Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2018
Environmental Sciences Bachelor ![]() | ||||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0220-00L | Basic Practical in Microbiology ![]() Only for BSc Environmental Sciences. Registration is necessary until three weeks before course begins (29.01.2018). After that date a place cannot be garanteed. | W | 2 credits | 3P | M. Ackermann, F. Hammes, D. R. Johnson | |
Abstract | Der Kurs vermittelt eine Einführung in das experimentelle Arbeiten mit Mikroorganismen, und zeigt Anwendungen der Mikrobiologie in den Umweltwissenschaften. | |||||
Learning objective | Erwerben von Grundlagen in folgenden Gebieten: experimentelles Arbeiten mit Mikroorganismen, Untersuchung von Antibiotika-Resistenz, genetische Modifikation von Mikroorganismen, und Analyse der Verbreitung von pathogenen Bakterien. | |||||
Content | Einführung in das sterile Arbeiten mit Mikroorganismen, inklusive Kultivierung; Bestimmung von Antibiotika-Resistenz; Isolierung von Mikroorganismen aus Umweltsystemen; mikroskopische Beobachtungen von Mikroorganismen; Herstellung von transgenen Mikroorganismen zur Anwendung in Umweltsystemen; Analyse der Inaktivierung von pathogenen Bakterien. Der Kurs beruht auf einer Kombination von praktischer Arbeit im Labor und Vorlesungen zu den wissenschaftlichen Hintergründen. | |||||
Lecture notes | Praktikumsunterlagen werden abgegeben. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der Kurs wird an der ETHZ im CHN durchgeführt. | |||||
252-0840-02L | Application-Oriented Programming ![]() | W | 2 credits | 2G | L. E. Fässler, M. Dahinden | |
Abstract | This course provides important basic concepts for interdisciplinary programming projects. The programming language is Python and Matlab. | |||||
Learning objective | Students learn - how to encode a problem into a program, test the program, and correct errors. - to understand and improve existing code. - to implement models from the natural sciences as a simulation. | |||||
Content | The following programming concepts are introduced in the lecture: 1. Variables, data types 2. Condition check, Loops, logics 3. Arrays 4. Functions 5. Matrices 6. Random In the practical part of the course, students work on small programming projects with a context from natural sciences. Electronic tutorials are available as preparation. | |||||
Literature | L. Fässler, M. Dahinden, D. Komm, and D. Sichau: Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python und Matlab. Begleitunterlagen zum Onlinekurs und zur Vorlesung, 2016. ISBN: 978-3741250842. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | No prior knowledge is required for this course.It is based on application-oriented learning. The students spend most of their time working through programming projects with data from natural science and discussing their results with teaching assistants. To learn the programming basics there are electronic tutorials available. | |||||
701-0034-06L | Integrated Practical: Soil ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | R. Kretzschmar, E. Frossard, D. Or, L. Walthert | |
Abstract | During three full-day field trips and two half-day field exercises, various aspects of soil morphology, soil genesis, and soil functioning are discussed using practical examples. | |||||
Learning objective | Gaining practical knowledge in soil science in the field. | |||||
Content | Soil description in the field, soil formation in Zurich-Nord, forest soils, carbon and nitrogen cycles, soil-water relations, soil conservation and landuse. | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts are provided during the course. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Course "Pedosphere" or equivalent | |||||
701-0034-07L | Integrated Practical: Electromagnetic Fields ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | M. Röösli, M. R. Eeftens | |
Abstract | Students will design and carry out a measurement study on "Extremely Low Frequency" or "Radio Frequency" electromagnetic fields. Firstly, we will study the dependence of exposure on distance to environmental and household sources. Secondly, we will analyze typical exposure patterns emerging from everyday microenvironments. The measurements are used for dose and health risk calculations. | |||||
Learning objective | - Developing knowledge about important sources of ELF and RF electromagnetic fiels in everyday life - Gaining experience in developing concepts for environmental measurement studies - Performing measurements using research instruments and statistical analyses - Learning about associations between electromagnetic field exposure and health. | |||||
