Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2019

MAS in Medical Physics Information
Specialization: General Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Major in Radiation Therapy
Core Courses
227-0968-00LMonte Carlo in Medical PhysicsW4 credits3G
227-0968-00 GMonte Carlo in Medical Physics3 hrs
Thu09:45-12:30HIT J 53 »
M. Stampanoni, M. K. Fix
402-0342-00LMedical Physics IIW6 credits2V + 1U
402-0342-00 VMedical Physics II2 hrs
Thu13:45-15:30HCI J 4 »
P. Manser
402-0342-00 UMedical Physics II1 hrs
Thu15:45-16:30HCI J 4 »
P. Manser
Practical Work
465-0420-00LRadiation Protection Course Information Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Medical Physics
W4 credits6G
465-0420-00 GStrahlenschutz-Sachverstand
Does not take place this semester.
2-wöchiger Blockkurs der Strahlenschutzschule am PSI. Der Kurs wird alle 2 Jahre angeboten und findet in der Regel nach dem Semesterende des Frühjahrssemesters statt.
80s hrsexternal organisers
465-0800-00LPractical Work Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Medical Physics
W4 credits
465-0800-00 PPractical Workexternal organisers
227-0390-00LElements of MicroscopyW4 credits3G
227-0390-00 GElements of Microscopy3 hrs
Mon08:50-11:30HIL D 10.2 »
M. Stampanoni, G. Csúcs, A. Sologubenko
227-0946-00LMolecular Imaging - Basic Principles and Biomedical ApplicationsW2 credits2V
227-0946-00 VMolecular Imaging - Basic Principles and Biomedical Applications2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00ETZ E 7 »
M. Rudin
227-0948-00LMagnetic Resonance Imaging in MedicineW4 credits3G
227-0948-00 GMagnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine3 hrs
Wed13:15-16:00ETZ E 6 »
S. Kozerke, M. Weiger Senften
376-1984-00LLasers in MedicineW3 credits3G
376-1984-00 GLasers in Medicine
Does not take place this semester.
3 hrs
402-0343-00LPhysics Against Cancer: The Physics of Imaging and Treating CancerW6 credits2V + 1U
402-0343-00 VPhysics Against Cancer: The Physics of Imaging and Treating Cancer
**together with University of Zurich**
2 hrs
Fri09:45-11:30HIT F 13 »
A. J. Lomax, U. Schneider
402-0343-00 UPhysics Against Cancer: The Physics of Imaging and Treating Cancer
**together with University of Zurich**
1 hrs
Fri11:45-12:30HIT F 13 »
A. J. Lomax, U. Schneider
465-0968-00LMedical Physics in PracticeW2 credits2V
465-0968-00 VMedizinphysik in der Praxis
Does not take place this semester.
2 hrsSpeakers
402-0787-00LTherapeutic Applications of Particle Physics: Principles and Practice of Particle TherapyW6 credits2V + 1U
402-0787-00 VTherapeutic Applications of Particle Physics: Principles and Practice of Particle Therapy2 hrs
Thu07:45-09:30HIT F 11.1 »
A. J. Lomax
402-0787-00 UTherapeutic Applications of Particle Physics: Principles and Practice of Particle Therapy1 hrs
Thu12:45-13:30HIT J 53 »
A. J. Lomax
227-0384-00LUltrasound Fundamentals, Imaging, and Medical Applications Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 60.
W4 credits3G
227-0384-00 GUltrasound Fundamentals, Imaging, and Medical Applications3 hrs
Fri09:15-12:00ETZ E 6 »
O. Göksel
Major in Biomechanics
Core Courses
376-1712-00LFinite Element Analysis in Biomedical Engineering Information W3 credits2V
376-1712-00 VFinite Element Analysis in Biomedical Engineering2 hrs
Wed14:45-16:30HCI J 3 »
S. J. Ferguson, B. Helgason
376-1397-00LOrthopaedic Biomechanics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 48.
W3 credits2G
376-1397-00 GOrthopaedic Biomechanics2 hrs
Mon14:45-16:30HCP E 47.3 »
R. Müller, P. Atkins
376-1392-00LMechanobiology: Implications for Development, Regeneration and Tissue EngineeringW3 credits2G
376-1392-00 GMechanobiology: Implications for Development, Regeneration and Tissue Engineering2 hrs
Thu15:15-17:00ML F 39 »
A. Ferrari, K. Würtz-Kozak, M. Zenobi-Wong
Practical Work
465-0800-00LPractical Work Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Medical Physics
O4 credits
465-0800-00 PPractical Workexternal organisers
151-0630-00LNanorobotics Information W4 credits2V + 1U
151-0630-00 VNanorobotics2 hrs
Tue10:15-12:00ML F 36 »
S. Pané Vidal
151-0630-00 UNanorobotics1 hrs
Thu15:15-16:00HG D 1.1 »
S. Pané Vidal
151-0980-00LBiofluiddynamicsW4 credits2V + 1U
151-0980-00 VBiofluiddynamics
Podcasts of some lecture topics are prepared and thus, students can watch them as video lectures at their convenience. The dates with videos in the lectures will be announced.
2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00ML F 34 »
D. Obrist, P. Jenny
151-0980-00 UBiofluiddynamics1 hrs
Fri12:15-13:00ML F 34 »
D. Obrist
376-1150-00LClinical Challenges in Musculoskeletal Disorders Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2G
376-1150-00 GClinical Challenges in Musculoskeletal Disorders Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Die Vorlesung findet im Sitzungszimmer im 3. Stock der Schulthess Klinik statt
2 hrs
Mon10:00-12:00SCH UL THESS »
M. Leunig, S. J. Ferguson, A. Müller
376-1168-00LSports Biomechanics Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2V
376-1168-00 VSports Biomechanics Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Blockveranstaltung vom Montag 3.- Donnerstag 6. Juni 2019
2 hrs
03.06.07:45-16:30HIT H 42 »
04.06.07:45-16:30HIT H 42 »
05.06.07:45-16:30HIT H 42 »
06.06.07:45-16:30HIT H 42 »
S. Lorenzetti
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