Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019

Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC Information
These are the general course offerings of the programmes Teaching Diploma (TD) - categories Educational Science and Compulsory Elective Courses - and Teaching Certificate (TC) - category Educational Science.
Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma
851-0236-01LIntroduction to Vocational Pedagogy, Part 1 (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 222BP1

Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Introduction to Vocational Pedagogy, Part 2" (UZH Module Code: 222BP2) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching diploma", Philosophische Fakultät)
W2 credits2VUniversity lecturers
AbstractVocational education, i.e. vocational and economic education, is a sub-discipline of educational science which deals with the integration of young people in the world of work. The lectures cover the conditions associated with its historical development, concepts and models, and also more recent research results.
Learning objectiveParticipants learn about vocational education in the form of theory and the research field of vocational training. Alongside the structure of the Swiss system, they are also shown the problems associated with learning, education and lifelong learning in prior, initial and continuing vocational education.
Students acquire information on the legal, advisory and school environments that is of relevance for the planning and delivery of tuition at vocational schools (Berufsfachschulen).
The discussion of current research issues puts participants in a position to deal with the topics of research into vocational training and to reflect on its significance for conducting their teaching.
ContentThematische Schwerpunkte
• Entstehung, Bedeutung und zentrale Begriffe der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
• Das Schweizerische Berufsbildungssystem
• Berufsbildung im Kontext des Bildungssystems
• Berufsbildung und Allgemeinbildung
• Lernende Gesellschaft und lebenslanges Lernen
• Berufspädagogische Klassiker
• Berufspädagogische Utopien
• Berufsbildungsforschung: Kompetenzen, lernende Organisation
• Qualität in der Berufsbildung

Die grundlegenden Inhalte werden in Form einer Vorlesung präsentiert. Die Studierenden vertiefen die dargestellten Inhalte durch Einzel- oder Gruppenarbeit, Kurzdokumentationen und Diskussionen im Plenum.
Lecture notesDie Folien werden auf OLAT zur Verfügung gestellt.
LiteratureArnold, R. / Gonon, Ph.: Einführung in die Berufspädagogik. Opladen: Budrich 2006.

Wettstein, E. / Gonon, Ph.: Die Berufsbildung in der Schweiz. Bern: hep Verlag 2009.
Prerequisites / NoticeVeranstaltung muss mit der "Einführung in die Berufspädagogik, Teil 2 / Berufliche Bildung: Aktuelle Themen und Ansätze" belegt werden
851-0236-02LIntroduction to Vocational Pedagogy, Part 2 (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 222BP2

Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Introduction to Vocational Pedagogy, Part 1" (UZH Module Code: 222BP1) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diploma", Philosophische Fakultät)
W2 credits2VUniversity lecturers
AbstractThis module focuses on the Swiss system of vocational education with the tuition locations of school, company and a third location (e.g. intercompany learning centres). Alongside alternative forms of vocational education, the Swiss dual system features at the centre of the module. Going beyond the fundamentals, current approaches, developments and endeavours to achieve a reform are covered.
Learning objectiveParticipants gain a picture of the structure of the Swiss system of prior, initial and further vocational training. They get to know different locations at which vocational training takes place (companies, vocational schools and alternative forms, such as apprenticeship workshops). Students acquire information on the structure of the Swiss dual system and on current endeavours to achieve reform. A link to the situation in practice is achieved through excursions and discussions with teachers and pupils. This ensures that students acquire a fundamental understanding of the entire field of vocational training that is of relevance for teaching at vocational schools. The discussion of current research issues puts students in a position to look into vocational education research topics and to reflect on their relevance for their teaching.
ContentThematische Schwerpunkte
• Struktur der beruflichen Grundbildung
• Lernorte: Berufsfachschule, Betrieb und dritter Lernort, sowie
• Berufsmittelschule, Berufsmaturität
• Berufsbildung auf der Tertiärstufe
• Berufsbildung für jugendliche mit speziellen Bedürfnissen
• Recht und Vollzug in der Berufsbildung
• Gender in der Berufsbildung¨
• Übergangsprozesse zwischen Schule und Arbeitswelt
• Organisationen der Arbeitswelt

