Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2017

Physik Master Information
Physikalische und mathematische Wahlfächer
Auswahl: Medizinphysik
402-0787-00LTherapeutic Applications of Particle Physics: Principles and Practice of Particle TherapyW6 KP2V + 1UA. J. Lomax
KurzbeschreibungPhysics and medical physics aspects of particle physics
Subjects: Physics interactions and beam characteristics; medical accelerators; beam delivery; pencil beam scanning; dosimetry and QA; treatment planning; precision and uncertainties; in-vivo dose verification; proton therapy biology.
LernzielThe lecture series is focused on the physics and medical physics aspects of particle therapy. The radiotherapy of tumours using particles (particularly protons) is a rapidly expanding discipline, with many new proton and particle therapy facilities currently being planned and built throughout Europe. In this lecture series, we study in detail the physics background to particle therapy, starting from the fundamental physics interactions of particles with tissue, through to treatment delivery, treatment planning and in-vivo dose verification. The course is aimed at students with a good physics background and an interest in the application of physics to medicine.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe former title of this course was "Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Applications of Particle Physics".
227-0968-00LMonte Carlo in Medical PhysicsW4 KP3GM. Stampanoni, M. K. Fix
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction in basics of Monte Carlo simulations in the field of medical radiation physics. General recipe for Monte Carlo simulations in medical physics from code selection to fine-tuning the implementation. Characterization of radiation by means of Monte Carlo simulations.
LernzielUnderstanding the concept of the Monte Carlo method. Getting familiar with the Monte Carlo technique, knowing different codes and several applications of this method. Learn how to use Monte Carlo in the field of applied medical radiation physics. Understand the usage of Monte Carlo to characterize the physical behaviour of ionizing radiation in medical physics. Share the enthusiasm about the potential of the Monte Carlo technique and its usefulness in an interdisciplinary environment.
InhaltThe lecture provides the basic principles of the Monte Carlo method in medical radiation physics. Some fundamental concepts on applications of ionizing radiation in clinical medical physics will be reviewed. Several techniques in order to increase the simulation efficiency of Monte Carlo will be discussed. A general recipe for performing Monte Carlo simulations will be compiled. This recipe will be demonstrated for typical clinical devices generating ionizing radiation, which will help to understand implementation of a Monte Carlo model. Next, more patient related effects including the estimation of the dose distribution in the patient, patient movements and imaging of the patient's anatomy. A further part of the lecture covers the simulation of radioactive sources as well as heavy ion treatment modalities. The field of verification and quality assurance procedures from the perspective of Monte Carlo simulations will be discussed. To complete the course potential future applications of Monte Carlo methods in the evolving field of treating patients with ionizing radiation.
SkriptA script will be provided.
402-0342-00LMedical Physics IIW6 KP2V + 1UP. Manser
KurzbeschreibungApplications of ionizing radiation in medicine such as radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and radiation diagnostics. Theory of dosimetry based on cavity theory and clinical consequences. Fundamentals of dose calculation, optimization and evaluation. Concepts of external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy. Recent and future developments: IMRT, IGRT, SRS/SBRT, particle therapy.
LernzielGetting familiar with the different medical applications of ionizing radiation in the fields of radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, and radiation diagnostics. Dealing with concepts such as external beam radiation therapy as well as brachytherapy for the treatment of cancer patients. Understanding the fundamental cavity theory for dose measurements and its consequences on clinical practice. Understanding different delivery techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, SRS/SBRT, brachytherapy, particle therapy using protons, heavy ions or neutrons. Understanding the principles of dose calculation, optimization and evaluation for radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and radiation diagnostic applications. Finally, the lecture aims to demonstrate that medical physics is a fascinating and evolving discipline where physics can directly be used for the benefits of patients and the society.
InhaltIn this lecture, the use of ionizing radiation in different clinical applications is discussed. Primarily, we will concentrate on radiation therapy and will cover applications such as external beam radiotherapy with photons and electrons, intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), image guided radiotherapy (IGRT), stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery, brachytherapy, particle therapy using protons, heavy ions or neutrons. In addition, dosimetric methods based on cavity theory are reviewed and principles of treatment planning (dose calculation, optimization and evaluation) are discussed. Next to these topics, applications in nuclear medicine and radiation diagnostics are explained with the clear focus on dosimetric concepts and behaviour.
SkriptA script will be provided.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIt is recommended that the students have taken the lecture Medical Physics I in advance.
402-0343-00LPhysics Against Cancer: The Physics of Imaging and Treating CancerW6 KP2V + 1UA. J. Lomax, U. Schneider
KurzbeschreibungRadiotherapy is a rapidly developing and technology driven medical discipline that is heavily dependent on physics and engineering. In this lecture series, we will review and describe some of the current developments in radiotherapy, particularly from the physics and technological view point, and will indicate in which direction future research in radiotherapy will lie.
LernzielRadiotherapy is a rapidly developing and technology driven medical discipline that is heavily dependent on physics and engineering. In the last few years, a multitude of new techniques, equipment and technology have been introduced, all with the primary aim of more accurately targeting and treating cancerous tissues, leading to a precise, predictable and effective therapy technique. In this lecture series, we will review and describe some of the current developments in radiotherapy, particularly from the physics and technological view point, and will indicate in which direction future research in radiotherapy will lie. Our ultimate aim is to provide the student with a taste for the critical role that physics plays in this rapidly evolving discipline and to show that there is much interesting physics still to be done.
InhaltThe lecture series will begin with a short introduction to radiotherapy and an overview of the lecture series (lecture 1). Lecture 2 will cover the medical imaging as applied to radiotherapy, without which it would be impossible to identify or accurately calculate the deposition of radiation in the patient. This will be followed by a detailed description of the treatment planning process, whereby the distribution of deposited energy within the tumour and patient can be accurately calculated, and the optimal treatment defined (lecture 3). Lecture 4 will follow on with this theme, but concentrating on the more theoretical and mathematical techniques that can be used to evaluate different treatments, using mathematically based biological models for predicting the outcome of treatments. The role of physics modeling, in order to accurately calculate the dose deposited from radiation in the patient, will be examined in lecture 5, together with a review of mathematical tools that can be used to optimize patient treatments. Lecture 6 will investigate a rather different issue, that is the standardization of data sets for radiotherapy and the importance of medical data bases in modern therapy. In lecture 7 we will look in some detail at one of the most advanced radiotherapy delivery techniques, namely Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT). In lecture 8, the two topics of imaging and therapy will be somewhat combined, when we will describe the role of imaging in the daily set-up and assessment of patients. Lecture 9 follows up on this theme, in which a major problem of radiotherapy, namely organ motion and changes in patient and tumour geometry during therapy, will be addressed, together with methods for dealing with such problems. Finally, in lectures 10-11, we will describe in some of the multitude of different delivery techniques that are now available, including particle based therapy, rotational (tomo) therapy approaches and robot assisted radiotherapy. In the final lecture, we will provide an overview of the likely avenues of research in the next 5-10 years in radiotherapy. The course will be rounded-off with an opportunity to visit a modern radiotherapy unit, in order to see some of the techniques and delivery methods described in the course in action.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAlthough this course is seen as being complimentary to the Medical Physics I and II course of Dr Manser, no previous knowledge of radiotherapy is necessarily expected or required for interested students who have not attended the other two courses.
402-0673-00LPhysics in Medical Research: From Humans to CellsW6 KP2V + 1UB. K. R. Müller
KurzbeschreibungThe aim of this lecture series is to introduce the role of physics in state-of-the-art medical research and clinical practice. Topics to be covered range from applications of physics in medical implant technology and tissue engineering, through imaging technology, to its role in interventional and non-interventional therapies.
LernzielThe lecture series is focused on applying physics in diagnosis, planning, and therapy close to clinical practice and fundamental medical research. Beside a general overview the lectures give a deep insight into selected techniques, which will help the students to apply the knowledge to related techniques.

