Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2019

Biomedical Engineering Master Information
Molecular Bioengineering
227-0398-10LPhysiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers IIW3 KP2GM. Wyss
KurzbeschreibungThis course offers an introduction into the structure and function of the human body, and how these are interlinked with one another. Focusing on physiology, the visualization of anatomy is supported by 3D-animation, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance imaging.
LernzielTo understand basic principles and structure of the human body in consideration of the clinical relevance and the medical terminology used in medical work and research.
InhaltDigestive system, nutrition and digestion
Thermal balance and thermoregulation
Kidneys and urinary system
Endocrine system and hormones
Reproductive System
Basic anatomy of neck, face and cranium
Basics of neurophysiology and neuroanatomy
Sense organs
SkriptLecture notes and handouts
LiteraturSilbernagl S., Despopoulos A. Color Atlas of Physiology; Thieme 2008
Faller A., Schuenke M. The Human Body; Thieme 2004
Netter F. Atlas of human anatomy; Elsevier 2014
227-0945-10LCell and Molecular Biology for Engineers II
This course is part II of a two-semester course.
Knowledge of part I is required.
W3 KP2GC. Frei
KurzbeschreibungThe course gives an introduction into cellular and molecular biology, specifically for students with a background in engineering. The focus will be on the basic organization of eukaryotic cells, molecular mechanisms and cellular functions. Textbook knowledge will be combined with results from recent research and technological innovations in biology.
LernzielAfter completing this course, engineering students will be able to apply their previous training in the quantitative and physical sciences to modern biology. Students will also learn the principles how biological models are established, and how these models can be tested.
InhaltLectures will include the following topics: DNA, chromosomes, RNA, protein, genetics, gene expression, membrane structure and function, vesicular traffic, cellular communication, energy conversion, cytoskeleton, cell cycle, cellular growth, apoptosis, autophagy, cancer, development and stem cells.

In addition, 4 journal clubs will be held, where recent publications will be discussed (2 journal clubs in part I and 2 journal clubs in part II). For each journal club, students (alone or in groups of up to three students) have to write a summary and discussion of the publication. These written documents will be graded and count as 40% for the final grade.
SkriptScripts of all lectures will be available.
Literatur"Molecular Biology of the Cell" (6th edition) by Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Morgan, Raff, Roberts, and Walter.
227-0949-10LBiological Methods for Engineers (Advanced Lab) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Limited number of participants.
Students of the MSc in Biomedical Engineering have priority.
W4 KP9PC. Frei
KurzbeschreibungThe 2 week-long, full-time block course covers basic laboratory skills and safety, cell culture, protein analysis, RNA/DNA Isolation and RT-PCR. Each topic will be introduced, followed by practical work at the bench.
LernzielThe goal of this laboratory course is to give students practical exposure to basic techniques of cell and molecular biology.
InhaltThe goal of this laboratory course is to give students practical exposure to basic techniques of cell and molecular biology.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesEnrollment is limited and preference given to students in the Masters of Biomedical Engineering program.
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