Die grundlegenden Inhalte werden in Form einer Vorlesung präsentiert. Die Studierenden vertiefen die dargestellten Inhalte durch Einzel- oder Gruppenarbeit, Präsentationen und Diskussionen im Plenum.
Lecture notesFolien, so wie weiterführende Informationen werden zur Verfügung gestellt.
Literature• Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie BBT: Berufsbildung in
der Schweiz 2011 – Fakten und Zahlen. Bern: BBT 2011.
• Dubs, Rolf: Gutachten zu Fragen der schweizerischen Berufsbildung.
Bern: hep Verlag 2005.
• Deutschschweizerische Berufsbildungsämter-Konferenz:
Dokumentation Berufsbildung.
• Deutschschweizerische Berufsbildungsämter-Konferenz: Lexikon der
• Wettstein, Emil / Gonon, Philipp: Berufsbildung in der Schweiz.
Bern: hep Verlag 2009.
Prerequisites / NoticeVeranstaltung muss mit der "Einführung in die Berufspädagogik, Teil 1" belegt werden.
851-0237-01LVocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning I: Teaching Structure (University of Zürich)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB1 (ATTENTION: Students of Sport Teaching Diploma enroll in course 090LLB1S, which takes place only in autumn semester).
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule, Teil 2: Förderung und Unterstützung von Lernenden" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB2) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diplom", Philosophische Fakultät)
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
Abstract"The Vocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning - Teaching Structure" sets out and discusses how to implement the specifications in the framework curriculum. This module is aimed at teachers in high schools awarding vocational school-leaving certificates (Berufsmatura) and all types of vocational schools. It also covers the link established with the company as a learning location.
Learning objective- Formulating learning objectives at different levels, and implementing and monitoring these.
- Steering tuition in terms of content and method to fit in with the objectives.
- Formulating examination questions and assignments on the basis of the learning objectives set out in the curriculum and the teaching given.
- Selectively deploying different examination types and procedures/structuring selected learning contents logically in terms of the subject matter and learning process (from the concrete to the abstract, from the simple to the complex) and implementing these with different didactic visual aids.
ContentIn der Veranstaltung werden die Rahmen- und Schullehrpläne der Berufsmaturität (alle Richtungen) analysiert und deren Fachinhalt in Übungen und Hospitationen didaktisch umgesetzt. Der Unterricht an der Berufsmaturität wird im Hinblick auf die Herausforderung "Viel Stoff-wenig Zeit" erarbeitet.
Lecture notesVon den Dozierenden.
LiteratureUnterrichten an Berufsfachschulen: Berufsmaturität. hep Verlag Bern

M. Lehner (2006): Viel Stoff - wenig Zeit. Haupt

G. Steiner (2207): Der Kick zum effizienten Lernen. hep Verlag

Rahmen- und Schullehrpläne der Berufsmaturität
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Lehrveranstaltung ist seit September 2008 vom Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie akkreditiert.
851-0237-02LVocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning II: Providing Encouragement & Support (UZH)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB2

Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule, Teil 1: Unterrichtsgestaltung" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB1) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diploma", Philosophische Fakultät)
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
AbstractThe module "vocational schools as sites of teaching and learning: providing encouragement and support for apprentices" aims to provide teachers at VET and professional baccalaureate institutions with ways of dealing with learners’ problems, particularly in connection with their being fed up with school, with job-seeking, school-to-work transition, or continuing education.
Learning objective- Die spezielle Situation der Berufslernenden in ihrer Doppelbelastung Beruf und Schule wahrnehmen und pädagogisch berücksichtigen können.
- Die Übertrittsthematik in Bezug auf die Leistungsmotivation kennen Mit Konflikten, Störungen und allgemein schwierigen Situationen im BM-Unterricht lösungsorientiert umgehen können.
- Die Formen des betrieblichen Lernens kennen und diese für den Unterricht nutzbar machen.
- Krisenentwicklungen diagnostizieren und fördernde Massnahmen ergreifen.
- Wesentliche Aspekte eines förder- und unterstützungsorientierten Unterrichtsmanagements kennen.
- Rollensicherheit als Lehrperson finden und deren Grenzen definieren.
- Einblicke in die konkrete Ausbildungssituation der Berufslernenden gewinnen.
Content- Positionierung des Berufsfachschulunterrichts innerhalb des dualen (trialen) Systems.
- Berufsmaturität: Entwicklung von Kernkompetenzen für die Wirtschaft?
- "Verakademisierung" der Berufsbildung?
- Lernenden-Porträt: Die Umwelten des Berufslernenden - Entwicklungschancen und Problembereiche im Zusammenhang mit der Ausbildungssituation.
- Sozialisations- und Lernprozesse im beruflichen Umfeld / Führungsverständnis im Umgang mit Jugendlichen an Berufsfachschulen.
- Konfliktmanagement I: Wahrnehmungsinstrumente und Interventionsstrategien, Konfliktprävention und niederschwelliges Konfliktmanagement.
- Konfliktmanagement II: Der ressourcenorientierte Ansatz im Umgang mit Störungen.
- Das lösungsorientierte Konfliktgespräch in schulischen Kontext / Beratung und Coaching: Beratungssituationen im Kontext des Unterrichtsalltags.
- Rollenverständnis und Rollengrenzen.
- Berufslernendengerechtes Unterrichtsmanagement.
- Mobbing in der Schule.
- Konzepte und Praxis der betrieblichen Betreuung und Förderung.
- Jugendkriminalität und Jugendgewalt.
- Jugendkrisen und Krisenintervention.
Lecture notesHandouts vom Dozenten und Sammlung von Arbeitsmaterialien auf dem BSCW-Server.
LiteratureSchäfer Ch. (2006). Wege zur Lösung von Unterrichtsstörungen. Baltmannsweiler. Schneider.
Hasselhorn, M. (2006). Pädagogische Psychologie. Stuttgart. Kohlhammer.
Fend. H. (2008). Schule gestalten. Wiesbaden. VS Verlag.
Meyer R. (2009) Soft Skills fördern. Bern. hep.
Flammer, A. (2002). Entwicklungspsychologie der Adoleszenz. Bern. Huber.
Rebmann K. (2008) Betriebliches Lernen. München. Reiner Hampp.
Mietzel G. (2007). Pädagogische Psychologie des Lehrens und Lernens. Göttingen. Hogrefe.
Dubs R. (2009) Lehrerverhalten. Zürich. Verlag SKV.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Lehrveranstaltung ist seit September 2008 vom Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie akkreditiert.
851-0242-03LIntroduction to General Pedagogy Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate.

Prerequisite: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".
W2 credits2GL. Haag
AbstractThe basics of educational science and the field of activity of the school are conveyed in as much as they are of relevance to the field of activity of the teachers. Basic knowledge is taught methodically by the lecturers which is further deepened by the reading of selected texts and corresponding work assignments in individual and small groups.
Learning objective1. Basics of educational science
1.1 Historical survey of education and school
1.2 Fundamental educational terms
- Education as field of activity of the school
- Education at school
- Socialization
2. Field of activity of the school
2.1 Theory of school
- Theory of school
- Curriculum theory
- School development
2.2 Theory of instruction
- Didactic analysis
- Principles of learning
- Handling of heterogeneity
851-0242-05LHow to Develop and to Implement Teaching Projects in Outdoor Education Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

