Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2017

Umweltnaturwissenschaften Master Information
Ergänzung in Ökobilanz
101-0577-00LAn Introduction to Sustainable Development in the Built EnvironmentW3 KP2GG. Habert
KurzbeschreibungIn 2015, the UN Conference in Paris shaped future world objectives to tackle climate change.
in 2016, other political bodies made these changes more difficult to predict.
What does it mean for the built environment?
This course provides an introduction to the notion of sustainable development when applied to our built environment
LernzielAt the end of the semester, the students have an understanding of the term of sustainable development, its history, the current political and scientific discourses and its relevance for our built environment.

In order to address current challenges of climate change mitigation and resource depletion, students will learn a holistic approach of sustainable development. Ecological, economical and social constraints will be presented and students will learn about methods for argumentation and tools for assessment (i.e. life cycle assessment).

For this purpose an overview of sustainable development is presented with an introduction to the history of sustainability and its today definition as well as the role of cities, urbanisation and material resources (i.e. energy, construction material) in social economic and environmetal aspects.

The course aims to promote an integral view and understanding of sustainability and describing different spheres (social/cultural, ecological, economical, and institutional) that influence our built environment.

Students will acquire critical knowledge and understand the role of involved stakeholders, their motivations and constraints, learn how to evaluate challenges, identify deficits and define strategies to promote a more sustainable construction.

After the course students should be able to define the relevance of specific local, regional or territorial aspects to achieve coherent and applicable solutions toward sustainable development.

The course offers an environmental, socio-economic and socio-technical perspective focussing on buildings, cities and their transition to resilience with sustainable development. Students will learn on theory and application of current scientific pathways towards sustainable development.
InhaltThe following topics give an overview of the themes that are to be worked on during the lecture.

- Overview on the history and emergence of sustainable development
- Overview on the current understanding and definition of sustainable development

- Method 1: Life cycle assessment (planning, construction, operation/use, deconstruction)
- Method 2: Life Cycle Costing
- Method 3: Labels and certification

Main issues:
- Operation energy at building, urban and national scale
- Mobility and density questions
- Embodied energy for developing and developed world

- Synthesis: Transition to sustainable development
SkriptAll relevant information will be online available before the lectures. For each lecture slides of the lecture will be provided.
LiteraturA list of the basic literature will be offered on a specific online platform, that could be used by all students attending the lectures.
102-0317-00LAdvanced Environmental Assessments Information
Masterstudierende Umweltingenieurwissenschaften mit Modul Ecological Systems Design dürfen die 102-0317-00 (3KP) nicht belegen, da diese bereits in 102-0307-01 Advanced Environmental, Social and Economic Assessments (5KP) enthalten ist.
W3 KP2GS. Hellweg, R. Frischknecht
KurzbeschreibungThis course deepens students' knowledge of the environmental assessment methodologies and their various applications.
LernzielThis course has the aim of deepening students' knowledge of the environmental assessment methodologies and their various applications. In particular, students completing the course should have the
- Ability to judge the scientific quality and reliability of environmental assessment studies, the appropriateness of inventory data and modelling, and the adequacy of life cycle impact assessment models and factors
- Knowledge about the current state of the scientific discussion and new research developments
- Ability to properly plan, conduct and interpret environmental assessment studies
- Knowledge of how to use LCA as a decision support tool for companies, public authorities, and consumers
Inhalt- Inventory developments, transparency, data quality, data completeness, and data exchange formats
- Allocation (multioutput processes and recycling)
- Hybrid LCA methods.
- Consequential and marginal analysis
- Recent development in impact assessment
- Spatial differentiation in Life Cycle Assessment
- Workplace and indoor exposure in Risk and Life Cycle Assessment
- Uncertainty analysis
- Subjectivity in environmental assessments
- Multicriteria analysis
- Case Studies
SkriptNo script. Lecture slides and literature will be made available on the lecture homepage.
LiteraturLiterature will be made available on the lecture homepage.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of environmental assessment tools is a prerequisite for this class. Students that have not done classwork in this topic before are required to read an appropriate textbook before or at the beginning of this course (e.g. Jolliet, O et al. 2016: Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. CRC Press, Boca Raton - London - New York. ISBN 978-1-4398-8766-0 (Chapters 2-5.2)).
102-0317-03LAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab I)W1 KP1US. Pfister
KurzbeschreibungDifferent tools and software used for environmental assessments, such as LCA are introduced. The students will have hands-on exercises in the computer rooms and will gain basic knowledge on how to apply the software and other resources in practice
LernzielBecome acquainted with various software programs for environmental assessment including Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment, Probabilistic Modeling, Material Flow Analysis.
102-0317-04LAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab II) Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Not for master students in Environmental Engineering choosing module Ecological System Design as already included in Environment and Computer Laboratory I (Year Course): 102-0527-00 and 102-0528-00.
W2 KP2PS. Pfister
KurzbeschreibungTechnical systems are investigated in projects, based on the software and tools introduced in the course 102-0317-03L Advanced Env. Assessment (Computer Lab I). The projects are created around a complete but simplified LCA study, where the students will learn how to answer a given question with target oriented methodologies using various software programs and data sources for env. assessment
LernzielBecome acquainted with utilizing various software programs for environmental assessment to perform a Life Cycle Assessment and learn how to address the challenges when analyzing a complex system with available data and software limitations.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisite is enrolment of 102-0317-00 Advanced Environmental Assessments and of 102-0317-03 Advanced Environmental Assessments (Computer Lab I) in parallel or in advance (both courses in HS).
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