Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Public Policy Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2018)
1. Semester
Core Courses First Year Examinations
Examination Block 1
Students are free to take the exam either in German or in French. They may choose between 853-0723-00L 'Introduction to Torts, Contract and Insurance Law' or 851-0709-00L 'Introduction to Civil Law' (French)
853-0723-00LIntroduction to Torts, Contracts and Insurance Law Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2VC. von Zedtwitz
AbstractIntroduction to Torts, Contracts and Insurance Law.
Learning objectiveThe course shall make sure that the participants are fit to make the adequate decisions when encountering legal questions and issues in their career.

In order to achieve this goal, legal problems and issues will be presented to the participants and then discussed in class.
ContentThe course touches upon relevant topics of Contract Law (formation of contract and contract performance), Tort Law (including liability limitation), corporate law (types of corporations, formation of LLC), civil procedure (jurisdiction and applicable law, costs, when and how to engage a lawyer) and insurance law (duty to disclose relevant facts, gross negligence).
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course 'Introduction au Droit civil' (851-0709-00) provides an introduction to the law of Contracts and Torts in French.
851-0709-00LIntroduction to Civil LawW2 credits2VH. Peter
AbstractThe course Private Law focuses on the Swiss Code of Obligations (contracts, torts) and on Property Law (ownership, mortgage and easements). In addition, the course will provide a short overview of Civil Procedure and Enforcement.
Learning objectiveEnseignement des principes du droit, en particulier du droit privé. Introduction au droit.
ContentLe cours de droit civil porte notamment sur le droit des obligations (droit des contrats et responsabilité civile) et sur les droits réels (propriété, gages et servitudes). De plus, il est donné un bref aperçu du droit de la procédure et de l'exécution forcée.
LiteratureEditions officielles récentes des lois fédérales, en langue française (Code civil et Code des obligations) ou italienne (Codice civile e Codice delle obbligazioni), disponibles auprès de la plupart des librairies.

Sont indispensables:
- le Code civil et le Code des obligations;
Sont conseillés:
- Nef, Urs Ch.: Le droit des obligations à l'usage des ingénieurs et des architectes, trad. Bovay, J., éd. Payot, Lausanne
- Scyboz, G. et. Gilliéron, P.-R, éd.: Edition annotée du Code civil et du Code des obligations, Payot, Lausanne, et Helbing & Lichtenhahn,
- Boillod, J.-P.: Manuel de droit, éd Slatkine, Genève
- Biasio, G./Foglia, A.: Introduzione ai codici di diritto privato svizzero, ed. Giappichelli, Torino
Prerequisites / NoticeRemarques
- Le cours de droit civil et le cours de droit public (2e sem.) sont l'équivalent des cours "Recht I" et "Recht II" en langue allemande et des exercices y relatifs.
- Les examens peuvent se faire en français ou en italien.
- Examen au 1er propédeutique; convient pour travail de semestre.
- Con riassunti in italiano. E possibile sostenere l'esame in italiano.
851-0577-00LPrinciples of Political ScienceO4 credits2V + 1UT. Bernauer, L. Rudolph, L. P. Fesenfeld, A. Serrano Galvis
AbstractThis course covers the basic questions, concepts, theories, methods, and empirical findings of political science.
Learning objectiveThis course covers the basic questions, concepts, theories, methods, and empirical findings of political science.
ContentDer Kurs ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Im ersten Teil erhalten die Teilnehmenden eine Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie, den Ablauf politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung, den Aufbau eines Forschungsdesigns und die Methodik der empirischen Sozialwissenschaften. Hier geht es primär darum zu zeigen wie PolitikwissenschaftlerInnen denken und arbeiten. Der zweite Teil des Kurses widmet sich zwei zentralen Teilbereichen der Politikwissenschaft: der Analyse politischer Systeme und den internationalen Beziehungen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses zweiten Teils liegt auf der Analyse politischer Systeme sowie den wichtigsten politischen Akteuren und der Beschaffenheit und Wirkung politischer Institutionen. Zur Veranschaulichung der behandelten Konzepte und Theorien gehen wir schwergewichtig und vergleichend auf die politischen Systeme Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz ein. Der Teilbereich der internationalen Beziehungen wird nur kursorisch behandelt, da dieser Teilbereich Inhalt einer Folgeveranstaltung im Frühlingssemester (Internationale Politik, Prof. Schimmelfennig) ist.