Enrolment possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation, except for Teaching Diploma Sport.
W2 credits2SH. Gubelmann, S. Peteranderl
AbstractTopics in natural Science are frequently tought outside the classroom.
Along the River Reuss, students develop outdoor teaching-projects in their subjects and combine them with other subjects.
We also give instruction on principles of organisation of outdoor projects and leadership in school: Students are involved in the practical realization of the camp and programme alongside the Reuss.
Learning objectiveStudents learn to implement their theoretical background of their subject in practical outdoor-projects that are specifically designed for school.
ContentTopics in natural Science are frequently tought outside the classroom.
This course has an interdisciplinary approach: Along the River Reuss, students develop outdoor teaching-projects in their subjects and combine them with other subjects.
We also give instruction on principles of organisation of outdoor projects and leadership in school: Students are involved in the practical realization of the camp and programme alongside the Reuss.
Lecture notesNo Script
Prerequisites / NoticeMaximum of Participants 25, open for all Subjects except Sports
851-0242-06LCognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or during enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SR. Schumacher
AbstractThis seminar focuses on teaching units in chemistry, physics and mathematics that have been developed at the MINT Learning Center of the ETH Zurich. In the first meeting, the mission of the MINT Learning Center will be communicated. Furthermore, in groups of two, the students will intensively work on, refine and optimize a teaching unit following a goal set in advance.
Learning objective- Get to know cognitively activating instructions in MINT subjects
- Get information about recent literature on learning and instruction
Prerequisites / NoticeFür eine reibungslose Semesterplanung wird um frühe Anmeldung und persönliches Erscheinen zum ersten Lehrveranstaltungstermin ersucht.
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
W1 credit1SE. Stern
AbstractThe focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed.
Learning objective- Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences
- Getting to know intelligence tests
- Understanding findings relevant for education
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
W1 credit1SP. Edelsbrunner, T. Braas, Z. Lue, C. M. Thurn
AbstractLiterature from learning sciences will be read and discussed. Research methods will be in focus.
At the first meeting all participants will be allocated to working groups and two further meetings will be set up with the groups.
In the small groups students will write critical short essays about the read literature. The essays will be presented and discussed in the plenum at the third meeting.
Learning objective- Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences
- Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media
- Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences
851-0242-11LGender Issues In Education and STEM Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it.
W2 credits2SM. Berkowitz Biran, C. M. Thurn
AbstractIn this seminar, we will introduce some of the major gender-related issues in the context of education and science learning, such as the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Common perspectives, controversies and empirical evidence will be discussed.
Learning objective- To familiarize students with gender issues in the educational and STEM context and with controversies regarding these issues
- To develop a critical view on existing perspectives.
- To integrate this knowledge with teacher's work.
ContentWhy do fewer women than men specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Are girls better in language and boys better in math? These and other questions about gender differences relevant to education and STEM learning have been occupying researchers for decades. In this seminar, students will learn about major gender issues in the educational context and the different perspectives for understanding them.

Students will read and critically discuss selected publications on these topics and their implications for the classroom context. There will be weekly (or bi-weekly) assignments as well as a final project in which students will integrate and elaborate on the topics learned in the seminar.
Prerequisites / NoticeRecommended: Completion of the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1).

Active participation in the seminar.
851-0242-10LScience Education Didactics 1 (Universität Zürich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 090MAFD2

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W4 credits2VUniversity lecturers
AbstractStudents acquire foundational knowledge about teaching scientific and sustainability-oriented concepts in formal, informal and non-formal educational contexts. You learn to teach science concepts in a theory informed and evidence-based way along competency development models.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden erwerben grundlegende Kenntnisse über die Vermittlung naturwissenschaftlicher und nachhaltigkeitsrelevanter Konzepte in formellen, informellen und nicht-formellen Bildungskontexten. Sie lernen naturwissenschaftliche Bildungsinhalte theoriegeleitet aufzubereiten und evidenzbasiert Naturwissenschaften entlang von Kompetenzentwicklungsmodellen zu vermitteln.
851-0232-00LSocial Psychology of Effective TeamworkW2 credits2VR. Mutz
AbstractThe lecture covers the main topics of social interactions in groups as a basis for effective teamwork in organisations: group; group structure; group dynamics and performance; group analysis; examples of applications.
Learning objectiveTeamwork is of growing importance in business and administration. The aim of this lecture / exercise is to provide a scientific understanding of social interactions in groups as a basis for effective teamwork in organisations.
ContentInhalte der Lehrveranstaltung sind:
- Gruppe: Definition und Typen
- Gruppenstruktur: Rollen und Führung
- Gruppenprozesse: Konformität und Konflikte in Gruppen
- Gruppenleistung: Leistungsvorteile von Gruppen
- Gruppenanalyse: Interaktionsprozessanalyse und Soziometrie
- Anwendungsbeispiele: Assessment-Center, teilautonome Gruppen
Lecture notesEs können Folien, die in der Vorlesung verwendet werden, im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung von einer Austauchplattform heruntergeladen werden.
LiteratureDie Literatur wird in Form eines Readers mit für die Themen der Vorlesung relevanten Textauszügen aus Fachbüchern angeboten.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Übungen dienen dazu, einzelne Themenbereiche der Vorlesung an praktischen Beispielen exemplarisch zu vertiefen.
851-0101-01LIntroduction to Practical Philosophy
Particularly suitable for students of D-MAVT, D-MATL
W3 credits2GL. Wingert
AbstractPractical philosophy deals in a descriptive and evaluative way with the realm of the practical, that is, with action, practices, norms of action, and values held by people and societies. Ethics and political philosophy are branches of practical philosophy. This introductory course will treat some of the main questions and introduce students to the thinking of central figures in the field.
Learning objectiveAt the end of the course, students (1) will be familiar with still highly influential answers to some of the main questions (see below, section "contents") in practical philosophy. (2) They will be able to better evaluate how convincing these answers are. (3) Students' own thinking concerning normative, e.g., ethical issues, will be more precise, due to a more sophisticated use of key concepts such as good, right, morality, law, freedom, etc.
ContentEthics is an account and instruction of the good, that could be reached by conscious, intentional behaviour (=action). Ethics is an essential part of practical philosophy. Therefore one of those central questions, which will be discussed in the course, is:

