Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2018

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2008)
Fächer der Vertiefung
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Electronics and Photonics
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227-0121-00LKommunikationssysteme Information W6 KP4GA. Wittneben
KurzbeschreibungInformationstheorie, Signalraumanalyse, Basisbandübertragung, Passbandübertragung, Systembeispiel und Kanal, Sicherungsschicht, MAC, Beispiele Layer 2, Layer 3, Internet
LernzielZiel der Vorlesung ist die Einführung der wichtigsten Konzepte und Verfahren, die in modernen digitalen Kommunikationssystemen Anwendung finden, sowie eine Übersicht über bestehende und zukünftige Systeme.
InhaltEs werden die untersten drei Schichten des OSI-Referenzmodells behandelt: die Bitübertragungsschicht, die Sicherungsschicht mit dem Zugriff auf das Übertragungsmedium und die Vermittlung. Die wichtigsten Begriffe der Informationstheorie werden eingeführt. Anschliessend konzentrieren sich die Betrachtungen auf die Verfahren der Punkt-zu-Punkt-Übertragung, welche sich mittels der Signalraumdarstellung elegant und kohärent behandeln lassen. Den Methoden der Fehlererkennung und –korrektur, sowie Protokollen für die erneute Übermittlung gestörter Daten wird Rechnung getragen. Auch der Vielfachzugriff bei geteiltem Übertragungsmedium wird diskutiert. Den Abschluss bilden Algorithmen für das Routing in Kommunikationsnetzen und der Flusssteuerung.

Die Anwendung der grundlegenden Verfahren wird ausführlich anhand von bestehenden und zukünftigen drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Systemen erläutert.
Literatur[1] Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4. Auflage, John Wiley & Sons, 2001
[2] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computernetzwerke, 3. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2003
[3] M. Bossert und M. Breitbach, Digitale Netze, 1. Auflage, Teubner, 1999
227-0157-00LSemiconductor Devices: Physical Bases and Simulation Information W4 KP3GA. Schenk
KurzbeschreibungThe course addresses the physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and the foundations of their modeling and numerical simulation. Necessary basic knowledge on quantum-mechanics, semiconductor physics and device physics is provided. Computer simulations of the most important devices and of interesting physical effects supplement the lectures.
LernzielThe course aims at the understanding of the principle physics of modern semiconductor devices, of the foundations in the physical modeling of transport and its numerical simulation. During the course also basic knowledge on quantum-mechanics, semiconductor physics and device physics is provided.
InhaltThe main topics are: transport models for semiconductor devices (quantum transport, Boltzmann equation, drift-diffusion model, hydrodynamic model), physical characterization of silicon (intrinsic properties, scattering processes), mobility of cold and hot carriers, recombination (Shockley-Read-Hall statistics, Auger recombination), impact ionization, metal-semiconductor contact, metal-insulator-semiconductor structure, and heterojunctions.
The exercises are focussed on the theory and the basic understanding of the operation of special devices, as single-electron transistor, resonant tunneling diode, pn-diode, bipolar transistor, MOSFET, and laser. Numerical simulations of such devices are performed with an advanced simulation package (Sentaurus-Synopsys). This enables to understand the physical effects by means of computer experiments.
SkriptThe script (in book style) can be downloaded from:
LiteraturThe script (in book style) is sufficient. Further reading will be recommended in the lecture.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesQualifications: Physics I+II, Semiconductor devices (4. semester).
227-0166-00LAnalog Integrated Circuits Information W6 KP2V + 2UQ. Huang
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides a foundation in analog integrated circuit design based on bipolar and CMOS technologies.
LernzielIntegrated circuits are responsible for much of the progress in electronics in the last 50 years, particularly the revolutions in the Information and Communications Technologies we witnessed in recent years. Analog integrated circuits play a crucial part in the highly integrated systems that power the popular electronic devices we use daily. Understanding their design is beneficial to both future designers and users of such systems.
The basic elements, design issues and techniques for analog integrated circuits will be taught in this course.
InhaltReview of bipolar and MOS devices and their small-signal equivalent circuit models; Building blocks in analog circuits such as current sources, active load, current mirrors, supply independent biasing etc; Amplifiers: differential amplifiers, cascode amplifier, high gain structures, output stages, gain bandwidth product of op-amps; Stability; Comparators; Second-order effects in analog circuits such as mismatch, noise and offset; A/D and D/A converters; Introduction to switched capacitor circuits.
The exercise sessions aim to reinforce the lecture material by well guided step-by-step design tasks. The circuit simulator SPECTRE is used to facilitate the tasks. There is also an experimental session on op-amp measurments.
SkriptHandouts of presented slides. No script but an accompanying textbook is recommended.
LiteraturGray, Hurst, Lewis, Meyer, "Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits", 5th Ed. Wiley, 2010.
227-0377-00LPhysics of Failure and Failure Analysis of Electronic Devices and EquipmentW3 KP2VU. Sennhauser
KurzbeschreibungFailures have to be avoided by proper design, material selection and manufacturing. Properties, degradation mechanisms, and expected lifetime of materials are introduced and the basics of failure analysis and analysis equipment are presented. Failures will be demonstrated experimentally and the opportunity is offered to perform a failure analysis with advanced equipment in the laboratory.
LernzielIntroduction to the degradation and failure mechanisms and causes of electronic components, devices and systems as well as to methods and tools of reliability testing, characterization and failure analysis.
InhaltSummary of reliability and failure analysis terminology; physics of failure: materials properties, physical processes and failure mechanisms; failure analysis of ICs, PCBs, opto-electronics, discrete and other components and devices; basics and properties of instruments; application in circuit design and reliability analysis
SkriptComprehensive copy of transparencies
227-0468-00LAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering Information
Suitable for Master Students as well as Doctoral Students.
W6 KP2V + 2UH. Schmid
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture provides a wide overview over analog filters (continuous-time and discrete-time), signal-processing systems, and sigma-delta conversion, and gives examples with sensor interfaces and class-D audio drivers. All systems and circuits are treated using a signal-flow view. The lecture is suitable for both analog and digital designers.
LernzielThis lecture provides a wide overview over analog filters (continuous-time and discrete-time), signal-processing systems, and sigma-delta conversion, and gives examples with sensor interfaces and class-D audio drivers. All systems and circuits are treated using a signal-flow view. The lecture is suitable for both analog and digital designers. The way the exam is done allows for the different interests of the two groups.

