Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018
Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC These are the general course offerings of the programmes Teaching Diploma (TD) - categories Educational Science and Compulsory Elective Courses - and Teaching Certificate (TC) - category Educational Science. | ||||||
Educational Science Teaching Certificate | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0240-00L | Human Learning (EW1) This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence. | O | 2 credits | 2G | E. Stern | |
Abstract | This course looks into scientific theories and also empirical studies on human learning and relates them to the school. | |||||
Learning objective | Anyone wishing to be a successful teacher must first of all understand the learning process. Against this background, theories and findings on the way humans process information and on human behaviour are prepared in such a manner that they can be used for planning and conducting lessons. Students additionally gain an understanding of what is going on in learning and behavioural research so that teachers are put in a position where they can further educate themselves in the field of research into teaching and learning. | |||||
Content | Thematische Schwerpunkte: Lernen als Verhaltensänderung und als Informationsverarbeitung; Das menschliche Gedächtnis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verarbeitung symbolischer Information; Lernen als Wissenskonstruktion und Kompetenzerwerb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wissenstransfers; Lernen durch Instruktion und Erklärungen; Die Rolle von Emotion und Motivation beim Lernen; Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Lernfähigkeit und ihre Ursachen: Intelligenztheorien, Geschlechtsunterschiede beim Lernen Lernformen: Theorien und wissenschaftliche Konstrukte werden zusammen mit ausgewählten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen in Form einer Vorlesung präsentiert. Die Studierenden vertiefen nach jeder Stunde die Inhalte durch die Bearbeitung von Aufträgen in einem elektronischen Lerntagebuch. Über die Bedeutung des Gelernten für den Schulalltag soll reflektiert werden. Ausgewählte Tagebucheinträge werden zu Beginn jeder Vorlesung thematisiert. | |||||
Lecture notes | Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Literature | 1) Marcus Hasselhorn & Andreas Gold (2006). Pädagogische Psychologie: Erfolgreiches Lernen und Lehren. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 2) Jeanne Omrod (2006): Human Learning. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Lehrdiplom" or "Didaktisches Zertifikat". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence. | |||||
851-0240-22L | Coping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4 DZ) Number of participants limited to 20. The successful participation in EW1 ("Human Learning") and EW2 ("Designing Learning Environments for School") is recommended, but not a mandatory prerequisite. | W | 2 credits | 3S | A. Deiglmayr, P. Greutmann, U. Markwalder, S. Peteranderl | |
Abstract | In this class, students will learn concepts and skills for coping with psychosocial demands of teaching | |||||
Learning objective | Students possess theoretical knowledge and practical competences to be able to cope with the psychosocial demands of teaching. (1) They know the basic rules of negotiation and conflict management (e.g., mediation) and can apply them in the school context (e.g., in conversations with parents). (2) They can apply diverse techniques of classroom management (e.g., prevention of disciplinary problems in the classroom) and know relevant authorities for further information (e.g., legal conditions). | |||||
851-0240-16L | Colloquium on the Science of Learning and Instruction | W | 1 credit | 1K | E. Stern, P. Greutmann, further lecturers | |
Abstract | In the colloquium we discuss scientific projects concerning the teaching in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM). The colloquium is conducted by the professorships participating in the Competence Center EducETH (ETH) and in the Institute for Educational Sciences (UZH). | |||||
Learning objective | Participants are exemplarily introduced to different research methods used in research on learning and instruction and learn to weigh advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. | |||||
851-0242-06L | Cognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 2 credits | 2S | R. Schumacher | |
Abstract | This seminar focuses on teaching units in chemistry, physics and mathematics that have been developed at the MINT Learning Center of the ETH Zurich. In the first meeting, the mission of the MINT Learning Center will be communicated. Furthermore, in groups of two, the students will intensively work on, refine and optimize a teaching unit following a goal set in advance. | |||||
Learning objective | - Get to know cognitively activating instructions in MINT subjects - Get information about recent literature on learning and instruction | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Für eine reibungslose Semesterplanung wird um frühe Anmeldung und persönliches Erscheinen zum ersten Lehrveranstaltungstermin ersucht. | |||||
851-0242-07L | Human Intelligence Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). Number of participants limited to 30. This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 1 credit | 1S | E. Stern | |
Abstract | The focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences - Getting to know intelligence tests - Understanding findings relevant for education | |||||
