Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2019
Biology Teaching Diploma Detailed information on the programme at: | ||||||
Educational Science Course offerings in the category Educational Science are listed under "Programme: Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC". | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0240-01L | Designing Learning Environments for School (EW2 TD) Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)". Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics. *Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2. | O | 3 credits | 2V | E. Stern, P. Greutmann, J. Maue | |
Abstract | Teaching is a complex skill. The lecture comprises (a) presentations about the theoretical background of this skill, (b) discussions of practical aspects, and (c) practical exercises. | |||||
Learning objective | The participants have the conceptual und procedural knowledge, and skills necessary for long-term planning, preparing, and implementing good lessons. They can apply this knowledge on different topics of their scientific STEM-background. | |||||
Content | We discuss characteristics of successful lessons and how to design such lessons by using curricula and lesson plans, teaching goals and a variety of teaching methods. | |||||
Lecture notes | The lecture comprises interactive parts where the participants elaborate and extend their knowledge and skills. Thus, there is no comprehensive written documentation of the lecture. The participants can download presentation slides, learning materials, and templates from "Moodle". | |||||
Literature | The necessary literature can be downloaded from "Moodle". | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture EW2 can only be attended by students who already successfully completed the lecture Human Learning (EW1). There will be two independent lectures for different groups of students. You will get further information in an email at the beginning of the semester. To get the Credits you have to - regularly attend to the lecture - have the grade 4 or higher in the final written exam. | |||||
851-0240-24L | Designing Learning Environments for Schools (EW2 LD) - Portfolio - Enrolment only possible with simultaneous enrolment in course 851-0240-01L Designing Learning Environments for School (EW2 LD)! - Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)". - Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics. *Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2. | O | 1 credit | 2U | P. Greutmann, J. Maue | |
Abstract | In this lecture, you design a portfolio, i.e. a complete and elaborated teaching enviroment for schools, based on your scientific STEM-background | |||||
Learning objective | This lecture is an implementation and transfer of the theoretical inputs provided by the lecture "Designing Learning Environments for School" (EW2). | |||||
851-0242-11L | Gender Issues In Education and STEM Number of participants limited to 20. Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it. | W | 2 credits | 2S | M. Berkowitz Biran, C. M. Thurn | |
Abstract | In this seminar, we will introduce some of the major gender-related issues in the context of education and science learning, such as the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Common perspectives, controversies and empirical evidence will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - To familiarize students with gender issues in the educational and STEM context and with controversies regarding these issues - To develop a critical view on existing perspectives. - To integrate this knowledge with teacher's work. | |||||
Content | Why do fewer women than men specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Are girls better in language and boys better in math? These and other questions about gender differences relevant to education and STEM learning have been occupying researchers for decades. In this seminar, students will learn about major gender issues in the educational context and the different perspectives for understanding them. Students will read and critically discuss selected publications on these topics and their implications for the classroom context. There will be weekly (or bi-weekly) assignments as well as a final project in which students will integrate and elaborate on the topics learned in the seminar. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Recommended: Completion of the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1). Active participation in the seminar. | |||||
851-0242-08L | Research Methods in Educational Science Number of participants limited to 30. This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" . | W | 1 credit | 1S | P. Edelsbrunner, T. Braas, Z. Lue, C. M. Thurn | |