Content | extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic fields, high Frequency electromagnetic fields, power lines, electronic devices, mobile phones, mobile phone base stations, wireless LAN / Wi-Fi, cordless landline phones, far field, near field, exposure measurement device, measurement protocols, electromagnetic induction, specific absorption rate, cumulative dose, health, brain tumors, symptoms, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, health risk estimation | |||||
701-0034-08L | Integrated Practical: Forest Ecosystems ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | H. Bugmann, M. Lévesque, P. Rotach, T. N. Sieber | |
Abstract | Introductory course on field methods in forest ecosystem research and ecosystem management, with an emphasis on regeneration ecology, forest growth and management as well as mortality processes. The course is set up as a comparative study between a low-elevation beech forest and a mixed spruce-fir forest in the northern pre-Alps. | |||||
Learning objective | Students •- get to know the diversity of forest ecosystems based on case studies •- understand important processes of forest dynamics (regeneration, growth, mortality) and their significance in an ecosystem context •- acquire pracitcal skills regarding field methods of forest ecosystem research •- get to know selected forest management systems | |||||
Lecture notes | will be distributed | |||||
701-0034-09L | Integrated Practical: Analysis of Conflicts in Species Conservation ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | P. Waeber, A. Giger Dray | |
Abstract | The objective of this course is to analyse a concrete conflict in the context of species conservation. It is based on concepts from social sciences and natural sciences. The conflict will be examined from the perspectives of all affected stakeholders. The aim is to demonstrate how conflicts among stakeholders can be resolved to achieve a mutually agreed consensus. | |||||
Learning objective | The students know -the history of a specific conflict within the field of species conservation -the major lines of conflict (values and interests) -the main political actors and their resources -the actors’ fundamental lines of reasoning and instruments in negotiation processes -the scope of action and possibilities for coalitions in the elaboration or development of solution concepts They have gained routine -in working with literature, documents and reports of organizations and administrations -in the preparation, conduction, and evaluation of expert interviews -elaboration of common solutions, respectively solution concept | |||||
Content | Der Kurs beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse und der Bearbeitung von Konflikten im Artenschutz sowohl aus sozial- wie aus naturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf einem Verständnis der unterschiedlichen Haltung der Akteure und ihrer Positionen, sowie der Erarbeitung von konkreten Lösungsvorschlägen. Dies wird an einem aktuellen Beispiel einer geschützten Tierart wie z.B. Wolf, Bär, Luchs, Biber geübt. Neben einer möglichst exakten Beschreibung der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und des gesellschaftlich-politischen Problems geht es um das Herausarbeiten der am Konflikt beteiligten Akteure, deren unterschiedlichen Werte und Interessen, sowie das Einbringen und Bearbeiten von unterschiedlichen Positionen in ein Problemlösungsverfahren, welches eine möglichst einvernehmliche Lösung zum Ziel hat. Es sollen sowohl staatliche wie zivile Akteure in den Prozess eingebunden werden. | |||||
Lecture notes | Anstelle eines Skriptes werden verschiedene Unterlagen zum ausgewählten Fall zur Verfügung gestellt. Weitere Unterlagen werden von den Studierenden während des Praktikums bereit gestellt (insbesondere Unterlagen der Stakeholders). | |||||
Literature | siehe Bemerkungen zum Skript | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Das Praktikum wird nach Möglichkeit mit einer ganztägigen Exkursion verknüpft. Geplant, jedoch noch nicht gewiss, ist die Präsentation des Lösungsvorschlages vor involvierten Stakeholdern und Expertinnen und Experten. | |||||
701-0034-10L | Integrated Practical: Environmental Impacts of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) ![]() ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | A. Hilbeck, B. Oehen | |
Abstract | The basic elements of the risk assessment of genetically modified plants are introduced, preceded by a brief introduction to gene technology and its applications in the environment. The relevant regulations and the approval procedures are explained. The elements of risk assessment are introduced using case examples and the risks and benefits of genetically modified organisms are discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | The students will learn the: •- Theory of risk assessment and its practical application for genetically modified plants •- Methods and approaches to risk assessment of genetically modified plants •- Application of simple methods of risk assessment to real case examples •- Practical exercises with genetically modified plants, detection of transgene products and their bioactivity | |||||
