Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2018

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2011)
Basic Courses II
Examination Blocks
Examination Block 1
402-0062-00LPhysics IO5 credits3V + 1UA. Refregier
Examination Block 2
701-0401-00LHydrosphereO3 credits2VR. Kipfer, W. Aeschbach
Additional Compulsory Courses
252-0840-02LApplication-Oriented Programming Information W2 credits2GL. E. Fässler, M. Dahinden
701-0220-00LBasic Practical in Microbiology Restricted registration - show details
Only for BSc Environmental Sciences.

Registration is necessary until three weeks before course begins (29.01.2018). After that date a place cannot be garanteed.
O2 credits3PM. Ackermann, F. Hammes, D. R. Johnson
701-0034-06LIntegrated Practical: Soil Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PR. Kretzschmar, E. Frossard, D. Or, L. Walthert
701-0034-07LIntegrated Practical: Electromagnetic Fields Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PM. Röösli, M. R. Eeftens
701-0034-08LIntegrated Practical: Forest Ecosystems Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PH. Bugmann, M. Lévesque, P. Rotach, T. N. Sieber
701-0034-09LIntegrated Practical: Analysis of Conflicts in Species Conservation Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PP. Waeber, A. Giger Dray
701-0034-10LIntegrated Practical: Environmental Impacts of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Information Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PA. Hilbeck, B.  Oehen
701-0034-12LIntegrated Practical: Plant Ecology: From Theory to Practice Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W1.5 credits3PS. Güsewell
701-0034-13LIntegrated Practical: Tropical Diseases in the North-South Context Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W1.5 credits3P
701-0034-14LIntegrated Practical: Analysis of Urban Food Systems Information Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PH. Moschitz
701-0034-15LIntegrated Practical: Aquatic Ecology Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PJ. Jokela, C. T. Robinson
701-0034-16LIntegrated Practical: Novel Ecosystems in Cities Information Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PC. Küffer Schumacher
701-0034-17LConcluding Days Integrated Practicals: Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes Restricted registration - show details O1.5 credits2PA. Hilbeck, A. Lüscher
701-0034-18LIntegrated Practical: Nutrient Flows in Agroecosystems Restricted registration - show details W1.5 credits3PE. K. Bünemann König
701-0035-00LIntegrated Practical Environmental Observation Information W1.5 credits3PJ. Henneberger
Social Sciences and Humanities Module
Module Economics
Compulsory Courses
701-0729-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65
Target group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GM. Stauffacher, A. Bearth, H. Mieg
860-0029-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65

Peer group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GL. Rudolph
Core Courses
701-0758-00LEcological Economics: Introduction with Focus on Growth CriticsW2 credits2VI. Seidl
701-0764-00LCrtical Reflection Upon the Economic Growth Paradigm Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

Target groups: Agricultural Sciences (BSc/MSc) and Environmental Sciences (BSc/MSc).

Priority is given to target groups until January 29th, 2018.

The waiting list will be deleted on Febraury 4th, 2018.
W1 credit1SI. Seidl
363-0532-00LEconomics of Sustainable DevelopmentW3 credits2VL. Bretschger
363-1038-00LSustainability Start-Up Seminar Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W3 credits2GN. U. Blum, A.‑K. Zobel
851-0609-04LThe Energy Challenge - The Role of Technology, Business and Society Information
Prerequisites: Knowledge in Economics and Environmental Issues is obligatory.
Particularly suitable for students D-BAUG, ITET, MAVT, USYS
W2 credits2VR. Schubert, T. Schmidt, J. Schmitz, B. Steffen
751-1101-10LFinances and Accounting SystemW2 credits2GM. Lips
Module Political and Social Sciences
Compulsory Courses
701-0729-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65
Target group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GM. Stauffacher, A. Bearth, H. Mieg
860-0029-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65

Peer group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GL. Rudolph
Core Courses
701-0712-00LUse and Perception of Nature Among Societies Outside EuropeW2 credits2VT. Haller Merten
701-0786-00LMediation in Environmental Planning: Theory and Case Studies.W2 credits2GK. Siegwart
Module Individual Sciences
Compulsory Courses
701-0729-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65
Target group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GM. Stauffacher, A. Bearth, H. Mieg
860-0029-00LSocial Research Methods Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants: 65

Peer group: students of BSc Environmental Sciences, if there are free places then other students are very welcome.

Students who enroll in the lecture 860-0029-00L Social Research Methods in spring semester and take part in the exam are not allowed to enroll for 701-0729-00L Social Research Methods and collect credit points.
W2 credits2GL. Rudolph
Core Courses
701-0782-00LDiffering Views of Practice and Science: Mutual Learning for Successful CollaborationW1 credit1GP. Fry
701-0784-00LGreen Marketing: Concepts, Techniques, Case StudiesW2 credits2GB. Sintzel Saurer
701-0788-00LMedia Production, Use and Effects Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.

