Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2016
GESS Wissenschaft im Kontext (Science in Perspective) Nur die in diesem Abschnitt aufgelisteten Fächer können als "GESS Wissenschaft im Kontext" angerechnet werden. Weiter unten finden Sie die Kurse im Bereich "Typ B. Reflexion über fachspezifische Methoden und Inhalte" sowie den Bereich "Sprachkurse" Im Bachelorstudium sind 6 KP und im Masterstudium 2 KP zu erwerben. Studierende, die eine Lerneinheit bereits im Rahmen ihres Fachstudiums abgelegt haben, dürfen dieselbe Veranstaltung NICHT nochmals belegen! | ||||||
Typ B: Reflexion über fachspezifische Methoden und Inhalte Fachspezifische Lerneinheiten. Empfohlen für Studierende ab der Basisprüfung im Bachelor- oder für Studierende im Master- oder Promotionsstudium. Studierende, die eine Lerneinheit bereits im Rahmen ihres Fachstudiums abgelegt haben, dürfen dieselbe Veranstaltung NICHT nochmals belegen! Diese Lerneinheiten sind alle auch unter "Typ A" aufgelistet, d.h. sie sind grundsätzlich für alle Studierenden belegbar. | ||||||
D-BIOL | ||||||
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende | |
851-0180-00L | Research Ethics Particularly suitable for students of D-BIOL, D-CHAB, D-HEST | W | 2 KP | 2G | G. Achermann | |
Kurzbeschreibung | This course has its focus on the responsible conduct of research (RCR) and the ethical dimensions of the biological and biomedical sciences. | |||||
Lernziel | The main goal of this course is to enhance the student's ability to: - recognize and identify ethical issues and conflicts, - analyze and develop well-reasoned responses to the kinds of ethical problems a scientist is likely to encounter. Additionally, students will become familiar with regulations and ethical guidelines relevant for their research field on the international, governmental, institutional and professional level. To achieve these objectives, teaching methods will include lectures, discussions, case study work (alone and in groups), moral games, paper work and exercises. | |||||
Inhalt | I. Ethics & the Process of Ethical Inquiry --------------------------------------- Introduction in Ethics and Research Ethics - What is ethics? What ethics is not...; - Awareness: what constitutes an ethical question? Distinguishing ethical questions from other kinds of questions; Science & ethics: a comparison; - The ethics movement in the biological and health sciences; - What is research ethics and why is it important? - Values (personal, cultural & ethical) in science & principles for ethical conduct in research; - Professional codes of conduct: functions and limitations Ethical approaches in the conduct of research (Normative Ethics) - Overview over important theories for research ethics: virtue theories, duty-based theories (rights theory, categorical imperative, prima facie duties), consequentialist theories, other theories); - The plurality of ethical theories and its consequences; - The concept of dignity Moral reasoning I: Arguments - Why arguments? What is a good argument? The structure of (moral) arguments; - Deductive and inductive arguments; Validity and soundness; - Assessing moral arguments Moral reasoning II: Decision-making - How (not) to approach ethical issues...; Is there a correct method for answering moral questions? - Models of method in Applied Ethics: a) Top-down approaches; b) the reflective equilibrium; c) a bottom-up approach: casuistry (or reasoning-by-analogy); - Is there a right answer? II. Research Ethics / Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) ---------------------------------------------------------- Integrity in Research & Research Misconduct - What is "integrity" in scientific research? What is research misconduct (falsification, fabrication, plagiarism - FFP) and questionable research practices (QRP)? - Factors leading to misconduct; Procedure for responding to allegations of research misconduct; - The confidant of ETH Zurich Data Management - Data collection and recordkeeping; Analysis and selection of data; - Ownership of data; retention and sharing of data; - Falsification and fabrication of data Research involving animals - The moral status of animals; Ethical approaches to animal experimentation: Animal welfare (Peter Singer) and Animal rights (Tom Regan); - The 3 R's (replacement, reduction, refinement); - Ethical assessment of conflicting issues in animal experimentation; - The dignity of animals in the Swiss constitution; Research involving human subjects - History & guidelines (Nuremberg Code; Declaration of Helsinki; Belmont Report; International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (CIOMS Guidelines); Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention); - Informed consent; confidentiality and anonymity; research risks and benefits; vulnerable subjects; - Clinical trials; - Biobanks - Ethics Committees / Institutional Review Boards (IRB) Authorship & Peer review - Criteria for authorship; - Plagiarism; - Challenges to openness and freedom in scientific publication; - Open access - Peer review Social responsibility - What is social responsibility? Social responsibility: whose obligation? - Public advocacy by researchers | |||||