1. What is the meaning of words like "good" and "bad", used in ethical language? What is meant by "good", if one says: "Working as a volunteer for the <Red Cross> is good"? Does one mean, that doing so is useful, or that it is altruistic, or that is fair?

Further questions, to be discussed in the course, are:

2. Are moral judgements apt to be justified, e.g. judgments like "Lower taxes for rich foreigners in the <Kanton Zug> are unjust" or "Every person ought to be entitled to leave any religious community"? If so, how far a moral judgment's justification can reach? Is one right in arguing: "It is possible to show the truth of the proposition (a):The emissions of nitrogen dioxide in Zurich is far beyond the permissible limit (80 mg/m3). But it is not possible to verify the proposition (b): In our times, the inequal global distribution of wealth is far beyond the permissible limit. Proposition (a) states an objective fact, whereas (b) expresses a mere subjective evaluation, though that evaluation might be widely spread.

3. What are just laws, and what is the relationship between law and morality?

4. Is freedom of a person, though presupposed by criminal law and morality, nevertheless an illusion?

These questions will be partly discussed with reference to seminal authors within the western philosophical tradition (among else Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Immanuel Kant). Contemporary philosophers like Jürgen Habermas, Thomas Nagel, Ernst Tugendhat or Bernard Williams will be included, too.
LiteraturePreparatory Literature:

