Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2017
Physik Master ![]() | ||||||
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Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
402-0516-10L | Group Theoretical Methods in Solid State Physics | W | 12 KP | 3V + 3U | D. Pescia | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This lecture introduces the fundamental concepts of group theory and their representations. The accent is on the concrete applications of the mathematical concepts to practical quantum mechanical problems of solid state physics and other fields of physics rather than on their mathematical proof. | |||||
Lernziel | The aim of this lecture is to give a fundamental knowledge on the application of symmetry in atoms, molecules and solids. The lecture is intended for students at the master and Phd. level in Physics that would like to have a practical and comprehensive view of the role of symmetry in physics. Students in their third year of Bachelor will be perfectly able to follow the lecture and can use it for their future master curriculuum. Students from other Departement are welcome, but they should have a solid background in mathematics and physics, although the lecture is quite self-contained. | |||||
Inhalt | 1. Groups, Classes, Representation theory, Characters of a representation and theorems involving them. 2. The symmetry group of the Schrödinger equation, Invariant subspaces, Atomic orbitals, Molecular vibrations, Cristal field splitting, Compatibility relations, Band structure of crystals. 3. SU(2) and spin, The double group, The Kronecker Product, The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Clebsch-Gordan coeffients for point groups,The Wigner-Eckart theorem and its applications to optical transitions. | |||||
Skript | The copy of the blackboard is made available online. | |||||
Literatur | This lecture is essentially a practical application of the concepts discussed in: - L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz, Lehrbuch der Theor. Pyhsik, Band III, "Quantenmechanik", Akademie-Verlag Berlin, 1979, Kap. XII - Ibidem, Band V, "Statistische Physik", Teil 1, Akademie-Verlag 1987, Kap. XIII and XIV. | |||||
402-0505-00L | Physics in the Smartphone | W | 6 KP | 3G | B. Batlogg, M. Sigrist | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Physics in today's high-tech smartphone. Examples: network topology and scratch proof glass, spin-orbit coupling - brighter displays, GPS and general theory of relativity, electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation), light-field cameras, CCD and CMOS light sensors, physics stops Moore's law, meta-materials for antennas, MEMS sensor physics, etc. | |||||
Lernziel | Students recognize and appreciate the enormous impact "physics" has on today's high tech world. Abstract concepts, old and recent, encountered in the lectures are implemented and present all around us. Students are actively involved in the preparation and presentation of the topics, and thus acquire valuable professional skills. | |||||
Inhalt | We explore how traditional and new physics concepts and achievements make their way into today's ubiquitous high-tech gadget : the smartphone. Examples of topics include: network topology and scratch proof Gorilla glass, spin-orbit coupling makes for four times brighter displays, no GPS without general theory of relativity, electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation in the atmosphere), lightfield cameras replacing CCD and CMOS light sensors, physical limitations to IC scaling: the end of "Moore's law", meta-materials for antennas, physics of the various MEMS sensors, etc., etc., | |||||
Skript | The presentation material and original literature will be distributed weekly. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Basic physics lectures and introduction to solid state physics are expected. This is a "3 hour" course, with two hours set for <tba>, and the third one to be set at the beginning of the semester. | |||||
402-0522-17L | Special Topics in Scanning Probe Techniques | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | O. Gürlü | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course covers the cutting edge research based on scanning probe techniques. Course starts with a basic reminder on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). After covering the imaging capabilities of these techniques, the spectroscopic modes of these methods are covered. Atomic scale manipulation and derived lithography techniques are also covered. | |||||
Lernziel | It is the aim of this course to cover the cutting edge research based on scanning probe techniques, give the basics of scanning probe techniques and introduce the evolution of the field. Besides the imaging capabilities of scanning probes, spectroscopic capacities of each sub technique will be discussed along with the opportunity to perform atomic scale manipulation. | |||||
