Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Biotechnology Master Information
Research Projects and Internship
Students need to acquire a total of 20 ECTS in this category.
Either choose Research Project I (8 ECTS) and Research Project II (12 ECTS)
Or choose Research Project I (8 ECTS) and Industry Internship (12 ECTS)
Instead of Research Project I (8 ECTS) students may also choose Synthetic Biology II (8 ECTS)
Research Projects
636-0802-00LResearch Project I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Biotechnology MSc, Programme Regulations 2017.
O8 credits23AProfessors
AbstractIn a research project students extend their knowledge in a particular field, get acquainted with the scientific way of working, and learn to work on an actual research topic. Research projects are carried out in a core or optional subject area as chosen by the student.
Research Project I duration: 8 weeks
Learning objectiveStudents get acquainted with scientific working methods and deepen their knowledge in a particular research area
636-0803-00LResearch Project II Restricted registration - show details
Enrollment only for students that don`t do an industry internship but two research projects.

Only for Biotechnology MSc, Programme Regulations 2017.
W12 credits34AProfessors
AbstractIn a research project students extend their knowledge in a particular field, get acquainted with the scientific way of working, and learn to work on an actual research topic. Research projects are carried out in a core or optional subject area as chosen by the student.
Research Project II duration: 12 weeks
Learning objectiveStudents get acquainted with scientific working methods and deepen their knowledge in a particular research area
636-0507-00LSynthetic Biology II Restricted registration - show details
Students in the MSc Programme Biotechnology (Programme Regulation 2017) may select Synthetic Biology II instead of the Research Project 1.
W8 credits4AS. Panke, Y. Benenson, J. Stelling
Abstract7 months biological design project, during which the students are required to give presentations on advanced topics in synthetic biology (specifically genetic circuit design) and then select their own biological system to design. The system is subsequently modeled, analyzed, and experimentally implemented. Results are presented at an international student competition at the MIT (Cambridge).
Learning objectiveThe students are supposed to acquire a deep understanding of the process of biological design including model representation of a biological system, its thorough analysis, and the subsequent experimental implementation of the system and the related problems.
ContentPresentations on advanced synthetic biology topics (eg genetic circuit design, adaptation of systems dynamics, analytical concepts, large scale de novo DNA synthesis), project selection, modeling of selected biological system, design space exploration, sensitivity analysis, conversion into DNA sequence, (DNA synthesis external,) implementation and analysis of design, summary of results in form of scientific presentation and poster, presentation of results at the iGEM international student competition (
Lecture notesHandouts during course
Prerequisites / NoticeThe final presentation of the project is typically at the MIT (Cambridge, US). Other competing schools include regularly Imperial College, Cambridge University, Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Princeton Universtiy, CalTech, etc.

This project takes place between end of Spring Semester and beginning of Autumn Semester. Registration in April.

Please note that the number of ECTS credits and the actual work load are disconnected.
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