Zur Vorlesung wird ein Tutorat (Uebung) angeboten. Darin werden die zentralen Konzepte, Methoden und Themen der Vorlesung geübt und vertieft. Die Teilnahme am Tutorat ist integraler Bestandteil des Kurses. Der im Tutorat behandelte Stoff ist Bestandteil der Prüfungen.
Lecture notesThis course is based on the following textbook:
"Politikwissenschaft: Grundlagen" by Thomas Bernauer, Patrick Kuhn, Stefanie Walter and Detlef Jahn (Nomos, 2016, 3nd Edition).
LiteratureThis course is based on the following textbook:
"Politikwissenschaft: Grundlagen" by Thomas Bernauer, Patrick Kuhn, Stefanie Walter and Detlef Jahn (Nomos, 2015, 4th Edition).
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents attending this course and passing the required tests (one in the middle, the other at the end of the semester) will obtain 4 ECTS credit points.
853-0033-00LLeadership I Restricted registration - show details
For BA Public Policy only.
O3 credits2VM. Holenweger, F. Demont, F. Kernic
AbstractThe lectures "Leadership I" (WS) and "Leadership II" (SS) have been designed as a two-semester lecture series, but may also be followed independently of one another or in reverse order. "Leadership I" covers the following fields: leadership basics, leadership theories and leadership styles, the concept of leadership responsibility and the role of communication in practical leadership.
Learning objectiveThe aim of this lecture is to give students an introductory overview of relevant topics regarding leadership research and practice, thus enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the leadership phenomenon. Students should understand different concepts of leadership in the complex interaction between individuals, groups, organisation, context and situation. They should be informed about the evolution of the understanding of mankind in relation to working processes and its impact on organizations and the understanding of leadership theory in the past 100 years. They should grasp the concept of leadership responsibility (leadership ethics) and be able to derive consequences for leadership in practical situations. They should recognize the fundamental importance of communication in leadership situations and receive input which enables them to communicate adequately in specific situations.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe 1-hour written exam will take place during the last lecture in the semester.
Examination Block 2
351-1034-00LMicroeconomics Restricted registration - show details O3 credits2VA. Fetz, M. Gysler
AbstractIntroduction to the economic decisions of households and firms, and their coordination through markets. Analysis of different market structures and of situations in which markets may lead to socially undesirable outcomes.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of basic microeconomic models. Ability to apply these models to real world economic situations.
ContentEconomics as a science, division of labour and welfare (concept of comparative advantage), supply and demand (market equilibrium, elasticity), households (preferences, demand), firms (technology, cost analysis, profit maximisation, supply), perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly, externalities, public goods, information, factor markets and income distribution
Lecture notesvia email
LiteratureMankiw, G. and Taylor M. (2014): Economics, Cengage Learning
Prerequisites / NoticeCourse macroeconomics in the summer term
853-0725-00LHistory Part One: Europe (Modernization in the 'Old Continent' 1815-1992) Information O3 credits2VD. Speich Chassé
AbstractA range of fundamental processes have transformed European societies in the course of the 19th and the 20th centuries. This lecture series asks whether one single model of modernization prevailed on the 'Old Continent' or whether we need to differenciate regionally. A special focus lies on the Swiss experience.
Learning objectiveAt the end of this lecture course, students can: (a) highlight the most important changes in the "long nineteenth century" in Europe (b) explain their long-term effects; and (c) relate these changes to global developments today.
ContentThe thematic foci include: Industrialization on the British Isles, urban growth in Switzerland, the difficult road to democracy in Germany, and French individualism.
Lecture notesPower Point Slides and references will be made available in digital form during the course of the semester.
LiteratureMandatory and further reading will be listed on the course plan that is made available as from the first session.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis lecture series does not build upon specific previous knowledge by the students.
853-0037-00LMilitary Psychology and Pedagogy I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O4 credits2V + 1UH. Annen
AbstractExamine the fundamentals of the two sciences and establish links with military life. Discuss various schools of thought in psychology and focus on content and process theories of motivation. Explore characteristics of pedagogical thinking and discuss the values of military education with reference to the young adult serving in the armed forces.
Learning objective- Becoming acquainted with basic psychological views of human behaviour and experience
- Knowing content- and process theories of motivation and being able to transfer them to the military context
- Knowing the possibilities and limitations of military education and deriving consequences
ContentOverall, the objective is to become acquainted with the basics of both scientific areas and to make references to military practice. Military psychology is a branch of applied psychology; consequently selected aspects of psychological principles will be covered. Military pedagogy hasn't yet established itself firmly as an independent scientific discipline, it nevertheless can draw on a deep-seated tradition in Switzerland. Thus, the great importance that has been attached to the discussion of education in Swiss society and academia will be taken into account.
- History of military psychology
- Psychological images of humanity (psychoanalysis, behaviourism, behavioural biology, humanistic psychology, cognitivism)
- Motivational theories
- Defence-, service-, operational- and combat motivation
- Swiss military pedagogy
- Education as defining feature of pedagogic thinking and acting