Inhalt | This course will cover the cutting edge research based on scanning probe techniques. Course will start with a basic reminder on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). After covering the imaging capabilities of these techniques we will switch to the spectroscopic modes of these methods. First STM based spectroscopies will be investigated. Studies on the surface electronic and vibrionic structures will be exemplified in comparison to integral spectroscopic methods. Techniques like I/V and Z/V spectroscopy, dI/dV mapping of surfaces, inelastic tunnelling spectroscopy will be covered. Investigation of image potential states of metal surfaces will be shown. The capability of STM in studying surface plasmons through photon emission STM will be introduced. Similarly, the spectroscopic modes of AFM will be discussed, starting with force-distance measurements for the study of adhesive forces. The fundamentals of Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) will be covered. Following the discussion on the spectroscopic modes of the probe microscopes, the capacity of probe microscopes as atomic scale lithography devices will be introduced. | |||||
Literatur | 1) Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, C. Julian Chen, Oxford University Press 2nd ed. (2007). 2) Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy, Seizo Morita, Franz J. Giessibl, Ernst Meyer, Roland Wiesendanger, Springer (2015). 3) Scanning Probe Microscopy: Atomic Scale Engineering by Forces and Currents, Adam Foster, Werner A. Hofer, Springer (2010). | |||||
402-0536-00L | Ferromagnetism: From Thin Films to Spintronics | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | R. Allenspach | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course extends the introductory course "Introduction to Magnetism" to the latest, modern topics in research in magnetism and spintronics. After a short revisit of the basic magnetism concepts, emphasis is put on novel phenomena in (ultra)thin films and small magnetic structures, displaying effects not encountered in bulk magnetism. | |||||
Lernziel | Knowing the most important concepts and applications of ferromagnetism, in particular on the nanoscale (thin films, small structures). Being able to read and understand scientific articles at the front of research in this area. Learn to know how and why a hard disk and magnetic memories function. Learn to condense and present the results of a research articles so that colleagues understand. | |||||
Inhalt | Magnetization curves, magnetic domains, magnetic anisotropy; novel effects in ultrathin magnetic films and multilayers: interlayer exchange, spin transport; magnetization dynamics, spin precession. Applications: Magnetic data storage, magnetic memories, spin-based electronics, also called spintronics. | |||||
Skript | Skripte werden in Vorlesung abgegeben (Skript in Englisch). | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Language: English (German if all students agree) | |||||
402-0318-00L | Semiconductor Materials: Characterization, Processing and Devices | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | S. Schön, W. Wegscheider | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course gives an introduction into the fundamentals of semiconductor materials. The main focus in this semester is on state-of-the-art characterization, semiconductor processing and devices. | |||||
Lernziel | Basic knowledge of semiconductor physics and technology. Application of this knowledge for state-of-the-art semiconductor device processing | |||||
Inhalt | Semiconductor material characterization (ex situ): Structural and chemical methods (XRD, SEM, TEM, EDX, EELS, SIMS), electronic methods (Hall & quantum Hall effect, transport), optical methods (PL, absorption sepctroscopy); Semiconductor processing: E-beam lithography, optical lithography, structuring of layers and devices (RIE, ICP), thin film deposition (metallization, PECVD, sputtering, ALD); Semiconductor devices: Bipolar and field effect transistors, semiconductor lasers, other devices | |||||
Skript | | |||||
402-0538-16L | Introduction to Magnetic Resonance for Physicists Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | C. Degen | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course provides the fundamental principles of magnetic resonance and discusses its applications in physics and other disciplines. | |||||
Lernziel | Magnetic resonance is a textbook example of quantum mechanics that has made its way into numerous applications. It describes the response of nuclear and electronic spins to radio-frequency magnetic fields. The aim of this course is to provide the basic concepts of magnetic resonance while making connections of relevancy to other areas of science. After completing this course, students will understand the basic interactions of spins and how they are manipulated and detected. They will be able to calculate and simulate the quantum dynamics of spin systems. Examples of current-day applications in solid state physics, quantum information, magnetic resonance tomography, and biomolecular structure determination will also be integrated. | |||||
Inhalt | Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Resonance - Historical Perspective - Bloch Equations - Quantum Picture of Magnetic Resonance - Spin Hamiltonian - Pulsed Magnetic Resonance - Spin Relaxation - Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Ferromagnetic Resonance - Signal Detection - Modern Topics and Applications of Magnetic Resonance | |||||
Skript | Class Notes and Handouts | |||||
Literatur | 1) Charles Slichter, "Principles of Magnetic Resonance" 2) Anatole Abragam, "The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism" | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics is not formally required but highly advantageous. | |||||
