Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2017

Physik DZ Information
Detaillierte Informationen zum Ausbildungsgang auf:
Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung mit pädagogischem Fokus
402-0742-00LEnergy and Environment in the 21st Century (Part II) Information W6 KP2V + 1UM. Dittmar
KurzbeschreibungDespite the widely used concepts of sustainability and sustainable
development, one remarks the absence of a scientific
definition. In this lecture we will discuss, based on the natural laws and the scientific method, various proposed concepts for a
development towards sustainability.
LernzielA scientifically useful definition of sustainability?
Unsustainable aspects of our lifestyle and our society?
(unsustainable use of ressources, environmental destruction
and climate change, mass extinctions etc)
How long can humanity continue on its current unsustainable path,
what are the possible consequences? Historical examples of society collapse. What can we learn from them.
Existing Gedanken models/experiments (like Permaculture) promise to transform the human society into the direction of sustainability.
If these ideas would theoretically transform our global society
into a sustainable one, what are the large scale limitations and why
do we not yet follow these ideas?
InhaltIntroduction ``sustainability" (24.2.); Population Dynamik (3.3.);
finite (energy)-resources (10.3.); waste problems (17.3.);
water, soil and industrial agriculture (24.3.); biodiversity (31.3.); (un)-sustainable development (7.4./28.4./5.5); example for sustainable systems (12.5./19.5.); human nature, Ethics and earth-care(?) (26.5./2.6.)
SkriptWeb page:
Literaturfor example:
Environmental Physics (Boeker and Grandelle)
A prosperous way down: Principles and Policies (H. Odum and E. Odum)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowledge of the ``physics laws" governing todays energy
system and it use to deliver ``useful" work for our life
(laws of energie conservation and of the
energy transformation to do work).

Interest to learn about the problems (and possible solutions)
related to the transition from an unsustainable use of renewable and non renewable (energy) resources to a sustainable system
using scientific method.
402-0738-00LStatistical Methods and Analysis Techniques in Experimental PhysicsW10 KP5GM. Donegà, C. Grab
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture gives an introduction to the statistical methods and the various analysis techniques applied in experimental particle physics. The exercises treat problems of general statistical topics; they also include hands-on analysis projects, where students perform independent analyses on their computer, based on real data from actual particle physics experiments.
LernzielStudents will learn the most important statistical methods used in experimental particle physics. They will acquire the necessary skills to analyse large data records in a statistically correct manner. Learning how to present scientific results in a professional manner and how to discuss them.
InhaltTopics include:
- modern methods of statistical data analysis
- probability distributions, error analysis, simulation methos, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, setting limits and introduction to multivariate methods.
- most examples are taken from particle physics.

- lectures about the statistical topics;
- common discussions of examples;
- exercises: specific exercises to practise the topics of the lectures;
- all students perform statistical calculations on (their) computers;
- students complete a full data analysis in teams (of two) over the second half of the course, using real data taken from particle physics experiments;
- at the end of the course, the students present their analysis results in a scientific presentation;
- all students are directly tutored by assistants in the classroom.
Skript- Copies of all lectures are available on the web-site of the course.
- A scriptum of the lectures is also available to all students of the course.
Literatur1) Statistics: A guide to the use of statistical medhods in the Physical Sciences, R.J.Barlow; Wiley Verlag .
2) J Statistical data analysis, G. Cowan, Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0198501552.
3) Statistische und numerische Methoden der Datenanalyse, V.Blobel und E.Lohrmann, Teubner Studienbuecher Verlag.
4) Data Analysis, a Bayesian Tutorial, D.S.Sivia with J.Skilling,
Oxford Science Publications.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasic knowlege of nuclear and particle physics are prerequisites.
402-0368-13LExtrasolar PlanetsW6 KP2V + 1US. P. Quanz
KurzbeschreibungThe course covers the physics of the planets in the solar and extra-solar systems and gives a description of planet formation
and evolution models. Also discussed in detail are the observational methods for the detection and characterization of extra-solar planetary systems.
LernzielThe course should provide useful basic knowledge for
first research projects in the field of extra-solar planetary systems and related topics.
InhaltContent of the lecture EXTRASOLAR PLANETS
1. Introduction: Planets in the astrophysical context
2. Planets in the solar systems
3. Detecting extra-solar planetary systems
4. Properties of planetary systems
5. Intrinsic properties of extra-solar planets
6. Planet formation
7. Search for bio-signatures
402-0787-00LTherapeutic Applications of Particle Physics: Principles and Practice of Particle TherapyW6 KP2V + 1UA. J. Lomax
KurzbeschreibungPhysics and medical physics aspects of particle physics
Subjects: Physics interactions and beam characteristics; medical accelerators; beam delivery; pencil beam scanning; dosimetry and QA; treatment planning; precision and uncertainties; in-vivo dose verification; proton therapy biology.
LernzielThe lecture series is focused on the physics and medical physics aspects of particle therapy. The radiotherapy of tumours using particles (particularly protons) is a rapidly expanding discipline, with many new proton and particle therapy facilities currently being planned and built throughout Europe. In this lecture series, we study in detail the physics background to particle therapy, starting from the fundamental physics interactions of particles with tissue, through to treatment delivery, treatment planning and in-vivo dose verification. The course is aimed at students with a good physics background and an interest in the application of physics to medicine.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe former title of this course was "Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Applications of Particle Physics".
402-0922-00LMentorierte Arbeit Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung mit pädagogischem Fokus Physik A Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Mentorierte Arbeit Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung mit pädagogischem Fokus Physik für DZ und Lehrdiplom.
O2 KP4AG. Schiltz, A. Vaterlaus, C. Wagner
KurzbeschreibungIn der mentorierten Arbeit in FV verknüpfen die Studierenden gymnasiale und universitäre Aspekte des Fachs mit dem Ziel, ihre Lehrkompetenz im Hinblick auf curriculare Entscheidungen und auf die zukünftige Entwicklung des Unterrichts zu stärken. Angeleitet erstellen sie Texte, welche die anvisierte Leserschaft, in der Regel gymnasiale Fachlehrpersonen, unmittelbar verstehen.
LernzielÜbung im Erklären schwieriger physikalischer Inhalte als zentrale Herausforderung des Lehrberufes

Verbesserung der Ausbildung in Physik durch das Erschliessen attraktiver, moderner Themen im Hinblick auf zukünftige curriculare Entscheidungen und das Bild von Physik in der Öffentlichkeit
InhaltThemenwahl nach Vereinbarung
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBeginn jederzeit, in Deutsch oder Englisch n.V.
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