Abstract | Literature from learning sciences will be read and discussed. Research methods will be in focus. At the first meeting all participants will be allocated to working groups and two further meetings will be set up with the groups. In the small groups students will write critical short essays about the read literature. The essays will be presented and discussed in the plenum at the third meeting. | |||||
Learning objective | - Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences - Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media - Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences | |||||
» see Educational Science Teaching Diploma | ||||||
Subject Didactics in Biology | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
551-0961-00L | Mentored Work Subject Didactics Biology A The Subject Didactics as well as possible branch-specific requirements must be fulfilled prior to commencing the mentored paper. | O | 2 credits | 4A | P. Faller, H. Stocker | |
Abstract | In their mentored work on subject didactics, students put into practice the contents of the subject-didactics lectures and go into these in greater depth. Under supervision, they compile tuition materials that are conducive to learning and analyse and reflect on certain topics from a subject-based and pedagogical angle. | |||||
Learning objective | The objective is for the students: - to be able to familiarise themselves with a tuition topic by consulting different sources, acquiring materials and reflecting on the relevance of the topic and the access they have selected to this topic from a specialist, subject-didactics and pedagogical angle and potentially from a social angle too. - to show that they can independently compile a tuition sequence that is conducive to learning and develop this to the point where it is ready for use. | |||||
Content | Thematische Schwerpunkte Die Gegenstände der mentorierten Arbeit in Fachdidaktik stammen in der Regel aus dem gymnasialen Unterricht. Lernformen Alle Studierenden wählen in Absprache mit der Betreuungsperson ein individuelles Thema und erstellen dazu in einer bestimmten didaktischen Form eine eigenständige Arbeit. Sie werden dabei von ihrer Betreuungsperson begleitet. Gegebenenfalls stellen sie ihre Arbeit oder Aspekte daraus in einem Kurzvortrag vor. Die mentorierte Arbeit ist Teil des Portfolios der Studierenden. | |||||
Lecture notes | Eine kurze Anleitung zur mentorierten Arbeit in Fachdidaktik wird zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Literature | Die Literatur ist themenspezifisch. Die Studierenden beschaffen sie sich in der Regel selber (siehe Lernziele). In besonderen Fällen wird sie vom Betreuer zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Beginn nach Absprache jederzeit möglich, jedoch erst nach erfolgreichem Abschluss von EW1 bis EW4, der Fachdidaktik und der Absolvierung allfälliger fachwissenschaftlicher Voraussetzungen. Die Arbeit muss in einem Zeitraum von maximal 6 Monaten vor Beginn des Praktikums abgeschlossen werden. Die mentorierten Arbeiten Fachdidaktik Biologie A und B können zu einer Arbeit im Umfang von 120 Stunden verschmolzen werden. | |||||
551-0962-00L | Mentored Work Subject Didactics Biology B The Subject Didactics as well as possible branch-specific requirements must be fulfilled prior to commencing the mentored paper. | O | 2 credits | 4A | P. Faller, H. Stocker | |
Abstract | In their mentored work on subject didactics, students put into practice the contents of the subject-didactics lectures and go into these in greater depth. Under supervision, they compile tuition materials that are conducive to learning and analyse and reflect on certain topics from a subject-based and pedagogical angle. | |||||
Learning objective | The objective is for the students: - to be able to familiarise themselves with a tuition topic by consulting different sources, acquiring materials and reflecting on the relevance of the topic and the access they have selected to this topic from a specialist, subject-didactics and pedagogical angle and potentially from a social angle too. - to show that they can independently compile a tuition sequence that is conducive to learning and develop this to the point where it is ready for use. | |||||
Content | Thematische Schwerpunkte Die Gegenstände der mentorierten Arbeit in Fachdidaktik stammen in der Regel aus dem gymnasialen Unterricht. Lernformen Alle Studierenden wählen in Absprache mit der Betreuungsperson ein individuelles Thema und erstellen dazu in einer bestimmten didaktischen Form eine eigenständige Arbeit. Sie werden dabei von ihrer Betreuungsperson begleitet. Gegebenenfalls stellen sie ihre Arbeit oder Aspekte daraus in einem Kurzvortrag vor. Die mentorierte Arbeit ist Teil des Portfolios der Studierenden. | |||||
