Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2016

MAS in Medical Physics Information
Specialization: General Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Major in Radiation Therapy
Practical Work
465-0956-00LDosimetry Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Only for MAS in Medical Physics
W4 credits6G
AbstractDosimetry in radiotherapy. Planning and implementation of a percutaneous radiation exposure on an anthropomorphic phantom. Verification of the resulting dose distribution.
Learning objectivePraktische Umsetzung der Lerninhalte der Vorlesungen Medizinphysik I & II bezüglich Dosimetrie bei perkutanen Strahlenexpositinen
ContentDosimetrie in der Strahlentherapie. Planung und Durchführung einer perkutanen Strahlenexposition an einem anthropomorphen Phantom. Überprüfung der resultierenden Dosisverteilungen.
Lecture notesDie Kursunterlagen werden im Blockkurs abgegeben.
Prerequisites / NoticeVoraussetzung: Besuch der Vorlesung Medizinische Physik I
465-0800-00LPractical Work Restricted registration - show details
Only for MAS in Medical Physics
W4 creditsexternal organisers
AbstractThe practical work is designed to train the students in the solution of a specific problem and provides insights in the field of the selected MAS specialization. Tutors propose the subject of the project, the project plan, and the roadmap together with the student, as well as monitor the overall execution.
Learning objectiveThe practical work is aimed at training the student’s capability to apply and connect specific skills acquired during the MAS specialization program towards the solution of a focused problem.
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