The waiting list will be deleted on March 2nd, 2018.

Enrollment is possible until March 2nd, 2018.
W1 credit1VT. Friemel
Module Humanities
Compulsory Courses
701-0701-00LPhilosophy of ScienceO3 credits2VC. J. Baumberger
Core Courses
701-0701-01LPhilosophy of Science: ExercisesW1 credit1UC. J. Baumberger
851-0101-01LIntroduction to Practical Philosophy
Particularly suitable for students of D-MAVT, D-MATL
W3 credits2GL. Wingert
Compulsory Electives GESS SiP (For All Modules Eligible)
» Political Science
» Law
» Sociology
» Economy
» Psychology, Pedagogics
» History
» Science Research
» Philosophy
Natural Science and Technical Electives
Natural Science Modules
701-0614-00LAllergies and EnvironmentW1 credit1VP. Schmid-Grendelmeier
227-0398-10LPhysiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers IIW3 credits2GM. Wyss, P. Mächler
752-1300-00LIntroduction to ToxicologyW3 credits2VR. Eggen, S. J. Sturla
Soil Sciences
701-0362-00LSoils and Vegetation of the Alps Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2PA. Widmer, R. Kretzschmar
701-0518-00LSoil Protection and Land UseW3 credits2GM. W. Evangelou
701-0522-01LApplied Soil EcologyW2 credits2GA. M. Gramlich
701-0524-00LSoil BiologyW3 credits2VO. Daniel, B. W. Frey
701-1802-00LEcology of Forest SoilW3 credits2GS. Zimmermann, J. Luster
Methodes of Statistical Data Analysis
701-0104-00LStatistical Modelling of Spatial Data Information W3 credits2GA. J. Papritz
401-0102-00LApplied Multivariate StatisticsW5 credits2V + 1UF. Sigrist
401-6624-11LApplied Time SeriesW5 credits2V + 1UM. Dettling
Ecology and Conservation Biology
701-0303-00LForest Communities and Their Sites Information W2 credits1GH.‑U. Frey
701-0310-00LConservation Biology Information W2 credits2GF. Knaus
701-0314-00LPlant Diversity: Colline/Montane Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 24 (12 BIOL, 12 USYS).

Priority is given to Environmental Science students (BSc/MSc) and Agricultural students (BSc/MSc).

Enrollment is possible until 18.02.2018.

The excursion fee has to be payed until 16.03.18. Unpaid places will be given to students on the waiting list until 01.04.18.
W3 credits6PR. Berndt, A. Guggisberg
701-0314-01LPlant Diversity: Subalpine/Alpine Restricted registration - show details
Maximum participants: 12.

Prerequisite: successful participation in "Plant Diversity: Colline/Montane (701-0314-00L) ".

Priority is given to Environmental Science students (BSc/MSc) and Agricultural students (BSc/MSc).

Enrollment is possible until 18.02.2018.

