Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Environmental Sciences Master Information
Major in Atmosphere and Climate
Atmospheric Composition and Cycles
701-1235-00LCloud Microphysics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 16.
W4 credits2V + 1UZ. A. Kanji, U. Lohmann
AbstractClouds are a fascinating atmospheric phenomenon central to the hydrological cycle and the Earth`s climate. Interactions between cloud particles can result in precipitation, glaciation or evaporation of the cloud depending on its microstructure and microphysical processes.
Learning objectiveThe learning objective of this course is that students understand the formation of clouds and precipitation and can apply learned principles to interpret atmospheric observations of clouds and precipitation.
Lecture notesThis course will be designed as a reading course in 1-2 small groups of 8 students maximum. It will be based on the textbook below. The students are expected to read chapters of this textbook prior to the class so that open issues, fascinating and/or difficult aspects can be discussed in depth.
LiteraturePao K. Wang: Physics and dynamics of clouds and precipitation, Cambridge University Press, 2012
Prerequisites / NoticeTarget group: Master students in Atmosphere and Climate
102-0635-01LAir Pollution Control Information W6 credits4GJ. Wang, B. Buchmann
AbstractThe lecture provides in the first part an introduction to the formation of air pollutants by technical processes, the emission of these chemicals into the atmosphere and their impact on air quality. The second part covers different strategies and techniques for emission reduction. The basic knowledge is deepened by the discussion of specific air pollution problems of today's society.
Learning objectiveThe students gain general knowledge of the technical processes resulting in air pollution and study the methods used for air pollution control. The students can identify major air pollution sources and understand the methods for measuring pollutants, collecting and analyzing data. The students can suggest and evaluate possible control methods and equipment, design control systems and estimate their efficiency and efforts.
The students know the different strategies of air pollution control and are familiar with their scientific fundamentals. They are able to incorporate goals concerning air quality into their engineering work.
ContentPart 1 Emission, Immission, Transmission
Fluxes of pollutants and their environmental impact:
- physical and chemical processes leading to emission of pollutants
- mass and energy of processes
- Emission measurement techniques and concepts
- quantification of emissions from individual and aggregated sources
- extent and development of the emissions (Switzerland and global)
- propagation and transport of pollutants (transmission)
- meteorological parameters influencing air pollution dispersion
- deterministic and stochastic models, describing air pollution dispersion
- dispersion models (Gaussian model, box model, receptor model)
- measurement concepts for ambient air (immission level)
- extent and development of ambient air mixing ratios
- goal and instrument of air pollution control

Part 2 Air Pollution Control Technologies
The reduction of the formation of pollutants is done by modifying the processes (pro-cessintegrated measures) and by different engineering operations for the cleaning of waste gas (downstream pollution control). It will be demonstrated, that the variety of these procedures can be traced back to the application of a few basic physical and chemical principles.

Procedures for the removal of particles (inertial separator, filtration, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers) with their different mechanisms (field forces, impaction and diffusion processes) and the modelling of these mechanisms.

Procedures for the removal of gaseous pollutants and the description of the driving forces involved, as well as the equilibrium and the kinetics of the relevant processes (absorption, adsorption as well as thermal, catalytic and biological conversions).

Discussion of the technical possibilities to solve the actual air pollution problems.
Lecture notesBrigitte Buchmann, Air pollution control, Part I
Jing Wang, Air pollution control, Part II
Lecture slides and exercises
LiteratureList of literature included in script
Prerequisites / NoticeCollege lectures on basic physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Language of instruction: In German or in English.
651-4053-05LBoundary Layer MeteorologyW4 credits3GM. Rotach, P. Calanca
AbstractThe Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) constitutes the interface between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. Theory on transport processes in the PBL and their dynamics is provided. This course treats theoretical background and idealized concepts. These are contrasted to real world applications and current research issues.
Learning objectiveOverall goals of this course are given below. Focus is on the theoretical background and idealised concepts.
Students have basic knowledge on atmospheric turbulence and theoretical as well as practical approaches to treat Planetary Boundary Layer flows. They are familiar with the relevant processes (turbulent transport, forcing) within, and typical states of the Planetary Boundary Layer. Idealized concepts are known as well as their adaptations under real surface conditions (as for example over complex topography).
Content- Introduction
- Turbulence
- Statistical tratment of turbulence, turbulent transport
- Conservation equations in a turbulent flow
- Closure problem and closure assumptions
- Scaling and similarity theory
- Spectral characteristics
- Concepts for non-ideal boundary layer conditions
Lecture notesavailable (i.e. in English)
Literature- Stull, R.B.: 1988, "An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology", (Kluwer), 666 pp.
- Panofsky, H. A. and Dutton, J.A.: 1984, "Atmospheric Turbulence, Models and Methods for Engineering Applications", (J. Wiley), 397 pp.
- Kaimal JC and Finningan JJ: 1994, Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows, Oxford University Press, 289 pp.
- Wyngaard JC: 2010, Turbulence in the Atmosphere, Cambridge University Press, 393pp.
Prerequisites / NoticeUmwelt-Fluiddynamik (701-0479-00L) (environment fluid dynamics) or equivalent and basic knowledge in atmospheric science
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