402-0596-00L | Electronic Transport in Nanostructures ![]() | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | T. M. Ihn | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The lecture discusses basic quantum phenomena occurring in electron transport through nanostructures: Drude theory, Landauer-Buttiker theory, conductance quantization, Aharonov-Bohm effect, weak localization/antilocalization, shot noise, integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, tunneling transport, Coulomb blockade, coherent manipulation of charge- and spin-qubits. | |||||
Lernziel | ||||||
Skript | The lecture is based on the book: T. Ihn, Semiconductor Nanostructures: Quantum States and Electronic Transport, ISBN 978-0-19-953442-5, Oxford University Press, 2010. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | A solid basis in quantum mechanics, electrostatics, quantum statistics and in solid state physics is required. Students of the Master in Micro- and Nanosystems should at least have attended the lecture by David Norris, Introduction to quantum mechanics for engineers. They should also have passed the exam of the lecture Semiconductor Nanostructures. | |||||
402-0564-00L | Festkörperoptik Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | L. Degiorgi | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The interaction of light with the condensed matter is the basic idea and principal foundation of several experimental spectroscopic methods. This lecture is devoted to the presentation of those experimental methods and techniques, which allow the study of the electrodynamic response of solids. I will also discuss recent experimental results on materials of high interest in the on-going solid-stat | |||||
Lernziel | The lecture will give a basic introduction to optical spectroscopic methods in solid state physics. | |||||
Inhalt | Chapter 1 Maxwell equations and interaction of light with the medium Chapter 2 Experimental methods: a survey Chapter 3 Kramers-Kronig relations; optical functions Chapter 4 Drude-Lorentz phenomenological method Chapter 5 Electronic interband transitions and band structure effects Chapter 6 Selected examples: strongly correlated systems and superconductors | |||||
Skript | manuscript (in english) is provided. | |||||
Literatur | F. Wooten, in Optical Properties of Solids, (Academic Press, New York, 1972) and M. Dressel and G. Gruener, in Electrodynamics of Solids, (Cambridge University Press, 2002). | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Exercises will be proposed every week for one hour. There will be also the possibility to prepare a short presentations based on recent scientific literature (more at the beginning of the lecture). | |||||
402-0528-12L | Ultrafast Methods in Solid State Physics | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | Y. M. Acremann, S. Johnson | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course provides an overview of experimental methods and techniques used to study dynamical processes in solids. Many processes in solids happen on a picosecond to femtosecond time scale. In this course we discuss different methods to generate femtosecond photon pulses and measurement techniques adapted to time resolved experiments. | |||||
Lernziel | The goal of the course is to enable students to identify and evaluate experimental methods to manipulate and measure the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of solids on the fastest possible time scales. These "ultrafast methods" potentially lead both to an improved understanding of fundamental interactions in condensed matter and to applications in data storage, materials processing and computing. | |||||
Inhalt | The topical course outline is as follows: 0. Introduction Time scales in solids and technology Time vs. frequency domain experiments Pump-Probe technique 1. Ultrafast processes in solids, an overview Electron gas Lattice Spin system 2. Ultrafast optical-frequency methods Ultrafast laser sources Broadband techniques Harmonic generation, optical parametric amplification Fluorescence Advanced pump-probe techniques 3. THz-frequency methods Mid-IR and THz interactions with solids Difference frequency mixing Optical rectification 4. Ultrafast VUV and x-ray frequency methods Synchrotron based sources Free electron lasers Higher harmonic generation based sources X-ray diffraction Time resolved X-ray microscopy Coherent imaging 5. Electron spectroscopy in the time domain | |||||
Skript | Will be distributed. | |||||
Literatur | Will be distributed. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Although the course "Ultrafast Processes in Solids" (402-0526-00L) is useful as a companion to this course, it is not a prerequisite. | |||||
402-0577-00L | Quantum Systems for Information Technology | W | 8 KP | 2V + 2U | keine Angaben | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Introduction to experimental quantum information processing (QIP). Quantum bits. Coherent Control. Quantum Measurement. Decoherence. Microscopic and macroscopic quantum systems. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in molecules and solids. Ions and neutral atoms in electromagnetic traps. Charges and spins in quantum dots. Charges and flux quanta in superconducting circuits. Novel hybrid systems. | |||||