Content | The practical course 'Integrated Practical Risk Analysis with GMO' will explain the basic elements of risk assessment of genetically modified plants that allows an initial estimation of their environmental consequences. This will be preceded by an introduction to the technology of genetic engineering of plants and the application of this technology in the environment and agriculture. Further, since genetically engineered organisms are subject to regulation, the relevant laws and ordinances that form the basis of the approval procedures are introduced. The elements of risk assessment are taught using most recent case examples (usually maize or wheat) and their risks and benefits will be discussed. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The practical course is carried out with the help of Bernadette Oehen, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL, Frick | |||||
701-0034-12L | Integrated Practical: Plant Ecology: From Theory to Practice ![]() Does not take place this semester. | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | S. Güsewell | |
Abstract | In this practical class, students investigate how the plant species composition of grasslands depends on management and soil conditions. They learn how to survey the composition of plant communities and how to plan, realise and analyse field experiments. They will understand how the traits of grassland species determine their response to management, and how this knowledge is applied in practice. | |||||
Learning objective | Students will be able to: - Identify a plant's functional type, growth form and reproductive strategy and derive expectations regarding its response to management and its role in a plant community; - Recognize grassland types from their structure and species composition, and explain how they depend on soil conditions, microclimate and management; - Describe and explain changes in grassland composition after establishment and implications for grassland use; - Survey plant species composition and vegetation structure with established methods; measure soil properties and microclimate; - Carry out a field survey or a field experiment with a correct design; analyse the resulting data. | |||||
Content | Wir führen Untersuchungen an der ETH Hönggerberg und in der Umgebung durch, um die Funktionsweise und Nutzung von Wiesen (Grünland) zu verstehen. Wir beginnen mit Populationen einzelner Pflanzenarten. Wie wachsen, überleben und vermehren sich die Pflanzen? Wieviel investieren sie in verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Vermehrung? Wie flexibel sind sie, und welche Strategien sind wann günstig? Wir vergleichen dann verschieden genutze Gründlandtypen miteinander: wie können wir sie schnell erkennen und ökologisch einordnen? Für das Praktikum haben wir Feldeperimente mit unterschiedlichen Wiesenmischungen angelegt. Die Versuchsflächen werden unterschiedlich geschnitten und gedüngt. Wir untersuchen, welche Pflanzentypen durch welche Nutzung gefördert werden, wie sich die Bestände mit der Zeit ändern, und ob artenreiche Wiesen stabiler sind als artenarme. Dazu führen wir Vegetationsaufnahmen durch, analysieren Bodenproben und messen Temperatur und Strahlung. Die Daten werden ausgewertet und mit Postern präsentiert und diskutiert. Wir vergleichen die Ergebnisse mit den Nutzungsempfehlungen für die Praxis. Schliesslich besuchen wir Feldexperimente, die von Praktikern angelegt und unterhalten werden. Die Projektleiter werden die Versuche vorstellen und über ihre Arbeit in der ökologischen Praxis berichten. | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts will be supplied in class. | |||||
Literature | Specialized literature will be available during classes | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Bei den Felduntersuchungen sind gute Kleidung und Schuhe, Sonnen- und Regenschutz, sowie Massnahmen gegen Zeckenkrankheiten notwendig; die TeilnehmerInnen sind hierfür selbst verantwortlich. | |||||
701-0034-13L | Integrated Practical: Tropical Diseases in the North-South Context ![]() Does not take place this semester. | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | ||
