Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2021

Doctoral Department of Environmental Sciences Information
Agricultural Science
751-1040-00LResponsible Conduct in ResearchW1 credit1UM. Paschke, N. Buchmann
701-1704-01LHealth Impact Assessment: Concepts and Case StudiesW3 credits2VM. Winkler, C. Guéladio, M. Röösli, J. M. Utzinger
Graduate Programme in Plant Sciences
751-4003-02LCurrent Topics in Grassland Sciences (FS) Information W2 credits2SN. Buchmann
751-5127-01LMicrobiomics II: Metabarcoding - from Bioinformatics to Statistics Restricted registration - show details
The course 751-5127-00 Microbiomics I: The microbiome of the plant-soil system is a prerequisit of this course (for MSc students).
The number of places for MSc-students is limited to 10.
In case of interest, please send a motivation letter (max 1/2 page) to Hartmann Martin ( until 28th February 2021. Selection of course participants will be made until 3rd March 2021.

PhD-students from the Plant Science Centre or from the Life Science Zurich Graduate School should register via the (> Select Plant Sciences)
W1 credit2PM. Hartmann
Environmental Sciences
Atmosphere and Climate
701-1244-00LAerosols II: Applications in Environment and TechnologyW4 credits2V + 1UM. Gysel Beer, D. Bell, J. Slowik
701-1228-00LCloud Dynamics: Hurricanes Information W4 credits3GU. Lohmann
701-1226-00LInter-Annual Phenomena and Their Prediction Information W2 credits2GC. Appenzeller
701-1224-00LMesoscale Atmospheric Systems - Observation and ModellingW2 credits2VH. Wernli, U. Germann, S. Schemm
701-1216-00LNumerical Modelling of Weather and Climate Information W4 credits3GC. Schär, J. Vergara Temprado, M. Wild
701-1232-00LRadiation and Climate ChangeW3 credits2GM. Wild
701-1234-00LTropospheric Chemistry Information W3 credits2GD. W. Brunner, I. El Haddad
701-1266-00LWeather Discussion Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Preference will be given to students on the masters level in Atmospheric and Climate Science and Environmental Sciences and doctoral students in Environmental Sciences.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in meteorology is required for this class, students are advised to take courses 702-0473-00L and/or 701-1221-00L before attending this course.
W2.5 credits2PH. Wernli
701-1211-01LMaster's Seminar: Atmosphere and Climate 1 Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SH. Joos, R. Knutti, A. Merrifield Könz, M. A. Wüest
651-4095-01LColloquium Atmosphere and Climate 1 Information Restricted registration - show details W1 credit1KH. Wernli, D. N. Bresch, D. Domeisen, N. Gruber, H. Joos, R. Knutti, U. Lohmann, T. Peter, C. Schär, S. Schemm, S. I. Seneviratne, M. Wild
Biogoechemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
701-1336-00LCook and Look: Synchroton TechniquesW3 credits6PM. Nachtegaal, C. Borca, M. Janousch
701-1342-00LAgriculture and Water QualityW3 credits3GC. H. Stamm, E. Frossard, H. Singer
860-0012-00LCooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 40.
Priority for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.

This is a research seminar at the Master level. PhD students are also welcome.
W3 credits2SB. Wehrli
701-1310-00LEnvironmental MicrobiologyW3 credits2VM. H. Schroth, M. Lever
701-1312-00LAdvanced EcotoxicologyW3 credits2VR. Eggen, E. Janssen, K. Schirmer, A. Tlili
701-1317-00LGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles and ClimateW3 credits3GN. Gruber, M. Vogt
701-0998-00LEnvironmental and Human Health Risk Assessment of ChemicalsW3 credits2GM. Scheringer, B. Escher
Human-Environment Systems
701-1522-00LMulti-Criteria Decision Analysis Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.
W3 credits2GJ. Lienert
102-0348-00LProspective Environmental Assessments
Prerequisite for this lecture is basic knowledge of environmental assessment tools, such as material flow analysis, risk assessment and life cycle assessment.
Students without previous knowledge in these areas need to read according textbooks prior to or at the beginning of the lecture.
W3 credits2GA. Frömelt, N. Heeren, A. Spörri
752-2123-00LRisk Awareness, Risk Acceptance and TrustW3 credits2VM. Siegrist
701-1653-00LPolicy and Economics of Ecosystem Services Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
W3 credits2GR. Garrett, A. Müller
Ecology an Evolution
701-1418-00LModelling Course in Population and Evolutionary Biology Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

Priority is given to MSc Biology and Environmental Sciences students.
W4 credits6PS. Bonhoeffer, V. Müller
701-1424-00LGuarda-Workshop in Evolutionary Biology Information
This course has limited spaces. To register for this course you have to sign in via mystudies and via the website of the University of Basel
W3 credits4PS. Bonhoeffer
701-1425-00LGenetic Diversity: Analysis Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 12.

Selection of the students: order of registration.
W2 credits2GJ.‑C. Walser, N. Zemp
701-1426-00LAdvanced Evolutionary Genetics
Does not take place this semester.
W3 credits4GT. Städler
701-1432-00LVegetation Ecology LabW2 credits3GA. C. Risch, M. Schütz
701-1450-00LConservation GeneticsW3 credits4GR. Holderegger, M. Fischer, F. Gugerli
701-1708-00LInfectious Disease DynamicsW4 credits2VS. Bonhoeffer, R. D. Kouyos, R. R. Regös, T. Stadler
551-0737-00LEcology and Evolution: Interaction Seminar Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2SS. Bonhoeffer
Forest and Landscape Management
701-1674-00LSpatial Analysis, Modelling and Optimisation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

Prerequisites: 701-0951-00L "GIS - Introduction into Geoinformation Science" in autum semester or comparable preparatory training.
W5 credits4GM. A. M. Niederhuber, V. Griess
701-1600-00LSummer School on Forest Research and Global Change Restricted registration - show details
All registrations are put on a waiting list; manual selection of candidates is performed according to the criteria mentioned under “Prerequisites”.
Registration possible until April 30, 2021.
Waiting list will be deleted after May 15, 2021
Students will be informed by mid of May if participitation is possible.
W2 credits3GA. Gessler, J. E. Born, H. Bugmann
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Courses
701-1704-01LHealth Impact Assessment: Concepts and Case StudiesW3 credits2VM. Winkler, C. Guéladio, M. Röösli, J. M. Utzinger
151-0906-00LFrontiers in Energy Research Information
This course is only for doctoral students.
W2 credits2SC. Schaffner
Additional Courses
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