The learning goal is that the students can apply signal-flow graphs and can understand the signal flow in such circuits and systems (including non-ideal effects) well enough to gain an understanding of further circuits and systems by themselves.
InhaltAt the beginning, signal-flow graphs in general and driving-point signal-flow graphs in particular are introduced. We will use them during the whole term to analyze circuits on a system level (analog continuous-time, analog discrete-time, mixed-signal and digital) and understand how signals propagate through them. The theory and CMOS implementation of active Filters is then discussed in detail using the example of Gm-C filters and active-RC filters. The ideal and nonideal behaviour of opamps, current conveyors, and inductor simulators follows. The link to the practical design of circuits and systems is done with an overview over different quality measures and figures of merit used in scientific literature and datasheets. Finally, an introduction to discrete-time and mixed-domain filters and circuits is given, including sensor read-out amplifiers, correlated double sampling, and chopping, and an introduction to sigma-delta A/D and D/A conversion on a system level.

This lecture does not go down to the details of transistor implementations. The lecture "227-0166-00L Analog Integrated Circuits" complements This lecture very well in that respect.
SkriptThe base for these lectures are lecture notes and two or three published scientific papers. From these papers we will together develop the technical content.


Some material is protected by password; students from ETHZ who are interested can write to to ask for the password even if they do not attend the lecture.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: Recommended (but not required): Stochastic models and signal processing, Communication Electronics, Analog Integrated Circuits, Transmission Lines and Filters.