The excursion fee has to be payed until 18.03.2018. Unpaid places will be given to students on the waiting list until 30.03.2018.
W3 credits6PA. Guggisberg, R. Berndt
701-0316-00LWoody Plants of Central EuropeW2 credits2GA. Rudow
701-0322-00LSeminar with Conservation PractitionersW2 credits2SR. Holderegger, K. Bollmann
701-0324-00LRain Forest EcologyW2 credits2GC. Kettle, C. D. Philipson
701-0364-00LFlora, Vegetation and Soils of the Alps Restricted registration - show details W3 credits1V + 2PA. Widmer, R. Kretzschmar
Environmental Chemistry/Ecotocxicology
701-0206-00LSelected Topics of Physical ChemistryW2 credits2GP. Funck
701-0208-00LIntroduction to Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
Prerequisites: Chemistry I & II and Microbiology.
W1 credit1GG. Furrer, M. Lever, K. McNeill
551-1420-00LMolecular BiologyW2 credits2GJ. Fütterer
529-0289-00LSpectra Interpretation of Organic Compounds
2-semester course only for Environmental Engineering Bachelor
W2 credits2GR. Zenobi, M. Badertscher, Y. Yamakoshi
752-1300-00LIntroduction to ToxicologyW3 credits2VR. Eggen, S. J. Sturla
Environmental Physics
701-0106-00LMathematics V: Applied Deepening of Mathematics I - IIIW3 credits2GM. A. Sprenger
701-0234-00LAtmospheric Chemistry: Instruments and Measuring Techniques Information W1 credit1VU. Krieger
701-1236-00LMeasurement Methods in Meteorology and Climate ResearchW1 credit1VM. Hirschi, D. Michel, S. I. Seneviratne
402-0048-00LAdvanced Physics for Students of Environmental and Earth Sciences Information W6 credits4V + 2UH.‑A. Synal
Engineering and Planning
Spacial and Transport Planning
701-0953-00LGIS Case Study
Prerequisites: 701-0951-00L "GIS - Introduction into Geoinformation Science" in autumn semester or comparable preparatory training.
W2 credits2AM. A. M. Niederhuber
101-0408-00LLaboratory Transport and Spatial Planning Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.
W3 credits2PB. Vitins
101-0414-00LTransport Planning (Transportation I) Information W3 credits2GK. W. Axhausen
102-0516-01LEnvironmental Impact AssessmentW3 credits2GS.‑E. Rabe
103-0357-00LEnvironmental Planning Information W3 credits2GM. Sudau, S.‑E. Rabe
Renewable Energy
701-0962-02LEnergy Technology and EnvironmentW3 credits2V + 1KT. Nussbaumer
Individual Subjects
» Courses of the Specialisation in an Environmental System
701-0972-00LIntroduction into Organic Farming Systems Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 110
W3 credits2VP. J. Mäder, D. M. Dubois, B.  Oehen
701-0974-00LComparison of Different Swiss Farming Systems Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40
W3 credits3GB.  Oehen, D. M. Dubois
701-1638-00LMountain Forest Ecology (Field Course)W2 credits4PP. Bebi, A. Rigling
102-0214-02LIntroduction to Urban Water Management Information
Civil Engineers and Environmental Scientist have to enrole for the course unit 102-0214-02L (without excursions).
W5 credits4GE. Morgenroth, M. Maurer
252-0842-00LIntroduction to Programming and Problem Solving Information W3 credits2V + 0.5UH. Lehner
751-3402-00LPlant Nutrition II - Integrated Nutrient ManagementW2 credits2VE. Frossard, A. Oberson Dräyer
751-4802-00LSystem-Oriented Management of Herbivorous Insects IIW2 credits2GD. Mazzi
Specialization in an Environmental System
701-0420-01LPractical Training in Biogeochemistry Information O7 credits14PB. Wehrli, P. U. Lehmann Grunder, K. McNeill, M. H. Schroth, A. Voegelin, S. Winton
701-0423-00LChemistry of Aquatic SystemsW3 credits2GL. Winkel
701-0426-00LModelling Aquatic Ecosystems Information W3 credits2GN. I. Schuwirth, P. Reichert
701-0478-00LIntroduction to Physical OceanographyW3 credits2V + 1UM. Münnich, T. Frölicher, G.‑K. Plattner
701-0524-00LSoil BiologyW3 credits2VO. Daniel, B. W. Frey
Atmosphere and Climate
701-0412-00LClimate SystemsW3 credits2GR. Knutti, I. Medhaug
701-0460-00LPractical Training in Atmosphere and Climate Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35.

Priority is given to BSc Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences until January 26th, 2018.

The waiting list will be deleted after February 16th, 2018.
W7 credits14PU. Krieger, M. Böttcher, T. Peter, A. Prévôt
Environmental Biology
701-0326-00LEcological and Evolutionary ApplicationsW3 credits2VJ. Jokela
701-0330-00LEvolutionary Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesW3 credits2VJ. Koella
701-0340-00LPractical Course in Environmental BiologyO7 credits14PC. Vorburger, M. Fischer, S. Güsewell, J. Jokela
Human-Environment Systems
701-0650-00LRisk Analysis and ManagementW3 credits2GA. Patt, D. N. Bresch, J. Jörin
701-0658-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Anthroposphere
This course takes place in autumn semester beginning autumn semester 2018.
W2 credits2SA. Müller, D. N. Bresch, A. Patt, M. Siegrist
701-0660-00LPractical Course Anthroposphere Restricted registration - show details W7 credits14PO. van Vliet, P. Krütli, J. Lilliestam
701-0791-01LEnvironmental History Restricted registration - show details W1 credit1SD. Speich Chassé
Forest and Landscape
701-0554-00LControl and Development of Rural Land-Use SystemsW3 credits2GH. R. Heinimann
701-0560-00LPractical "Forests and Landscapes" Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
Priority is given to students withthe specialisation Forest and Landscape.

The lecture "701-0303-00 Waldvegetation und Waldstandorte" is an important background for the excursions "Standortkunde". Participation is strongely recommended.
W7 credits14PH. Bugmann, H.‑U. Frey, F. Kienast, M. Lévesque, P. Rotach, T. N. Sieber, S. Zimmermann
701-0582-00LConcepts of Forest ManagementW3 credits2GM. Lévesque