Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2021

Mathematics Master Information
For the Master's degree in Applied Mathematics the following additional condition (not manifest in myStudies) must be obeyed: At least 15 of the required 28 credits from core courses and electives must be acquired in areas of applied mathematics and further application-oriented fields.
Electives: Pure Mathematics
Selection: Algebra, Number Thy, Topology, Discrete Mathematics, Logic
401-4116-12LLectures on Drinfeld Modules Information W6 credits3VR. Pink
401-3109-65LProbabilistic Number Theory Information W8 credits4GE. Kowalski
401-3362-21LSpectral Theory of Eisenstein Series Information W4 credits2VP. D. Nelson
401-3058-00LCombinatorics IW4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
Selection: Geometry
401-4118-21LSpectral Theory of Hyperbolic Surfaces Information W4 credits2VC. Burrin
401-4206-17LGroups Acting on Trees Information W6 credits3GB. Brück
401-3056-00LFinite Geometries I
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
401-3574-61LIntroduction to Knot Theory Information
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3G
Selection: Analysis
401-4422-21LAn Introduction to the Calculus of VariationsW4 credits2VA. Figalli
401-3378-19LEntropy in Dynamics Information W8 credits4GM. Einsiedler
Selection: Further Realms
401-3502-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W2 credits4ASupervisors
401-3503-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W3 credits6ASupervisors
401-3504-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W4 credits9ASupervisors
Electives: Applied Mathematics and Further Application-Oriented Fields
Selection: Numerical Analysis
401-4658-00LComputational Methods for Quantitative Finance: PDE Methods Information Restricted registration - show details W6 credits3V + 1UC. Marcati, A. Stein
401-4656-21LDeep Learning in Scientific Computing Restricted registration - show details
Aimed at students in a Master's Programme in Mathematics, Engineering and Physics.
W6 credits2V + 1US. Mishra
401-4652-21LNonlocal Inverse ProblemsW4 credits2VJ. Railo
401-3426-21LTime-Frequency AnalysisW4 credits2GR. Alaifari
Selection: Probability Theory, Statistics
401-4611-21LRough Path Theory Information W4 credits2VA. Allan, J. Teichmann
401-4626-00LAdvanced Statistical Modelling: Mixed Models
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2VM. Mächler
401-4627-00LEmpirical Process Theory and ApplicationsW4 credits2VS. van de Geer
401-4632-15LCausality Information W4 credits2GC. Heinze-Deml
401-6102-00LMultivariate Statistics
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2Gnot available
401-4637-67LOn Hypothesis TestingW4 credits2VF. Balabdaoui
Selection: Financial and Insurance Mathematics
401-3629-00LQuantitative Risk Management Information W4 credits2V + 1UP. Cheridito
401-3923-00LSelected Topics in Life Insurance MathematicsW4 credits2VM. Koller
401-3917-00LStochastic Loss Reserving MethodsW4 credits2VR. Dahms
401-3956-00LEconomic Theory of Financial Markets Restricted registration - show details W4 credits2VM. V. Wüthrich
401-3936-00LData Analytics for Non-Life Insurance Pricing Restricted registration - show details W4 credits2VC. M. Buser, M. V. Wüthrich
401-4920-00LMarket-Consistent Actuarial Valuation
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2VM. V. Wüthrich
401-3888-00LIntroduction to Mathematical Finance Information
A related course is 401-3913-01L Mathematical Foundations for Finance (3V+2U, 4 ECTS credits). Although both courses can be taken independently of each other, only one will be recognised for credits in the Bachelor and Master degree. In other words, it is not allowed to earn credit points with one for the Bachelor and with the other for the Master degree.
W10 credits4V + 1UD. Possamaï
401-3932-19LMachine Learning in FinanceW6 credits3V + 1UJ. Teichmann
Selection: Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics
401-4816-21LMathematical Aspects of Classical and Quantum Field TheoryW8 credits4VM. Schiavina, University lecturers
402-0206-00LQuantum Mechanics II
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY351 directly at UZH.
W10 credits3V + 2UP. Jetzer
402-0844-00LQuantum Field Theory II
UZH students are not allowed to register this course unit at ETH. They must book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
W10 credits3V + 2UN. Beisert
Selection: Mathematical Optimization, Discrete Mathematics
401-3902-21LNetwork & Integer Optimization: From Theory to ApplicationW6 credits3GR. Zenklusen
401-3908-21LPolynomial OptimizationW6 credits3GA. A. Kurpisz
Selection: Theoretical Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics
In the Master's programme in Mathematics 401-3052-05L Graph Theory is eligible as an elective course, but only if 401-3052-10L Graph Theory isn't recognised for credits (neither in the Bachelor's nor in the Master's programme). For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
252-0408-00LCryptographic Protocols Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1AM. Hirt, U. Maurer
263-4660-00LApplied Cryptography Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 150.
W8 credits3V + 2U + 2PK. Paterson
263-4400-00LAdvanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization Information W8 credits3V + 1U + 3AR. Kyng, M. Probst
Selection: Further Realms
401-4944-20LMathematics of Data Science
Does not take place this semester.
W8 credits4GA. Bandeira
227-0434-10LMathematics of Information Information W8 credits3V + 2U + 2AH. Bölcskei
263-5300-00LGuarantees for Machine Learning Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Last cancellation/deregistration date for this graded semester performance: 17 March 2021! Please note that after that date no deregistration will be accepted and a "no show" will appear on your transcript.
W7 credits3G + 3AF. Yang
227-0432-00LLearning, Classification and Compression Information W4 credits2V + 1UE. Riegler
401-3502-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W2 credits4ASupervisors
401-3503-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W3 credits6ASupervisors
401-3504-21LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W4 credits9ASupervisors