Knowledge of the Laplace transform and z transform and their interpretation (transfer functions, poles and zeros, bode diagrams, stability criteria ...) and of the main properties of linear systems is necessary.
227-0617-00LSolar CellsW4 KP3GA. N. Tiwari, S. Bücheler, Y. Romanyuk
KurzbeschreibungPhysics, technology, characteristics and applications of photovoltaic solar cells.
LernzielIntroduction to solar radiation, physics, technology, characteristics and applications of photovoltaic solar cells and systems.
InhaltSolar radiation characteristics, physical mechanisms for the light to electrical power conversion, properties of semiconductors for solar cells, processing and properties of conventional Si and GaAs based solar cells, technology and physics of thin film solar cells based on compound semiconductors, other solar cells including organic and dye sensitized cells, problems and new developments for power generation in space, interconnection of cells and solar module design, measurement techniques, system design of photovoltaic plants, system components such as inverters and controllers, engineering procedures with software domonstration, integration in buildings and other specific examples.
SkriptLecture reprints (in english).
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: Basic knowledge of semiconductor properties.
227-0618-00LModeling, Characterization and Reliability of Power Semiconductors Information W6 KP4GM. P. M. Ciappa
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture provides theoretical and experimental knowledge on the techniques for the characterization and numerical modeling of power semiconductors, as well on the related built-in reliability strategies.
LernzielThe students shall get acquainted with the most important concepts and techniques for characterization, numerical modeling and built-in reliability of modern power semiconductor devices. This knowledge is intended to provide the future engineer with the theoretical background and tools for the design of dependable power devices and systems.
InhaltThis lecture consists of a theoretical part (50%) and of laboratory exercises and demonstrations (50%).
The theoretical part covers the basic techniques and procedures for characterization, modeling and built-in reliability of modern power semiconductor devices with special attention to MOS and IGBT. The starting part on technology provides an overview on the main device families and includes a review of the most relevant application-oriented aspects of the device physics, thermal management, and packaging. The second section deals with the basic experimental characterization techniques for the definition of the semiconductor material properties, electrical characteristics, safe operating area, and junction temperature of the devices. The following section introduces the basic principles for electrical, thermal, and electro-thermal simulation of power semiconductors by Technology Computed Aided Design (TCAD) and compact modeling. Finally, procedures are methods are presented to implement efficient built-in reliability programs targeted on power semiconductors. They include failure physics, dedicated failure analysis techniques, accelerated testing, defect screening, and lifetime modeling.
During the laboratory activities, selections of the experimental techniques presented in the lecture are demonstrated on the base of realistic examples. Furthermore, schematic power devices will be simulated by the students with advanced TCAD tools and circuit simulators.
SkriptHandouts to the lecture (approx. 250 pp.)
LiteraturEiichi Ohno: "Introduction to Power Electronics"
B. Murari et al.: "Smart Power ICs"
B. J. Baliga: "Physics Modern Power Devices"
S. K. Ghandi: "Semiconductor Power Devices"
227-0620-00LCharacterization of the Electronic Properties of Materials for Semiconductor Devices
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture provides theoretical and experimental knowledge on the techniques for the characterization of the main electronic properties of semiconductors and thin film materials used in microelectronics, with special focus on silicon.
LernzielThe characterization of the electronic properties of semiconductor and related materials is fundamental to manufacture integrated devices, which fulfill the required specifications. By this lecture, the students shall get acquainted with the main electrical characterization techniques of the electronic properties of semiconductors and thin film materials used in microelectronics, as well as with their physical principles. This knowledge is intended to provide the future engineer with the theoretical background and experimental tools for process control in semiconductor manufacturing, parameter extraction in device simulation, and design of dependable devices.
InhaltThis lecture consists of a theoretical part (80%) and of laboratory exercises and demonstrations (20%). In the first section of the lecture, methods and procedures are presented for the experimental characterization of relevant electronic parameters in the bare semiconductor (mainly silicon), like resistivity, carrier and doping density, contact resistance, and Schottky barriers, defect density, carrier lifetime, mobility. The second section deals with techniques involving basic structures and devices (contact chains, MIS capacitors, diodes, gated diodes, BJT, MOSFET) for the characterization of atomic transport, mechanical stress, dielectric thickness, impact ionization, channel mobility, instabilities, defect formation at interfaces and in thin film dielectrics, carrier transport and trapping in thin film dielectrics, quasi-static and dynamic device characteristics. The list of the covered methods includes among others probing, Kelvin measurements, VanderPauw technique, Hall spectroscopy, SIMS, Raman spectroscopy, spreading resistance, scanning probe techniques, static/high-speed I-V, static/high-frequency C-V, open circuit voltage decay, carrier recombination techniques, Zerbst techniques, deep level transient spectroscopy, split C-V, charge pumping, and inverse modeling techniques using TCAD. All methods are presented in conjunction with the proper test structures. During the laboratory activities, a selection of the experimental techniques discussed in the lecture are demonstrated on the base of realistic examples.
SkriptHandouts to the lecture (approx. 200 pp.)
LiteraturSchroeder D.K, Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, Wiley Ed.
F. Balestra Ed., Nanoscale CMOS : innovative materials, modeling and characterization, ISTE
227-0627-00LAngewandte Computer ArchitekturW6 KP4GA. Gunzinger
KurzbeschreibungDiese Vorlesung gibt einen Überblick über die Anforderungen und die Architektur von parallelen Computersystemen unter Berücksichtigung von Rechenleistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Kosten.
LernzielArbeitsweise von parallelen Computersystemen verstehen, solche Systeme entwerfen und modellieren.
InhaltDie Vorlesung Angewandte Computer Architektur gibt technische und unternehmerische Einblicke in innovative Computersysteme/Architekturen (CPU, GPU, FPGA, Spezialprozessoren) und deren praxisnahe Umsetzung. Dabei werden oft die Grenzen der technologischen Möglichkeiten ausgereizt.
Wie ist das Computersystem aufgebaut, das die über 1000 Magneten an der Swiss Light Source (SLS) steuert?
Wie ist das hochverfügbare Alarmzentrum der SBB aufgebaut?
Welche Computer Architekturen werden in Fahrerassistenzsystemen verwendet?
Welche Computerarchitektur versteckt sich hinter einem professionellen digitalen Audio Mischpult?
Wie können Datenmengen von 30 TB/s, wie sie bei einem Protonen-Beschleuniger entstehen, in Echtzeit verarbeitet werden?
Kann die aufwändige Berechnung der Wettervorhersage auch mit GPUs erfolgen?
Nach welcher Systematik können optimale Computerarchitekturen gefunden werden?
Welche Faktoren sind entscheidend, um solche Projekte erfolgreich umzusetzen?
SkriptSkript und Übungsblätter.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesVoraussetzungen:
Grundlagen der Computerarchitektur.
227-0659-00LIntegrated Systems Seminar Information W1 KP1SA. Schenk
KurzbeschreibungIn the "Fachseminar IIS" the students learn to communicate topics, ideas or problems of scientific research by listening to more experienced authors and by presenting scientific work in a conference-like situation for a specific audience.
LernzielThe seminar aims at instructing graduate and PhD students in the basics of presentation techniques, i.e. "how to give a professional talk". Attendees have the possibility to become acquainted with a current topic by a literature study, and to present the results thereof in a 20 minutes talk in English. The participation at the seminar gives also an overview on current problems in modern nano- and opto-electronics.
InhaltThe seminar topics' are simulation of nanoelectronic processes and devices, and the optical as well as electronical simulation of optoelectronic devices as lasers, photodiodes, etc.

