Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2017

Agroecosystem Sciences Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2016)
Principles of Livestock Systems
751-6243-00LConservation of Animal Genetic ResourcesW1 credit1V
751-6243-00 VErhaltung tiergenetischer Ressourcen
Blockkurs findet am 17.01. und 18.01.2018 statt.
1 hrs
17.01.08:15-17:00LFW B 1 »
18.01.08:15-17:00LFW B 1 »
H. Signer-Hasler, C. Flury
751-6125-00LPractical Course in Molecular PhysiologyW3 credits3P
751-6125-00 PPractical Course in Molecular Physiology
Diese Veranstaltung findet am 29.1. - 2.2.2018 im TAN-Gebäude statt (TAN D4 und Laborräume).
3 hrs
29.01. - 02.02.09:15-18:00LFW C 4 »
S. E. Ulbrich
751-6127-00LPractical Course in Microscopy of Functional HistologyW3 credits6P
751-6127-00 PPractical Course in Microscopy of Functional Histology
This course contains one week blockcourse and two weeks preparation before the course and wrap-up and reporting afterwards.
The block course takes place from 22.1. - 26.1.2018
90s hrs
22.01. - 26.01.08:15-18:00LFW C 4 »
S. E. Ulbrich
751-6129-00LPractical Course EpigeneticsW3 credits6P
751-6129-00 PPractical Course Epigenetics
This course contains one week blockcourse and two weeks preparation before the course and wrap-up and reporting afterwards.
The block course takes place from 5.2. - 9.2.2018
90s hrs
05.02. - 09.02.08:15-18:00LFW C 4 »
S. E. Ulbrich
751-6305-00LLivestock Breeding and GenomicsW+3 credits3G
751-6305-00 GZüchtungslehre3 hrs
Fri09:15-12:00LFW C 11 »
P. von Rohr
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