Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2017

Physics Master Information
Core Courses
One Core Course in Experimental or Theoretical Physics from Physics Bachelor is eligible; however, this Core Course from Physics Bachelor cannot be used to compensate for the mandatory Core Course in Experimental or Theoretical Physics.
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Core Courses: Theoretical Physics
402-0871-00LSolid State TheoryW10 credits4V + 1UV. Geshkenbein
AbstractThe course is addressed to students in experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics and provides a theoretical introduction to a variety of important concepts used in this field.
Learning objectiveThe course provides a theoretical frame for the understanding of basic pinciples in solid state physics. Such a frame includes the topics of symmetries, band structures, many body interactions, Landau Fermi-liquid theory, and specific topics such as transport, superconductivity, or magnetism. The exercises illustrate the various themes in the lecture and help to develop problem-solving skills. The student understands basic concepts in solid state physics and is able to solve simple problems. No diagrammatic tools will be developed.
ContentThe course is addressed to students in experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics and provides a theoretical introduction to a variety of important concepts used in this field. A selection is made from topics such as: Symmetries and their handling via group theoretical concepts, electronic structure in crystals, insulators-semiconductors-metals, phonons, interaction effects, (un-)screened Fermi-liquids, linear response theory, collective modes, screening, transport in semiconductors and metals, magnetism, Mott-insulators, quantum-Hall effect, superconductivity.
Lecture notesin English
402-0844-00LQuantum Field Theory IIW10 credits3V + 2UN. Beisert
AbstractThe subject of the course is modern applications of quantum field theory with emphasis on the quantization of non-abelian gauge theories.
Learning objective
ContentThe following topics will be covered:
- path integral quantization
- non-abelian gauge theories and their quantization
- systematics of renormalization, including BRST symmetries,
Slavnov-Taylor Identities and the Callan Symanzik equation
- gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking and
their quantization
- renormalization of spontaneously broken gauge theories and
quantum effective actions
LiteratureM.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder,
An introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Perseus (1995).
L.H. Ryder,
Quantum Field Theory, CUP (1996).
S. Weinberg,
The Quantum Theory of Fields (Volume 2), CUP (1996).
M. Srednicki,
Quantum Field Theory, CUP (2006).
402-0394-00LTheoretical Astrophysics and CosmologyW10 credits4V + 2UL. M. Mayer, A. Refregier
AbstractThis is the second of a two course series which starts with "General Relativity" and continues in the spring with "Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology", where the focus will be on applying general relativity to cosmology as well as developing the modern theory of structure formation in a cold dark matter Universe.
Learning objective
ContentThe course will cover the following topics:
- Homogeneous cosmology
- Thermal history of the universe, recombination, baryogenesis and nucleosynthesis
- Dark matter and Dark Energy
- Inflation
- Perturbation theory: Relativistic and Newtonian
- Model of structure formation and initial conditions from Inflation
- Cosmic microwave background anisotropies
- Spherical collapse and galaxy formation
- Large scale structure and cosmological probes
LiteratureSuggested textbooks:
H.Mo, F. Van den Bosch, S. White: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
S. Carroll: Space-Time and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
S. Dodelson: Modern Cosmology
Secondary textbooks:
S. Weinberg: Gravitation and Cosmology
V. Mukhanov: Physical Foundations of Cosmology
E. W. Kolb and M. S. Turner: The Early Universe
N. Straumann: General relativity with applications to astrophysics
A. Liddle and D. Lyth: Cosmological Inflation and Large Scale Structure
Prerequisites / NoticeKnowledge of General Relativity is recommended.
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