851-0242-08L | Research Methods in Educational Science Number of participants limited to 30 This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 1 credit | 1S | P. Edelsbrunner, M. Berkowitz Biran, Z. Lue, C. M. Thurn | |
Abstract | Literature from the learning sciences is critically discussed with a focus on research methods. At the first meeting, working groups will be assembled and meetings with those will be set up. In the small groups students will write critical essays about the read literature. At the third meeting, we will discuss the essays and develop research questions in group work. | |||||
Learning objective | - Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences - Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media - Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences | |||||
851-0242-11L | Gender Issues In Education and STEM Number of participants limited to 20. Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it. | W | 2 credits | 2S | M. Berkowitz Biran | |
Abstract | In this seminar, we will introduce some of the major gender-related issues in the context of education and science learning, such as the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Common perspectives, controversies and empirical evidence will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - To familiarize students with gender issues in the educational and STEM context and with controversies regarding these issues - To develop a critical view on existing perspectives. - To integrate this knowledge with teacher's work. | |||||
Content | Why do fewer women than men specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Are girls better in language and boys better in math? These and other questions about gender differences relevant to education and STEM learning have been occupying researchers for decades. In this seminar, students will learn about major gender issues in the educational context and the different perspectives for understanding them. Students will read and critically discuss selected papers in the field, and their implications for the classroom context. In a final project, students will integrate and elaborate on the topics learned in the seminar and will present their work in class. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisite: Successful participation in the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1). | |||||
851-0240-03L | Introduction to Test Theory and Test Construction in Educational Contexts (University of Zürich) Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma or DC matriculation. No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH. UZH Module Code: 200c968 Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH: | W | 4 credits | 2S | University lecturers | |
Abstract | The seminar will provide theoretical and applied knowledge in the construction of psychological questionnaires. The students will construct, translate, and adapt instruments from different areas. Afterwards, data on these instruments will be gathered in an online survey. The survey will be analyzed (under the guidance of the seminar leaders) and presented in a scientific report. | |||||
Learning objective | The learning outcomes are: - Acquiring theoretical and applied knowledge in the construction, translation, and adaption of psychological instruments - Conducting online surveys and statistical analyses - Becoming more familiar with relevant statistical procedures (e.g., factor analysis, reliability, correlation, and regression analyses) - Estimating and evaluating the psychometric properties of instruments - Scientific description and communication of the results (using APA-style) | |||||
Content | Die Lehrveranstaltung soll Studierenden theoretische und praktische Kenntnisse in der Konstruktion von Fragebogen vermitteln. Es werden Instrumente aus verschiedenen Bereichen durch die Studierenden konstruiert, übersetzt und adaptiert. Danach erfolgt eine Online-Erhebung dieser Instrumente, die anschliessend unter Anleitung ausgewertet und in einem wissenschaftlichen Bericht präsentiert wird. | |||||
Lecture notes | Alle Unterlagen werden im OLAT-Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein eigener Laptop mit einem Statistikprogramm (z.B. SPSS) und einem Office-Paket. | |||||
Literature | Alle Unterlagen werden zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der Leistungsnachweis besteht aus einem schriftlichen Leistungsnachweis, der benotet wird, ausserdem werden die unten genannten Aspekte von aktiver Teilnahme für das Bestehen des Moduls vorausgesetzt. Der schriftliche Leistungsnachweis besteht aus einem wissenschaftlichen Bericht zur psychometrischen Prüfung einer im Rahmen des Seminars selbst adaptierten, konstruierten oder übersetzten Skala. Die aktive Teilnahme besteht aus Vorbereitung auf die Sitzungen, Rekrutierung von Teilnehmenden für die gemeinsame Datenerhebung, zwei kurzen Präsentationen zur praktischen Aufgabe sowie aktiver Teilnahme am Seminar. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein eigener Laptop mit einem Statistikprogramm (z.B. SPSS) und einem Office-Paket. | |||||
Educational Science Teaching Diploma | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0240-00L | Human Learning (EW1) This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence. | O | 2 credits | 2G | E. Stern | |
Abstract | This course looks into scientific theories and also empirical studies on human learning and relates them to the school. | |||||
