Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Environmental Engineering Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2006)
Minors Limited to 6 KP Totaly
102-0535-00LNoise Abatement Information W5 credits4GK. Eggenschwiler, J. M. Wunderli
AbstractBasics of acoustics and hearing. Measurement of sound. Impact of noise (physiological, psychological, social, economic). Legislation (focus on Swiss noise abatement ordinance), spatial planning. Sound propagation outdoor and in buildings. Calculation models and measurement procedures. Traffic noise (roads, railways, airports), shooting noise, noise from industrial plants. Building acoustics.
Learning objectiveThe students will understand the basics of noise abatement: acoustics, impact of noise, meas-urement techniques and legislation. The students will be able to analyze different noise prob-lems and they will be able to solve simple problems of noise abatement.
ContentPhysikalische Grundlagen: Schalldruck, Wellen, Quellenarten.
Akustische Messtechnik: Umgang mit Dezibel, Akustische Masse, Schallpegelmesser, Spektralanalyse.
Lärmwirkungen: Gehör, Gesundheitliche Wirkungen von Lärm, Störung/Belästigung, Belastungsmasse.
Gesetzliche Grundlagen der Lärmbekämpfung / Raumplanung: Lärmschutzverordnung/SIA 181. Zusammenhang mit der Raumplanung.
Schallausbreitung im Freien: Abstandsgesetze, Luftdämpfung, Bodeneffekt, Abschirmung, Reflexion, Streuung, Bebauung, Wettereinflüsse.
Kurze Einführung in die Bauakustik und in die einfachsten Grundlagen der Raumakustik.
Eigenschaften von Schallquellen: Akustische Beschreibung von Schallquellen, Lärmminderung an der Quelle.
Lärmarten und Prognoseverfahren: Messen/Berechnen, Strassenlärm, Eisenbahnlärm, Fluglärm, Schiesslärm, Industrielärm.
Lecture notesSkript "Lärmbekämpfung" erhältlich zu Beginn der Vorlesung.

Bestellung auch hier möglich: Sekretariat der Abteilung Akustik, EMPA Dübendorf. +41 58 765 4692.
Prerequisites / Notice1 - 2 Exkursionen
102-0215-00LUrban Water Management II Information W4 credits2GM. Maurer, P. Staufer
AbstractTechnical networks in urban water engineering. Water supply: Optimization, water hammer, corrosion and hygiene. Urban drainage: Urban hydrology, non stationary flow, pollutant transport, infiltration of rainwater, wet weather pollution control. General planning, organisation and operation of regional drainage systems.
Learning objectiveConsolidation of the basic procedures for design and operation of technical networks in water engineering.
ContentDemand Side Management versus Supply Side Management
Optimierung von Wasserverteilnetzen
Kalkausfällung, Korrosion von Leitungen
Hygiene in Verteilsystemen
Siedlungshydrologie: Niederschlag, Abflussbildung
Instationäre Strömungen in Kanalisationen
Stofftransport in der Kanalisation
Einleitbedingungen bei Regenwetter
Versickerung von Regenwasser
Generelle Entwässerungsplanung (GEP)
Lecture notesWritten material and copies of the overheads will be available.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite: Introduction to Urban Water Management
101-1249-00LHydraulics of Engineering StructuresW3 credits2GH. Fuchs, I. Albayrak, L. Schmocker
AbstractHydraulic fundamentals are applied to hydraulic structures for wastewater, flood protection and hydropower. Typical case studies from engineering practice are further described.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding and quantification of fundamental hydraulic processes with particular focus on hydraulic structures for wastewater, flood protection and hydropower
Content1. Introduction & Basic equations
2. Losses in flow & Maximum discharge
3. Uniform flow & Critical flow
4. Hydraulic jump and stilling basin
5. Backwater curves
6. Weirs/End overfalls & Venturi
7. Sideweir & Sidechannel
8. Bottom opening & Culverts, throttling pipes, inverted siphons
9. Fall manholes & Vortex drop
10. Supercritical flow & Special manholes
11. Air/water flows and bottom outlets
12. Vegetated flows - Introduction
13. Vegetated flows - Application
14. Summary & Preparation for examination
Lecture notesText books

Hager, W.H. (2010). Wastewater hydraulics. Springer: New York.
LiteratureExhaustive references are contained in the suggested text book.
101-0339-00LEnvironmental GeotechnicsW3 credits2GM. Plötze
AbstractIntroduction of basic knowledge about problems with contaminated sites, investigation of this sites, risque management, remediation and reclamation techniques as well as monitoring systems.
Introduction in landfill design and engineering with focus on barrier- and drainage systems and lining materials, evaluation of geotechnical problems, e.g. stability
Learning objectiveIntroduction of basic knowledge about problems with contaminated sites, investigation of this sites, risque management, remediation and reclamation techniques as well as monitoring systems.
Introduction in landfill design and engineering with focus on barrier- and drainage systems as wellas lining materials, evaluation of geotechnical problems, e.g. stability
ContentDefinition of contaminated sites, site investigation methods, historical research and technical investigation, risque assessment, contamination transport, remediation, clean-up and retaining techniques (e.g. bioremediation, incineration, retaining walls, pump-and-treat, permeable reactive barriers), monitoring, research projects and results

waste, waste disposal, treatment and management, multi-barrier-systems, site investigation, lining systems and recovering systems of landfill (e.g. materials, drainage systems, geosynthetics), stability, research projects and results
Lecture notesDr. R. Hermanns Stengele, Dr. M. Plötze: Environmental Geotechnics (german) digital
Prerequisites / Noticeexcursion
701-0501-00LPedosphereW3 credits2VR. Kretzschmar
AbstractIntroduction to the formation and properties of soils as a function of parent rock, landscape position, climate, and soil organisms. Complex relationships between soil forming processes, physical and chemical soil properties, soil biota, and ecological soil properties are explained and illustrated by numerous examples.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to the formation and properties of soils as a function of parent rock, landscape position, climate, and soil organisms. Complex relationships between soil forming processes, physical and chemical soil properties, soil biota, and ecological soil properties are explained and illustrated by numerous examples.
ContentDefinition of the pedosphere, soil functions, rocks as parent materials, minerals and weathering, soil organisms, soil organic matter, physical soil properties and functions, chemical soil properties and functions, soil formation, principles of soil classification, global soil regions, soil fertility, land use and soil degradation.
Lecture notesLecture notes can be purchased during the first lecture (15.- SFr)
Literature- Scheffer/Schachtschabel - Soil Science, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.

- Brady N.C. and Weil, R.R. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 14th ed. Prentice Hall, 2007.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Basic knowledge in chemistry, biology and geology.
701-0533-00LSoil ChemistryW3 credits2GR. Kretzschmar, D. I. Christl
AbstractThis course discusses chemical and biogeochemical processes in soils and their influence on the behavior and cycling of nutrients and pollutants in terrestrial systems. Approaches for quantitative modeling of the processes are introduced.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of important chemical soil properties and processes and their influence on the behavior (e.g., speciation, bioavailability, mobility) of nutrients and pollutants.
ContentImportant topics include the structure and properties of clays and oxides, the chemistry of the soil solution, gas equilibria, dissolution and precipitation of mineral phases, cation exchange, surface complexation, chemistry of soil organic matter, redox reactions in flooded soils, soil acidification and soil salinization.
Lecture notesHandouts in lectures.
Literature- Selected chapters in: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, 2005.
- Chapters 2 and 5 in Scheffer/Schachtschabel - Soil Science, 1st English edition, Springer, 2016.
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