The studens learn how to find the right literature for a certain topic quickly, as well as how to prepare a talk for a scientific conference, i.e. presentation techniques.
SkriptPresentation material
227-0665-00LBattery Integration Engineering Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 30.

Enrolment possible until September 28, 2018.

Students are required to have attended one of the following courses: 227-0664-00L Technology and Policy of Electrical Energy Storage / 529-0440-00L Physical Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis / 529-0191-01L Renewable Energy Technologies II, Energy Storage and Conversion / 529-0659-00L Electrochemistry
(Exception for PhD students)

Priority given to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students
W3 KP2V + 1UT. J. Patey
KurzbeschreibungBatteries enable sustainable mobility, renewable power integration, various power grid services, and residential energy storage. Linked with low cost PV, Li-ion batteries are positioned to shift the 19th-century centralized power grid into a 21st-century distributed one. As with battery integration, this course combines understanding of electrochemistry, heat & mass transfer, device engineering.
LernzielThe learning objectives are:

- Apply critical thinking on advancements in battery integration engineering. Assessment reflects this objective and is based on review of a scientific paper, with mark weighting of 10 / 25 / 65 for a proposal / oral presentation / final report, respectively.

- Design battery system concepts for various applications in the modern power system and sustainable mobility, with a deep focus on replacing diesel buses with electric buses combined with charging infrastructure.

- Critically assess progresses in material science for novel battery technologies reported in literature, and understand the opportunities and challenges these materials could have.

- Apply "lessons learned" from the history of batteries to assess progress in battery technology.

