Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2018

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2018)
The core courses and specialization courses below are a selection for students who wish to specialize in the area of "Communication", see

The individual study plan is subject to the tutor's approval.
These core courses are particularly recommended for the field of "Communication".
You may choose core courses form other fields in agreement with your tutor.

A minimum of 24 credits must be obtained from core courses during the MSc EEIT.
Advanced Core Courses
227-0301-00LOptical Communication FundamentalsW6 KP2V + 1U + 1PJ. Leuthold
KurzbeschreibungThe path of an analog signal in the transmitter to the digital world in a communication link and back to the analog world at the receiver is discussed. The lecture covers the fundamentals of all important optical and optoelectronic components in a fiber communication system. This includes the transmitter, the fiber channel and the receiver with the electronic digital signal processing elements.
LernzielAn in-depth understanding on how information is transmitted from source to destination. Also the mathematical framework to describe the important elements will be passed on. Students attending the lecture will further get engaged in critical discussion on societal, economical and environmental aspects related to the on-going exponential growth in the field of communications.
Inhalt* Chapter 1: Introduction: Analog/Digital conversion, The communication channel, Shannon channel capacity, Capacity requirements.

* Chapter 2: The Transmitter: Components of a transmitter, Lasers, The spectrum of a signal, Optical modulators, Modulation formats.

* Chapter 3: The Optical Fiber Channel: Geometrical optics, The wave equations in a fiber, Fiber modes, Fiber propagation, Fiber losses, Nonlinear effects in a fiber.

* Chapter 4: The Receiver: Photodiodes, Receiver noise, Detector schemes (direct detection, coherent detection), Bit-error ratios and error estimations.

* Chapter 5: Digital Signal Processing Techniques: Digital signal processing in a coherent receiver, Error detection teqchniques, Error correction coding.

* Chapter 6: Pulse Shaping and Multiplexing Techniques: WDM/FDM, TDM, OFDM, Nyquist Multiplexing, OCDMA.

* Chapter 7: Optical Amplifiers : Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers, Raman Amplifiers.
SkriptLecture notes are handed out.
LiteraturGovind P. Agrawal; "Fiber-Optic Communication Systems"; Wiley, 2010
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesFundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields & Bachelor Lectures on Physics.
227-0417-00LInformation Theory IW6 KP4GA. Lapidoth
KurzbeschreibungThis course covers the basic concepts of information theory and of communication theory. Topics covered include the entropy rate of a source, mutual information, typical sequences, the asymptotic equi-partition property, Huffman coding, channel capacity, the channel coding theorem, the source-channel separation theorem, and feedback capacity.
LernzielThe fundamentals of Information Theory including Shannon's source coding and channel coding theorems
InhaltThe entropy rate of a source, Typical sequences, the asymptotic equi-partition property, the source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, channel capacity, the channel coding theorem, the source-channel separation theorem, feedback capacity
LiteraturT.M. Cover and J. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory (second edition)
227-0427-00LSignal Analysis, Models, and Machine LearningW6 KP4GH.‑A. Loeliger
KurzbeschreibungMathematical methods in signal processing and machine learning.
I. Linear signal representation and approximation: Hilbert spaces, LMMSE estimation, regularization and sparsity.
II. Learning linear and nonlinear functions and filters: neural networks, kernel methods.
III. Structured statistical models: hidden Markov models, factor graphs, Kalman filter, Gaussian models with sparse events.
LernzielThe course is an introduction to some basic topics in signal processing and machine learning.
InhaltPart I - Linear Signal Representation and Approximation: Hilbert spaces, least squares and LMMSE estimation, projection and estimation by linear filtering, learning linear functions and filters, L2 regularization, L1 regularization and sparsity, singular-value decomposition and pseudo-inverse, principal-components analysis.
Part II - Learning Nonlinear Functions: fundamentals of learning, neural networks, kernel methods.
Part III - Structured Statistical Models and Message Passing Algorithms: hidden Markov models, factor graphs, Gaussian message passing, Kalman filter and recursive least squares, Monte Carlo methods, parameter estimation, expectation maximization, linear Gaussian models with sparse events.
SkriptLecture notes.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites:
- local bachelors: course "Discrete-Time and Statistical Signal Processing" (5. Sem.)
- others: solid basics in linear algebra and probability theory
227-0439-00LWireless Access Systems
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
E-6 KP2V + 2UA. Wittneben
KurzbeschreibungWireless access systems support locally constrained wireless connectivity and mobile access to a backbone network (typically the Internet). In this course the student develops a comprehensive understanding of existing and upcoming wireless access technologies (including WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, VANET) and related Physical Layer and Medium Access Control Layer problems and opportunities.
LernzielThe course consists of two tracks. The track "Technology&Systems" is structured as regular lecture. In the introduction we will discuss the challenges and potential of pervasive wireless access and study some fundamentals of short/medium range wireless communications. The main body of this track is devoted to existing and upcoming systems. A comprehensive survey of Ultrawide band (UWB) as the promising transmission technology for pervasive wireless access completes this track. In the track "Simulate&Practice" we form student teams that implement and analyze functional blocks of the physical layer of various advanced wireless access systems based on MATLAB simulations. The track includes combination tasks where different teams combine their functional blocks (e.g. transmitter, receiver) in order to simulate the complete physical layer.
Inhalt1. Short range wireless communication : fundamental Physical Layer challenges and solutions
2. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
3. Vehicular Networks (VANET)
4. Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology: fundamental principles, promises and solutions
5. Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)
6. Wireless Personal Area Networks (Bluetooth, Zigbee)
7. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC)
SkriptLecture Slides and handouts.
LiteraturSelected Books
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesRequirements: Knowledge of fundamental principles of digital communication systems (e.g. 227-0121-00 G Kommunikationssysteme) is helpful but not mandatory. Lecture is given in English.
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