Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020

Physics Teaching Diploma Information
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Compulsory Elective Courses
Further course offerings from the category Educational Science are listed under "Programme: Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC".
402-0737-00LEnergy and Environment in the 21st Century (Part I)W6 credits2V + 1UM. Dittmar, P. Morf
AbstractThe energy and related environmental problems, the physics principles of using energy and the various real and hypothetical options are discussed from a physicist point of view. The lecture is intended for students of all ages with an interest in a rational approach to the energy problem of the 21st century.
Learning objectiveScientists and espially physicists are often confronted with questions
related to the problems of energy and the environment.
The lecture tries to address the physical principles of todays and tomorrow
energy use and the resulting global consequences for the world climate.

The lecture is for students which are interested
participate in a rational and responsible debatte about the
energyproblem of the 21. century.
ContentIntroduction: energy types, energy carriers, energy density
and energy usage. How much energy does a human needs/uses?

Energy conservation and the first and second law of thermodynamics

Fossile fuels (our stored energy resources) and their use.

Burning fossile fuels and the physics of the greenhouse effect.

physics basics of nuclear fission and fusion energy

controlled nuclear fission energy today, the different types of
nuclear power plants, uranium requirements and resources,
natural and artificial radioactivity and the related waste problems
from the nuclear fuel cycle.

Nuclear reactor accidents and the consequences,
a comparison with risks from other energy using methods.

The problems with nuclear fusion and the ITER project.

Nuclear fusion and fission: ``exotic'' ideas.

Hydrogen as an energy carrier: ideas and limits of a
hydrogen economy.

new clean renewable energy sources and their physical limits
(wind, solar, geothermal etc)

Energy perspectives for the next 100 years and some
final remarks
Lecture notesmany more details (in english and german) here:
LiteratureDie Energiefrage - Bedarf und Potentiale, Nutzung, Risiken und Kosten:
Klaus Heinloth, 2003, VIEWEG ISBN: 3528131063;

Environmental Physics: Boeker and Egbert New York Wiley 1999
Prerequisites / NoticeScience promised us truth, or at least a knowledge
of such relations as our intelligence can seize:
it never promised us peace or happiness
Gustave Le Bon

Physicists learned to realize that whether they like a theory or
they don't like a theory is not the essential question.
Rather, it's whether or not the theory gives predictions that agree with experiment.
Richard Feynman, 1985
252-0855-00LComputer Science in Secondary School Mathematics Information Restricted registration - show details W4 credits3GJ. Hromkovic, G. Serafini
AbstractThe unit "Computer Science in Secondary School Mathematics" addresses key contributions of computer science to general education, the tight relations between the algorithmic and the mathematical way of thinking, and the thoughtful choice of computer science topics for high school mathematics classes.
Learning objectiveThe general goal of the course consists in presenting ways to teach fundamentals of computer science, which are closely related to contents and methods of mathematics. After attending the course unit, a mathematics teacher is able to teach selected fundamentals of computer science in mathematics classes.

The students understand the fundamental concepts of computer science in the context of a broad and deep knowledge. Through this understanding, they manage to prepare teaching materials for a successful knowledge transfer and to pass their passion for the subject on to their pupils.

The students know various teaching methods as well as their advantages and disadvantages. They can handle inhomogeneous prior knowledge of the learners inside a class. Besides holding classes, the students do care about the individual pupil support.

They encourage the autonomy of the learners, manage to work with diverse target groups and to establish a positive learning environment.

The students are able to express themselves using a comprehensible and refined professional language, both in a spoken and a written way, and they master the basic terminology of computer science. Besides the English terms, they are familiar with the corresponding German expressions. The students are able to produce detailed, matured, linguistically correct and design-wise appealing teaching materials.
ContentThe main topics of the course unit "Computer Science in Secondary School Mathematics" represent a scientific and didactic added value for mathematics classes.

The course covers the didactics of logic, of cryptology, of finite state automata, of computability and of the introduction to programming. The students develop the understanding of fundamental scientific concepts such as algorithm, program, complexity, determinism, computation, automata, verification, testing, security of a cryptosystem and secure communication. They reflect on ways to embed them into a scientifically sound and didactically sustainable mathematics course.

In a semester exercise, the students develop and document an adaptive teaching unit for computer science. They learn to employ the didactics methods and techniques that are introduced at the beginning of the semester.
Lecture notesLiteratur wird angegeben. Zusätzliche Unterlagen und Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt.
LiteratureJ. Hromkovic: Sieben Wunder der Informatik: Eine Reise an die Grenze des Machbaren, mit Aufgaben und Lösungen. Vieweg+Teubner; Auflage: 2 (2008).

K. Freiermuth, J. Hromkovic, L. Keller und B. Steffen: Einfuehrung in die Kryptologie: Lehrbuch für Unterricht und Selbststudium. Springer Vieweg; Auflage: 2 (2014).

J. Hromkovic: Berechenbarkeit: Logik, Argumentation, Rechner und Assembler, Unendlichkeit, Grenzen der Automatisierbarkeit. Vieweg+Teubner; Auflage: 1 (2011).

H.-J. Böckenhauer, J. Hromkovic: Formale Sprachen: Endliche Automaten, Grammatiken, lexikalische und syntaktische Analyse. Springer Vieweg; Auflage: 1 (Januar 2013).

J. Hromkovic: Einführung in die Programmierung mit LOGO: Lehrbuch für Unterricht und Selbststudium. Springer Vieweg; Auflage: 3 (2014)
» see Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma
402-0869-00LQualitative Methods in PhysicsW6 credits2V + 1UV. Geshkenbein
AbstractWe will discuss, how qualitative thinking allows to progress in different areas of physics, from classical to quantum mechanics, from phase transitions, to developed turbulence and Anderson localisation.
Learning objectiveThe solution of most problems in theoretical physics begins with the application of the QUALITATIVE METHODS which constitute the most attractive and beautiful characteristic of this discipline. However, as experience shows, it is just these aspects which are most difficult for beginner. Unfortunately, the methods of theoretical physics are usually presented in a formal, mathematical way, rather than in the constructive form in which they are used in scientific work. The purpose of this lecture course is to make up this deficiency.
Lecture notesLecture notes and additional materials are available.
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