- Apply experimental and physical concepts to develop battery models in order to predict lifetime.
Inhalt- Battery systems for the modern power grid and sustainable mobility.

- Battery lifetime modeling by aging, thermal, and electric sub-models.

- Electrical architecture of battery energy storage systems.

- History and introduction to electrochemistry & batteries.

- Li-ion batteries & next generation batteries.

- Sustainability and recycling of batteries.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesLimited to 30 Students
Priority given to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering students
Recommended to attended 227-0664-00L
227-2037-00LPhysical Modelling and Simulation Information W6 KP4GJ. Smajic
KurzbeschreibungThis module consists of (a) an introduction to fundamental equations of electromagnetics, mechanics and heat transfer, (b) a detailed overview of numerical methods for field simulations, and (c) practical examples solved in form of small projects.
LernzielBasic knowledge of the fundamental equations and effects of electromagnetics, mechanics, and heat transfer. Knowledge of the main concepts of numerical methods for physical modelling and simulation. Ability (a) to develop own simple field simulation programs, (b) to select an appropriate field solver for a given problem, (c) to perform field simulations, (d) to evaluate the obtained results, and (e) to interactively improve the models until sufficiently accurate results are obtained.
InhaltThe module begins with an introduction to the fundamental equations and effects of electromagnetics, mechanics, and heat transfer. After the introduction follows a detailed overview of the available numerical methods for solving electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical boundary value problems. This part of the course contains a general introduction into numerical methods, differential and integral forms, linear equation systems, Finite Difference Method (FDM), Boundary Element Method (BEM), Method of Moments (MoM), Multiple Multipole Program (MMP) and Finite Element Method (FEM). The theoretical part of the course finishes with a presentation of multiphysics simulations through several practical examples of HF-engineering such as coupled electromagnetic-mechanical and electromagnetic-thermal analysis of MEMS.
In the second part of the course the students will work in small groups on practical simulation problems. For solving practical problems the students can develop and use own simulation programs or chose an appropriate commercial field solver for their specific problem. This practical simulation work of the students is supervised by the lecturers.
151-0601-00LTheory of Robotics and Mechatronics Information W4 KP3GP. Korba, S. Stoeter
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides an introduction and covers the fundamentals of the field, including rigid motions, homogeneous transformations, forward and inverse kinematics of multiple degree of freedom manipulators, velocity kinematics, motion planning, trajectory generation, sensing, vision, and control. It’s a requirement for the Robotics Vertiefung and for the Masters in Mechatronics and Microsystems.
LernzielRobotics is often viewed from three perspectives: perception (sensing), manipulation (affecting changes in the world), and cognition (intelligence). Robotic systems integrate aspects of all three of these areas. This course provides an introduction to the theory of robotics, and covers the fundamentals of the field, including rigid motions, homogeneous transformations, forward and inverse kinematics of multiple degree of freedom manipulators, velocity kinematics, motion planning, trajectory generation, sensing, vision, and control. This course is a requirement for the Robotics Vertiefung and for the Masters in Mechatronics and Microsystems.
InhaltAn introduction to the theory of robotics, and covers the fundamentals of the field, including rigid motions, homogeneous transformations, forward and inverse kinematics of multiple degree of freedom manipulators, velocity kinematics, motion planning, trajectory generation, sensing, vision, and control.
151-0605-00LNanosystemsW4 KP4GA. Stemmer
KurzbeschreibungFrom atoms to molecules to condensed matter: characteristic properties of simple nanosystems and how they evolve when moving towards complex ensembles.
Intermolecular forces, their macroscopic manifestations, and ways to control such interactions.
Self-assembly and directed assembly of 2D and 3D structures.
Special emphasis on the emerging field of molecular electronic devices.
LernzielFamiliarize students with basic science and engineering principles governing the nano domain.
InhaltThe course addresses basic science and engineering principles ruling the nano domain. We particularly work out the links between topics that are traditionally taught separately. Familiarity with basic concepts of quantum mechanics is expected.

Special emphasis is placed on the emerging field of molecular electronic devices, their working principles, applications, and how they may be assembled.

Topics are treated in 2 blocks:

(I) From Quantum to Continuum
From atoms to molecules to condensed matter: characteristic properties of simple nanosystems and how they evolve when moving towards complex ensembles.