Lernziel | In recent years the realm of quantum mechanics has entered the domain of information technology. Enormous progress in the physical sciences and in engineering and technology has allowed us to envisage building novel types of information processors based on the concepts of quantum physics. In these processors information is stored in the quantum state of physical systems forming quantum bits (qubits). The interaction between qubits is controlled and the resulting states are read out on the level of single quanta in order to process information. Realizing such challenging tasks may allow constructing an information processor much more powerful than a classical computer. The aim of this class is to give a thorough introduction to physical implementations pursued in current research for realizing quantum information processors. The field of quantum information science is one of the fastest growing and most active domains of research in modern physics. | |||||
Inhalt | A syllabus will be provided on the class web server at the beginning of the term (see section 'Besonderes'/'Notice'). | |||||
Skript | Electronically available lecture notes will be published on the class web server (see section 'Besonderes'/'Notice'). | |||||
Literatur | Quantum computation and quantum information / Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang. Reprinted. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press ; 2001.. 676 p. : ill.. [004153791]. Additional literature and reading material will be provided on the class web server (see section 'Besonderes'/'Notice'). | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | The class will be taught in English language. Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics is required, prior knowledge in atomic physics, quantum electronics, and solid state physics is advantageous. More information on this class can be found on the web site: | |||||
402-0532-00L | Quantum Solid State Magnetism | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | A. Zheludev | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course is based on the principal modern tools used to study collective magnetic phenomena in the Solid State, namely correlation and response functions. It is quite quantitative, but doesn't contain any "fancy" mathematics. Instead, the theoretical aspects are balanced by numerous experimental examples and case studies. It is aimed at theorists and experimentalists alike. | |||||
Lernziel | Learn the modern theoretical foundations and "language", as well as principles and capabilities of the latest experimental techniques, used to describe and study collective magnetic phenomena in the Solid State. | |||||
Inhalt | - Magnetic response and correlation functions. Analytic properties. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Experimental methods to measure static and dynamic correlations. - Magnetic response and correlations in metals. Diamagnetism and paramagnetism. Magnetic ground states: ferromagnetism, spin density waves. Excitations in metals, spin waves. Experimental examples. - Magnetic response and correlations of magnetic ions in crystals: quantum numbers and effective Hamiltonians. Application of group theory to classifying ionic states. Experimental case studies. - Magnetic response and correlations in magnetic insulators. Effective Hamiltonians. Magnetic order and propagation vector formalism. The use of group theory to classify magnetic structures. Determination of magnetic structures from diffraction data. Excitations: spin wave theory and beyond. "Triplons". Measuring spin wave spectra. | |||||
Skript | A comprehensive textbook-like script is provided. | |||||
Literatur | In principle, the script is suffient as study material. Additional reading: -"Magnetism in Condensed Matter" by S. Blundell -"Quantum Theory of Magnetism: Magnetic properties of Materials" by R. M. White -"Lecture notes on Electron Correlations and Magnetism" by P. Fazekas | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Prerequisite: 402-0861-00L Statistical Physics 402-0501-00L Solid State Physics Not prerequisite, but a good companion course: 402-0871-00L Solid State Theory 402-0257-00L Advanced Solid State Physics 402-0535-00L Introduction to Magnetism | |||||
327-2130-00L | Introducing Photons, Neutrons and Muons for Materials Characterisation ![]() | W | 4 KP | 6G | L. Heyderman | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The aim of the course is that the students acquire a basic understanding on the interaction of photons, neutrons and muons with matter and how one can use these as tools to solve specific problems. The students will also acquire hands-on experience by designing and performing an experiment in a large scale facility of PSI (Swiss Light Source, Swiss Spallation Neutron Source, Swiss Muon Source). | |||||
Lernziel | The course runs for two weeks in a row in September before the regular semester lectures start. It takes place at the campus of the Paul Scherrer Institute. The first week consists of introductory lectures on the use of photons, neutrons and muons for materials characterization. Active participation of the students in the form of workgroups aimed at learning the basic concepts is also part of the first week program. The second week is focused on hand-on experiments on specific topics. The topical section includes tutorials and one to two experiments designed and performed by the students at one of the large scale facilities of PSI (Swiss Light Source, Swiss Spallation Neutron Source, Swiss Muon Source). | |||||