Learning objective | Anyone wishing to be a successful teacher must first of all understand the learning process. Against this background, theories and findings on the way humans process information and on human behaviour are prepared in such a manner that they can be used for planning and conducting lessons. Students additionally gain an understanding of what is going on in learning and behavioural research so that teachers are put in a position where they can further educate themselves in the field of research into teaching and learning. | |||||
Content | Thematische Schwerpunkte: Lernen als Verhaltensänderung und als Informationsverarbeitung; Das menschliche Gedächtnis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verarbeitung symbolischer Information; Lernen als Wissenskonstruktion und Kompetenzerwerb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wissenstransfers; Lernen durch Instruktion und Erklärungen; Die Rolle von Emotion und Motivation beim Lernen; Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Lernfähigkeit und ihre Ursachen: Intelligenztheorien, Geschlechtsunterschiede beim Lernen Lernformen: Theorien und wissenschaftliche Konstrukte werden zusammen mit ausgewählten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen in Form einer Vorlesung präsentiert. Die Studierenden vertiefen nach jeder Stunde die Inhalte durch die Bearbeitung von Aufträgen in einem elektronischen Lerntagebuch. Über die Bedeutung des Gelernten für den Schulalltag soll reflektiert werden. Ausgewählte Tagebucheinträge werden zu Beginn jeder Vorlesung thematisiert. | |||||
Lecture notes | Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Literature | 1) Marcus Hasselhorn & Andreas Gold (2006). Pädagogische Psychologie: Erfolgreiches Lernen und Lehren. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 2) Jeanne Omrod (2006): Human Learning. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Lehrdiplom" or "Didaktisches Zertifikat". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence. | |||||
851-0238-01L | Support and Diagnosis of Knowledge Acquisition Processes (EW3) Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma (except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW3) and for students who intend to enrol in the "Teaching Diploma". Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)". | O | 3 credits | 3S | P. Edelsbrunner, L. Schalk, C. M. Thurn | |
Abstract | In this seminar students learn advanced techniques to support and to diagnose knowledge acquisition processes in school. | |||||
Learning objective | The main goals are: (1) You have a deep understanding about the cognitive mechanisms of knowledge acquisition. (2) You have a basic understanding about psychological test theory and can appropriately administer tests. (3) You know various techniques of formative assessment and can apply these to uncover students' misconceptions. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Für eine reibungslose Semesterplanung wird um persönliches Erscheinen zum ersten Lehrveranstaltungstermin ersucht. | |||||
851-0242-01L | Coping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4) Enrolment possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation, except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW4. | O | 3 credits | 3S | P. Greutmann, A. Deiglmayr, U. Markwalder, S. Peteranderl | |
Abstract | Students learn and practice techniques and skills for coping with psychosocial demands of teaching. | |||||
Learning objective | Students possess theoretical knowledge and practical competences to be able to cope with the psychosocial demands of teaching. (1) They know the basic rules of negotiation and conflict management (e.g., mediation) and can apply them in the school context (e.g., in conversations with parents). (2) They can apply diverse techniques of classroom management (e.g., prevention of disciplinary problems in the classroom) and know relevant authorities for further information (e.g., legal conditions; crisis intervention). (3) They know stress coping strategies to prevent burnout (e.g., psychosocial support) and are familiar with relevant institutions. | |||||
Content | Major themes: - counseling and counseling techniques - conflict management and mediation - classroom management - supporting students in a psychological crisis - preventing stress and burnout Forms of learning Theoretical foundations will be taught in workshops which contain different means of activation and interaction such as group work, panel discussions, and individual work. Subsequently, this knowledge will be transfered and applied in different school-relevant situations by means of role plays, discussing of cases and video sequences, as well as reflections of practical experiences. | |||||
Lecture notes | Slides of the lectureres`presentations, supplementary materials, and materials for further reading are made available on Moodle. | |||||
Literature | Verschiedenen Grundlagen- und Anwendungstexte werden den Studierenden zur Verfügung gestellt. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der erfolgreiche Abschluss von EW1 und EW2 stellt eine wünschenswerte, jedoch nicht obligatorische Voraussetzung dar. | |||||
851-0240-15L | Designing Educational Environments in Physical Education (EW2 Sport) Compulsory course requirements for EW2 Sport: This course is required to be taken prior to EW4 Sport "Outdoor Education: Concepts and Practice" (851-0242-02L) | O | 4 credits | 2S | H. Gubelmann, R. Scharpf | |