Skript | Course material (handouts, case studies, exercises, surveys and papers) will be available during the lectures and on the course homepage. | |||||
Literatur | Recommended literature: - Bulger R.E., Heitman E. & Reiser S.J. (2002) "The Ethical Dimensions of the Biological and Health Sciences" 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press - Shamoo A.E. & Resnik D.B. (2003) "Responsible Conduct of Research", New York, Oxford University Press - "On Being a Scientist. Responsible Conduct in Research (2009)" 3rd ed.,; - "Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research" ( Detailed literature lists for the different topics of the course will be provided in the script/handout or on the course work space. | |||||
851-0144-19L | Philosophie der Zeit Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-BIOL, D-INFK, D-MATH, D-PHYS | W | 3 KP | 2V | N. Sieroka | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Dieser Kurs bietet eine Einführung in philosophische Fragen zum Thema Zeit. Behandelt wird u.a.: die Existenz von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft; die Möglichkeit von Zeitreisen; die Konstitution unseres Zeitbewusstseins und dessen mögliche neurophysiologische Gegenstücke; zeitliche Vorurteile in unserer Lebensführung; Verantwortung gegenüber zukünftigen und vergangenen Generationen. | |||||
Lernziel | Am Ende der Vorlesung sind die Studierenden in der Lage, verschiedene Begriffe und Theorien von Zeit zu beschreiben und zu vergleichen (physikalische Zeit, wahrgenommene Zeit, historische Zeit, ...). Sie kennen die damit verbundenen zentralen Fragestellungen und Probleme unterschiedlicher Bereiche der Philosophie - insbesondere der Wissenschaftsphilosophie, der Philosophie des Geistes, der Metaphysik und Ethik. Die Studierenden sind befähigt, die Auswirkungen dieser Probleme in breiteren wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Kontexten kritisch zu diskutieren und zu bewerten. Diese Veranstaltung reflektiert in Teilen auf fachspezifische Methoden und Inhalte aus den Bereichen Physik, Neuro-/Kognitionswissenschaft und Logik. | |||||
851-0101-53L | Collections in Context: What Do Historians and Scientists Learn from Butterflies, Stones, and Bones? Besonders geeignet für Studierende D-BIOL, D-BSSE, D-USYS | W | 3 KP | 2S | B. Schär, M. Greeff | |
Kurzbeschreibung | Zurich holds huge scientific collections. They contain objects from around the world, some of them dating back to the 18th century. This interdisciplinary seminar combines perspectives from the history of science and from current scientific disciplines. What do these objects tell us about Zurich's place in the global history of science? What potentials do old collections hold for scientists today? | |||||
Lernziel | The aim of this seminar is threefold: Firstly, students will become familiarised with historiographical approaches to scientific collections. Among them are constructivist approaches that seek to understand scientific knowledge not primarily as a system of objective truths, but rather as an outcome of human 'constructions'. Other approaches deal with the problem of how scientific objects are related to systems of power and oppression, namely in the case of objects collected during the time of european colonialism overseas. Secondly, students will become familiarized with how old collections can yeald new insights for current scientists working, e.g., on questions of ecology. Thirdly, the seminar shall serve as a plattform to discuss ways of dialogue and possible collaboration between these different approaches. Students will be expected to read theoretical texts and case studies during semester, participate in discussions with external experts (historians, curators, and scientists), and to write a summarizing essay at the end of the term. |
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