Inhalt | - Interaction of photons, neutrons and muons with matter - Production of photons, neutrons and muons - Experimental setups: optics and detectors - Crystal symmetry, Bragg's law, reciprocal lattice, structure factors - Elastic and inelastic scattering with neutrons and photons - X-ray absorption spectroscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism - Polarized neutron scattering for the study of magnetic materials - Imaging techniques using x-rays and neutrons - Introduction to muon spin rotation - Applications of muon spin rotation | |||||
Skript | Slides from the lectures will be available on the internet. | |||||
Literatur | - Philip Willmott: An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications, Wiley, 2011 - J. Als-Nielsen and D. McMorrow: Elements of Modern X-Ray Physics, Wiley, 2011. | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | This is a pre-semester block course for students who have attended courses on condensed matter or materials physics. Registration at the PSI website required by July 31st, 2017( | |||||
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Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
402-0468-15L | Nanomaterials for Photonics ![]() | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | R. Grange | |
Kurzbeschreibung | The lecture describes various nanomaterials (semiconductor, metal, dielectric, carbon-based...) for photonic applications (optoelectronics, plasmonics, photonic crystal...). It starts with nanophotonic concepts of light-matter interactions, then the fabrication methods, the optical characterization techniques, the description of the properties and the state-of-the-art applications. | |||||
Lernziel | The students will acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge in the different types of nanomaterials (semiconductors, metals, dielectric, carbon-based, ...) and their uses as building blocks for advanced applications in photonics (optoelectronics, plasmonics, photonic crystal, ...). Together with the exercises, the students will learn (1) to read, summarize and discuss scientific articles related to the lecture, (2) to estimate order of magnitudes with calculations using the theory seen during the lecture, (3) to prepare a short oral presentation about one topic related to the lecture, and (4) to imagine a useful photonic device. | |||||
Inhalt | 1. Introduction to Nanomaterials for photonics a. Classification of the materials in sizes and speed... b. General info about scattering and absorption c. Nanophotonics concepts 2. Analogy between photons and electrons a. Wavelength, wave equation b. Dispersion relation c. How to confine electrons and photons d. Tunneling effects 3. Characterization of Nanomaterials a. Optical microscopy: Bright and dark field, fluorescence, confocal, High resolution: PALM (STORM), STED b. Electron microscopy : SEM, TEM c. Scanning probe microscopy: STM, AFM d. Near field microscopy: SNOM e. X-ray diffraction: XRD, EDS 4. Generation of Nanomaterials a. Top-down approach b. Bottom-up approach 5. Plasmonics a. What is a plasmon, Drude model b. Surface plasmon and localized surface plasmon (sphere, rod, shell) c. Theoretical models to calculate the radiated field: electrostatic approximation and Mie scattering d. Fabrication of plasmonic structures: Chemical synthesis, Nanofabrication e. Applications 6. Organic nanomaterials a. Organic quantum-confined structure: nanomers and quantum dots. b. Carbon nanotubes: properties, bandgap description, fabrication c. Graphene: motivation, fabrication, devices 7. Semiconductors a. Crystalline structure, wave function... b. Quantum well: energy levels equation, confinement c. Quantum wires, quantum dots d. Optical properties related to quantum confinement e. Example of effects: absorption, photoluminescence... f. Solid-state-lasers : edge emitting, surface emitting, quantum cascade 8. Photonic crystals a. Analogy photonic and electronic crystal, in nature b. 1D, 2D, 3D photonic crystal c. Theoretical modeling: frequency and time domain technique d. Features: band gap, local enhancement, superprism... 9. Optofluidic a. What is optofluidic ? b. History of micro-nano-opto-fluidic c. Basic properties of fluids d. Nanoscale forces and scale law e. Optofluidic: fabrication f. Optofluidic: applications g. Nanofluidics 10. Nanomarkers a. Contrast in imaging modalities b. Optical imaging mechanisms c. Static versus dynamic probes | |||||
Skript | Slides and book chapter will be available for downloading | |||||
Literatur | References will be given during the lecture | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Basics of solid-state physics (i.e. energy bands) can help | |||||
402-0492-00L | Experimental Techniques in Quantum and Electro-Optics Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | J. Home | |
Kurzbeschreibung | We will cover experimental issues in making measurements in modern physics experiments. The primary challenge in any measurement is achieving good signal to noise. We will cover areas such as optical propagation, electronics, noise limits and feedback control. Methods for stabilizing frequencies and intensities of laser systems will also be described. | |||||
Lernziel | I aim to give an in depth understanding of experimental issues for students wishing to work on experimental science. The methods covered are widely applicable in modern physics, since light and electronics are the primary methods by which measurements are made across the field. | |||||
