge: Data Science for the Law (Course Project)
This is the optional course project for "Building a Robot Judge: Data Science for the Law."

Please register only if attending the lecture course or with consent of the instructor.

Some programming experience in Python is required, and some experience with text mining is highly recommended.
W2 credits2V
851-0739-02 VBuilding a Robot Judge: Data Science for the Law (Course Project)
Mondays, 1pm-3pm
28s hrsE. Ash
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