Lecture notes | Eine kurze Anleitung zur mentorierten Arbeit in Fachdidaktik wird zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Literature | Die Literatur ist themenspezifisch. Die Studierenden beschaffen sie sich in der Regel selber (siehe Lernziele). In besonderen Fällen wird sie vom Betreuer zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Beginn nach Absprache jederzeit möglich, jedoch erst nach erfolgreichem Abschluss von EW1 bis EW4, der Fachdidaktik und der Absolvierung allfälliger fachwissenschaftlicher Voraussetzungen. Die Arbeit muss in einem Zeitraum von maximal 6 Monaten vor Beginn des Praktikums abgeschlossen werden. Die mentorierten Arbeiten Fachdidaktik Biologie A und B können zu einer Arbeit im Umfang von 120 Stunden verschmolzen werden. | |||||
551-0972-00L | Subject Didactics Biology II Prerequisite: Subject Didactics Biology I (551-0971-00L) | O | 4 credits | 3G | P. Faller | |
Abstract | - Imparting scientific working methods in biology teaching (planning, carrying out, analysing / interpreting and reporting on investigations and experiments). - The use of computers in the teacher's work - Demonstrating and developing exemplary teaching methods for different themes in school biology | |||||
Learning objective | The contents and learning objectives of the Subject Didactics I course unit are developed further in Subject Didactics II and put into practice taking key biological tuition topics by way of examples. In addition, further topics are taken up with the students, as up-and-coming teachers, and covered in greater depth. | |||||
Content | - Vermittlung von Fertigkeiten (Kompetenzen) im Unterricht. - Exemplarische Unterrichtsbeispiele zu verschiedenen biologischen Themen. - Ausserschulische Lernorte, weitergehende Konzepte. | |||||
Lecture notes | Wird laufend in der Vorlesung abgegeben. | |||||
Literature | Berck K.-H. und Graf D.; Biologiedidaktik (2010); Quelle & Meyer Verlag. Gropengiesser, H., Harms, U. & Kattmann, U. (Hrsg.); Fachdidaktik Biologie (2013); Köln: Aulis | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Für den Datenaustausch und als Diskussionsforum wird die Internetplattform BSCW eingesetzt. | |||||
Professional Training Important: You can only enrole in the courses of this category if you have not more than 12 CP left for possible additional requirements. | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
551-0966-00L | Teaching Internship Biology | O | 8 credits | 17P | P. Faller | |
Abstract | The teaching practice takes in 50 lessons: 30 are taught by the students, and the students sit in on 20 lessons. The teaching practice lasts 4-6 weeks. It gives students the opportunity to implement the contents of their specialist-subject, educational science and subject-didactics training in the classroom. Students also conduct work assignments in parallel to their teaching practice. | |||||
Learning objective | - Students use their specialist-subject, educational-science and subject-didactics training to draw up concepts for teaching. - They are able to assess the significance of tuition topics in their subject from different angles (including interdisciplinary angles) and impart these to their pupils. - They acquire the skills of the teaching trade. - They practise finding the balance between instruction and openness so that pupils can and, indeed, must make their own cognitive contribution. - They learn to assess pupils' work. - Together with the teacher in charge of their teacher training, the students constantly evaluate their own performance. | |||||
Content | Die Studierenden sammeln Erfahrungen in der Unterrichtsführung, der Auseinandersetzung mit Lernenden, der Klassenbetreuung und der Leistungsbeurteilung. Zu Beginn des Praktikums plant die Praktikumslehrperson gemeinsam mit dem/der Studierenden das Praktikum und die Arbeitsaufträge. Die schriftlich dokumentierten Ergebnisse der Arbeitsaufträge sind Bestandteil des Portfolios der Studierenden. Anlässlich der Hospitationen erläutert die Praktikumslehrperson ihre fachlichen, fachdidaktischen und pädagogischen Überlegungen, auf deren Basis sie den Unterricht geplant hat und tauscht sich mit dem/der Studierenden aus. Die von dem/der Studierenden gehaltenen Lektionen werden vor- und nachbesprochen. Die Praktikumslehrperson sorgt ausserdem dafür, dass der/die Studierende Einblick in den schulischen Alltag erhält und die vielfältigen Verpflichtungen einer Lehrperson kennen lernt. | |||||
Literature | Wird von der Praktikumslehrperson bestimmt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Findet verbindlich am Schluss der Ausbildung, vor Ablegung der Prüfungslektion statt! | |||||
551-0969-01L | Examination Lesson I Biology Simultaneous enrolment in "Examination Lesson II Biology" (551-0969-02L) is compulsory. | O | 1 credit | 2P | P. Faller | |
Abstract | In the context of an examination lesson conducted and graded at a high school, the candidates provide evidence of the subject-matter-based and didactic skills they have acquired in the course of their training. | |||||