Inhalt | The course will cover a number of different areas of experimental physics, including Optical elements and propagation Electronics and Electronic Noise Optical Detection Control Theory Examples from a modern quantum information laboratory will be discussed and illustrated through active devices in the lecture. | |||||
402-0470-17L | Optical Frequency Combs: Physics and Applications | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | G. Scalari, J. Faist | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources. | |||||
Lernziel | In this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources. | |||||
Inhalt | Since their invention, the optical frequency combs have shown to be a key technological tool with applications in a variety of fields ranging from astronomy, metrology, spectroscopy and telecommunications. Concomitant with this expansion of the application domains, the range of technologies that have been used to generate optical frequency combs has recently widened to include, beyond the solid-state and fiber mode-locked lasers, optical parametric oscillators, microresonators and quantum cascade lasers. In this lecture, the goal is to review the physics behind mode-locking in these various devices, as well as discuss the most important novelties and applications of the newly developed sources. Chapt 1: Fundamentals of optical frequency comb generation - Physics of mode-locking: time domain picture Propagation and stability of a pulse, soliton formation - Dispersion compensation Solid-state and fiber mode-locked laser Chapt 2: Direct generation Microresonator combs: Lugiato-Lefever equation, solitons Quantum cascade laser: Frequency domain picture of the mode-locking Mid-infrared and terahertz QCL combs Chapt 3: Non-linear optics DFG, OPOs Chapt 4: Comb diagnostics and noise Jitter, linewidth Chapt 5: Self-referenced combs and their applications Chapt 6: Dual combs and their applications to spectroscopy | |||||
402-0498-00L | Cavity QED and Ion Trap Physics ![]() | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | J. Alonso Otamendi, J. Home | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course covers the physics of systems where harmonic oscillators are coupled to spin systems, for which the 2012 Nobel prize was awarded. Experimental realizations include photons trapped in high-finesse cavities and ions trapped by electro-magnetic fields. These approaches have achieved an extraordinary level of control and provide leading technologies for quantum information processing. | |||||
Lernziel | The objective is to provide a basis for understanding the wide range of research currently being performed on fundamental quantum mechanics with spin-spring systems, including cavity-QED and ion traps. During the course students would expect to gain an understanding of the current frontier of research in these areas, and the challenges which must be overcome to make further advances. This should provide a solid background for tackling recently published research in these fields, including experimental realisations of quantum information processing. | |||||
Inhalt | This course will cover cavity-QED and ion trap physics, providing links and differences between the two. It aims to cover both theoretical and experimental aspects. In all experimental settings the role of decoherence and the quantum-classical transition is of great importance, and this will therefore form one of the key components of the course. The topics of the course were cited in the Nobel prize which was awarded to Serge Haroche and David Wineland in 2012. Topics which will be covered include: Cavity QED (atoms/spins coupled to a quantized field mode) Ion trap (charged atoms coupled to a quantized motional mode) Quantum state engineering: Coherent and squeezed states Entangled states Schrodinger's cat states Decoherence: The quantum optical master equation Monte-Carlo wavefunction Quantum measurements Entanglement and decoherence Applications: Quantum information processing Quantum sensing | |||||
Literatur | S. Haroche and J-M. Raimond "Exploring the Quantum" (required) M. Scully and M.S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics (recommended) | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | This course requires a good working knowledge in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Prior knowledge of quantum optics is recommended but not required. | |||||
402-0558-00L | Crystal Optics in Intense Light Fields | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | M. Fiebig | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Because of their aesthetic nature crystals are termed "flowers of mineral kingdom". The aesthetic aspect is closely related to the symmetry of the crystals which in turn determines their optical properties. It is the purpose of this course to stimulate the understanding of these relations with a particular focus on those phenomena occurring in intense light fields as they are provided by lasers. | |||||
Lernziel | In this course students will at first acquire a systematic knowledge of classical crystal-optical phenomena and the experimental and theoretical tools to describe them. This will be the basis for the core part of the lecture in which they will learn how to characterize ferroelectric, (anti)ferromagnetic and other forms of ferroic order and their interaction by nonlinear optical techniques. See also | |||||
