Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2019

Mathematics Master Information
Core Courses
For the Master's degree in Applied Mathematics the following additional condition (not manifest in myStudies) must be obeyed: At least 15 of the required 28 credits from core courses and electives must be acquired in areas of applied mathematics and further application-oriented fields.
Core Courses: Pure Mathematics
401-3225-00LIntroduction to Lie Groups Information W8 credits4GP. D. Nelson
401-3001-61LAlgebraic Topology I Information W8 credits4GA. Sisto
401-3114-69LIntroduction to Algebraic Number Theory Information W8 credits3V + 1UÖ. Imamoglu
401-3132-00LCommutative Algebra Information W10 credits4V + 1UE. Kowalski
Core Courses: Applied Mathematics and Further Appl.-Oriented Fields
401-3651-00LNumerical Analysis for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Information
Course audience at ETH:
3rd year ETH BSc Mathematics and MSc Mathematics and MSc Applied Mathematics students.
Other ETH-students are advised to attend the course
"Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations" (401-0674-00L) in the CSE curriculum during the spring semester.
W10 credits4V + 1UC. Schwab
401-3621-00LFundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Information W10 credits4V + 1US. van de Geer
401-3622-00LStatistical Modelling Information W8 credits4GC. Heinze-Deml
401-4889-00LMathematical Finance Information W11 credits4V + 2UJ. Teichmann
401-3901-00LMathematical Optimization Information W11 credits4V + 2UR. Zenklusen
Bachelor Core Courses: Pure Mathematics
Further restrictions apply, but in particular:
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I can only be recognised for the Master Programme if 401-3532-00L Differential Geometry II has not been recognised for the Bachelor Programme.
Analogously for:
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I - 401-3462-00L Functional Analysis II
401-3001-61L Algebraic Topology I - 401-3002-12L Algebraic Topology II
401-3132-00L Commutative Algebra - 401-3146-12L Algebraic Geometry
For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
401-3461-00LFunctional Analysis I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
E-10 credits4V + 1UM. Struwe
401-3531-00LDifferential Geometry I Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
E-10 credits4V + 1UU. Lang
401-3371-00LDynamical Systems IW10 credits4V + 1UW. Merry
Bachelor Core Courses: Applied Mathematics ...
Further restrictions apply, but in particular:
401-3601-00L Probability Theory can only be recognised for the Master Programme if neither 401-3642-00L Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus nor 401-3602-00L Applied Stochastic Processes has been recognised for the Bachelor Programme.
402-0205-00L Quantum Mechanics I is eligible as an applied core course, but only if 402-0224-00L Theoretical Physics (offered for the last time in FS 2016) isn't recognised for credits (neither in the Bachelor's nor in the Master's programme).
For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
401-3601-00LProbability Theory Information
At most one of the three course units (Bachelor Core Courses)
401-3461-00L Functional Analysis I
401-3531-00L Differential Geometry I
401-3601-00L Probability Theory
can be recognised for the Master's degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics.
E-10 credits4V + 1UA.‑S. Sznitman
402-0205-00LQuantum Mechanics I Information W10 credits3V + 2UG. Blatter
For the Master's degree in Applied Mathematics the following additional condition (not manifest in myStudies) must be obeyed: At least 15 of the required 28 credits from core courses and electives must be acquired in areas of applied mathematics and further application-oriented fields.
Electives: Pure Mathematics
Selection: Algebra, Number Thy, Topology, Discrete Mathematics, Logic
401-3033-00LGödel's TheoremsW8 credits3V + 1UL. Halbeisen
401-4037-69LO-Minimality and Diophantine ApplicationsW4 credits2VA. Forey
401-4117-69Lp-Adic Galois RepresentationsW4 credits2VM. Mornev
401-3059-00LCombinatorics IIW4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
Selection: Geometry
401-4531-69LFour-ManifoldsW4 credits2VG. Smirnov
401-3057-00LFinite Geometries II
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
Selection: Analysis
401-4351-69LOptimal TransportW4 credits2VA. Figalli
401-4461-69LReading Course: Functional Analysis III, Unitary Representations
Limited number of participants.