This course is completedy by a compulsary one week course between terms.
Literature- Annen, H., Steiger, R. & Zwygart, U.: Gemeinsam zum Ziel, Huber, Frauenfeld 2004 (provided as pdf)
- Stadelmann, J.: Führung unter Belastung, Huber, Frauenfeld 1998 (provided as pdf)

The lecture is supported by a virtual learning environment containing relevant documents (presentations and texts) and information to further literature.
Remaining Core Courses of the Bachelor Programme
853-0205-00LProseminar I: Political Methodology Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O3 credits2SD. Kolcava, M. Wicki
AbstractTeaching of formal requirements of scientific work (philosophy of science with a focus on the social sciences); literature reviews and the basics of conducting independent research on short as well as simple topics; basics of conceptualizing research designs for politically relevant questions and hypotheses.
Learning objective1) Understanding the goal and the basic procedures of (empirical social sciences) scientific work (philosophy of science, theory building, research design, as well as the correct employment of sources, data and literature).
2) Identification of relevant research questions.
3) Creating a common basis for a thorough and systematic analysis of these.
ContentPolitical Methodology I seeks to introduce students to the basics of scientific work and procedures in the social sciences, which in turn shall allow them - also in conjunction with Political Methodology II - to conduct work that fulfills satisfactory standards of research quality throughout their further studies.
With regard to Political Methodology I, this seminar primarily focuses on the philosophy and theory of (empirical social) sciences, its structure, and procedures. The seminar emphasizes substantive contents and ways of presenting them, research and, conceptual work. Additionally, it deals with the basis of establishing research designs with politically relevant questions and hypotheses.
LiteratureBehnke, Joachim und Nathalie Behnke. 2006. Grundlagen der statistischen Datenanalyse -- Eine Einführung für Politikwissenschaftler. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Diekmann, Andreas. 2007. Empirische Sozialforschung - Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Reinbek: Rowohlts Taschenbuch Verlag.
Maier, Michaela und Hans Rattinger. 1999. Methoden der sozialwissenschaftlichen Datenanalyse. München/Wien: Oldenbourg Verlag.
Plümper, Thomas. 2008. Effizient Schreiben. München/Wien: Oldenbourg Verlag.
Schnell, Rainer, Paul B. Hill und Elke Esser. 2008. Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. München/Wien: Oldenbourg Verlag.
Prerequisites / NoticeEach student will be graded by two exercises (50% each).

1) Source analysis and acquisition: based upon a research question that will be given by the lecturer, the student shall collect a comprehensive list of the relevant literature and summarize that with her/his own words.

2) Critical analysis of sources: based upon a research article that the student chooses on her/his own, the student shall write a critical analysis of that, which mirrors frame and structure of scientific writing