Abstract | This course introduces tropical infectious diseases within a North-South context and elucidates the links between tropical diseases and social-ecological systems and poverty. Particular emphasis will be put on questionnaires as important data collection tools in the health sciences. Integrated tropical disease control approaches will be discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | - After completion of this course, students have acquired basic knowledge about selected tropical infectious diseases and their control within a North-South context - Course participants have a concrete understanding of the links between tropical infectious diseases and social-ecological systems and poverty - Students will be able to design, implement and analyse an efficient questionnaire in the field of tropical public health - Students understand the concept of integrated tropical disease control and are able to utilize results from questionnaire surveys to tailor setting-specific integrated control strategies | |||||
Content | - Global burden of disease and main risk factors - Epidemiology and control of tropical infectious diseases, with an emphasis on malaria, helminthiases and intestinal protozoa infections - Interrelationship of tropical infectious disases with conditions of poverty, lack of improved water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) - Development and validation of questionnaires in the health sciences with particular emphasis on knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs (KAPB) - Data entry, cleaning, analysis and interpretation of questionnaire surveys - Concepts and case studies of integrated approaches for tropical disease control - Participatory approaches and information, education and communication (IEC) strategies for integrated disease control | |||||
701-0034-14L | Integrated Practical: Analysis of Urban Food Systems ![]() ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | H. Moschitz | |
Abstract | The course deals with the analysis of Urban Food Systems (UFS). UFS include all processes that food runs through in a particular space (here: the city of Zurich): production, processing, distribution, consumption, waste disposal. We will analyse those processes with selected examples and particularly consider the role of the different actors of administration, market, and civil society. | |||||
Learning objective | - Knowledge of the relevant actors and processes in the urban food system - Critical reflection of framework conditions of the food system - Factors influencing food in a city - Understanding the relationships between administration/policy, civil society, and the market; that influence the food system - Dealing with different sources and qualities of data (statistics, expert interviews) - Testing possibilities of processing and presentation of data from different sources | |||||
Content | Wie ernährt sich eine Stadt? Wie gelangen täglich ausreichend Lebensmittel in guter Qualität in Lebensmittelgeschäfte, und zu den Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten? Wo und wann werden Lebensmittel eingekauft? Welche Rolle spielt die Ausser-Haus-Verpflegung? Was passiert mit den Lebensmittelresten, dem Food Waste? Wo und wie werden die Nahrungsmittel produziert, wo verarbeitet und verpackt, für den Transport bereit gemacht? Welche Faktoren bestimmen, wie dieses komplexe Ernährungssystem funktioniert? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich der Kurs, auch wenn in der Kürze nicht alle beantwortet werden können. Das Thema Essen und Ernährung wird für einmal nicht aus Sicht der Produktion, der Landwirtschaft, diskutiert, sondern aus Sicht des Konsums. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass 75% aller Einwohner der Schweiz in Städten leben, nehmen wir die Stadtregion als relevanten Raum des Konsums an. Aus dieser Perspektive wird im Kurs analysiert, wie Essen und Ernährung in einer Stadt (beispielhaft: Zürich) eingebettet ist in ein System verschiedener Akteure entlang der Wertschöpfungskette, von Produktion über Verarbeitung, Handel, Konsum und Entsorgung, aber auch in die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche unserer Gesellschaft und des Zusammenlebens: u.a. Soziales, Umwelt, Lebensqualität, Wirtschaft. Die Studierenden setzen sich mit aktuellen Konzepten, wie food strategies, urban-rural relationships, alternative food networks, food sovereignty auseinander, diskutieren sie und wenden die Konzepte auf das Food System der Stadt Zürich an. Ein Bezug zum 'Milan Urban Food Policy Pact', den die Stadt Zürich unterzeichnet hat, wird hergestellt. Erkenntnisse aus folgenden aktuellen Europäischen und Nationalen Forschungsprojekten fliessen in das Praktikum ein: SUPURBFOOD (, FOODLINKS (, Ernährungssystem Basel, Regionaler Konsum Freiburg. Nach einem theoretischen Einstieg lernen die Studierenden in einer Exkursion (geplant: ein Lebensmittel-Verteilzentrum oder Gemüse-Waschanlage) einen Teil des Food Systems von Zürich kennen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wählen sie dann