Learning objective | On the basis of a specified topic, the candidate shows that they are in a position - to develop and conduct teaching that is conducive to learning at high school level, substantiating it in terms of the subject-matter and from the didactic angle - to analyze the tuition they have given with regard to its strengths and weaknesses, and outline improvements. | |||||
Content | Die Studierenden erfahren das Lektionsthema in der Regel eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin. Von der zuständigen Lehrperson erhalten sie Informationen über den Wissensstand der zu unterrichtenden Klasse und können sie vor dem Prüfungstermin besuchen. Sie erstellen eine Vorbereitung gemäss Anleitung und reichen sie bis am Vortag um 12 Uhr den beiden Prüfungsexperten ein. Die gehaltene Lektion wird kriteriumsbasiert beurteilt. Die Beurteilung umfasst auch die schriftliche Vorbereitung und eine mündliche Reflexion des Kandidaten/ der Kandidatin über die gehaltene Lektion im Rahmen eines kurzen Kolloquiums. | |||||
Lecture notes | Dokument: Schriftliche Vorbereitung für Prüfungslektionen. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Nach Abschluss der übrigen Ausbildung. | |||||
551-0969-02L | Examination Lesson II Biology Simultaneous enrolment in "Examination Lesson I Biology" (551-0969-01L) is compulsory. | O | 1 credit | 2P | P. Faller | |
Abstract | In the context of an examination lesson conducted and graded at a high school, the candidates provide evidence of the subject-matter-based and didactic skills they have acquired in the course of their training. | |||||
Learning objective | On the basis of a specified topic, the candidate shows that they are in a position - to develop and conduct teaching that is conducive to learning at high school level, substantiating it in terms of the subject-matter and from the didactic angle - to analyze the tuition they have given with regard to its strengths and weaknesses, and outline improvements. | |||||
Content | Die Studierenden erfahren das Lektionsthema in der Regel eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin. Von der zuständigen Lehrperson erhalten sie Informationen über den Wissensstand der zu unterrichtenden Klasse und können sie vor dem Prüfungstermin besuchen. Sie erstellen eine Vorbereitung gemäss Anleitung und reichen sie bis am Vortag um 12 Uhr den beiden Prüfungsexperten ein. Die gehaltene Lektion wird kriteriumsbasiert beurteilt. Die Beurteilung umfasst auch die schriftliche Vorbereitung und eine mündliche Reflexion des Kandidaten/ der Kandidatin über die gehaltene Lektion im Rahmen eines kurzen Kolloquiums. | |||||
Lecture notes | Dokument: Schriftliche Vorbereitung für Prüfungslektionen. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Nach Abschluss der übrigen Ausbildung. | |||||
Spec. Courses in Resp. Subj. w/ Educ. Focus & Further Subj. Didactics | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
551-0974-00L | Specialized Biology Course with an Educational Focus: Biological concepts | O | 6 credits | 2G + 13A | E. Hafen, K. Köhler, H. Stocker | |
Abstract | Specialist aspects of biology with a focus on biological concepts and misconceptions are covered from the angle of imparting these to pupils, their historical development, and their significance for the subject, the individual and society. | |||||
Learning objective | After successful completion of the module, students should be able - to explain biological concepts and principles, as well as the way they fit together - to recognise and to correct existing misconceptions - to analyse controversial topics and to give factual explanations for these - to conduct more in-depth work on a research topic and to compile a tuition unit based on this topic - to prepare tuition units involving complex learning matter at a high specialist level which are suitably tailored to the recipients, and to teach these in a manner conducive to learning. | |||||
Content | Selected biological topics are dealt with under consideration of the special needs of persons involved in teaching. The module comprises lectures, a book club, and a seminar thesis. | |||||
Lecture notes | Teaching materials are available online on Moodle. | |||||
Literature | Literature and references are posted online on Moodle. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The Specialized Biology Course with an Educational Focus consists of two modules (6 CP each). In the fall semester, the focus is on evolution. The module of the spring semester deals with biological concepts. Students attending both modules can start with either module. Performance is assessed during the course of the entire module. Active participation in the course is required. The electronic thesis and an oral presentation have to be completed. The Specialized Biology Course with an Educational Focus (6+6 CP) can be acknowledged, in agreement with the advisor of the respective elective major, as one of the two obligatory research projects (each 15 CP). In such a case, additional 3 CP must be obtained in another course. In case of overbooking of the course, students enrolled in the Teaching Diploma in Biology will have priority. | |||||