Submission dates will be communicated in the first meeting.
853-0064-00LMilitary Sociology IO3 credits2VA. Rinaldo, O. Schneider
AbstractBeside of the most important terms of sociology, demographic changes and the related value and structure change will be analysed. The second part focuses on organizational sociology. Thirdly, the course examines to which extent armed forces can be considered as organizations like any other and to which extent they constitute a special case from an organizational and normative point of view.
Learning objectiveRecognize and explain current changes (social change) in modern society (individualisation, pluralisation); describe demographic changes in Switzerland; explain the structures of societies; define issues and fields of research in modern military sociology and explain the foundations of organisational sociology; explain the military in terms of organisational sociology and identify specific traits of the military as an organisation.
ContentSocietal change; organizations as societal phenomena; aims, structures, environments of organizations; specifics of the military as an organization; impacts of technological and societal changes on the armed forces in modern societies.
LiteratureA reader with a set of texts will be handed out.
First Foreign Language
853-0405-00LEnglish, Part I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O3 credits2GS. Schweizer
AbstractTeaching is focused on the acquisition of general English in the four classical skills, i.e. speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and writing. The goal is to reach level B2 or C1 depending on the linguistic proficiency of the students.
Learning objectiveThis three-semester English course should enable the participants to successfully use the English language in an international military setting.
Content•Read, analyse and write military and civilian documents
•Listening comprehension using current radio or TV reports
•Practise speaking through group discussions and short presentations
•Systematic revision and extension of key grammar points
•Systematic acquisition of general and military vocabulary
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2011)
3. Semester
Remaining Core Courses of the Bachelor Programme
853-0015-00LConflict Research I: Causes of War in Historical Context Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA.
O4 credits2V + 1UL.‑E. Cederman
AbstractThis course offers an introduction to research on causes of wars. War as a social phenomenon is covered from the pre-state world to today's state system after the end of the Cold War. Topics include state formation and collapse, nationalism, decolonization, democracy, and ethnic conflict. Exercises complete the Lectures.
Learning objectiveDeveloping an understanding for causes of war and their development over the last 500 years. Knowledge of fundamental concepts in research on causes of war.
853-0046-00LSocial Psychology of Groups Restricted registration - show details O3 credits2VT. Heilmann
AbstractGrundlegende sozialpsychologische Themen werden zusammen möglichst anwendungsorientiert ausgearbeitet, präsentiert und diskutiert.
Learning objectiveSie sind in der Lage, verschiedene sozialpsychologische Aspekte und Faktoren zu erkennen, zu erklären und in Ihren alltäglichen Entscheidungen planerisch, inhaltlich und operativ zu bewerten. Das bedeutet, Sie können einschätzen, wann verschiedene sozialpsychologische Aspekte in Ihrem Berufsalltag eine Rolle spielen können. Und Sie sind in der Lage einzuschätzen, was das nachfolgend für Ihre Arbeits- oder Führungsprozesse bedeuten kann.
ContentDie angewandte Sozialpsychologie ist die Grundlage für eine Reihe von Führungs-,Team- und Leistungsprozessen. Unser Verhalten wird stark von Faktoren beeinflusst, die gleichsam unsichtbar „unter der Eisbergspitze“ lagern – in Form von psychologischen Aspekten, die oft wenig mit fachlichen Kompetenzen oder Fertigkeiten zu tun haben. Einige dieser sozialpsychologischen Faktoren werden Sie lernen und explizieren können.

1) Führungspsychologie: Kurzer Einblick in neuere Führungstheorien.

2) Destruktive Führung: Was sollten wir nicht machen?

3) Soziale Kognition: Warum und auf Basis welcher wenigen Informationen wir sehr schnell Urteile über Personen treffen.

4) Soziale Wahrnehmung/Attribution: Wie erklären wir uns, dass sich jemand im Alltag in gewisser Art und Weise verhält?

5) Diversity & Frauen & Führung: Woran kann es liegen, dass weibliche Führungskräfte besondere Herausforderungen bei der Ausübung von Führung haben?

6) Sozialer Einfluss: Welche Normen erleben Sie beim Militär? Und wie leiten diese Erwartungen unser Verhalten im Berufsalltag?

7) Gruppenpsychologie: Was heisst "Gruppe"? Wie entwickeln sich (militärische) Gruppen, z.B. in der RS? Welche Prozesse können zwischen Gruppen geschehen?

8) Gruppenleistung: Welche Einflüsse auf die Gruppenleistung, z.B. Gefechtsschiessen, gibt es? Wie können wir Gruppenaufgaben klassifizieren? Und warum hilft uns diese Klassifikation, um potenzielle Motivationseinbussen zu antizipieren und zu beseitigen?

9) Überzeugungsstrategien
LiteratureAntonakis, J., Fenley, M., & Liechti, S. (2012). Learning charisma. Transform yourself into the person others want to follow. Harvard business review, 90(6), 127-30.

Bondolfi, S. (2012). Wehrpflicht und Geschlecht. Allgemeine Schweizerische Militarzeitschrift, 178(6), 42.

Felfe, J. (2006). Transformationale und charismatische Führung-Stand der Forschung und aktuelle Entwicklungen. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 5(4), 163-176.