In particular, the lectures will elucidate the physics behind the X-ray imaging currently used in clinical environment and contemporary high-resolution developments. It is the goal to visualize and quantify microstructures of human tissues and implants as well as their interface.

Ultrasound is not only used for diagnostic purposes but includes therapeutic approaches such as the control of the blood-brain barrier under MR-guidance.

Physicists in medicine are working on modeling and simulation. Based on the vascular structure in cancerous and healthy tissues, the characteristic approaches in computational physics to develop strategies against cancer are presented. In order to deliberately destroy cancerous tissue, heat can be supplied or extracted in different manner: cryotherapy (heat conductivity in anisotropic, viscoelastic environment), radiofrequency treatment (single and multi-probe), laser application, and proton therapy.

Medical implants play an important role to take over well-defined tasks within the human body. Although biocompatibility is here of crucial importance, the term is insufficiently understood. The aim of the lectures is the understanding of biocompatibility performing well-defined experiments in vitro and in vivo. Dealing with different classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers) the influence of surface modifications (morphology and surface coatings) are key issues for implant developments.

Mechanical stimuli can drastically influence soft and hard tissue behavior. The students should realize that a physiological window exists, where a positive tissue response is expected and how the related parameter including strain, frequency, and resting periods can be selected and optimized for selected tissues such as bone.

For the treatment of severe incontinence artificial smart muscles have to be developed. The students should have a critical look at promising solutions and the selection procedure as well as realize the time-consuming and complex way to clinical practice.

The course will be completed by a visit of advanced facilities within a leading Swiss hospital.
InhaltThis lecture series will cover the following topics:
February 24 Introduction: Imaging the human body down to individual cells
March 03 X-ray-based computed tomography in absorption-contrast mode
March 10 Phase tomography using hard X-rays in biomedical research
March 17 Metallic medical implants
March 24 Natural and synthetic ceramics for implants and regenerative medicine
March 31 Degradable and non-degradable polymers for medical implants
April 07 Artificial muscles for incontinence treatment
April 28 Focused ultra-sound and related clinical applications
May 05 Minimally invasive and non-invasive medical interventions
May 12 Current developments in dental research
May 19 Role of biomaterials and physics in tissue engineering
May 26 Biomedical simulations
June 02 Physical research in hospital environment

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Voraussetzungen / BesonderesStudents from other departments are very welcome to join and gain insight into a variety of sophisticated techniques for the benefit of patients.
No special knowledge is required. Nevertheless, gaps in basic physical knowledge will result in additional efforts.
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