Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2021

Atmospheric and Climate Science Master Information
Minor in Biogeochemistry
701-1313-00LIsotopes and Biomarkers in BiogeochemistryW3 credits2GC. Schubert, R. Kipfer
701-1315-00LBiogeochemistry of Trace ElementsW3 credits2GA. Voegelin, S. Bouchet, L. Winkel
701-1341-00LWater Resources and Drinking WaterW3 credits2GS. Hug, M. Berg, F. Hammes, U. von Gunten
701-1346-00LCarbon Mitigation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 100
Priority is given to the target groups: Bachelor and Master Environmental Sciences and PHD Environmental Sciences until September 21st,2021.
Waiting list will be deleted October 1st, 2021.
W3 credits2GN. Gruber
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