(II) Interaction Forces on the Micro and Nano Scale
Intermolecular forces, their macroscopic manifestations, and ways to control such interactions.
Self-assembly and directed assembly of 2D and 3D structures.
Literatur- Kuhn, Hans; Försterling, H.D.: Principles of Physical Chemistry. Understanding Molecules, Molecular Assemblies, Supramolecular Machines. 1999, Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-95902-2
- Chen, Gang: Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion. 2005, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-515942-4
- Ouisse, Thierry: Electron Transport in Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Devices. 2008, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-84821-050-9
- Wolf, Edward L.: Nanophysics and Nanotechnology. 2004, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 3-527-40407-4

- Israelachvili, Jacob N.: Intermolecular and Surface Forces. 2nd ed., 1992, Academic Press,ISBN: 0-12-375181-0
- Evans, D.F.; Wennerstrom, H.: The Colloidal Domain. Where Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Technology Meet. Advances in Interfacial Engineering Series. 2nd ed., 1999, Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-24247-0
- Hunter, Robert J.: Foundations of Colloid Science. 2nd ed., 2001, Oxford, ISBN: 0-19-850502-7
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesCourse format:

Lectures and Mini-Review presentations: Thursday 10-13, ML F 36

Homework: Mini-Review
(compulsory continuous performance assessment)

Each student selects a paper (list distributed in class) and expands the topic into a Mini-Review that illuminates the particular field beyond the immediate results reported in the paper. Each Mini-Review will be presented both orally and as a written paper.
151-0620-00LEmbedded MEMS LabW5 KP3PC. Hierold, S. Blunier, M. Haluska
KurzbeschreibungPraktischer Kurs: Die Teilnehmer lernen die Einzelprozessschritte zur Herstellung eines MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) kennen und führen diese in Reinräumen selbständig durch. Sie erlernen ausserdem die Anforderungen für die Arbeit in Reinräumen. Die Prozessierung und Charakterisierung wird in einem Abschlussbericht dokumentiert und ausgewertet. Beschränkte Platzzahl
LernzielDie Teilnehmer lernen die Einzelprozessschritte zur Herstellung eines MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) kennen. Sie führen diese in Laboren und Reinräumen selbständig durch. Die Teilnehmer erlernen ausserdem die speziellen Anforderungen (Sauberkeit, Sicherheit, Umgang mit Geräten und gefährlichen Chemikalien) für die Arbeit in Reinräumen und Laboren. Die gesamte Herstellung, Prozessierung und Charakterisierung wird in einem Abschlussbericht dokumentiert und ausgewertet.
InhaltUnter Anleitung werden die Einzelprozessschritte der Mikrosystem- und Siliziumprozesstechnik zur Herstellung eines Beschleunigungssensors durchgeführt:
-Photolithographie, Trockenätzen, Nassätzen, Opferschichtätzung, diverse Reinigungsprozesse
- Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik am Beispiel der elektrischen Verbindung von MEMS und elektronischer Schaltung in einem Gehäuse
- Funktionstest und Charakterisierung des MEMS
- Schriftliche Dokumentation und Auswertung der gesamten Herstellung, Prozessierung und Charakterisierung
SkriptEin Skript wird an der ersten Veranstaltung verteilt.
LiteraturDas Skript ist ausreichend für die erfolgreiche Teilnahme des Praktikums.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDie Teilnahme an allen hier aufgeführten Veranstaltungen ist Pflicht.
Beschränkte Platzzahl, sehen Sie den englischen Text:

Participating students are required to provide proof that they have personal accident insurance prior to the start of the laboratory classes of the course.

This master's level course is limited to 15 students per semester for safety and efficiency reasons.
If there are more than 15 students registered, we regret to restrict access to this course by the following rules:

Priority 1: master students of the master's program in "Micro and Nanosystems"

Priority 2: master students of the master's program in "Mechanical Engineering" with a specialization in Microsystems and Nanoscale Engineering (MAVT-tutors Profs Daraio, Dual, Hierold, Koumoutsakos, Nelson, Norris, Park, Poulikakos, Pratsinis, Stemmer), who attended the bachelor course "151-0621-00L Microsystems Technology" successfully.

Priority 3: master students, who attended the bachelor course "151-0621-00L Microsystems Technology" successfully.