in Gruppen von 2-3 eine Fragestellung aus, die den Einfluss verschiedener Akteursgruppen (Verwaltung, Markt, Zivilgesellschaft) und ihre Beziehungen in der Wertschöpfungskette beispielhaft untersucht (wobei dies nicht abschliessend möglich sein wird). Die konkrete Fragestellung wird in Absprache mit den Akteuren in der Stadt bis zum Kurs entwickelt, um einen Bezug zu aktuellen Themen sicherzustellen. Die Daten dazu sollen von den Studierenden eigenständig recherchiert werden; Datenquellen sind hierbei Statistiken, Websites und Jahresberichte von Unternehmen, Expertenbefragungen, sowie ggf. Kurzumfragen bei Konsumenten. Am Ende wird jede Gruppe ihre Ergebnisse in einem Factsheet zusammenfassen und sie darüber hinaus kreativ aufbereiten: anhand einer Kurzgeschichte (story telling), eines Comics, einer Collage, o.ä. Diese werden den anderen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern im IP vorgestellt. | |||||
Literature | Mansfield B. and Mendes W. (2013) Municipal Food Strategies and Integrated Approaches to Urban Agriculture: Exploring Three Cases from the Global North. International Planning Studies 18: 37-60. Milan Urban Food Policy Pact: Morgan, K. (2014). Nourishing the city: The rise of the urban food question in the Global North. Urban Studies. doi: 10.1177/0042098014534902 Morgan, K., & Sonnino, R. (2010). The urban foodscape: world cities and the new food equation. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3(2), 209-224. Stierand, P. (2012). Stadtentwicklung mit dem Gartenspaten. Umrisse einer Stadternährungsplanung. Dortmund. | |||||
701-0034-15L | Integrated Practical: Aquatic Ecology ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | J. Jokela, C. T. Robinson | |
Abstract | Practical studies on broad scientific questions and practice-orientated sampling techniques in aquatic ecology in rivers and lakes. | |||||
Learning objective | The first goal is to learn how broad scientific questions of aquatic ecology are addressed in practice and to get an overview of the key hypotheses and methods that are relevant for each theme. The second goal is to strengthen the knowledge of local aquatic ecosystems. Students are expected to work independently. | |||||
Content | Coordinated by J. Jokela The purpose of this course is to give an overview of stream and lake ecology and structure. Theoretical background is given in an introductory lecture, followed by excursions to a stream and a lake, where the students get to know the systems and different methods for survey and analysis. In a second part, the students conduct small research projects on important questions in the field of aquatic ecology. Dates to be given. | |||||
Lecture notes | no script | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The practical parts will mainly take place at Eawag Dübendorf. | |||||
701-0034-16L | Integrated Practical: Novel Ecosystems in Cities ![]() ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | C. Küffer Schumacher | |
Abstract | Novel ecosystems, that are strongly influenced by humans, confront the environmental sciences with particular challenges including the need to integrate natural and social sciences for problem analysis and developing solutions for practice. In this course novel ecosystems will be discussed based on the example of the city of Zurich. | |||||
Learning objective | 1. Introduction to concepts of the management of man-dominated ecosystems, e.g. urban ecology, ecosystem services, nature-culture dichotomy, native / non-native species. 2. Application of ecological knowledge in man-dominated ecosystems. 3. Field observation | |||||
Content | The example of pollinators and their ecological functions in the city of Zurich will be used to discuss novel ecosystems and their management. We will also discuss the integration of natural and social sciences, and communication with the public. An important practical aspect of the course is the collection, integration and visualisation of different types of data. | |||||
Lecture notes | will be distributed during the course | |||||
Literature | will be distributed during the course | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | none | |||||
701-0034-18L | Integrated Practical: Nutrient Flows in Agroecosystems ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | E. K. Bünemann König | |
Abstract | Nutrient flows (from the global scale to the farm level) play an important role in the area of conflict between agricultural production and environmental protection. The students get to know nutrient balances, establish a "SuisseBilanz", and compute conversion scenarios (e.g. to a stockless farm). Finally, we will discuss possibilities to close nutrient cycles and minimize nutrient losses. | |||||
