Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2016

Micro- and Nanosystems Master Information
Core Courses
Elective Core Courses
151-0525-00LWave Propagation in SolidsW4 credits2V + 1U
151-0525-00 VWave Propagation in Solids2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00HG D 5.2 »
J. Dual, D. Mohr
151-0525-00 UWave Propagation in Solids1 hrs
Fri12:15-13:00HG D 5.2 »
J. Dual, D. Mohr
151-0255-00LEnergy Conversion and Transport in BiosystemsW4 credits2V + 1U
151-0255-00 VEnergy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00CLA E 4 »
D. Poulikakos, A. Ferrari
151-0255-00 UEnergy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems1 hrs
Fri13:15-14:00ML F 40 »
08.12.12:15-16:00ML H 34.3 »
D. Poulikakos, A. Ferrari
402-0572-00LAerosols I: Physical and Chemical PrinciplesW4 credits2V + 1U
402-0572-00 VAerosols I: Physical and Chemical Principles2 hrs
Mon14:15-16:00CAB G 52 »
M. Gysel Beer, U. Baltensperger, H. Burtscher
402-0572-00 UAerosols I: Physical and Chemical Principles1 hrs
Mon13:15-14:00CAB G 52 »
M. Gysel Beer, U. Baltensperger, H. Burtscher
151-0605-00LNanosystemsW4 credits4G
151-0605-00 GNanosystems
The exercises will take place in the laboratories.
4 hrs
Thu10:15-13:00ML F 36 »
16.11.18:15-20:00HG F 26.1 »
30.11.18:15-20:00HG F 26.1 »
A. Stemmer, J.‑N. Tisserant
529-0611-00LCharacterization of Catalysts and SurfacesW7 credits3G
529-0611-00 GCharacterization of Catalysts and Surfaces3 hrs
Mon09:45-10:30HCI H 8.1 »
Tue15:45-17:30HCI H 2.1 »
Wed08:45-10:30HCI D 8 »
J. A. van Bokhoven, D. Ferri
529-0643-00LProcess Design and Development Information W7 credits3G
529-0643-00 GProcess Design and Development3 hrs
Tue09:45-11:30HCI J 7 »
Wed10:45-11:30HCI D 8 »
G. Storti
752-3103-00LFood Rheology IW3 credits2V
752-3103-00 VFood Rheology I2 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00LFO C 13 »
P. A. Fischer
227-0157-00LSemiconductor Devices: Physical Bases and SimulationW4 credits3G
227-0157-00 GSemiconductor Devices: Physical Bases and Simulation
Falls alle Hörende es wünschen, kann die Vorlesung auch auf Deutsch gehalten werden.
3 hrs
Mon09:15-12:00ETZ G 91 »
A. Schenk
227-0225-00LLinear System TheoryW6 credits5G
227-0225-00 GLinear System Theory5 hrs
Mon09:15-12:00ML H 44 »
Thu17:15-19:00ETZ E 8 »
20.10.17:15-19:00ETF C 1 »
24.11.17:15-19:00ETF C 1 »
M. Kamgarpour
227-0377-00LPhysics of Failure and Failure Analysis of Electronic Devices and EquipmentW3 credits2V
227-0377-00 VPhysics of Failure and Failure Analysis of Electronic Devices and Equipment2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00ETZ G 91 »
U. Sennhauser
151-0593-00LEmbedded Control SystemsW4 credits6G
151-0593-00 GEmbedded Control Systems
The block course will take place daily from 12 to 16 September and 19 to 23 September 2016.
Lectures: 8-12 h
Exercises: 13-17 h
80s hrs
12.09. - 16.09.08:15-12:00ML F 40 »
12.09. - 23.09.13:15-17:00ML E 55 »
19.09.08:15-12:00ML H 43 »
19.09. - 23.09.08:15-12:00ML H 43 »
19.09.13:15-17:00ML E 55 »
21.09.15:15-17:00HG E 21 »
J. S. Freudenberg, M. Schmid Daners, C. Onder
151-0235-00LThermodynamics of Novel Energy Conversion TechnologiesW4 credits3G
151-0235-00 GThermodynamics of Novel Energy Conversion Technologies3 hrs
Mon09:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
Fri08:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
14.11.09:15-10:00HG D 7.2 »
19.12.08:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
20.12.09:15-10:00LFV E 41 »
C. S. Sharma, D. Poulikakos, G. Sansavini
227-0145-00LSolid State Electronics and Optics Information W6 credits4G
227-0145-00 GSolid State Electronics and Optics4 hrs
Mon13:15-16:00ETZ E 8 »
V. Wood
151-0621-00LMicrosystems Technology Information W6 credits4G
151-0621-00 GMicrosystems Technology
The course starts in the second week of the semester.
4 hrs
Thu13:15-17:00HG E 5 »
C. Hierold, M. Haluska
402-0811-00LProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations IW5 credits4G
402-0811-00 GProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations I4 hrs
Thu13:45-17:30HCI J 3 »
M. Troyer
151-0911-00LIntroduction to PlasmonicsW4 credits2V + 1U
151-0911-00 VIntroduction to Plasmonics2 hrs
Wed15:15-17:00ML F 34 »
D. J. Norris
151-0911-00 UIntroduction to Plasmonics1 hrs
Thu09:15-10:00HG F 26.5 »
D. J. Norris
151-0642-00LSeminar on Micro and Nanosystems Information Z0 credits1S
151-0642-00 SSeminar on Micro and Nanosystems1 hrs
Fri13:15-15:00CLA G 2 »
C. Hierold
227-0663-00LNano-Optics Information W6 credits2V + 2U
227-0663-00 VNano-Optics2 hrs
Fri10:15-12:00ETZ E 9 »
L. Novotny
227-0663-00 UNano-Optics
The laboratory experiments will take place in HPP M33.
2 hrsL. Novotny
151-0104-00LUncertainty Quantification for Engineering & Life Sciences Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 60.
W4 credits3G
151-0104-00 GUncertainty Quantification for Engineering & Life Sciences
Does not take place this semester.
3 hrsP. Koumoutsakos
227-0468-00LAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering Information
Suitable for Master Students as well as Doctoral Students.
W6 credits2V + 2U
227-0468-00 VAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering2 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00ETZ E 7 »
16.11.08:15-12:00HG E 3 »
H. Schmid
227-0468-00 UAnalog Signal Processing and Filtering2 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00ETZ E 7 »
H. Schmid
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