Please contact
W3 credits6AM. Einsiedler, further speakers
Selection: Further Realms
401-3502-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W2 credits4ASupervisors
401-3503-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W3 credits6ASupervisors
401-3504-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W4 credits9ASupervisors
401-0000-00LCommunication in MathematicsW2 credits1VW. Merry
401-0000-99LCommunication in Mathematics (Upgrade 2018 → 2019)
This course unit is only for students who got 1 ECTS credit from last year's course unit 401-0000-00L CiM. (Registration now closed.)
W1 credit1VW. Merry
Electives: Applied Mathematics and Further Application-Oriented Fields
Selection: Numerical Analysis
401-4657-00LNumerical Analysis of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations Information
Alternative course title: "Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance: Monte Carlo and Sampling Methods"
W6 credits3V + 1UK. Kirchner
401-4785-00LMathematical and Computational Methods in PhotonicsW8 credits4GH. Ammari
Selection: Probability Theory, Statistics
401-4597-67LRandom Walks on Transitive Graphs Information W4 credits2VV. Tassion
401-4619-67LAdvanced Topics in Computational Statistics
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2Vnot available
401-3628-14LBayesian StatisticsW4 credits2VF. Sigrist
401-3619-69LMathematics Tools in Machine LearningW4 credits2GF. Balabdaoui
401-0625-01LApplied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design Information W5 credits2V + 1UL. Meier
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 credits2V + 1UM. Dettling
401-3627-00LHigh-Dimensional StatisticsW4 credits2VP. L. Bühlmann
401-4623-00LTime Series Analysis
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3GN. Meinshausen
401-3612-00LStochastic Simulation
Does not take place this semester.
W5 credits3G
Selection: Financial and Insurance Mathematics
In the Master's programmes in Mathematics resp. Applied Mathematics 401-3913-01L Mathematical Foundations for Finance is eligible as an elective course, but only if 401-3888-00L Introduction to Mathematical Finance isn't recognised for credits (neither in the Bachelor's nor in the Master's programme). For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
401-3925-00LNon-Life Insurance: Mathematics and Statistics Information W8 credits4V + 1UM. V. Wüthrich
401-3922-00LLife Insurance MathematicsW4 credits2VM. Koller
401-3928-00LReinsurance AnalyticsW4 credits2VP. Antal, P. Arbenz
401-3927-00LMathematical Modelling in Life InsuranceW4 credits2VT. J. Peter
Selection: Mathematical Physics, Theoretical Physics
402-0843-00LQuantum Field Theory I
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY551 directly at UZH.
W10 credits4V + 2UN. Beisert
402-0861-00LStatistical PhysicsW10 credits4V + 2UG. M. Graf
402-0830-00LGeneral Relativity Information
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY511 directly at UZH.
W10 credits4V + 2UP. Jetzer
402-0897-00LIntroduction to String TheoryW6 credits2V + 1UB. Hoare
402-0878-00LField Theory with Symmetries and the Batalin-Vilkovisky FormalismW4 credits2GM. Schiavina
Selection: Mathematical Optimization, Discrete Mathematics
401-3055-64LAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics Information W6 credits2V + 1UB. Sudakov
Auswahl: Theoretical Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics
263-4500-00LAdvanced Algorithms Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1AM. Ghaffari, A. Krause
252-1425-00LGeometry: Combinatorics and Algorithms Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1AB. Gärtner, M. Hoffmann, M. Wettstein
252-0417-00LRandomized Algorithms and Probabilistic MethodsW8 credits3V + 2U + 2AA. Steger
Selection: Further Realms
227-0423-00LNeural Network TheoryW4 credits2V + 1UH. Bölcskei, E. Riegler
401-3502-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W2 credits4ASupervisors
401-3503-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W3 credits6ASupervisors
401-3504-69LReading Course Restricted registration - show details
To start an individual reading course, contact an authorised supervisor
and register your reading course in myStudies.
W4 credits9ASupervisors
401-0000-00LCommunication in MathematicsW2 credits1VW. Merry
401-0000-99LCommunication in Mathematics (Upgrade 2018 → 2019)
This course unit is only for students who got 1 ECTS credit from last year's course unit 401-0000-00L CiM. (Registration now closed.)