Learning objective | The students can: - explain N and P flows on a farm, national and global level - critically judge the Swiss fertilization planning with respect to potential nutrient losses - distinguish different types of nutrient balances - use the "SuisseBilanz" to analyse a farm, and as a planning tool - compare options to close nutrient cycles - discuss consequences of animal production on nutrient flows and environmental impact. | |||||
Content | Im Spannungsfeld zwischen landwirtschaftlicher Produktion, Nachhaltigkeit und Einfluss auf natürliche Ökosysteme spielen Nährstoffflüsse auf verschiedenen Skalenebenen eine wichtige Rolle. Dabei können Nährstoffbilanzen einerseits für ein besseres Verständnis von Nährstoffkreisläufen und -effizienz und andererseits als Regulierungsinstrument für ein umweltschonendes Nährstoffmanagement genutzt werden. In diesem Praktikum lernen die Studierenden verschiedene Typen von Nährstoffbilanzen kennen. Unter Benutzung der Düngungsempfehlungen der Schweiz erarbeiten die Studierenden eine Suisse-Bilanz für einen Beispielsbetrieb und rechnen verschiedene Umstellungsszenarien (z.B. auf einen viehlosen oder auf einen biologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieb). Im letzten Teil des Praktikums werden Möglichkeiten thematisiert, Nährstoffkreisläufe auf Betriebs- und Gesellschaftsebene zu schliessen und Nährstoffverluste zu minimieren. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Das Praktikum beinhaltet eine Exkursion zu einem N-Düngungsversuch in Eschikon, eine Besichtigung eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes, und eine Exkursion zum Thema Nährstoffrecycling. Die Studierenden benötigen einen Laptop für die verschiedenen Übungen und Rechenaufgaben. | |||||
701-0035-00L | Integrated Practical Environmental Observation ![]() | W | 1.5 credits | 3P | J. Henneberger | |
Abstract | Observation networks - the combination of individual instruments - are the starting point of quantitative environmental studies. The structure and idiosyncrasies of existing observation networks are shown. When working in individual experiments on practical problems, various types of observation networks are dealt with; questions related to data quality and data availability are discussed. | |||||
Learning objective | Getting acquainted with existing networks for environmental observations. Insight into problems related to measuring and interpreting multi-dimensional fields of atmospheric physical, atmospheric chemical, and geophysical parameters. | |||||
Content | Observation networks for atmospheric physical, atmospheric chemical, geophysical, hydrological and climatological parameters on different scales (synoptic: 1000 km; mesoscale: 100 km, and microscale: 100 m). Combination of surface observation with remotely sensed data (satellite, radar). Solving interpolation problems in multi-dimensional fields of the observed variables. Assessing the representativity of local values, i.e., the directly observed variable in an observation network. | |||||
Lecture notes | The script is published anew every year. Apart from the description of the scientific problems to be worked on in individual experiments, it contains some theoretical chapters on observation networks, as well as guidelines for writing and publishing scientific papers. The script can be downloaded as pdf from the course webpage. | |||||
Literature | Literature is listed in the script. | |||||
701-0034-17L | Concluding Days Integrated Practicals: Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes ![]() | O | 1.5 credits | 2P | A. Hilbeck, A. Lüscher | |
Abstract | Comprising an excursion and two one-day workshops, know-how from different components of the Integrated Practical Courses will be applied and interconnected to environmental problems in agriculture, forest and landscape. | |||||
Learning objective | Application and integration of know-how gained during studies, in particular from the Integrated Practical Courses. Combining diverse multidisciplinary subjects relating to agriculture, forest and landscape using a practice-orientated approach. | |||||
Content | The Concluding Days of the Integrated Practicals include a one-day excursion in the region of Greifensee and two days of workshops on the topics of agriculture, forest and landscape. | |||||
Lecture notes | Working materials will be provided during the course. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The course is held by lecturers of the Integrated Practical Courses of the 3rd and 4th semester. Further experts make up the team: B. Oehen, A. Müller, Research Insitute for Organic Farming FIBL, Frick, A. Lüscher, Agroscope, Zürich-Reckenholz und D. Dubois, ICB Internationale Zertifizierung Bio Suisse. |
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