Abstract | Students learn principles of teaching beyond classroom and regular PE-Lessons : - Planning and organizing camps and events - Teaching the "Ergänzungsfach Sport" - Long-term-curricula in PE As a practical part students design the Outdoor event in EW4 of the following term | |||||
Learning objective | Students know - How to plan events and camps - To assess curricula critically and to use them properly - How to combine theoretical and practical isssues in the 'Ergänzungsfach' | |||||
Content | 1. LV Semestereinführung 2. LV Planung Outdoor-Weekend 3. LV Auswertung Outdoor-Event 4. LV Planung Event 5. LV Event-Präsentationen / Schlussveranstaltung | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | EW2 is compulsory requirement for EW4 Sport | |||||
851-0240-19L | Effective Learning Environments (EW 5) The successful completion of ALL modules relevant for the teacher's diploma is required for participation in this course. | W | 1 credit | 2U | E. Stern | |
Abstract | The students have to read the book "Lernwirksam unterrichten" from Felten/Stern and they have to answer questions. In individual or small-group sessions will be discussed how insights from learning research can inform classroom practice. | |||||
Learning objective | The focus of all classes on educational psychology is on scientific insights which help to reflect on instructional learning. In order to become professionals, teachers have to better understand students' behavior and achievement and thereby become aware of their scope of classroom practice. Students get a final opportunity to ask questions about psychological learning research. | |||||
Literature | Buch "Lernwirksam unterrichten" (Felten/Stern) | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Detailed information: | |||||
851-0242-07L | Human Intelligence Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). Number of participants limited to 30. This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 1 credit | 1S | E. Stern | |
Abstract | The focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences - Getting to know intelligence tests - Understanding findings relevant for education | |||||
851-0242-09L | Student Research Projects: Practical Research on Learning and Instruction Number of participants limited to 20. The sucessful completion of both course no. 851-0240-00L "Menschliches Lernen (EW 1)" and course no. 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen (EW 3)" is a necessary prerequisite for this course. | W | 2 credits | 2S | A. Deiglmayr, P. Edelsbrunner, U. Markwalder, S. Peteranderl, E. Stern | |
Abstract | In teams of two, participants in this seminar conduct their own research project. Each team is advised by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. Basic conceptual and methodological issues are the topic of a series of plenary meetings; however, the major part of the work is done in small-group meetings with the advising researcher, and in self-directed research projects. | |||||
Learning objective | The course is targeted at advanced students who have taken an interest in gathering practical research experience in the field of Learning & Instruction. In teams of two, students conduct their own research projects (planning, conducting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting research); thus, the course requires a high amount of self-directed working. Students are personally advised, and supported in their research project, by one of the researchers serving as lecturers in this course. During the first half the semester, relevant methodological knowledge and skills are practiced during plenary meetings and in students` independent reading (e.g. generating and testing research questions, designing experiments, and analyzing data in the field of Learning and Instruction) Learning goals include: - Participants can illustrate and explain basic methods and concepts for research in the fields of Learning and Instruction, e.g. with the help of practical examples. - Participants can generate testable research questions for a topic relevant in the fields of Learning and Instruction. - Participants can design and conduct a study that is relevant for answering their research question. - Participants can summarize and evaluate the main results from a study in the field of learning and Instruction, with regard to the research question being asked. | |||||
851-0242-06L | Cognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 2 credits | 2S | R. Schumacher | |
Abstract | This seminar focuses on teaching units in chemistry, physics and mathematics that have been developed at the MINT Learning Center of the ETH Zurich. In the first meeting, the mission of the MINT Learning Center will be communicated. Furthermore, in groups of two, the students will intensively work on, refine and optimize a teaching unit following a goal set in advance. | |||||
Learning objective | - Get to know cognitively activating instructions in MINT subjects - Get information about recent literature on learning and instruction | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Für eine reibungslose Semesterplanung wird um frühe Anmeldung und persönliches Erscheinen zum ersten Lehrveranstaltungstermin ersucht. | |||||
851-0242-08L | Research Methods in Educational Science Number of participants limited to 30 This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)". | W | 1 credit | 1S | P. Edelsbrunner, M. Berkowitz Biran, Z. Lue, C. M. Thurn | |