Compulsory Elective Courses Further course offerings from the category Educational Science are listed under "Programme: Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC". | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
860-0012-00L | Cooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources Number of participants limited to 40. STP students have priority. This is a research seminar at the Master level. PhD students are also welcome. | W | 3 credits | 2S + 2A | B. Wehrli, R. Athavale, T. Bernauer | |
Abstract | This seminar focuses on the technical, economic, and political challenges of dealing with water allocation and pollution problems in large international river systems. It examines ways and means through which such challenges are addressed, and when and why international efforts in this respect succeed or fail. | |||||
Learning objective | Ability to (1) understand the causes and consequences of water scarcity and water pollution problems in large international river systems; (2) understand ways and means of addressing such water challenges; and (3) analyse when and why international efforts in this respect succeed or fail. | |||||
Content | Based on lectures and discussion of scientific papers and reports, students acquire basic knowledge on contentious issues in managing international water resources, on the determinants of cooperation and conflict over international water issues, and on ways and means of mitigating conflict and promoting cooperation. Students will then, in small teams coached by the instructors, carry out research on a case of their choice (i.e. an international river basin where riparian countries are trying to find solutions to water allocation and/or water quality problems associated with a large dam project). They will write a brief paper and present their findings towards the end of the semester. | |||||
Lecture notes | Slides and reading materials will be distributed electronically. | |||||
Literature | The UN World Water Development Reports provide a broad overview of the topic: | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The course is open to Master and PhD students from any area of ETH. ISTP students who take this course should also register for the course 860-0012-01L - Cooperation and conflict over international water resources; In-depth case study. | |||||
» see Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma | ||||||
Course Units for Additional Admission Requirements The courses below are only available for students with additional admission requirements. | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
376-0152-00L | Anatomy and Physiology II | E- | 5 credits | 4V | M. Ristow, K. De Bock, M. Kopf, L. Slomianka, C. Spengler | |
Abstract | Basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine organs, urinary system and the reproductive system. Knowlewdge of the basic mechanisms of pathobiology. Study of all human tissues and selected organs by examining slides under the light microscope. | |||||
Learning objective | Foundations of human anatomy and physiology and basics of clinical pathophysiology | |||||
Content | Short overview of human anatomy, physiology and general pathology. 3rd semester: Principles of histology and embryology. Anatomy and physiology: nervous system, muscle, sensory organs, circulatory system, respiratory system. 4rd semester: Anatomy and physiology: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, metabolism and thermoregulation, integumentary system, blood and immune system, urinary system, circadian rhythm, reproductive system, pregnancy and birth. | |||||
Literature | Anatomie: Martini, Timmons, Tallitsch, "Anatomie", Pearson; oder Schiebler, Korf, "Anatomie", Steinkopff / Springer; oder Spornitz, "Anatomie und Physiologie, Lehrbuch und Atlas für Pflege-und Gesundheitsfachberufe", Springer Physiologie: Thews/Mutschler/Vaupel: Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathophysiologie des Menschen, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart oder Schmidt/Lang/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der Besuch der Anatomie und Physiologie I - Vorlesung ist Voraussetzung, da die Anatomie und Physiologie II - Vorlesung auf dem Wissen der im vorangegangenen Semester gelesenen Anatomie und Physiologie I - Vorlesung aufbaut. |
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