Hewstone, M., & Martin, R. (2014). Sozialer Einfluss. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 269-313). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Jonas, K., Maier, E., Boss, P., Heilmann, T., & Seiler, S. (2010). Transaktionales und transformationales Führen in Privatwirtschaft und Militär [Transactional and transformational leadership in the corporate sector and the military]. Führung neu denken, 67-92.

Lang, R. (2014). Ethische und destruktive Führung: Gute Führung–schlechte Führung. In Aktuelle Führungstheorien und-konzepte (pp. 313-353). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Nijstad, B. A., & Van Knippenberg, D. (2014). Gruppendynamik. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 439-467). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Parkinson, B. (2014). Soziale Wahrnehmung und Attribution. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 65-106). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Pendry, L. (2014). Soziale Kognition. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 107-140). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Peus, C., & Welpe, I. M. (2011). Frauen in Führungspositionen: was Unternehmen wissen sollten. na.

Schulz-Hardt, S., & Brodbeck, F. C. (2014). Gruppenleistung und Führung. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 469-505). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Schulz-Hardt, S., & Brodbeck, F. C. (2014). Gruppenleistung und Führung. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 469-505). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Schyns, B., & Schilling, J. (2013). How bad are the effects of bad leaders? A meta-analysis of destructive leadership and its outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 138-158.

Stroebe, W. (2014). Strategien zur Einstellungs-und Verhaltensänderung. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 231-268). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Stroebe, W., Hewstone, M., & Jonas, K. (2014). Einführung in die Sozialpsychologie. In Sozialpsychologie (pp. 1-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Van Knippenberg, D., & Schippers, M. C. (2007). Work group diversity. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 58, 515-541.

Plus: Zusatzliteratur
Prerequisites / NoticeLehrangebot im Studiengang Berufsoffizier
853-0047-00LWorld Politics Since 1945: The History of International Relations Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA and DAS Military Sciences
O4 credits2V + 1UA. Wenger
AbstractThis lecture series provides students with an overview of the development of international relations since the end of World War II. The first part of the series deals with the development of and changes in Cold War security policy structures. The second part deals with the period after the transformation of 1989/91; the focus here is on current issues in international security policy.
Learning objectiveBy the end of the semester, participants should have a solid knowledge of the history and theoretical foundations of International Relations since the end of the Second World War.
Contentcf. "Diploma Supplement"

Wenger, Andreas und Doron Zimmermann. International Relations: From the Cold War to the Globalized World. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2003.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture is being supported by a website on Moodle. If you have any questions, please contact Niklas Masuhr;
853-0065-00LBusiness Administration I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O4 credits3VP. Barmettler
AbstractThe course BA I provides an understanding of the principles of General Business Management. It comprises an introduction to the basic business principles within a business acumen with a clear focus on value creation.
The theory conveyed is illustrated with excercises, case studies and examples from business practice.
Learning objectiveObjectives

- Understanding and application of instruments and methods of
general management.
- Driving customer equity.
- Reflection of common business practices.

1. Customer orientation and value creation
2. Business and Environment
3. Legal forms of business under Swiss corporate law

4. Marketing I
5. Marketing II

6. Human Resource Management I
7. Human Resource Management II

8. Organisation
9. Value-based management
10. Mission, Business Norms and Business Culture
11. Strategic Management
LiteratureKrummenacher / Thommen / Brodmann (2016): Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaft, Versus Verlag, Zürich, 2016 (Lehrbuch).

Krummenacher (2016): Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaft - Aufgaben und Lösungen, Versus Verlag, Zürich, 2016 (Übungsbuch).
853-0063-00LMilitary History I Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O4 credits2V + 1UM. Olsansky
AbstractThe lecture outlines the development of the armed forces (assets regarding manpower, technology and armament), the concepts of warfare and the actual warfare in the 19th and 20th century.
Learning objective- Distinguish between military history as a subject and historiography as a way of describing events;
- Analyse the modern developments regarding armed forces and warfare in the context of socio-economic changes;
- Based on the approach regarding revolution in military affairs, describe the evolution of the armed forces and of warfare;
- Exemplify the issues regarding the evolution of the combat (First and Second World War, Vietnam War and Algerian War).
ContentThe lecture first examines the bases of the science of (military) history. It focuses on how military history developed from war history, on specific similarities and differences between military history and general historiography, the different ways of dealing with history in Switzerland, Germany, France and in the Anglo-Saxon cultural area (different approaches) as well as on institutions which deal with military history such as universities, military academies, national and international commissions and associations etc.