Abstract | Literature from the learning sciences is critically discussed with a focus on research methods. At the first meeting, working groups will be assembled and meetings with those will be set up. In the small groups students will write critical essays about the read literature. At the third meeting, we will discuss the essays and develop research questions in group work. | |||||
Learning objective | - Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences - Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media - Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences | |||||
851-0242-11L | Gender Issues In Education and STEM Number of participants limited to 20. Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport). Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it. | W | 2 credits | 2S | M. Berkowitz Biran | |
Abstract | In this seminar, we will introduce some of the major gender-related issues in the context of education and science learning, such as the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Common perspectives, controversies and empirical evidence will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - To familiarize students with gender issues in the educational and STEM context and with controversies regarding these issues - To develop a critical view on existing perspectives. - To integrate this knowledge with teacher's work. | |||||
Content | Why do fewer women than men specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Are girls better in language and boys better in math? These and other questions about gender differences relevant to education and STEM learning have been occupying researchers for decades. In this seminar, students will learn about major gender issues in the educational context and the different perspectives for understanding them. Students will read and critically discuss selected papers in the field, and their implications for the classroom context. In a final project, students will integrate and elaborate on the topics learned in the seminar and will present their work in class. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Prerequisite: Successful participation in the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1). | |||||
851-0240-27L | Supervising Matura Theses Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)". | W | 1 credit | 1V | J. Maue | |
Abstract | This course prepares prospective teachers to supervising scientific projects at upper secondary school level, particularly Matura theses in STEM subjects at the Gymnasium. | |||||
Learning objective | 1. Assessing the adequacy of Matura thesis topics and defining the scope of a project. 2. Determining and promoting a successful work process. 3. Devising and applying criteria for assessing process, product and presentation of a Matura thesis. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Focus on STEM-subjects (biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics) with no explicit discussion of geography or physical education. | |||||
Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
851-0237-01L | Vocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning I: Teaching Structure (University of Zürich) Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation. No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH. UZH Module Code: 090LLB1 (ATTENTION: Students of Sport Teaching Diploma enroll in course 090LLB1S) Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule II: Förderung und Unterstützung von Lernenden" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB2) is compulsory. Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH: ("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diplom", Philosophische Fakultät) | W | 3 credits | 2S | University lecturers | |
Abstract | "The Vocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning - Teaching Structure" sets out and discusses how to implement the specifications in the framework curriculum. This module is aimed at teachers in high schools awarding vocational school-leaving certificates (Berufsmatura) and all types of vocational schools. It also covers the link established with the company as a learning location. | |||||
Learning objective | - Formulating learning objectives at different levels, and implementing and monitoring these. - Steering tuition in terms of content and method to fit in with the objectives. - Formulating examination questions and assignments on the basis of the learning objectives set out in the curriculum and the teaching given. - Selectively deploying different examination types and procedures/structuring selected learning contents logically in terms of the subject matter and learning process (from the concrete to the abstract, from the simple to the complex) and implementing these with different didactic visual aids. | |||||
Content | In der Veranstaltung werden die Rahmen- und Schullehrpläne der Berufsmaturität (alle Richtungen) analysiert und deren Fachinhalt in Übungen und Hospitationen didaktisch umgesetzt. Der Unterricht an der Berufsmaturität wird im Hinblick auf die Herausforderung "Viel Stoff-wenig Zeit" erarbeitet. | |||||
Lecture notes | Von den Dozierenden. | |||||
Literature | Unterrichten an Berufsfachschulen: Berufsmaturität. hep Verlag Bern M. Lehner (2006): Viel Stoff - wenig Zeit. Haupt G. Steiner (2207): Der Kick zum effizienten Lernen. hep Verlag Rahmen- und Schullehrpläne der Berufsmaturität | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Lehrveranstaltung ist seit September 2008 vom Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie akkreditiert. |
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