Inhalt | Crystal classes and their symmetry; basic group theory; optical properties in the absence and presence of external forces; focus on magnetooptical phenomena; density-matrix formalism of light-matter interaction; microscopy of linear and nonlinear optical susceptibilities; second harmonic generation (SHG); characterization of ferroic order by SHG; outlook towards other nonlinear optical effects: devices, ultrafast processes, self-focusing, | |||||
Skript | Extensive material will be provided throughout the lecture. | |||||
Literatur | (1) R. R. Birss, Symmetry and Magnetism, North-Holland (1966) (2) R. E. Newnham: Properties of Materials: Anisotropy, Symmetry, Structure, Oxford University (2005) (3) A. K. Zvezdin, V. A. Kotov: Modern Magnetooptics & Magnetooptical Materials, Taylor/Francis (1997) (4) Y. R. Shen: The Principles of Nonlinear Optics, Wiley (2002) (5) K. H. Bennemann: Nonlinear Optics in Metals, Oxford University (1999) | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Basic knowledge in solid state physics and quantum (perturbation) theory will be very useful. The lecture is addressed to students in physics and students in materials science with an affinity to physics. | |||||
402-0466-15L | Quantum Optics with Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics and Metamaterials | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | J. Faist, G. Scalari | |
Kurzbeschreibung | In this lecture, we would like to review new developments in the emerging topic of quantum optics in very strongly confined structures, with an emphasis on sources and photon statistics as well as the coupling between optical and mechanical degrees of freedom. | |||||
Lernziel | ||||||
Inhalt | 1. Light confinement 1.1. Photonic crystals 1.1.1. Band structure 1.1.2. Slow light and cavities 1.2. Plasmonics 1.2.1. Light confinement in metallic structures 1.2.2. Metal optics and waveguides 1.2.3. Graphene plasmonics 1.3. Metamaterials 1.3.1. Electric and magnetic response at optical frequencies 1.3.2. Negative index, cloacking, left-handness 2. Light coupling in cavities 2.1. Strong coupling 2.1.1. Polariton formation 2.1.2. Strong and ultra-strong coupling 2.2. Strong coupling in microcavities 2.2.1. Planar cavities, polariton condensation 2.3. Polariton dots 2.3.1. Microcavities 2.3.2. Photonic crystals 2.3.3. Metamaterial-based 3. Photon generation and statistics 3.1. Purcell emitters 3.1.1. Single photon sources 3.1.2. THz emitters 3.2. Microlasers 3.2.1. Plasmonic lasers: where is the limit? 3.2.2. g(1) and g(2) of microlasers 3.3. Optomecanics 3.3.1. Micro ring cavities 3.3.2. Photonic crystals 3.3.3. Superconducting resonators | |||||
402-0484-00L | Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Gases ![]() Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | T. Esslinger | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Quantum Gases are the most precisely controlled many-body systems in physics. This provides a unique interface between theory and experiment, which allows addressing fundamental concepts and long-standing questions. This course lays the foundation for the understanding of current research in this vibrant field. | |||||
Lernziel | The lecture conveys a basic understanding for the current research on quantum gases. Emphasis will be put on the connection between theory and experimental observation. It will enable students to read and understand publications in this field. | |||||
Inhalt | Cooling and trapping of neutral atoms Bose and Fermi gases Ultracold collisions The Bose-condensed state Elementary excitations Vortices Superfluidity Interference and Correlations Optical lattices | |||||
Skript | notes and material accompanying the lecture will be provided | |||||
Literatur | C. J. Pethick and H. Smith, Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute Gases, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Enrico Fermi International School of Physics, Vol. CXL, ed. M. Inguscio, S. Stringari, and C.E. Wieman (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1999). | |||||
402-0444-00L | Advanced Quantum Optics Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U | A. Imamoglu | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course builds up on the material covered in the Quantum Optics course. The emphasis will be on quantum optics in condensed-matter systems. | |||||
Lernziel | The course aims to provide the knowledge necessary for pursuing advanced research in the field of Quantum Optics in condensed matter systems. Fundamental concepts and techniques of Quantum Optics will be linked to experimental research in systems such as quantum dots, exciton-polaritons, quantum Hall fluids and graphene-like materials. | |||||
Inhalt | Description of open quantum systems using master equation and quantum trajectories. Decoherence and quantum measurements. Dicke superradiance. Dissipative phase transitions. Spin photonics. Signatures of electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions in optical response. | |||||
Skript | Lecture notes will be provided | |||||
Literatur | C. Cohen-Tannoudji et al., Atom-Photon-Interactions (recommended) Y. Yamamoto and A. Imamoglu, Mesoscopic Quantum Optics (recommended) A collection of review articles (will be pointed out during the lecture) | |||||
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes | Masters level quantum optics knowledge |
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