The lecture is structured along the lines of the concept of "Military Revolution" and starts with the formation of modern, European armed forces after the Oranian Army reform in the 17th century.
Based on the "Military Revolution" approach, the lecture examines the structural changes regarding the armed forces and the development of warfare from the 18th to the 20th century. Special emphasis will be put on how the battlefield was revolutionized due to the Napoleonic wars, the industrialization in the 19th century, the First World War, the mechanization and totalization during the Second World War and the period of the Cold War.
Literature- Peter Browning: The Changing Nature of Warfare, Cambridge 2002.
- MacGregor Knox/Williamson Murray: The Dynamics of Military Revolution 1300-2050, Cambridge 2001.
- Jeremy Black: Introduction to Global Military History 1775 to the present day, London 2005.
- Rolf-Dieter Müller: Militärgeschichte, Köln 2009.
853-0082-00LStrategic Studies IO3 credits2VM. Mantovani, M. Berni
AbstractThe lecture series treats high-impact strategic theory from antiquity to the present.
Learning objectiveThe participants know in what ways the understanding of strategy has evolved over time.
They understand the balance of strategy's basic components: ends, ways, means.
They know the most important classics of strategy and war theory, especially against their specific historical background.
Based on the analysis of historical and contemporary examples, they are aware of the ambiguity of declaration and implementation of strategies.
They are capable of analyzing original texts and modern scholarly works in the field of strategic studies.
ContentThe two-term lecture series treats classic texts of strategic studies from antiquity to the present. Term 1 covers the theories up until roughly 1900, term 2 the theories eversince.
Theories are considered classic, if they were prominent in their respective times and if they enjoyed a strong reception thereafter, be it in literature, in academic debates or as guidelines for action. Each out of some 50 theories is discussed in three steps: historical context, core elements and reception.
Lecture notesPrior to the lectures, the respective slides are provided as well as a primary sources and literature, as preparatory readings.
The program is also available online (
LiteraturePeter Paret, Makers of Modern Strategy. From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age, Princeton 1986

Lawrence Freedman, Strategy. A History, New York 2013

Martin van Creveld, A History of Strategy: from Sun Tzu to William S. Lind, Kouvola 2015
Prerequisites / NoticeThe lecture is held in German.
Passive knowledge of English and French are required.
853-0302-00LEuropean Integration Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA.
O4 credits1U + 2SF. Schimmelfennig
AbstractThe course (lecture and tutorial) covers the theory, development, and core policy fields of European integration as well as structures and processes of the EU as a decision- and policy-making system.
Learning objectiveThe seminar is designed to help students understand the European Union as a particular kind of political system that differs both from the nation-state and from other international organizations. It imparts basic knowledge on the development, institutions, procedures, and policies of the EU and provides an introduction to major approaches to integration theory and political science research on the EU.
Content1. Introduction
2. Theories of European integration
3. Institutional development of European integration
4. Development of political integration
5. Internal market and monetary union
6. Internal and external security policies
7. Constitutionalization
8. Widening and differentiation
9. European integration in crisis
10. Institutions
11. Law-making and law enforcement
12. Statehood and democracy
13. Switzerland, the EEA and Neighbourhood Policies
Lecture notesSchimmelfennig, Frank: Europäische Integration (erhältlich zu Beginn des Kurses)
LiteratureLiteratur wird über Moodle bereitgestellt.
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Leistungskontrolle findet durch eine Seminarpräsentation und einen schriftlichen Schlusstest statt.
First Foreign Language
853-0416-00LEnglish, Part III Restricted registration - show details
Only for Public Policy BA
O3 credits2GS. Schweizer
AbstractThe knowledge and skills acquired in the second semester serve as a basis for further improvements in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing, which will enable students to enroll for the Cambridge exams. The goal is to reach Council of Europe (CEFR) level C1 or C2 depending on the linguistic proficiency of the students.
Learning objectiveThis three-semester English course should enable the participants to successfully use the English language in an international military setting.
Content• Read, analyse and write military and civilian documents
• Listening comprehension using current radio or TV reports
• Practise speaking with group discussions and short presentations
• Systematic revision and extension of key grammar points
• Systematic acquisition of general and military vocabulary
5. Semester
Remaining Core Courses of the Bachelor's Programme
853-0049-00LIntroduction to Constitutional Law in Security PolicyO3 credits2VR. Müller
AbstractThe lecture deals with questions of competence and the security policy instruments (especially the army), conveys the basic principles of police law and deals with the management of extraordinary situations. Further topics are the intelligence service, the legal status of army members, the private security service providers and international aspects.
Learning objectiveThe students
- understand the constitutional order relevant to the security policy and know the basic concepts of security law;
- can explain special (situation-dependent) legal forms of action;
- understand the tasks and the interaction of the actors within the legal framework of the security policy;
- know the army's mission and refer legally to the types of deployment available for order fulfillment;
- know the basic principles as well as individual characteristics of civilian-military cooperation;
- evaluate police powers and practices of military associations in its respective context;
- describe the legal position of members of the army as well as the special responsibility of persons in a chain of command;
- outline the importance of human rights in the context of actions of the security policy actors;
- assess current security challenges.
ContentFollowing an introduction, the legal foundations of the Swiss security policy will be presented in the first part.
The security constitution and the security policy instruments of the Confederation and the cantons shall be assessed critically. Then the basic principles of police action in the constitutional state will be explained referring to individual examples.