-Dieter Birnbacher, Analytische Einführung in die Ethik, 2. Aufl. Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag 2006.
- Simon Blackburn, Think. A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy, Oxford: University Press (=UP) 1999, chapters 3 und 8.
- Philippa Foot, <Virtues and Vices> in: diess., Virtues and Vices and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Oxford: UP 2002, and <Morality, Action and Outcome>, in: dies., Moral Dilemmas and Other Topics in Moral Philosophy, Oxford: UP 2002.
- H.L.A. Hart, <Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, in: Harvard Law Review 71 (1958), pp. 593-629.
- Detlef Horster, Rechtsphilosophie zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius Verlag 2002.
- Robert Kane, <Introduction: The Contours of the Contemporary Free Will Debates>, in: ders., (Hg.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will, Oxford 2002.
– Thomas Nagel, The Limits of Objectivity, in: The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1980, Vol I., ed. Sterling McMurrin , Cambridge et al.: UP 1980, pp. 75-139.
- Ulrich Pothast, <Einleitung> in: ders., (Hg.), Seminar: Freies Handeln und Determinismus, Frankfurt/M.: suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft 1978, pp. 7-31.
- Bernard Williams, Morality. An Introduction to Ethics, Cambridge: UP (=Canto Series) 1976.
- Peter Winch, The Idea of a Social Science, 4.Aufl. London 1965, ch. II.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be a mixture of lecture and seminar. For getting credit points, essays on given or freely chosen subjects have to be written.
851-0585-14LEvaluation ResearchW2 credits2GH.‑D. Daniel
AbstractThe course will provide an overview on different kinds of evaluation in education, especially higher education (e. g., course evaluation, study programme evaluation, peer review, multi-stage evaluation procedures). The course will focus on the reliability, fairness, and validity of the different kind of evaluation procedures.
Learning objectiveTo design and analyse evaluations according to scientific principles independently.
701-0701-00LPhilosophy of ScienceW3 credits2VC. J. Baumberger
AbstractThe lecture explores various strands in philosophy of science in a critical way, focusing on the notion of rationality in science, especially with regards to environmental research. It addresses the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society.
Learning objectiveStudents learn to engage with problems in the philosophy of science and to relate them to natural and environmental sciences, thus developing their skills in critical thinking about science and its use. They know the most important positions in philosophy of science and the objections they face. They can identify, structure and discuss issues raised by the use of science in society.
Content1. Core differences between classical Greek and modern conceptions of science.
2. Classic positions in the philosophy of science in the 20th century: logical empiricism and critical rationalism (Popper); the analysis of scientific concepts and explanations.
3. Objections to logical empiricism and critical rationalism, and further developments: What is the difference between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the arts and humanities? What is progress in science (Kuhn, Fleck, Feyerabend)? Is scientific knowledge relativistic? What is the role of experiments and computer simulations?
4. Issues raised by the use of science in society: The relation between basic and applied research; inter- and transdisciplinarity; ethics and accountability of science.
Lecture notesA reader will be available for students.
LiteratureA list of introductory literature and handbooks will be distributed to the students.
Prerequisites / NoticeOral examination during the session examination.
Further optional exercises accompany the lecture and offer the opportunity for an in-depth discussion of selected texts from the reader. Students receive an additional credit point. They have to sign up separately for the exercises for the course 701-0701-01 U.
701-0701-01LPhilosophy of Science: ExercisesW1 credit1UC. J. Baumberger
AbstractThe exercises in philosophy of science serve to develop skills in critical thinking by discussing seminal texts about the rationality of science. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society.
Learning objectiveStudents can engage with problems in the philosophy of science and to relate them to natural and environmental sciences. They learn to analyze and summarize philosophical texts. In this way, they develop their skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science.
ContentThe optional exercises accompany the lecture and serve to develop skills in critical thinking with a focus on the rationality of science, based on discussing seminal texts. The texts cover important positions in the philosophy of science and their critics. Topics discussed include the significance and limits of empirical, mathematical and logical methods, as well as problems and ethical issues raised by the use of science in society.
Lecture notesA reader will be available for students.
LiteratureA list of literature will be distributed to the students together with the reader.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents that want to subscribe for this course also have to subscribe for the lecture 701-0701-00 V "Wissenschaftsphilosophie". Credit points are given for preparing a structure and a summary of one of the texts.
851-0242-09LStudent Research Projects: Practical Research on Learning and Instruction Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 20.

The sucessful completion of both course no. 851-0240-00L "Menschliches Lernen (EW 1)" and course no. 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen (EW 3)" is a necessary prerequisite for this course.
W2 credits2SE. Stern
AbstractIn teams of two, participants in this seminar conduct their own research project. Each team is advised by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. Basic conceptual and methodological issues are the topic of a series of plenary meetings; however, the major part of the work is done in small-group meetings with the advising researcher, and in self-directed research projects.
Learning objectiveThe course is targeted at advanced students who have taken an interest in gathering practical research experience in the field of Learning & Instruction. In teams of two, students conduct their own research projects (planning, conducting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting research); thus, the course requires a high amount of self-directed working. Students are personally advised, and supported in their research project, by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. During the first half the semester, relevant methodological knowledge and skills are practiced during plenary meetings and in students` independent reading (e.g. generating and testing research questions, designing experiments, and analyzing data in the field of Learning and Instruction)

Learning goals include:
- Participants can illustrate and explain basic methods and concepts for research in the fields of Learning and Instruction, e.g. with the help of practical examples.
- Participants can generate testable research questions for a topic relevant in the fields of Learning and Instruction.
- Participants can design and conduct a study that is relevant for answering their research question.
- Participants can summarize and evaluate the main results from a study in the field of learning and Instruction, with regard to the research question being asked.
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