W1 credit1VW. Merry
Application Area
Only necessary and eligible for the Master degree in Applied Mathematics.
One of the application areas specified must be selected for the category Application Area for the Master degree in Applied Mathematics. At least 8 credits are required in the chosen application area.
Atmospherical Physics
701-1221-00LDynamics of Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow Information W4 credits2V + 1UH. Wernli, L. Papritz
551-0015-00LBiology IW2 credits2VE. Hafen, E. Dufresne
636-0017-00LComputational Biology Information W6 credits3G + 2AT. Vaughan, T. Stadler
636-0007-00LComputational Systems Biology Information W6 credits3V + 2UJ. Stelling
636-0009-00LEvolutionary DynamicsW6 credits2V + 1U + 2AN. Beerenwinkel
Control and Automation
151-0563-01LDynamic Programming and Optimal Control Information W4 credits2V + 1UR. D'Andrea
401-3929-00LFinancial Risk Management in Social and Pension Insurance Information W4 credits2VP. Blum
363-0537-00LResource and Environmental EconomicsW3 credits2GL. Bretschger
363-0503-00LPrinciples of Microeconomics
GESS (Science in Perspective): This lecture is for MSc students only. BSc students register for 363-1109-00L Einführung in die Mikroökonomie.
W3 credits2GM. Filippini
363-0565-00LPrinciples of MacroeconomicsW3 credits2VJ.‑E. Sturm
363-1021-00LMonetary PolicyW3 credits2VJ.‑E. Sturm, A. Rathke
Environmental Science
"Environmental Science" will be removed from the list of application areas.
401-8905-00LFinancial Engineering (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: MFOEC200

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W6 credits4GUniversity lecturers
401-8913-00LAdvanced Corporate Finance I (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: MOEC0455

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W6 credits4GUniversity lecturers
Image Processing and Computer Vision
227-0447-00LImage Analysis and Computer Vision Information W6 credits3V + 1UL. Van Gool, O. Göksel, E. Konukoglu
Information and Communication Technology
227-0427-00LSignal Analysis, Models, and Machine LearningW6 credits4GH.‑A. Loeliger
227-0101-00LDiscrete-Time and Statistical Signal ProcessingW6 credits4GH.‑A. Loeliger
227-0417-00LInformation Theory IW6 credits4GA. Lapidoth
Material Modelling and Simulation
327-1201-00LTransport Phenomena I Information W5 credits4GJ. Vermant
Quantum Chemistry
529-0003-01LAdvanced Quantum Chemistry
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemistry students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in Chemistry regulations 2005.
W6 credits3GM. Reiher, S. Knecht
Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
227-0157-00LSemiconductor Devices: Physical Bases and Simulation Information W4 credits3GA. Schenk
227-0158-00LSemiconductor Devices: Transport Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation Information W4 credits2GF. Bufler
Systems Design
363-0541-00LSystems Dynamics and ComplexityW3 credits3GF. Schweitzer
Theoretical Physics
In the Master's programme in Applied Mathematics 402-0205-00L Quantum Mechanics I is eligible as a course unit in the application area Theoretical Physics, but only if 402-0224-00L Theoretical Physics wasn't or isn't recognised for credits (neither in the Bachelor's nor in the Master's programme). For the category assignment take contact with the Study Administration Office ( after having received the credits.
402-0809-00LIntroduction to Computational PhysicsW8 credits2V + 2UL. Böttcher
402-2203-01LClassical Mechanics Information W7 credits4V + 2UM. Gaberdiel
402-0861-00LStatistical PhysicsW10 credits4V + 2UG. M. Graf
402-0843-00LQuantum Field Theory I
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY551 directly at UZH.
W10 credits4V + 2UN. Beisert
402-0830-00LGeneral Relativity Information
Special Students UZH must book the module PHY511 directly at UZH.