Subject of the second part is the army. In addition to their constitutional anchoring and their tasks are examined from a legal point of view according to the relevant regulations. Special attention is given to the army's police powers.

This will be followed in a third part by an examination of the cooperation between civilian and military authorities within Switzerland and abroad.

In a fourth part, attention will be given to the areas of private security, intelligence, and the legal position of the army members. An overview of legal protection completes the lecture.

The last hour before the exam will be a repetition reserved for questions.
Lecture notesReader with copies of the relevant literature (see below)
LiteratureThe basic sources of the lectures are:
- Ginanfranco Albertini/Thomas Armbruster/Beat Spörri, Militärisches Einsatzrecht, Zürich 2016;
- Markus H.F. Mohler, Grundzüge des Polizeirechts in der Schweiz, Basel 2012.

Extracts from the basic literature as well as other texts are prepared in a reader. The purchase of the first work (Militärisches Einsatzrecht, ISBN 978-3-7255-7080-5 for around CHF 89.-) is recommended.
853-0038-00LSwiss Foreign PolicyO3 credits2VD. Möckli Weder
AbstractThis course analyzes the foundations and challenges of Swiss foreign policy. After reviewing the history of foreign policy conceptions since the early 20th century, we will discuss the determining factors of Swiss foreign policy and examine, together with guest speakers from the foreign ministry, current international developments and respective foreign policy challenges.
Learning objectiveStudents should acquire a sound understanding of Swiss foreign policy and the relevant academic and political debates associated with it.
ContentNach einer Einführung in die Aussenpolitikanalyse behandelt die Lehrveranstaltung zunächst die historischen Grundlagen und die konzeptionelle Entwicklung der schweizerischen Aussenpolitik. Dabei stehen die unterschiedlichen Reaktionen der Schweiz auf die internationalen Neuordnungen nach 1918, 1945 und 1989 und die seitherige Ausgestaltung der Schweizer Aussenpolitik im Zentrum. Es wird auch darum gehen, zentrale Determinanten der Schweizer Aussenpolitik zu identifizieren.
Auf dieser Basis werden wir die derzeitigen weltpolitischen Entwicklungslinien und deren Bedeutung für die Schweiz analysieren. Zu den aussenpolitischen Herausforderungen und Themen, die wir diskutieren, gehören die Krise der liberalen internationalen Ordnung (Autoritarismus und Populismus), die Konflikte im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, die Ukrainekrise und das Engagement in der OSZE, die Friedensförderungspolitik der Schweiz generell, die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, die aussenpolitischen Beiträge zur Bewältigung der Migrationskrise, das Engagement der Schweiz gegen den Terrorismus, die Europapolitik und Brexit sowie die Politik in der UNO.
Die erste Stunde wird in der Regel als Vorlesung des Dozenten bestritten. In der zweiten Stunde vertiefen wir Themen teilweise durch den Einbezug von Gastreferaten von Mitarbeitenden des Eidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA).
Lecture notesStudents will receive a handout of slides accompanying the lectures.
LiteratureA reading list will be handed out at the beginning of the semester.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course will be supported by an e-learning environment.
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