Priority 4: all other students (PhD, bachelor, master) with a background in silicon or microsystems process technology.

If there are more students in one of these priority groups than places available, we will decide by (in following order) best achieved grade from 151-0621-00L Microsystems Technology, registration to this practicum at previous semester, and by drawing lots.
Students will be notified at the first lecture of the course (introductory lecture) as to whether they are able to participate.

The course is offered in autumn and spring semester.
151-0911-00LIntroduction to PlasmonicsW4 KP2V + 1UD. J. Norris
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides fundamental knowledge of surface plasmon polaritons and discusses their applications in plasmonics.
LernzielElectromagnetic oscillations known as surface plasmon polaritons have many unique properties that are useful across a broad set of applications in biology, chemistry, physics, and optics. The field of plasmonics has arisen to understand the behavior of surface plasmon polaritons and to develop applications in areas such as catalysis, imaging, photovoltaics, and sensing. In particular, metallic nanoparticles and patterned metallic interfaces have been developed to utilize plasmonic resonances. The aim of this course is to provide the basic knowledge to understand and apply the principles of plasmonics. The course will strive to be approachable to students from a diverse set of science and engineering backgrounds.
InhaltFundamentals of Plasmonics
- Basic electromagnetic theory
- Optical properties of metals
- Surface plasmon polaritons on surfaces
- Surface plasmon polariton propagation
- Localized surface plasmons

Applications of Plasmonics
- Waveguides
- Extraordinary optical transmission
- Enhanced spectroscopy
- Sensing
- Metamaterials
SkriptClass notes and handouts
LiteraturS. A. Maier, Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications, 2007, Springer
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPhysics I, Physics II
327-2132-00LMultifunctional Ferroic Materials: Growth, Characterisation, SimulationW2 KP2GM. Trassin, M. Fiebig
KurzbeschreibungThe course will explore the growth of (multi-) ferroic oxide thin films. The structural characterization and ferroic state investigation by force microscopy and by laser-optical techniques will be addressed.
Oxide electronics device concepts will be discussed.
LernzielOxide films with a thickness of just a few atoms can now be grown with a precision matching that of semiconductors. This opens up a whole world of functional device concepts and fascinating phenomena that would not occur in the expanded bulk crystal. Particularly interesting phenomena occur in films showing magnetic or electric order or, even better, both of these ("multiferroics").

In this course students will obtain an overarching view on oxide thin epitaxial films and heterostructures design, reaching from their growth by pulsed laser deposition to an understanding of their magnetoelectric functionality from advanced characterization techniques. Students will therefore understand how to fabricate and characterize highly oriented films with magnetic and electric properties not found in nature.
InhaltTypes of ferroic order, multiferroics, oxide materials, thin-film growth by pulsed laser deposition, molecular beam epitaxy, RF sputtering, structural characterization (reciprocal space - basics-, XRD for thin films, RHEED) epitaxial strain related effects, scanning probe microscopy techniques, laser-optical characterization, oxide thin film based devices and examples.
363-0389-00LTechnology and Innovation Management Information W3 KP2GS. Brusoni
KurzbeschreibungThis course focuses on the analysis of innovation as a pervasive process that cut across organizational and functional boundaries. It looks at the sources of innovation, at the tools and techniques that organizations deploy to routinely innovate, and the strategic implications of technical change.
LernzielThis course intends to enable all students to:

- understand the core concepts necessary to analyze how innovation happens

- master the most common methods and tools organizations deploy to innovate

- develop the ability to critically evaluate the innovation process, and act upon the main obstacles to innovation
InhaltThis course looks at technology and innovation management as a process. Continuously, organizations are faced with a fundamental decision: they have to allocate resources between well-known tasks that reliably generate positive results; or explore new ways of doing things, new technologies, products and services. The latter is a high risk choice. Its rewards can be high, but the chances of success are small.
How do firms organize to take these decisions? What kind of management skills are necessary to take them? What kind of tools and methods are deployed to sustain managerial decision-making in highly volatile environments? These are the central questions on which this course focuses, relying on a combination of lectures, case-based discussion, guest speakers, simulations and group work.
SkriptSlides will be available on the Moodle page
LiteraturReadings will be available on the Moodle page
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course content and methods are designed for students with some background in management and/or economics
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