W10 credits4V + 2UP. Jetzer
» Electives Theoretical Physics
Transportation Science
101-0417-00LTransport Planning MethodsW6 credits4GK. W. Axhausen
Seminars and Semester Papers
Early enrolments for seminars in myStudies are encouraged, so that we will recognise need for additional seminars in a timely manner. Some seminars have waiting lists. Nevertheless, register for at most two mathematics seminars.
401-4530-69LGauge Theory Restricted registration - show details W4 credits2SW. Merry
401-3830-69LSeminar on Minimal Surfaces Information Restricted registration - show details
The total number of students who may take this course for credit is limited to twenty; however further students are welcome to attend.
W4 credits2SA. Carlotto
401-4460-69LFunctional Analysis III, Unitary Representations Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Please contact
W4 credits2SM. Einsiedler, further speakers
401-3370-67LHomogeneous Dynamics and Counting Problems Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 12. Registration to the seminar will only be effective once confirmed by the organisers. Please contact
W4 credits2SP. Yang, further speakers
401-3920-17LNumerical Analysis Seminar: Mathematics for Biomimetics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 8.
W4 credits2SH. Ammari, A. Vanel
401-3650-68LNumerical Analysis Seminar: Mathematics of Deep Neural Network Approximation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 6. Consent of Instructor needed.
W4 credits2SC. Schwab
401-3660-69LNumerical Analysis Seminar: Model Order Reduction and Reduced Bases for PDEs Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 5. Consent of Instructor needed.
W4 credits2SC. Marcati
401-3620-69LStudent Seminar in Statistics: The Art of Statistics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24

Mainly for students from the Mathematics Bachelor and Master Programmes who, in addition to the introductory course unit 401-2604-00L Probability and Statistics, have heard at least one core or elective course in statistics. Also offered in the Master Programmes Statistics resp. Data Science.
W4 credits2SM. H. Maathuis
401-3920-69LTheory and Applications of Machine Learning Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 26.
W4 credits2SP. Cheridito
401-4910-69LTopics in Mathematical Finance and Stochastic Analysis Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24.
W4 credits2SC. Czichowsky
401-3200-69LA Survey of Geometric Group Theory Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 12.
W4 credits2S
Semester Papers
There are several course units "Semester Paper" that are all equivalent. If, during your studies, you write several semester papers, choose among the different numbers in order to be able to obtain credits again.
401-3750-01LSemester Paper Restricted registration - show details
Successful participation in the course unit 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics is required.
For more information, see
W8 credits11ASupervisors
401-3750-02LSemester Paper Restricted registration - show details
Successful participation in the course unit 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics is required.
For more information, see
W8 credits11ASupervisors
401-3750-03LSemester Paper Restricted registration - show details
Successful participation in the course unit 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics is required.
For more information, see
W8 credits11ASupervisors
GESS Science in Perspective
Two credits are needed from the "Science in Perspective" programme with language courses excluded if three credits from language courses have already been recognised for the Bachelor's degree.
see Link (Eight credits must be acquired in this category: normally six during the Bachelor’s degree programme, and two during the Master’s degree programme. A maximum of three credits from language courses from the range of the Language Center of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich may be recognised. In addition, only advanced courses (level B2 upwards) in the European languages English, French, Italian and Spanish are recognised. German language courses are recognised from level C2 upwards.)
» see Science in Perspective: Language Courses ETH/UZH
» see Science in Perspective: Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Capability
» Recommended Science in Perspective (Type B) for D-MATH.
Master's Thesis
401-2000-00LScientific Works in Mathematics
Target audience:
Third year Bachelor students;
Master students who cannot document to have received an adequate training in working scientifically.
O0 creditsÖ. Imamoglu
401-2000-01LLunch Sessions – Thesis Basics for Mathematics Students
Details and registration for the optional MathBib training course:
Z0 creditsSpeakers
401-4990-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only students who fulfil the following criteria are allowed to begin with their Master's thesis:
a. successful completion of the Bachelor's programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the Master's programme.

Successful participation in the course unit 401-2000-00L Scientific Works in Mathematics is required.
For more information, see
O30 credits57DSupervisors
Additional Courses
401-5000-00LZurich Colloquium in Mathematics Information E-0 creditsS. Mishra, P. L. Bühlmann, R. Pandharipande, University lecturers
401-5990-00LZurich Graduate Colloquium Information E-0 credits1KUniversity lecturers
401-4530-00LGeometry Graduate Colloquium Information E-0 credits1KSpeakers
401-5110-00LNumber Theory Seminar Information E-0 credits1KÖ. Imamoglu, P. S. Jossen, E. Kowalski, P. D. Nelson, R. Pink, G. Wüstholz
401-5350-00LAnalysis Seminar Information E-0 credits1KM. Struwe, A. Carlotto, F. Da Lio, A. Figalli, N. Hungerbühler, M. Iacobelli, T. Ilmanen, University lecturers
401-5370-00LErgodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Information E-0 credits1KM. Akka Ginosar, M. Einsiedler, University lecturers
401-5530-00LGeometry Seminar Information E-0 credits1KM. Einsiedler, P. Feller, U. Lang, A. Sisto, University lecturers
401-5580-00LSymplectic Geometry Seminar Information E-0 credits2KP. Biran, A. Cannas da Silva
401-5330-00LTalks in Mathematical Physics Information E-0 credits1KA. Cattaneo, G. Felder, M. Gaberdiel, G. M. Graf, T. H. Willwacher, University lecturers
401-5650-00LZurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics Information E-0 credits2KR. Abgrall, R. Alaifari, H. Ammari, R. Hiptmair, S. Mishra, S. Sauter, C. Schwab
401-5600-00LSeminar on Stochastic Processes Information E-0 credits1KJ. Bertoin, A. Nikeghbali, B. D. Schlein, A.‑S. Sznitman, V. Tassion
401-5620-00LResearch Seminar on Statistics Information E-0 credits2KA. Bandeira, P. L. Bühlmann, L. Held, T. Hothorn, D. Kozbur, M. H. Maathuis, C. Uhler, S. van de Geer, M. Wolf
401-5640-00LZüKoSt: Seminar on Applied Statistics Information E-0 credits1KM. Kalisch, A. Bandeira, P. L. Bühlmann, R. Furrer, L. Held, T. Hothorn, M. H. Maathuis, M. Mächler, L. Meier, M. Robinson, C. Strobl, C. Uhler, S. van de Geer
401-5680-00LFoundations of Data Science Seminar Information E-0 creditsP. L. Bühlmann, A. Bandeira, H. Bölcskei, J. M. Buhmann, T. Hofmann, A. Krause, A. Lapidoth, H.‑A. Loeliger, M. H. Maathuis, G. Rätsch, C. Uhler, S. van de Geer
401-5910-00LTalks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics Information E-0 credits1KP. Cheridito, J. Teichmann, M. V. Wüthrich, further lecturers
401-5900-00LOptimization Seminar Information E-0 credits1KA. Bandeira, R. Weismantel, R. Zenklusen
401-5960-00LColloquium on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Education Information
Subject didactics for mathematics and computer science teachers.
E-0 creditsN. Hungerbühler, M. Akveld, J. Hromkovic, H. Klemenz
402-0101-00LThe Zurich Physics Colloquium Information E-0 credits1KS. Huber, A. Refregier, University lecturers
402-0800-00LThe Zurich Theoretical Physics Colloquium Information E-0 credits1KO. Zilberberg, University lecturers
251-0100-00LComputer Science Colloquium Information E-0 credits2KLecturers
Course Units for Additional Admission Requirements
The courses below are only available for MSc students with additional admission requirements.
406-2004-AALAlgebra II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-5 credits11RR. Pandharipande
406-2005-AALAlgebra I and II
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-12 credits26RR. Pandharipande
406-2303-AALComplex Analysis
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-6 credits13RP. Biran
406-2284-AALMeasure and Integration
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-6 credits13RJ. Teichmann
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-6 credits13RA. Sisto
406-2604-AALProbability and Statistics
Enrolment ONLY for MSc students with a decree declaring this course unit as an additional admission requirement.

Any other students (e.g. incoming exchange students, doctoral students) CANNOT enrol for this course unit.
E-7 credits15RF. Balabdaoui